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Page 30

by Eden Robins

  She couldn’t help asking the question that burned bright in her mind. Yet she ignored Eric’s eyes. She couldn’t look at him now as she waited to find out her fate.

  “It was not a matter of right or wrong, at least not according to me, after hearing what happened from your parents and from those witnesses who saw the whole thing,” Vlad explained. “It was simply a matter of your heart and soul. A matter of you making the choice that you knew was the best one. And you did just that, Sabrina.”

  Sabrina nodded her head.

  “Yes, I did,” she agreed, relief washing over her. The choice she made had been the only one for her. The only authentic one that came from deep inside. “And I chose to keep Eric alive.”

  “True,” Vlad said with a nod. “And you chose to bring him back to life once he was dead. Those are two very important and pertinent choices you made, Sabrina. You need to think about why you made them and what you were taking into account.”

  Sabrina looked at Eric then. “I know why I did what I did, Vlad. And if I had to make the choice all over again I would make the same one, again and again and again.”

  She and Eric stared at each other. No words were exchanged but a certain knowing was present. An indescribable, undeniable and almost tangible message was present in their minds.

  “I understand, Sabrina. As I’m sure Eric does,” Vlad acknowledged. “But keep in mind that you made another choice as well.”

  That got her attention. She glanced at Vlad then at her parents. Understanding was in all three eyes. Understanding and no judgment.

  “Yes, I did,” Sabrina agreed. “I chose to end the life of an evil and insane slayer. And that too, if I had to relive the experience, I would do again. I knew in my head and my heart that I had no other choice.”

  “We know, querida,” her father said, giving her a tender smile. “Vlad, your mother, and I discussed things in depth last night. We all understand why you did what you did. We’re proud of the choices you made and we’ll make sure the council of elders understands everything. You truly have saved our kind in more ways than one, and we know the release of your book will only further that cause.”

  “Thank you,” she said, getting up and giving her parents a hug. They wrapped her in their arms and hugged her tight.

  “We love you, Sabrina,” her mother said. “Never forget that.”

  “I won’t, Mama. I appreciate both of you so much.”

  After a moment, Sabrina took a deep breath and slid her gaze to Eric. She wasn’t sure what she expected to see. Condemnation maybe, or disapproval, but she saw neither. Instead, Eric was looking at her with love and pride in his eyes.

  That did it.

  Sabrina couldn’t help herself. She slid from her parents’ embrace and walked around to where Eric sat. Bending down, she kissed him lightly on the lips. “Thank you.”

  Eric’s gaze gentled and he ran his fingers lightly down her cheek. “Thank you, gatita. For my life, and for being part of it.”

  “We’re not done,” Vlad said, clearing his throat to get their attention.

  Eric placed one arm around her waist as she turned to face the vampire.

  “We need to discuss one last issue,” he explained. “We need to talk about what happened when Sabrina brought you back to life. And about her dragon tears.”

  “My tears?” Sabrina asked, confused again. “What do my tears have to do with anything?”

  “Your tears brought him back to life, Sabrina. Your love and your tears,” her mother said, smiling gently at her.

  “What are you talking about?” Sabrina asked her mother in confusion.

  Helaina glanced at Vlad, a questioning look on her face.

  He nodded his head. “Go ahead, Helaina. I’ll let you explain it.”

  “Thank you, Vlad.”

  Her mother took a deep breath. “You see, Sabrina. There is an ancient secret, some call it a myth, about golden dragons. I know you know some of it. The part the shaman spoke of, your destiny, but there is more to being a golden dragon than that. Golden dragons have extraordinary powers beyond those of other dragons. They have the ability to heal, not only their own kind but others as well. But when it comes to humans they can heal only under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “They must love that human so much that they would protect them with their life, and the human must love the dragon so much they would die for them. Only in that way, under those rare conditions, can a human be healed by a golden dragon’s tears,” her mother explained. “Those three elements must be present for the healing to work—a golden dragon, tears and the ultimate love. And once you have those factors present, a miracle happens. There is healing, but also so much more.”


  “Yes, querida. When a golden dragon connects on that level she or he heals the human with her tears, but in the process they also join souls. And once those souls have joined, they can never be fully separated.”

  “What do you mean join souls?” Sabrina asked, having a hunch what her mother meant but needing it spelled out.

  “You’ve heard the term soul mate, Sabrina. It is like that. Once souls have touched that connection remains forever. In this case, two souls have touched and nurtured each other to the point that they will continue to connect over and over again.”

  Sabrina swung her gaze to Eric. “The dream?” she asked.

  Eric nodded his head. “The dream.”

  Their souls had joined in their dragon dream. It all made sense now. Sabrina said nothing else. She didn’t know what to say. Eric remained silent for a few moments, as if trying to digest it all, but then finally spoke.

  “But what about the fact that I’m a slayer? Doesn’t that affect things at all?”

  This time it was Vlad who spoke. “Yes. There is an effect on the slayer by this miracle happening,” he said carefully.

  “What effect?” Eric asked with a worried frown.

  “Once you’re healed by dragon’s tears you return to your true form.”

  “True form? What do you mean?” Sabrina asked.

