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Children of the Source

Page 23

by Condit, Geoffrey

  They’d made camp against a granite rock face and settled in around a small cheerful fire. I described the area. Laith’s energy spread around them integrating with the earth. A secure relaxed ambience radiated. Where the energies began and ended was impossible to tell. Though Laith’s abilities were vast, his Entity chose to keep his waking memories selective. Laith and Greg had turned in. Judith took the first watch. I went home with Abe and Victoria. Helen said she’d see us in the morning. At home I told the kids I was going to keep watch with their mother, and went off to the bedroom so I could get out of my body. Sitting with Judith, I nudged her and she laughed.

  “I should have known you’d be here. See any trouble?”

  “Nope. You’re home free. Laith’s energy interfacing with the Earth should keep anyone away. There is one of The Thera who is poking around. Interfering with Burt’s patrol. I chased the beastie off, and have friends who are keeping watch on Burt. We need him close.”

  “So what are you thinking?” Judith nestled in my energy.

  “This personality doesn’t feel confident enough to confront me or is afraid of the aliens’ reaction or both,” I said. “It’s particularly knowledgeable about me. And seems to have Peeping Tom capabilities.”

  “Your new shielding should help. It’s only been in place for a couple of weeks,” she said. “I asked Marta to search her personality banks to see what she can come up with. Considering that the eugenics wars lasted for over a hundred years, a lot of enemies were made. How much of those memories are available to you?” she finished.

  “Some. Not all. We’re dealing with someone deeply affected by the wars. That’s my feeling. Someone on the fringe, but bound and determined to change a past outcome to one they like better.”

  “Okay,” Judith said, “We know the personality is a member of The Thera. That narrows it down. But we are masters of deception. Could this partial identity print be faked?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think so. It happened so fast there wasn’t time for a cover. It’s almost like I’m being led on until this personality decides to reveal itself in what it considers its best circumstances.”

  “With your physical body being killed.”

  “That’s the idea with the spider. It could be a ruse, too, but I don’t think so. Just have to see. I sense during the eugenics wars the Entity’s personality was a young woman caught up in the excitement of the moment. I need to do some exploring.”

  Judith was silent for a long moment, then, “This has to be done with great care, my love.”

  “Indeed.” The smallest part of something also contains the whole which is hard to understand. It extends in all directions and is connected to the whole. A personality contains latent within itself the whole of its Entity. These memories, histories, and abilities can be activated under favorable conditions. That was what I was hoping to access. But in a way that didn’t attract attention. This would take the most delicate of shielding.

  Plus, I didn’t know what her Entity was like - its interests, concerns, and prejudices. Yes, Entities have all these, and to think each one is focused on angel wings, purity, white light, the ascended masters and god is foolish and short sighted as I have found out. It is true that there are limits to creating experiences and manipulating energy until certain spiritual knowledge is understood and applied which opens more intense concentrations of energy and experience to be used and explored. Natural blocks are in place, like gravity, which prevents the abuse of energy beyond a certain point, and repeats experience until the Entity learns. Now, I had to be very very careful. After Laith had spelled his mother for the watch, I wished them good night and left.

  I went back to our house, but not to my body. Instead I deliberately went to the corridor of my dreams, representative of the structure of my Entity. There I knocked on Kodus’s door. He opened the door smiling, bowed and gestured me in. “We’ve been expecting you.” Marta stood to one side, in a silver dress, gold brown hair curling around her neck.

  I explained about the partial identity fingerprint. “We think we can help you there,” Marta said. “Come with us. This is a scene from the past which started it all. The personality that is after you will not be aware of what you see.” The scene was from what some people call the Akashic Records, an energy record of everything that happens in time and space.

  The breeze whipped the woman’s brown hair across her lean pale face. She opened the door, and stood there, shock spreading across her sharp features, horror in her eyes. “What are you doing here? What have you done?”

