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Secret Match

Page 12

by Victoria Pinder

  If only that was true and none of this mattered to her, but he saw in her face every detail. So he cautiously said, “Agreed, though you still seem closed off.”

  “And you’re perceptive.” She uncrossed her arms. She then leaned over and squeezed his shoulder. “I’m just getting my defenses in order to face Piper.”

  But she shut him out in order to do so. He understood that part, even if he didn’t see her urgency in clearing away Piper. He said more quietly, “I won’t hurt you or our daughter, Kiwi.”

  She massaged his shoulder and arm. “I see you believe that and I want it too. Jennifer said Piper left a message on the house phone.”

  “My staff never let me know that.”

  “Huh. I don’t know what to say.”

  The long drive passed quickly in his new car—his staff confirmed that Piper was at the same five star hotel she’d always liked and soon he was pulling into valet. Kiwi asked, “So where are we?”

  He held his hand to the key but this time he could look at her as he said, “Parked outside my ex-girlfriend’s and about to ask her why she posted a sex tape. Are you ready?”

  Kiwi reached for her door as she said, “Yes, I am here to be supportive and I do want to see her in person, but I’ll stay outside if you want. I hope you discover why she put out the tape, so we’ll move on.”

  He got out and handed the key to the valet, walking around, though Kiwi had already stepped out on her own. He placed his hand on her back. “You’re sweet, Kiwi Washington.”

  With big doe-eyes that didn’t blink she said, “I wasn’t raised to be sweet. I was raised to be independent, but I’m trying to be kinder.”

  He believed her. They were different in so many ways. If she needed to see that this was a closed book in his past, he would prove it.

  Chapter 15

  Kiwi and Gio stepped into the fancy hotel and the manager’s face was white as a ghost. She blinked and realized that either the manager recognized Gio from the tape or they knew each other. Kiwi’s arms grew goosebumps as the manager pointed them toward the penthouse.

  She kept her lips sealed as they rode up the elevator but her skin buzzed with awareness.

  Something had happened.

  She had no reason to say anything as the lobby seemed normal, except for the manager. So she stayed quiet, listening to opera in the background of the elevator.

  As they reached the top and exited to the hall, lights flashed inside the hotel door and yellow tape blocked their path. He knocked and a female officer opened and asked, “Are you Giorgio Morgan?”

  “Yes.” Gio straightened, his face drawn.

  The officer nodded at him and checked his identification as she said, “You were fast. We just called your estate.”

  They’d called? This was a crime scene. And last time Kiwi had checked, they didn’t invite people to crime scenes. She inched backward but Gio stepped forward and asked, “What’s going on?”

  A man in a simple black suit wearing a hat like a detective in one of those old movies stepped out of the apartment. He even tipped the brim before he grumbled out his question, “How do you know the victim?”

  Strange. Kiwi froze and hoped to get out of the crime scene fast. Without thinking, she quickly tugged on Gio’s arm and said, “I don’t. My boyfriend did though and the officer outside said he’d been called?”

  “The social worker must have called for you,” the detective said.

  Another flash of light from a police photographer washed into the room from under the bedroom door of the suite and this time a child’s cry pierced the air.

  Instantly Kiwi wanted to comfort whatever baby she heard.

  Gio lowered his voice. “Is Piper dead?”

  The detective folded his hands and stared at Gio’s profile like he was memorizing it as he said, “Yes, but her son is still here. The social workers and psychologists have been with the baby for a while now discussing the case. Can I see your identification sir?”

  Kiwi wanted to disappear. This wasn’t good. She hated being near the police, but at the same time, she saw Gio’s face go white as he asked, “Son?”

  Gio took out his wallet and his hands shook. “Good,” the detective said. “You are Giorgio Morgan?”

  A child? Seriously? Piper must have put out the sex tape because she wanted the world to know her son existed with Gio.

  Kiwi held her stomach to protect her own baby girl.

