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Bridesmaid Blues

Page 10

by Boone Brux

  “True, but it’s definitely not paranoia. Jamie has got a major boner for bachelorhood and I think Kyle…” She wiggled her fingers, making air quotes. “Losing his freedom is a tough pill for Jamie to swallow. He might not have intentionally stirred up trouble, but I’m certain he’d have plenty to say about marriage. None of it good.”

  “I hear ya. Kyle is feeling a little guilty about not spending much time with Jamie, but I’ve been keeping him extra happy, if you know what I mean.”

  “Well, keep up the good work. I’ll try to pin Jamie down for something after the bachelor party. That way whatever he says to Kyle tomorrow night hopefully won’t stick.”

  Roxy hugged her. “You are the best friend in the world.”

  “Yes, yes I am.” She laughed and returned the hug. The initial sacrifice for her friend had turned into something much more enjoyable. Not that she’d tell Roxy about it…yet. Maybe one day when they were old and tipsy on whiskey-spiked tea. Or one too many mimosas. She released her. “Here comes the rest of the crew.”

  Joya and Kinni led the pack, with the three groomsmen bringing up the rear. Her heartbeat quickened at the sight of Jamie. He wore a charcoal-gray suit, no tie, and a deep blue button-down shirt. His gaze captured hers, and he smiled. Then he let his eyes travel down her body and back up.

  “Shit, Dani, what are you doing later tonight?” Price stopped in front of her. “I might consider taking you home, you look so hot.”

  She pasted on her coyest smile. “Not in this lifetime, Price.”

  He clutched his fists to his chest. “That hurts.”

  “Good.” Kinni pushed him out of the way. “You deserve it.” Her dark eyes traveled up and down Dani. “But he’s right. You look beautiful. Did you color your hair or something?”

  “Nope, just showered.”

  “Well,” Joya said, kissing her on the cheek, “you should do that more often.”

  “Nice.” She leaned into her friend’s greeting and then stepped away. The crew filtered into the dining room, their attentions now focused on the bride and groom. Jamie approached. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure nobody was watching and then back to him. “What do you think? Do I look okay?”

  “If you looked any better we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” He discreetly traced a finger along the open neckline of her dress. “As it is, I’m not sure I’m going to make it through dinner. I’m sporting a serious hard-on just looking at you.”

  “Then my work here is done.” She winked at him.

  He growled, the sound low and quiet. “Not by a long shot.”

  “Oh good, the champagne is here,” Roxy announced, cutting off her response. “Everybody grab a glass.”

  Dani stared at him for a few seconds, making sure to lace it with a lot of heat, then walked to the table. She could feel his eyes on her, so she added a tiny swing in her step. Though on the outside she hoped she played cool, on the inside her body was humming with pent-up excitement.

  When had she turned into such a vixen? Maybe it had been lurking under the surface for a long time, but Jamie’s renewed attention seemed to have kicked it into gear. She plucked a glass of champagne from the table and found her seat. Jamie did the same, sitting directly across from her. Their positions could make for some fun under-the-table play if it weren’t for the fact she’d never be able to get her shoe off without somebody noticing, and definitely wouldn’t get it back on.

  “First off,” Roxy began, “I just want to say how much it means for you six to be a part of our wedding.” She pressed a manicured hand to her chest. “We are so honored to have you as friends.” The curvy blonde sniffed. “So I’d like to propose a toast to all of you—our family. Thank you for being part of our wedding and our life.”

  Tears tingled at the back of Dani’s eyes. Trying not to cry, she held her glass higher and added her “cheers” to the rest of the group’s. What Roxy said was true. These people were her family, too. With her nearly absent mother and father, she’d built her life around the people who had been a constant.

  “Does anybody else want to offer a toast?” Roxy’s big blue eyes traveled along the table. Though she’d asked, it was more of a demand.

  Lincoln stood. “To Roxy and Kyle. May we all find the same kind of love and happiness that you have found.”

  Dani’s gaze cut to Jamie. He watched the couple, his expression unreadable. It wasn’t surly or disgusted, but it wasn’t quite happy, either.

  Next Joya stood. “I also want to toast the happy couple.” Gold bracelets slid down her wrist and jingled when she lifted her slender arm, holding her glass high. “I couldn’t have asked for a better sister-in-law. My brother totally doesn’t deserve her. But since Roxy seems set on hooking up with the knucklehead, I’d just like to ask that you guys hurry up and give me some nieces and nephews within the next year.”

  “Why don’t you have some of your own?” Lincoln asked.

  Joya tossed her thick dark braid over her shoulder and glared at him. “Are you kidding? I just want to cuddle them and twist their little minds. Then I’ll send them home to Mommy and Daddy all sugared up and asking the difficult questions.”

  “Remind me never to let you babysit,” Kyle said.

