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Diary of a Male Maid

Page 10

by Foor, Jennifer

  I sat back down and leaned over in her face. "Don't you dare threaten me."

  "All I need you to do is sleep with them. You give me what I want and we all walk away happy."

  "You're sick, you know that?" I wanted to hit the bitch. I was clearly being blackmailed for a mistake I wanted to keep buried.

  "Actually, I’m the opposite. I see what I want and I take it. I will literally do whatever it takes to have it. You’ll sleep with those women again and you’ll get me proof of it, or I’ll not only show Karrie these pictures, but I’ll paint a very vivid and detailed account of the relationship between the two of us. I’ll add more details of course, just to make it more realistic."

  "You are nothing but a little cunt!"

  "Spare me the childish names. Agree to what I ask, and nobody finds out." She picked at her nails like this was nothing to her. I instantly hated her. I was freaking picturing taking her in the back alley and strangling her. Then reality set in. One thing stood between me and my future with the girl I truly loved. I put my face into my hands and tried to think of a way out of this. Sure, I could take the pictures and burn them, but there were probably copies. She was a smart bitch, who clearly had this planned for a while. I couldn't see any other way out of it. "Fine, I'll do it."

  Chapter 15

  I didn’t stay to eat with that rotten, good for nothing, whore. Instead, I walked around trying to figure out exactly how I let myself get into this horrible situation. Sure, I could just fuck them and give Alex whatever she wanted. She was obviously up to something big if she needed my help. I just didn’t understand how it involved with both Mrs. Smith and her stepmother.

  I think that was the part that was driving me so crazy. I wanted to know why.

  When I got home, Mark was lying across the couch watching some crazy ass cop show. I nodded and started to walk by him.

  “Dude, that bitch Alex is a crazy. I texted her and told her who I was and asked if she wanted to go out sometime. She texted me back and said she doesn’t fuck around with guys her age. What does that even mean? She banged you.”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care. Just forget about her. She isn’t worth the fuck.” I didn’t want my buddy getting involved in whatever this little bitch had going on. Me being involved was bad enough.

  I grabbed a beer and went back into my room. The first thing I did was google her name. A bunch of pictures came up, including a picture of a terrible car crash. I enlarged the article and started reading it. Her father was severely injured and left in a coma. It was a late night car accident that not only injured him, but also killed his driver. A tractor-trailer swerved into their lane, striking the car and sending it over a ravine.

  I googled her father’s name and a shit ton of articles appeared. After sifting through a few, I found one that really caught my attention.

  Millionaire’s Daughter Loses Control of Family Fortune

  Alexandra Jones is left in an emotional wreck after today’s verdict.

  I read the article a few times before I moved on to another one. Apparently, the power of attorney fell back to his wife; a wife that he’d only known for a year. Alex had hired an attorney and tried to have things reversed, but the judge ordered in her stepmother’s favor. She stopped paying for her boarding school abroad and Alex was forced to move back into the mansion. The article touched on a trust fund that Alex would get once she turned twenty-five.

  I closed my computer. I almost felt bad for the girl. The articles showed a bunch of pictures of Alex with her father. In some degree, they had to have been close. She must have been devastated over this. Of course she would want to blackmail the woman and get back what was hers.

  Still the Mrs. Smith part had me boggled and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why Alex would want to involve her. Clearly, they were just neighbors. Sure, Mrs. Smith was who hooked me up with her stepmother, but in all fairness, wasn’t that how she was going to be able to obtain the proof to screw over her stepmother?

  Part of me wanted to call up Alex and give her a piece of my mind, but I had to be smart about things. Honestly, I didn’t trust any of the three women. I hate to drag Mrs. Smith around in the dirt, but she was obviously a dishonest person. She was cheating on her husband like it wasn’t even a big deal. For Christ sakes, her kids were my age. I guess that maybe I made her feel younger or something.

  My other problem was dealing with Karrie. I hated lying to her, but I didn’t want her involved in it. Call me selfish, but I’d rather break up with her for no reason than drag her along in their fiasco and assume I would be happy to go back to her when it was all said and done. I knew myself too well to know that I wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt for long. It would eat away at me until I came clean.

  Yeah, pathetic pussy!

  Sometimes, doing the right thing really sucks ass.

  Realizing that I had to get some studying in before my final the next day, I stayed in my room and tried to focus. It was utterly impossible. This wasn’t just some stupid thing. I was involved in this fuck hole of a mess and the only way I could see a way out was to either go through with it or refuse and face the consequences.

  I kept my evening conversation with Karrie to a minimum amount of time. I could have been a dick about things, I guess. Karrie was too cool to treat that way, no matter how much I wanted to spare her.

  After throwing things all over my room and pretty much destroying any sense of organization that there was, I sat on my bed and tried to see myself getting through this whole ordeal. I knew what I needed to do, what had to be done.

  My future with Karrie was going to end.

  Yes, I’d made her new promises.

  Yes, I’d be breaking her heart.

  But I just couldn’t be responsible for keeping up with such a big secret. It wasn’t fair to someone that I genuinely cared about, maybe even more than myself.

  With one last attempt at salvaging my future, I sent a text to Mrs. Smith. I knew what had to be done.