  Tellus, statuesque, utterly beautiful, and completely confident, turned to the young woman. “Evain, you have just the creature I was looking for. I needed your beastie. Been watching your place for a long time. Look what I’ve done.” The whimpering dog looked at her master with pleading eyes.

  “My God,” she whispered. “He’s no longer a dog. You’re a monster. Change him back.”

  Tellus’ smiling lips and cold eyes gave a curious disturbed look to the wide, sensuous, and oddly attractive face. “I could do that. What would you do in exchange?”

  Evain reached out to her pet. “I will do anything you ask, only restore him to the way he was.” We watched the restoration and the twisted seduction of the young woman by Tellus. One day, ten years later, we got a message betraying Tellus and Nelon’s location. Evain. Then we watched her curse Kodus as he tortured Tellus to death before those hundreds of thousands of people. They’d oddly become lovers with an intense caring on her part, though Tellus toyed with her with a callous indifference, always coming back to heal the shattered emotional breach until Evain couldn’t stand it any longer. Two days after the execution Evain committed suicide, throwing herself off a high cliff to die on the rocks below, body washing out to sea. Kodus, Marta, and I stood there stunned at what we’d seen.

  “I never knew who told us of Tellus, Nelon, and that secret eugenics lab,” Kodus said.

  “She must be feeding off the essence memories,” Marta said. “Somehow there is a strong bleed through almost like you and Kodus. Except yours, Jamie, is engineered for a need. A reason.”

  “Is there a way to shut it down? She’s bound and determined to assassinate me,” I said. “She’s already tried twice. There’s a third one in the works, but I don’t know who she is this time around. There’s a shielding I can’t get through. She is Thera.”

  “What about contacting her Entity?” Kodus asked.

  “Let me approach her Entity to see what we can learn,” Marta said. “From an Entity level.” She gestured for me to stay with Kodus, and left.

  “How do you fill your ... ” I said.

  “Time?” Kodus finished. “It’s different here. Time is a tool, but plastic here as it doesn’t have to be linear. I’m working on retrieving other personalities that belong to our Entity. They often get stuck once they physically die - on the levels closest to Earth. They know what they’ve learned on Earth, and what they’ve been introduced to in the dream state. But it can be tricky since their physical beliefs predominate. Then you have to find out what these beliefs are and work within them to enable them to change so they can come home or go on as they wish. I’ve been working with a servant girl who worked in the kitchen of a large estate. She was driven out by her employer because of a persistent cough and died of starvation and exposure to the elements. An unhappy and short brutal life.”

  I smiled. “What was our lovely Entity trying to understand with this shortchanged life?”

  “I have no idea. Something that made sense to It. Now, I have to make sense of her life and the future to her. Not much to go on. How do you tell a personality she was deliberately created and programmed to suffer a squalid brutal existence and die starving and freezing in a snowstorm?”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Our dear Entity wanted to see what it was like. But telling our now well and alive servant girl that hasn’t gone over well. She wonders why someone would deliberately create her
to live a life of pain and hardship, plus give her a horrible death. She doesn’t want anything to do with our Entity. She considers It a monster.”

  “Don’t blame her,” I said. “I’ve often thought there was a flaw in this creation process. That is one aspect of this that has never sat well with me. When I first got started with this stuff, I’d ask naively what my past lives were and was told I didn’t want to know. Now I know why.”

  “Trouble is the personalities never existed before they were created,” Kodus said, “and thus had no say in how they are programmed or in what situation they are placed. But they certainly exist for better or worse during and after their physical lives. Many a soul has lost control of their personalities because of the free will they are endowed with. That is inviolate in the creation contract. So our kitchen maid needs some incentive ... ”

  “What can you do for her to help her on her way?” I asked. “She obviously wants nothing to do with our Entity, and rightfully so. What can our Entity do to help? After all, one could say It owes her,”

  “Entities don’t feel sorry for anyone. They do help, but only as it suits them. Mostly to learn. Learning seems be the only thing they place a value on,” Kodus said. “I’ll see what our Entity can do for her. After all, she is family.”

