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Stupid Cupid

Page 5

by Melissa Hosack

  Valen obliged. He slammed into her over and over again until they both careened over the edge into orgasm.

  She gave a hoarse cry as her body clenched around him.

  He growled out his completion as he emptied into her, his shout matching hers.

  Lincoln’s breathing was coming in ragged pants. She felt wild and untamed.

  She was still trying to recover when Valen withdrew from her body a moment later. He took a few sheets of toilet paper and cleaned up the mess produced by their love making. He gently mopped between her thighs, cleaning his semen away. “I love you,” he said softly.

  Her mouth dropped open at that confession and her hands slipped from the edge of the door. He was telling her he loved her? In a bathroom stall? While he cleaned ejaculation from her thighs? She couldn’t wrap her head around the unexpectedness of such a revelation. She wasn’t sure how to respond, but giggles beyond the door saved her from having to.

  Rolling his eyes, Valen disposed of the tissue. “We should face our audience, get this over with.” He smiled as he straightened her dress back into place, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

  Numbly, she nodded. She knew she should be embarrassed, but she was too busy basking in the afterglow of amazing sex.

  Tucking himself back into his pants, Valen took a deep breath. Then he unlocked the door and led her back out into the bathroom.

  Roughly a dozen women stood giggling at the sink. Upon seeing Valen, they began to clap. A few hooted, while one girl gripped her friend’s arm and literally squealed.

  Lincoln blushed. “Sorry. So sorry.”

  A brunette snorted in appreciation. “No need to apologize.” Her eyes swept over Valen and she gnawed on her lower lip with longing in her eyes. “I totally get it.”

  Lincoln continued out of the bathroom, her face flaming with embarrassment. Once in the hallway, she slapped Valen on the chest. “You make me do crazy things!” Her accusation rushed breathlessly out of her lungs. Had she been thinking clearly, she never would have allowed him to seduce her in a public bathroom.

  “You make me do crazy things, too.” He took her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “Keep that in mind.”

  At that, she relaxed into him, enjoying the way his strong arms felt wrapped around her body. “I suppose we’re both crazy.”

  He nodded, his expression full of mock sympathy. He kissed her forehead again before pulling back to look at her with determination. “Now,” he said dramatically. “Shall we go home and continue where we left off in the bathroom?”

  She beamed up at him. “Yes please.”

  Chapter Six

  The past four months had been the best of Lincoln’s life. She spent every free moment with Valen. She couldn’t seem to get enough of the man storybooks called Cupid. Everything about him was innovative and exhilarating.

  Their relationship had started off intense. She expected that intensity to dwindle over time, but it hadn’t. Things were as amazing now as the first day she let herself be seduced by him. Things were…perfect.

  She was on her way to meet Valen now for dinner after a grueling day of work. There wasn’t anything she looked forward to more after the drudgery at the office than his smiling face. She couldn’t think of a more perfect way to start off her weekend. He made her life feel so fulfilling. And the sex? Yowza!

  As she entered the restaurant where he had first showed her his profession, Lincoln smiled as Valen’s face lit up when he caught sight of her. They still did that to each other, even after all these months. They were able to draw out that instantaneous smile of new lovers who were excited to merely spend time with one another. She was not embarrassed to admit she adored him.

  He waved her over to their table and stood at her approach. With an easy smile, he pulled her chair out for her. “I missed you today,” he murmured, pressing his lips to the back of her neck as she took her seat.

  Lincoln shivered. Four months later, he still set her body aflame with the simplest touch. “I missed you, too.”

  “You look beautiful.” He took his seat across from her, his delicate lavender eyes alight with emotion.

  She rolled her eyes in response, trying to hide her delight at his comment. “You always say that.”

  “It’s always true.”

  She squirmed in her seat. After months of this treatment, she should be used to it. She wasn’t. His unwavering kindness was always a pleasant escape from the harsh reality of the outside world.