  Gio handed his driver’s license to the detective. “Yes.”

  The man read it closely and then waved for them to pass the yellow line. “Then you’re listed as next of kin for the boy and on the birth certificate. As your father generously donated to our department for years, the social workers probably thought it best to call you.”

  “I’ll be sure to repeat my father’s generosity,” Gio said while the two of them walked inside the hotel suite.

  The baby cried. Kiwi’s heart constricted as the detective and Gio spoke. Gio and the officer were talking about a payoff, right? She backed up. This wasn’t how law and order was supposed to work, but then again, she wasn’t born with a father who paid off police departments.

  Kiwi’s gaze went to the kitchen counter and she saw the legal paper with Giorgio Morgan listed as the father. She picked it up and handed it to him. “Gio, the birth certificate says you’re his father.”

  Gio pressed his hand against his heart as he met her gaze. Then he turned toward the detective and asked him, “It’s true? I have a son?”

  “Yes.” The man pointed toward the door to the bedroom.

  Gio walked toward her and said, “Kiwi, I didn’t know. I wish she’d told me.”

  Without a thought she reached out and hugged him. “That’s obvious from your face.” She let him go as a baby’s cry pierced the air. “And it’s clear the boy has been through something traumatic. How did she die?”

  Gio stared at the door like he wanted to see his son. Good. The detective stood beside her and said, “We’re still investigating, signora, but this seems to be a suicide.”

  Signora. And no one threatened Gio or her at all. The police clearly served Gio and his family so would they even look closer at this situation? She ignored her beating heart and asked, “Can Gio get his son then?”

  The detective patted Gio on the back. “Wait here while we talk to child services and tell them about your generosity.”

  “Absolutely.” Gio stepped back and met her gaze. His feet were fidgeting but he walked over and kissed her forehead. “Kiwi, I didn’t know.”

  “You said that already.” And she believed him. She quickly hugged him.

  The detective walked out and waved for him as Gio said with his back turned, “I don’t know what to do.”

  If anything happened to her, she hoped Gio would take care of their daughter. She then pointed for him to join the detective and go get the baby while she said, “Go and protect your son from all of this. Take him home and keep him safe.”

  He nodded and accepted that this was his responsibility, his job. He brushed his hand on her side as he went to the other room toward the boy and said, “Yes. You’re right. Wait for me, here.”

  “Okay.” She stayed in the kitchen area to give them a few minutes.

  She bounced on her feet and then noticed the other note on the other counter. She walked over and glanced down at the open letter that read,


  Thomas, my little Tom, is your son. I was so afraid you’d take him from me, but then giving birth ruined my career anyhow. I was too fat and now only qualified for ‘mom’ roles. This wasn’t supposed to be my life, and now I don’t have the money to pay for my cancer treatments. You deserve your son. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I knew your honor and you’d insist we marry and I wasn’t ready for that. You always do the right thing. I love Tom and I know you’ll give him the best home. Please let him know I’m doing this because I love him. I know family means the world to you and you’ll ensure Tom has


  Fireworks exploded in her brain. Marry? The moment she’d told Gio she was pregnant, he’d insisted on that. Gio was honorable. Piper was right on that.

  And Piper thought he’d do that to her? Kiwi stepped back without touching the paper that her fingers ached to rip to shreds. Her willpower came from her baby and she held her stomach though her skin buzzed with electricity.

  At the same instant, Gio came out of the bedroom carrying a baby boy wrapped in a blanket. “Kiwi, this is Tommaso.”

  Right. The birth certificate had said he was three months now and that smile of his was infectious. She hugged her waist and tried to smile at the baby who just stared at her with unblinking eyes as she said, “Your dad came to get you.”

  Gio bounced him up and down. “I don’t think he speaks. He’s awfully small.”