  I didn’t know what to say after that. I could almost hear our Entity wanting to say something, and I half hoped It would. But nothing came. Maybe it was my resentment at the whole thing that prevented it. Then Marta appeared.

  We sat. Marta said slowly, “Evain chose to return to her Entity. She was frantic and didn’t know where else to go. Her horrific mistreatment by Tellus, and her betrayal of Tellus, with Tellus tortured to death torments Evain endlessly. Her Entity says she seeks release wherever she can find it. In this case, Evain found this new personality and is projecting all her unresolved problems. The new personality has pretty much accepted and adopted the essence memories as her own and seeks to end them with your death.”

  Crap. “Is there any way I can talk to Evain?”

  “You could try, but she could sense you being Kodus. You need to try something else,” Marta said.

  “Tellus. Where is she? What happened to her?” I asked.

  “She is profoundly changed,” Marta said. “Went through several lives where she suffered intense abuse.”

  “Would she see me?” I asked. Lives are messy.

  “You can try. So you want to engineer a meet between Evain and Tellus?” Kodus eyed me.

  “Might save my physical life. I am rather fond of it. Provides an excellent focus.” That brought smiles from my friends.

  “Give it a go. You are one step removed from me,” Kodus said. “The eugenics war was a no-holds-bar-time, where to rescue the planet and people we did things that in other times and places would be considered inexcusable. The public execution of Tellus and Nelon were part of this,” Kodus said.

  “Would you do it again?”

  Marta and Kodus exchanged glances. After a bit Marta said. “At the time we didn’t see any other options. Later we learned there are always options. Under the circumstances we don’t regret our actions. We do abhor the eugenics disaster that befell us, and hope fervently it doesn’t happen to you. We’re working behind the scenes to insure this doesn’t happen here. You’re seeking nonviolent ways to resolve the problems presented. So we applaud the actions you are taking. Things we could not do in our time.” I bowed.

  Finding Tellus proved an interesting trail. I had to go back in time as we think of it to the old Tellus and trace her forward. I saw Evain being ruined by Tellus, toyed with as a dependent plaything, then repeatedly violated, rejected, and when the end seemed near reconciled until Evain couldn’t take it anymore and contacted us. I watched Tellus die, and then after a time of introspection she chose to incarnate in abusive relationships in other realities so she would know what she’d done to Evain. She had metamorphosed from a cruel self-consumed bitch to a warm caring Being who focused her energies on helping others. She sat beside a cave with a pool in a sunlit glade surrounded by white birch trees. Still large with a robust energy, she sensed my presence and my request to speak with her.

  “I thought that part of me was gone forever.”

  “I’m sorry, I wouldn’t be here to bring back an unfortunate past, but there is someone who needs you.”

  “You have the feel of Kodus.” Her thoughts held fear and distaste.

  “I am from the same Entity. A later model, so to speak. Since I was created to pick up where he left off, I carry many of his memories and abilities. But I put my own stamp on my life.”

  “Queen Marta is with you,” she said. It was a statement of fact. “You two could never be apart.”

  “Yes, she is my wife in this life.”

  “There are many who would have killed Kodus in that life. Residue might bleed over into your current life.”

  “That’s part of why I am here. Evain needs you. Another personality from her Entity is feeding off her essence memories, which has caused her to target me. This personality is Thera, which complicates things, and requires special care. There have been two assassination attempts. Another is one the way.”

  She stood. I didn’t realize how tall she was. Beautiful in a totally natural way, radiating compassion. “Evain. Evain. The things we did in that life. Everything got twisted. We did love each other, but I used her and ruined what we could have had.”

  “She needs closure. Do you feel you could meet?”

  “She’s needs more than a simple meeting. Can you bring her here?”