  At her blush, Valen reached across the table to take her hands in his. “Enough of this shyness.” He kissed the back of her hand, his lips lingering sensually against her skin. “You are the most beautiful creature on the planet.” His all too familiar, devilish smirk crept up his lips. “You are so lovely that I wish to sneak you up to the roof of this restaurant and make love to you under the stars.” He sucked her index finger into his mouth and twirled his tongue along it suggestively.

  Her eyes closed in delight. How was it that he was still able to affect her this strongly? He had completely and utterly bewitched her. She was like an addict, and he was her drug of choice. “Valen…” She tried to think of a single good reason not to go up to the roof and indulge in his affections.

  “You know you want to,” he cajoled. His tongue continued to tease her finger, urging her lust to take over common sense. “Come on. Release your inner naughty vixen.”

  Lincoln rolled her eyes. “She hasn’t been put away since I met you.” A smile stretched uncontrollably across her lips as he nibbled her fingertip. “You know I can’t say no to you,” she whispered.

  A low, sexual chuckle escaped him. “Nor I you.” He shifted suddenly and dropped her hand. “Let me just match this couple across the room, then it is me and you, sweetheart.”

  In a content daze, she spun to look in the direction Valen was now pointing one of his life changing arrows. It took her a moment to fully take in the faces of the couple. Recognition had her gasping in horror. “Valen, no!”

  Her cry came too late. The arrow hit her best friend in the chest.

  Spurred on by Valen’s guidance, Amy leaned toward her waiter and kissed him.

  Lincoln spun to Valen in outrage. “She’s married!” Her head swam with the awfulness of the situation. Her boyfriend had singlehandedly destroyed her best friend’s life. “Damn it! How could you?” Tears burned the back of her eyes as the happy bubble she’d been living in for four months burst.

  Looking at Amy, she realized Valen was still all the things she’d originally accused him of. She’d just allowed herself to forget. She’d let attraction blind her. He still played God. He still messed with people’s lives as if they were pawns in a chess game.

  “You can’t just break up a marriage and ignore the pain you’ve caused,” she spat at him. Thoughts of Amy’s husband Kevin sprang to her mind and she nearly felt sick. This would kill him.

  Shock had crossed Valen’s face at her angry outburst. His arms dropped to his sides and he gaped at her in dumbfounded silence. “I…I didn’t know.”

  “That’s exactly my point!” Not thinking, she yanked the bow from his fingers, and he seemed too stunned to stop her. With trembling hands, she snatched up one of the arrows. “How would you like it if someone shot you? Would you like your whole life to change without having a single say in the matter?” She was trembling so much she could hardly notch the arrow.

  Valen’s lavender eyes widened as he comprehended what she was about to do. “Lincoln, no!”

  She saw the real terror in his eyes an instant too late. Her fingers had already let go of the string. She watched in confusion as the arrow slammed into his chest.

  Valen’s body jerked backwards, and he clutched at the arrow that had pierced flesh and meat. Unlike the usual results, the arrow embedded in his chest, sinking deep. This wasn’t a mythical, harmless event. This was real and true and frightening.

  The bow fell from Lincoln’s fingers to clatter against the floor. Instantl
y, she could see that he was hurt, badly hurt. She rushed forward with wild eyes, not understanding what was happening. “Valen!” Panic welled as she saw blood seeping around the arrow.

  He sank to his knees and she dropped down next to him, trying to support his much larger body as he teetered. Her hands fluttered above the wound, but she was too afraid to touch it. “What’s happening?”

  Valen’s face was pinched with pain as he clutched at the arrow. “My arrows…They’re lethal to me.”

  Horror washed over her. She’d just shot the man she was head over heels in love with. That sobering thought was enough to put life back into perspective very fast. “I didn’t know!” She stared helplessly at the blood flowing from his chest. “I’m so sorry, Valen. I never meant… I was just so angry…”

  Tears began falling unchecked down her cheeks. “I can’t live without you,” she whimpered as she watched the color drain from his usually tanned face. “You have to be all right. I need you. I didn’t mean what I said. I didn’t!”

  She fumbled with his shirt, wanting to see how badly he was injured underneath the fabric. “You’ll be okay,” she said desperately. “You will.”