  Thirty minutes later, I was standing on a corner of her elite community, watching her run up to me in a sweat suit. She push me back behind a bunch of bushes, realizing that we shouldn’t be seen around her other neighbors.

  “Sebastian, why did you call me this late? We could talk about your job in the morning.”

  I took a step closer, breaking the distance between us. “You’re being watched and I’m being blackmailed.”

  Her eyes got really big and she looked around, like someone could be lurking from behind the hedges. “What are you talking about? Who is blackmailing you? Who is watching me?”

  “I was hoping you could shed some light on this situation. I was seduced by this young little thing one night at bar. Come to find out, her name is Alex and she’s your neighbor. Long story short, she came to me with a proposition. She said that I needed to get her more proof of not only her stepmother’s infidelities, but yours as well. Now, I don’t know what’s going on, but I could lose a lot more than I’m willing to give up if this all blows up in my face. I’m taking a hell of a chance coming here tonight. They probably read your text and are on to us now.”

  She grabbed my arm and started pulling me out to the road. “Get in your Jeep, drive home and wait for me to call you. It will be a number you don’t recognize. We can talk about all of this then.”

  I looked around thinking she spotted someone lurking, but saw nothing. We parted ways and I went home to play the waiting game. An hour passed before my cell phone rang from a number I didn’t recognize.


  Sebastian, it’s me. Listen, I need you to not come to the house anymore. I’ve made a few calls and I have people looking into some things. I have a feeling there is more going on than we know. If Alex is only trying to set up her mother, there would be no need to involve me. I need you to do something for me and I don’t think you’re going to like it.

  If it gets me out of this mess, I’ll do anything.

  Call Alex
and tell her that you are not going to be with me, or her stepmother. Tell her she is crazy and her ideas are bazaar.

  If I do that, she’s going to go after Karrie and tell her everything. She has pictures of the two of us. Pictures of us in your back yard.

  Oh dear, this is worse than I thought. Sebastian, I need your help here. I wouldn’t involve you if I didn’t need to. Please call her and tell her you aren’t doing what she wants. If this plan backfires, I will do whatever I can to help you work things out with Karrie. She is a lovely girl who cares deeply for you.

  I appreciate that, but I doubt she will ever be able to forgive me for all of this. I’ve already lied about it once.

  Can I count on your help?

  I guess. As soon as we hang up, I’ll get her on the phone. Then what do I do?

  Then we wait. I’ve dealt with sneaky women more than I’d like to admit. When they don’t get their way, they start to mess up. It’s only a matter of time before we catch her at her own game. You see, the thing between her and her stepmother wouldn’t have bothered me, but for her to blatantly drag me into this, well I have a real problem with that.

  Yeah, I too have a problem with her involving me. I’ll make the call, but once I do it, I may have to leave town for a couple of days. You know my number.

  I hung up the phone and immediately dialed Alex. This was a girl that, just a while ago, I was actually starting to like. Low and behold, she had masterminded some kind of blackmail scheme. Since I was one of the key players, I couldn’t help but be pissed about it. Since it was all going to blow up in my face, I was left with little to no solutions besides going along with Mrs. Smith’s requests.

  Are you calling to tell me what time I should expect you tomorrow?

  No! I’m calling to tell you that our little deal is off. I’m not playing along with whatever this scheme is.

  That’s too bad. My condolences to your failed reconnection with your girlfriend. By tomorrow morning, she’ll be getting a steamy package showing her exactly what her faithful boyfriend has been up to.

  Don’t you threaten me with that, Alex. I never did shit to you. Can’t you be decent and leave her out of this? She doesn’t deserve this. What did I ever to do to make you hate me so much?

  I don’t hate you, Bastian. In fact, I find you quite amusing. We had a couple of real good times, but at the end of the day, you were always just part of my master plan. You could never be enough for someone like me.

  You stupid cunt! How could you be so cruel?

  All of the names in the world aren’t going to save you now. If I were you, I’d call and break up with her now. The outcome is going to be inevitable. Goodbye, Bastian.

  Fuck you!

  I was sure she’d already hung up, but one thing was very clear. I was going to lose Karrie.

  Chapter 16

  After being pissed at myself for an hour, I got into my Jeep around midnight and started on a long ass drive to New York. One good thing was that there was no traffic in the middle of the night. The dark roads gave me ample time to think about how I was going to tell her about my situation.

  I wasn’t as concerned about being with other people when we weren’t together, it was the fact that I lied to her and who I had done those things with. She wouldn’t be able to see past that. I just knew it.

  When I was coming across the bridge into the city, I realized that I had no idea what her address was. Feeling like a complete douche, I grabbed my phone and did an internet search. Finding someone that was socially involved had become so easy. I plugged the address into my map application and was soon sitting in front of her apartment.

  I took a few deep breaths. Driving here had been the first mistake, but getting the courage to walk up to her was going to be the second.

  I swallowed my pain and my pride and made my way to her apartment. While standing outside the door with her designated letter on it, I dialed her number.

  Bastian? Are you alright? It’s five in the morning.

  I need you to open your door and let me in.