  “Yes, I can,” I said. Evain proved easy to find, but harder to contact. I could not approach her as myself as, in many ways, I was a carbon copy of Kodus who in her mind had caused her disaster. I studied her life and found the dog, Twisa, who’d started it all. When people come over to the other side, often they will get greeted by loved ones, people, pets, and other Beings they were attached to on Earth. Also Beings they’ve befriended in the dream state while they’ve been in their physical life. These Beings act as emotional anchors, and provide for a smooth transition to the Other side.

  Twisa was one of these Beings, but she’d gone on as she felt she couldn’t get close to the frenetic Evain. The Other side is of less dense energy than what we call the physical. One of its properties is being able to, for want of a better word, shape shift. I decided to take the form of Twisa, contact Evain, and lead her in a dream environment, down a garden path, so to speak, to Tellus.

  I found Evain before the crumpled form of Tellus on the execution platform of so many years ago. A mental construction. She held Tellus’s head in her lap and wept, tears streaming, the ache in her heart a large part of the throbbing energy that created her desperate heartbreaking dream. I inserted myself in her dreamscape and walked up to her in the form of Twisa, wagging my tail, and barking in Twisa’s best bark, the one Evain remembered most in her happiest times.

  The dream stopped and wobbled, then Evain stared at me, and sobbed. “I thought you were gone, Twisa. You never came back. I begged you to come back, but you never came.” She laid Tellus aside and ran to pick me up. Her scrambled, upset energies almost broke my concentration. But with great focus and help from my friends I managed to hold on and calm myself, putting up a shield to keep our energies separate and mine even. My friends even managed to calm Evain’s erratic energies. We changed the dreamscape to a forest path, one she fondly remembered from a childhood vacation. When she looked up from petting me, she recognized the path, set me down and I ran ahead leading her on. She ran lightly after me. We ran past green ferns, under towering white and black oaks, across a stone bridge over a gurgling stream. Along the way I sensed another small presence paralleling us. Then we ran into a small clearing where Tellus sat by the brook. The real Twisa rubbed shoulders with me and I bowed out, turning into a plant.

  I watched with my friends, supporting the dreamscape, and the calm friendly environment. Evain saw Tellus standing with op
en arms, and sensed the vast change - the caring and love without conditions. She gave a desperate cry and rushed into Tellus’ arms and energy. We could see the melting of the two personalities receiving and giving without reservation. The real Twisa looked to me, greatly relieved. I bowed and left.

  I went back to Kodus and Marta and reported what had happened. But I wasn’t sure this was the end of my problem with the mysterious scientist-priest of the Thera. Although the frenetic reinforcement would be gone, the essence memories could still remain and be used as a focus. Not all scientist-priests of The Thera had out-of-the-body capabilities. Nor did they have my wide-ranging abilities to be many places at once or to manipulate in multiple environments and times. But they would have a basic understanding of the Entity and its many selves, and the essence memories that placed It in contact with these selves. I thanked my hosts, excused myself, and headed back to my physical body.


  Mid morning found me plotting Judith, Laith, and Greg’s progress on the map. Severin came into the map room and watched silently. “This Earth system works very well,” he said.

  “It does,” I agreed. “It will rub your nose in any idea you want.”

  “Technology doesn’t change the basic roles or the ingredients of our lives. Just gives it a different face,” he said, running a lean finger on the map to where my brother and his group stayed. “They are being set up by this single-minded man. Do you want us to interfere? To bring them out safely? We can do it. You have only to say the word.”

  “Thank you,” I said. Sometimes I don’t have to get images to see the future, but can sense it with feelings. A very delicate experience. It can lead me on paths I never expected. So I focused on Jesse, the heavy crude prisoner, and the one who stalked them. But there was another energy that didn’t yet have a face. I sifted the feelings for each and the whole. Physical time had nothing to do with it. In short order I knew to let the future flow in its own direction. “No. We’ll let things take their natural course, my friend. I need to keep an eye on Burt and his patrol. They are key in this.”


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