  Weakly, he grabbed her wrist. “No. It’s like poison, Lincoln. It’s racing through my system. I can feel it.” He shifted uncomfortably on the ground and gave a feeble tug at the arrow. “Get it out of me.”

  Lincoln flinched at the thought of yanking the arrow from his chest. She lifted her head to ask for assistance, but realized no one else had even moved. Everyone was going about their business as if nothing had happened.

  “Lincoln,” he said firmly. “Get it out of me.”

  She bobbed her head tearfully. “Okay.” It was her fault the arrow had pierced him. That meant it was her responsibility to pull it out as well. She moved her shaking hands to the arrow, her heart pulsing rapidly in her ears. “Okay. I’ll get it out.” Taking a deep breath, she attempted to steady her nerves. “Okay. Here goes.”

  Gripping the arrow tightly between her hands, she pulled upward. It took more strength than she’d been expecting. The arrow needed to rip its way back out of muscle and flesh. She felt the violent tearing all the way up her arms, and the howl of pain from Valen brought a sob from her throat.

  As soon as the protrusion was out of his chest, Valen slumped to the side, his elbow resting on the restaurant’s hardwood flooring. “Shit. That hurt.” He fell silent for a few moments, his breathing heavy. When he finally opened his eyes, they were full of sadness. “I need you to take over for me.”

  “What?” Her voice came out a horrified squeak.

  “You have a knack for this. Someone needs to do it.”

  Lincoln’s breath left her in a rush. “Valen, no. You will be fine.”

  “Promise me!”

  A sob escaped her as she realized how grim their situation was. “Okay. Okay, I promise.”

  He nodded, closing his eyes. “Good. Thank you.”

  Fear seized her heart at the shallow breaths that rattled through his chest. “Valen, don’t,” she begged desperately. “Don’t give up. I need you.” Lowering her head, she pressed her face into his neck. “Please.” A shuddering sob escaped her. “I love you.”

  A sharp, pained gasp came from deep within Valen’s throat. He struggled to get his next words out. “I’ve always loved you. From the first day you appeared in my house. Uninvited,” he added, trying to lighten the mood as he gave a weak laugh.

  With tears streaming down her cheeks, Lincoln pushed up on her elbow. Leaning in, she gave him a gentle, chaste kiss. She put her heart into that kiss, trying to convey with her mouth just how much she loved him, how much he’d come to mean to her.

  Suddenly, his body began to convulse. He bucked against the ground, his hips rising and falling as he growled in agony.

  “Valen!” she yelled in horror. Her hands fluttered over his chest and she sobbed. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  When his body went still, she was filled with pure and potent terror. “Valen!” She shook his shoulder, feeling as if her entire world was shattering. What was worse, she’d done this. “Oh, Valen. I’m so sorry. I never meant for this to happen.” She stared at his now peaceful face, overcome with remorse. Reaching a hand out, she stroked his cheek. “You were right. We did have a Romeo and Juliet type of love. Tragic.”

  She went to stroke his cheek again when his eyes snapped open. She gave a startled gasp and sat back on her butt with a thud.

  He turned to look at her, eyes as wide as hers. “Lincoln?”

  She bobbed her head, barely able to see through her tears. He’d been dead. She was almost positive of it. Now he was here, gazing at her with those enthralling lavender eyes.

  “How?” he asked. “How is this possible?” He rubbed a hand along his chest in amazement. Then he reached out to touch her cheek. “I thought… I never realized…”

  She pressed her hand over his, holding him to her cheek. “What?”

  “You’re my soul mate.”

  Those four simple words took her breath away. “What?”

  “My arrows are lethal. The only thing that can stop their deadly progress is a kiss from my soul mate.” His eyes filled with wonder. “You. It’s always been you.”

  Lincoln gave another sob, but this one was of joy. “I’m your soul mate?”

  He nodded. “You are. No wonder I could never track down your soul mate. Over the past few months I’ve tried. I wanted to give you the option to choose, to really choose. This explains why I couldn’t find him. Because I can’t see my own fate.”

  A laugh bubbled from her throat. “I’m your soul mate.”

  He nodded.

  “And you’re healed?”