  What? Is this a joke that you and Mark are playing on me? I’m going to kick his ass when I see him.

  I wish it was a damn joke. I wish it all was.

  It’s not a joke, babe. Just come let me in.

  I heard a bunch of locks clicking and the door opened. Karrie’s hair was all over the place and she was wearing a little tank top without a bra. Also making it even harder to concentrate, was the fact that she was wearing a pair of my old boxers.

  Before I could step forward into her apartment, she threw herself into my body and wrapped her arms around me. “I can’t believe you’re really here. I was having this amazing dream that we were together and when I wake up, you’re really here. I’m so happy to see you.”

  I lifted my arms up around her back and kissed the top of her head. “I’m really here.”

  I’m here to break your heart.

  She pulled me into the house. It was still dark outside, so I couldn’t get a feel of what the apartment looked like, especially as quickly as she was dragging me back to her room. Karrie pulled off my jacket and pressed her lips against mine. I sat down on the bed and let her stand between my legs. My hands went up her shirt, finally caressing those hard nipples that had been protruding through that little tank. She leaned her body closer to me, which made it easy for me to reach in and kiss her abdomen.

  My fingers trailed down her hips until they hit the elastic waistband of the boxers she was wearing. Slowly I tugged them down her ass until they fell to her ankles. She reached for her tank and pulled it over her head.

  This wasn’t what I came for, and she would probably hate me so much more afterwards, but I needed to be close to her just one last time.

  Her naked body stood over me, just waiting for me to tell her what to do next. I loved the way her long hair looked when it was messy. I ran my fingers through it before sliding them from her shoulder down to her hand. I laced her fingers into mine and led her to the center of the mattress. We were both on top of the covers and the ceiling fan that was running overhead was causing those perfect nipples to stay erect. “I need you, Kar. I need you so bad right now.”

  “I’m all yours, Bastian. You never have to ask.” Her breathing was heavy and I could tell from the way she laid there that she was just waiting for my touch. I took two fingers and ran them over her lips. She separated them for me, licking them as they passed.

  Now wet with her saliva, I slid them down between her breasts until I reached her navel. "God, I don't want to lose you." I kissed her again, this time in a more desperate way, letting my emotions overwhelm every inch of me. I nibbled my way down her neck before finding her sweet lips again.

  "You won't lose me," she whispered.

  If only she knew what I came to tell her. This was so selfish of me, but I had to go through with it. I had to touch her, to taste her, to love her, just one more time.

  I stood up and removed my clothes while she watched my every move. As I climbed back onto the bed, I positioned myself between her legs. I grabbed one of her legs and kissed her ankle. She giggled when my lips brushed against a ticklish spot. Her skin smelled of soap and her favorite lotion. I breathed it in, taking in the scent so I would never forget it when she was gone. I took my time, exploring every single piece of skin with my lips. My hand slid down and rubbed the lower part of her ass. I squeezed her cheeks while slowly letting her leg come down beside me.

  My dick was rock hard, but I wasn't ready to be inside of her. Of course it was all I wanted, but I needed this to be just as perfect for her as it was for me. At least when she hated me, she could remember this one time when I made her feel completely alive.

  I leaned down and kissed her navel, letting the saliva trail down to the base of her pussy. I could already smell the musky scent of her own arousal. It made me crazy just knowing she was so ready for me.

  I had to taste her; to drag my tongue roughly over her little clit. With the first
stroke, she moaned in pleasure. Her hand dug into my hair and she gripped it as I rocked my tongue up and down her sweet pussy. I reached up and separated those lips to lick a straight line up to her swollen bud. Each time my tongue made contact with it, she let out little cries. Her legs wrapped around my neck, locking me in the position I was currently in. I sucked that little clit right in between my lips and I felt her body tightening. She used her hand on my hair as I continued to suck. When she fell still, I licked on it several more times, lapping up her essence.

  I kissed my way back up to her face. Our legs locked together and without any effort at all, I slid right inside of her, like I was meant to be there. As wet as she was, I could still feel her tight walls trying to push me out after each thrust. I knew I was giving her pleasure and knowing that pleased me. I lifted Karrie's legs up to my shoulders and kissed them as I pounded harder inside of her. Since she was on the pill, I knew I didn't have to worry about where I finished. My release came fast and when I finally stopped seeing stars, I collapsed down on the bed next to her.

  She rolled over and laid half of her body over mine. Her fingers tickled as they made circle motions over my chest. "Did you come all this way to have sex with me?"

  I cleared my throat and kissed the top of her head. This was the moment that could change everything. This was when I could let her go on thinking that my visit was strictly just a surprise. I could take my chances and call Alex on her bluff. Or, I could do the right thing and be honest about everything. "Kar...I...we need to talk and it's something I couldn't tell you on the phone."

  Chapter 17

  I could tell from the look in her eyes that she was already scared. I didn't blame her. Knowing that I was about to break her heart filled me with pain. The one person that I never wanted to hurt was going to have it the most. It wasn’t fair and it was all my fault. I leaned up on my elbow and considered getting dressed. I guess in retrospect I should have done that before telling her the truth, but my mind wasn’t exactly thinking clearly. “You know I love you, right?”


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