  The detective walked them both toward the hall, which meant they must be getting kicked out of the crime scene. She waited until they were in the hallway but goosebumps grew on her arm. Gio rocked his son as they walked toward the elevator. She pressed the button and asked, “Does he have a car seat?”

  He shook his head no. “Not that I know of, but the social worker with the police left one for me at the front desk.”

  This “donation” was clearly worth a lot. Goosebumps grew on her arms. If this was how it worked for Gio, then he could easily do whatever he wanted and get away with it. Life never worked like that for her. Ever. They hadn’t left the floor though the doors to the elevator opened. Unable to even vocalize her feelings, she focused on the now and asked, “The police just give you things?”

  “My family has always been generous. They aren’t hurting anyone in giving me my son,” Gio said as the doors closed.

  If she didn’t say anything as they descended, it was like she accepted that he’d only married her for her daughter.

  It wasn’t okay. This wasn’t how law and order worked. She wasn’t ready to let go of her reality this much, was she? Her heart hammered as the doors opened to the lobby floor. She let him leave the elevator and she followed behind him. But once they were outside she backed up like she’d run as she crossed her arms and said, “Look, we don’t know anything about each other.”

  He still swung his son in his arms and he was a naturally good father but he pointed with his thumb to the front door. “Kiwi, let’s head back home.”

  Her ears heard ringing like she heard Piper whispering that he would have married her last year if he’d known about Tom. No. She needed to show her daughter to value herself and her dreams. Gio had plenty to offer, but they’d never be in love. She shook her head. “No. You have a family, a baby, and it’s clear to me Piper left the sex tape so you couldn’t deny your parental role. I want my daughter to know she needs to figure out her own life and not depend on proving paternity. She needs to know she is capable of taking care of herself, no matter what happens. It’s what my mother instilled in me.”

  His gaze narrowed but he didn’t move. “She could have just told me she was pregnant.”

  Tom’s cry made everyone in the lobby stare in their direction. She let out a visual sigh but she lowered her head. It was time to tell him. She swallowed and then met his gaze. “If she told you she was pregnant when she found out, before we met, what would you have done?”

  He hugged the boy who quieted down some as Gio said, “Insist on being part of my son’s life.”

  Fair. That wasn’t all though. Gio would have married Piper. The zip in her pulse was on fire. And she didn’t want to marry anyone just because she was pregnant. Maybe Kiwi was the fool for walking away, but she needed her daughter to be smarter than she’d been. She stepped back and stuck out her lip. “It seems she wanted you to have the boy, but that is where we’re different.”

  Tom wiggled and Gio tried to comfort him. “What are you talking about?”

  This conversation had gone on too long already. Any moment that baby needs mattered more. And her heart was already on the floor being stomped on in the lobby by anyone who might glance in their direction. She needed to just walk now and preserve what little dignity she had left. She hugged her waist and asked point blank, “Would you have married Piper if she told you she was pregnant?”

  Gio looked from his baby to her and said, “I need my son to have my name and protection that comes with being a Morgan.”

  And there it was. The truth was, she’d been a fool who’d hoped for love. She felt a shiver washing through her as she took a deep breath. “That’s what I thought. Look Gio, I won’t stop you from seeing our daughter, but I shouldn’t go back with you.”

  Tom began to fuss in earnest. Gio patted his back. “What are you talking about?”

  This needed to be crystal clear and final. “I’m going to stay here and head to the airport, Gio.”

  “Why?” His son began to cry and shove his tiny fist in his mouth—he must be hungry.

  “Your son is beautiful and looks just like you. He’s been through a lot and you’ll have your hands full.” Gio didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but he had staff and family. “My daughter can’t ever think that any man’s actions is more important than honoring herself.”

  “Can we talk about this at the villa?”

  “No.” She widened her stance and kept her back straight as she said, “I want to get married because you love me and I love you. We were only together because our child and it seems I wasn’t the first. So go and feed your son because I’m out.”

  Gio didn’t move as she tried to storm past him but asked calmly, “Does being first matter?”