  “In other words, Eric, you are now mortal once more.”

  “Mortal? Wait a minute, Vlad, did you just say I’m now mortal?” he asked, shock and disbelief written all over his face.

  “Yes,” Vlad answered with a warm smile. “Meaning a number of things, my boy. The most pertinent being that you can be killed by anyone, not just another slayer or a dragon, that you will grow old and die and that just like other mortals, you can conceive children.”

  Sabrina noticed a certain wistful quality to Vlad’s voice. Looking up into his eyes, she noticed that his gaze was sad. She had only a moment to ponder it before the impact of his words finally hit her.


  Eric and she were going to have a baby.

  Placing her hand over her stomach, she looked at Eric. He was gazing down at her hand. When he finally looked up and met her stare his eyes were filled with desperate longing. It knocked the breath from her body.

  Eric wanted a baby.

  So did she. She wanted his baby. It didn’t matter about their mixed heritage. Others had done it before them. Sometimes the babies were born with dragon powers, sometimes they weren’t. She would love any baby she had with Eric, regardless of whether it was dragon or human.

  Eric and she looked longingly at one another until Vlad cleared his throat.

  Eric broke his gaze from hers and looked at his boss. “So you’re saying I’m no longer immortal?”

  Eric appeared neither sad nor happy about the fact. He looked like he was in shock. Sabrina couldn’t even imagine how she would feel being in Eric’s position, hearing what he’d just heard.

  “That’s right, Eric. You are now as mortal as most humans. However, keep in mind that your fighting skills have not changed or diminished. You still have the skill and agility to best drag—uh, I mean, to best many fierce creatures. You remain a warrior in mind, spirit and body.�

  “Does that mean you still have use for me at Sundown, Vlad?”

  Vlad smiled and nodded his head. “Definitely. Your skills are still very much in demand in terms of the work we do. That is, if you still want to be a security specialist at Sundown.”

  “I guess I can put up with that motley crew of yours a while longer,” Eric replied with a wicked grin. “Especially since I am still one of them.”

  “You also might consider working on more of the day cases I’ve just started taking on. As you know, Christian is handling that shift, and from everything I hear it’s going quite well.”

  “Thanks, Vlad,” Eric said, shaking his boss’s hand. “I think I’ll look into that day shift. It will give me more time and flexibility for other pursuits.”

  Eric’s gaze slid to Sabrina.

  Her eyes widened as she felt his full attention on her. He wanted to spend more time with her. After everything, he still wanted to be with her. Sabrina smiled at him. She couldn’t help herself. She hadn’t felt this happy in a very long time. They got lost in each other’s gazes until her father cleared his throat and approached them.

  “Ahem. I have just one more thing to address. Initially I had my doubts about Eric, and considering what had happened, and better not happen again, young man,” he frowned meaningfully at Eric, “I had my reasons. The least of which was that he was human. I can’t say I’m thrilled about the fact that you were a slayer, but I keep remembering the way you gave your life to save my daughter. The way you chose her over another slayer shows me where your heart lies. So I will trust you with my daughter’s care, for now.”

  Eric nodded his head solemnly. “Thank you for your trust, sir.”

  Manuel nodded his head back. “Just keep in mind I’ll be watching you, son. So you better stay on your best behavior.”

  Eric looked at Sabrina again. “Always. Sabrina is too precious to do otherwise.”

  “Good. Then we have that settled.”

  Vlad stood up. “Well, I need to get back to work. I’m in the middle of my own case and it’s proving quite, uh, challenging,” the vampire said, looking down at his watch with a frown that made Sabrina want to ask him about it. She never got the chance as Vlad turned toward her parents and smiled politely.

  “Good night, Helaina and Manuel.”

  “Good night.” Her father nodded, shaking the vampire’s hand.

  “Good night, Mr. Maksimovitch. Thank you for everything,” her mother said with a smile.

  “My pleasure, señora.”

  Vlad turned back to Eric.

  “I think we’ve settled all we need to for now,” he said, walking toward the door. “Eric, I know you’ll accompany Sabrina to her last couple of speaking engagements before the release of her book, so I won’t expect to see you at the office for the next week, except to fill out the paperwork for the university. I know Professor Dow will want a full accounting of Sabrina’s safety and the situation at hand.”

  “Sounds good,” Eric said. “Good luck with your case, Vlad. I’ve heard around the office it’s been difficult for you.”

  Vlad’s whole body stiffened in response to Eric’s words. He stopped and turned around, looking directly at Eric. It wasn’t a friendly look. It was cold and deadly like the dangerous vampire Vlad was. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  And with that the vampire turned and left. Everyone in the room stayed quiet for a moment. Vlad’s response had dropped the temperature in the room by several degrees.

  Helaina was the first to break the silence. “Well, we should probably be going also,” she said. “Are you ready, Manuel?”

  Manuel glanced at Eric and looked like he was about to disagree with his wife. She placed a hand on his arm. She said nothing, but he got the message.

  “Ahem, well, yes, I’m ready,” her father answered, then added before he could stop himself, “Sabrina, would you like a ride home?”