  He lifted his shirt to reveal his stomach, a smooth expanse of unmarred flesh.

  Lincoln let out a laugh of disbelief and threw herself into his arms. Her mouth was on his a moment later. “I love you.”

  He chuckled, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist. “I love you, Lincoln Belmonte.”

  Lincoln kissed him with all of her pent up emotion and fear. She kissed him as if he was as necessary as the air she breathed. And he was. He was her soul mate, the one man in all existence who was perfect for her. “I’m sorry I tried to kill you.”

  He continued to kiss her, his mouth desperate against hers. “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you about the arrows.”

  She nodded. Cupping his face in her hands, she crawled into his lap and deepened the kiss. She could spend an eternity kissing this man, loving him. And she planned to do just that.


  The shocked sound of Amy’s voice had her drawing away with a gasp. Of all the times for humans to suddenly notice their surroundings… “Amy?”

  Her friend’s eyes were wide with surprise. They flicked pointedly to Valen, and she arched her brows in question. “What are you doing?”

  Lincoln glanced down at Valen, then back to her friend. “Um…”

  “I just asked Lincoln to marry me.” Valen’s voice was low and rugged. The look in his eyes could only be described as intense.

  Lincoln gasped, her eyes going wide. “Valen…” Her mind whirred as she tried to determine whether he was serious or not.

  “Well,” he pressed. “Will you marry me?”

  She gaped at him for a moment in shock. Then she threw her arms around his neck. “Yes! Yes of course I will!”

  She went to kiss him again when Amy cleared her throat.

  Lincoln pulled back with a laugh. “Oh!” She climbed out of Valen’s lap and tugged him to his feet. “Amy, this is Valentine. Valen, this is my best friend Amy.”

  Amy offered a hand for him to shake. “Valen…hello.” Her gaze flicked to Lincoln, their depths full of questions.

  Lincoln blushed. “Valen and I met the morning after my birthday.” She wouldn’t even dare give any details. It was too bizarre to even believe. Sometimes even she had a hard time believing the circumstances that surrounded her r
elationship with Valen.

  “Wow,” Amy drawled. “Looks like all that Cupid bashing, bitter woman stuff worked.”

  Lincoln choked, giving an uncomfortable laugh.

  Valen, meanwhile, beamed at Amy and patted his fiancé’s back. “You have no idea how well that worked.” His voice was full of amusement, but underneath was a confidence in his own prowess.

  Lincoln’s jaw dropped at the cocky, sexual tone of his voice. She lifted her gaze to his, feeling her belly tighten with arousal.

  He grinned down at her, his violet eyes dancing with enjoyment. Gripping her chin, he planted a kiss on her lips, letting his tongue delve briefly into her mouth. “You look like a fish with your mouth hanging open like that.”

  Amy chuckled, causing Lincoln to send her best friend a glare for traitorously laughing at Valen’s jape. A moment later, a wry smile spread across Lincoln’s lips. She never could resist Amy’s giggly sense of humor.

  “Why don’t you join us?” Valen offered. “Obviously, the two of you have a lot of catching up to do.” There was a firmness to his voice that brought Lincoln back to the origin of their fight. Her eyes went to Amy’s hand, which clutched that of the Hispanic waiter her friend had been kissing earlier.

  Amy shifted her feet uncomfortably. “I wouldn’t want to intrude on your special night. Getting engaged is pretty huge. You two should celebrate together.”

  Valen nudged a chair pointedly in her direction with his foot. “Nonsense. I want to get to know Lincoln’s best friend and…” He trailed off, arching an eyebrow at the waiter beside her.

  Amy gave a soft sigh. “I guess I have some explaining to do.”

  The waiter squeezed her hand. “I should get back to work. I’ll come see you in a bit?” His words were an uncertain question.

  Amy nodded. “Yeah. Join us when you get off.” With a nervous glance at Lincoln, she gave him a quick, shy kiss.

  Lincoln watched the man walk off. She knew her eyes must be as wide as saucers, but she couldn’t help herself. She felt like she was in a twilight zone. Was she the only one who remembered that her friend had a husband at home?


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