  This wasn’t about first, last or anything else. She turned on her heel and saw him as he stared at her with those wide brown eyes. “No, but you’d have married Piper just as you want to marry me. You don’t love me and I can’t let my daughter think that’s okay.”

  Again Tom’s tears interrupted. Gio gently swung him but he looked at her with confusion. “Kiwi, he’s crying.”

  And part of her wanted to help him. She fought her instincts to nurture and soothe the adorable baby. Her arms ached to take him and hold the baby and at the same time kiss Gio, but that would never happen. If she did though she’d never leave, and she shouldn’t settle for less than what her own baby deserved. They were better off on their own. She stepped backward and said, “He’s probably hungry and he might have a bad diaper. So go and take care of your son.” Finally she turned away as she said, “I have to go.”


  She stared at him one more time. Gio was handsome, strong and sexy. Any woman would jump at the chance to be his. She ignored her watering eyes. “Goodbye.”

  Without another word, she ran out of the hotel and down the block so he’d not find her.

  With his baby, he was now too busy to chase her anyhow and she needed to protect her daughter and her own sanity right now.

  Once she was on the street, she hailed a cab and hopped in the back, ordering the driver to take her to the airport.

  It was time to go now. It was better to never see Gio again, if she could, but that probably wouldn’t happen. He had way too much money.

  Once she was sure they were heading to the airport and she wasn’t being followed she settled into the backseat of her taxi and dug her phone out of the pocketbook. Her hands trembled as she searched the screen and then dialed her best friend, who was still at Gio’s home. At least he wasn’t there yet so she could talk. She closed her eyes as the phone rang and once Serenity answered, Kiwi quickly said, “I’m heading to the airport and I wanted to say goodbye. I might need that job you offered, especially if it gets me away from all things fashion and ever seeing Gio again.”

  “Where are you going?” Serenity asked without lecturing her. Of course, this was why they were friends.

  Kiwi opened her eyes and stared out the window to the sun setting over the city. “Home, right now. I want to say goodbye to my mom and then I don’t know. Somewhere far away where I can ra
ise my daughter.”

  “So you, of all people, don’t have a plan of action?”

  Being pregnant meant she couldn’t go very far. Gio was going to insist that he be a part of their daughter’s life, but first she needed to get herself together. She shouldn’t fall for a man because he had more money than she’d ever seen. She needed to show her daughter that she needed to respect her heart too. “I don’t know anything right now but I can’t be there anymore. He had a baby with Piper. That’s why she put that tape out there.”

  “What? Wait?” Serenity processed this information. “So you’re leaving because Gio has a son? That doesn’t sound like you.”

  Every instinct in her body wanted to hold that baby of his. But her mind reeled. He didn’t love her and she’d clearly made a fool of herself. She’d never tried to let anyone in her life like this. She’d been anti relationship. She massaged her temples and said, “I’m leaving because he’d have married Piper if he had the chance. I shouldn’t fall for a guy that makes decisions for his life based on honor instead of love. And I’m not a brood mare that he needs to marry to stake some claim on our daughter.”

  “She released a sex tape instead of talking to Gio which to me shows she wasn’t all there,” Serenity said and that was one point for her. Kiwi stopped massaging her forehead as Serenity then asked, “Are you sure you want to leave Gio when you were opening up to him? I’ve never seen you so sweet with any guy.”

  Flutters grew in her stomach. She blinked as she stared at the sign for the airport. She held her breath and more quietly said, “I’m not sure about anything other than I need to protect my baby.”

  “Think hard about what you want. Don’t rush the decision based on hormones.” Serenity closed a door behind her. Kiwi could still see Gio’s villa in her mind—the veranda and vineyard. His home was peaceful but that wasn’t her life. She couldn’t pretend and marry a man who didn’t love her.

  Her hormones? That wasn’t what she felt. She tensed but said, “I have to go.”


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