  Sabrina looked at her father and smiled. He was so protective. She knew this was difficult for him. She walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you, Papa, but I need to stay and talk with Eric a bit more. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

  Her father grasped her shoulders gently and met her gaze with his own concerned one. “I understand,” he said giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. “But if you need me, for anything at all, querida, call me. I will come for you right away.”

  As he spoke, Manuel glanced over at Eric and gave him a hard look. “You will take care of her, Eric.”

  It was more of a demand than a question, but Eric answered it anyway. “With my life, Manuel.”

  Her father nodded his head, satisfaction written all over his face.

  “Now I’m ready, Helaina,” her father said turning and heading out the door.

  Helaina gave Sabrina one last kiss and a hug. “Call me, sweetheart. We’ll talk more.”

  Then her mother turned to Eric. “Thank you for everything, Eric,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “I know that Sabrina has chosen a good man.”

  “I appreciate your confidence, Helaina.”

  Her mother smiled at Sabrina one last time before leaving. It was an encouraging, loving smile. It made her feel like she was wrapped in a warm, cozy blanket, just like her mother always made her feel.

  Eric walked her parents to the door.

  As she heard it shut, she knew she and Eric were alone again. Why was she suddenly nervous? It was not like they hadn’t been alone before many times. Why did it seem different now?

  Maybe because they were soul mates now? Or because they’d had incredible sex last night? Or because they now knew the truth about each other? Or maybe because she was just plain head over heels in love with Eric?

  Sabrina’s mind ran over the options in her mind as she heard Eric’s footsteps approaching. All of the above. All of those issues mattered now. That’s why she was so nervous.

  Eric walked into the kitchen and gave her a tender smile.

  Her nervousness disappeared in that moment. He walked to where she stood and wrapped his arms around her. She reveled in the feel of his body close to hers, savoring how right it felt.

  “I love you, Sabrina,” Eric said softly in her ear.

  “I love you too, Eric.”

  He pulled away slightly and smiled teasingly at her.

  “You survived your parents and Vlad. I know you were worried, but everything worked out just fine.”

  She nodded her head. “Everything worked out better than expected.”

  “I think so too, gatita,” he agreed, looking deeply into her eyes. “Do you know how beautiful you are? Inside and out?”

  Sabrina didn’t know what to say.

  It didn’t matter. Eric lowered his head and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. She melted against him. He kissed her again, this time slightly harder. She moaned with pleasure. His mouth felt so good.

  He deepened the kiss and soon their tongues were dancing with one another. Eric slowly backed her up against the wall and pressed his body tightly against hers. She could feel his hardness, feel him straining against her, and it drove her wild. She wrapped one leg around him.

  Eric lifted her leg higher then grasped her other one and brought them both up around his hips. He held her up by her bottom, holding it in both hands as he pressed his hard cock against her center. Sabrina gasped in pleasure. The feel of him was driving her crazy. His lips slid down her neck, leaving a trail of kisses, nips and sucks along the way. He parted her robe with his mouth and latched on to one of her breasts. The pull of his mouth on her nipple created an answering ache in her core. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter.

  Eric pressed her closer to the wall and slid one hand under her robe. His fingers left a trail of fire as they slid into her tight curls from behind. She knew she was soaking his fingers as he found her clit and began playing it like an instrument he knew so well. She tilted her hips back, pressing into his touch. He sli
pped one finger into her core. She was slightly tender from last night but the pleasurable feel of him inside her negated any discomfort in a matter of seconds.

  In and out his fingers worked, alternating between her sensitive nub and her wet core. The tension built inside Sabrina until she wanted to scream from the pleasure. Eric’s fingers slid out of her and around to her bottom again.

  She cried out from the loss.

  “Don’t worry, gatita. I just need a minute. Then I will give you all the pleasure you want,” Eric said as he struggled to unzip his pants and hold her up at the same time.

  She squirmed against him, impatient to feel him inside her again.

  Sabrina felt him spring free and almost screamed with relief as he plunged himself inside her. This position left her completely open to him and he delved deep. They both sighed as they connected. It felt so right.

  “You feel so good inside me, Eric.”

  “I’ll never get enough of you, my beautiful little cat. Now, will you purr for me?” Eric whispered into her ears. The feel of his breath tickling her ear sent her desire spiraling.

  Eric set up a pace that touched her in that place that drove her wild again and again. He held her bottom, tilting her hips and guiding himself into her at just the right angle. First slow, then fast, then slow again—he drove her wild. She grew closer and closer to the edge. Panting his name over and over again, she didn’t know if she would survive.

  Eric’s breathing grew heavy as he whispered love words in her ear. The words told her all the things he wanted to do to her, and just how he thought she would respond. Each and every sentence brought her closer and closer to the peak. Then he said one last thing that drove her over the edge.

  “Come fly with me, my beautiful dragon. Fly with me forever.”

  “Yes, Eric. Let’s fly together always,” Sabrina gasped as Eric sped up the pace and drove harder and harder into her.

  She screamed, splintering into a thousand pieces. And as she did, she was transported to that special place. She was flying through the sky as a dragon, just as she always loved to do. But now Eric flew beside her, and she reveled in the joy of being with him like this.


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