  Roxy laughed. “We’ll see what we can do about that, Joya, but I’m not making any promises.” She snuggled into the crook of his arm. “We’ve got a lot of things we want to do before we have kids.”

  “Well, you know where I stand on the subject.” Joya reclaimed her seat and stuck her tongue out at Lincoln. Dani had to wonder if Joya was still crushing on Linc. Perhaps that spark still smoldered just a little. “Who’s next?”

  To her surprise, Jamie stood. “I’ll go.”

  Roxy’s gaze cut to her, worry etched on her face. Then she smiled and snaked her arm around Kyle’s waist.

  “You all know how I feel about marriage.” The murmur rippled through the group. “But I will say, if anybody can beat the divorce odds, it will be you two.” He held up his glass. “I really hope you do.”

  Well, that wasn’t as bad as it could have been. He didn’t openly castigate their decision to wed or really even besmirch the sanctity of marriage. There had even been a hint of hope in his toast.

  As the maid of honor, she should probably say something, too. She stood. “Okay, my turn.” She focused on Roxy because that’s who the event was really all about. “You say you are honored to have us in your wedding and as family, but I am equally honored that you’ve let me share in this amazing event.” A small lump formed at the base of her throat. Willing herself not to tear up, she pushed on. “I love you both. Thank you, Roxy, for being my friend all these years and for being my rock through the bad times. And Kyle, thank you for being so wonderful and making my friend happy. I don’t feel like I’m losing my best friend, but gaining another wonderful person in my life.” She held up her glass. “To Roxy and Kyle, showing us how it’s done, and…” She glanced at her friends. All were staring at her and most looked a little choked up. Thinking it best to bring the emotion level back down, she switched gears. “I agree with Joya. I need to cuddle a blue-eyed, chubby-cheeked baby, so get on it.”

  Roxy walked to her, wrapping her in a hug. “That was beautiful. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She gave her friend an extra squeeze. “Be happy.”

  “I am. And I want the same for you.”

  The two women separated. “I will be if I find what you and Kyle have.”

  “You will if I have anything to say about it.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “No more matchmaking. The last guy you tried to set me up with asked if he could bring his cat on our date.”

  Her friend shrugged. “I still think you should have at least gone out with him.”

  “No matchmaking,” she repeated.

  “Fine.” Roxy held up her hands in defense. “I’ll try not to.”

  “Try is not the same as won’t.”

  “Oh look, hors d�
�oeuvres are here.” Roxy gave her a placating smile and then flounced toward the waiter.

  “The woman is diabolical,” she said.

  “Truly.” Jamie moved around the table to stand beside her as the others lined up to check out the delicious-smelling food. “So…” He lowered his voice. “Are you wearing panties?”

  His question caught her off guard. Despite the rush of heat that raced through her body and pooled between her legs, she remained collected. She leaned toward him. “No.” Without waiting for a reply, she stepped past him and walked toward the door. “I’ll be right back, Rox.”

  The bride gave a preoccupied wave. A second before Dani exited, she caught his eye and motioned for him to follow with a flick of her head. Not waiting to see if he did, she strode down the corridor to the private bathrooms. It took less than a minute before he cleared the corner. His walk was determined, and when he reached her, he didn’t slow. He wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her to him, his mouth descending on hers. She gasped, and his tongue drove between her lips.

  Her nipples hardened, and her body instantly heated. He pushed her backward and pressed her against the wall just outside the women’s bathroom. His fingers found her breast and tugged at her nipple through the thin fabric of her dress.

  The expertise of his attack and the thrill of getting caught intensified her desire. Damn, she really wanted him naked right now. She broke the kiss and glided her hand downward, caressing his growing erection. “We can’t do this here. Someone will see us.”

  Jamie glanced around and then backed into the women’s bathroom, taking her with him. “Hello?” When nobody answered, he dragged her inside and reclaimed her mouth, continuing to guide her to the last stall. Once inside, he closed the door and latched it. “This should do nicely.”

  Thankfully the restaurant was high-end and the owners went with fully enclosed stalls. Unless somebody peeked through the crack of the door, they’d never know two people were getting busy. Well, as long as the two people kept quiet.

  Once again he crowded her against the wall. His hand found her breast and began its sensuous assault, while the other searched for the hem of her dress. “This dress makes me want to do all sorts of things to you.”

  “Yeah?” she panted against his mouth. “Like what?”

  He tugged her dress higher, his fingers caressing her inner thighs. She spread her legs to allow him access. When his fingers brushed her sensitive lips, he moaned. Her eyelids slid shut, his talented fingers toying with her.

  “Well, this.” He swirled the tip of his finger along her slit and pushed inside. “Do you like that?”

  She clutched his shoulder with one hand and stroked his cock through his pants. “Yeah, a lot.” A second finger slipped inside her. “Oh God, I really like that.” Unable to resist the urge, she rotated her hips, working her pussy against his hand. “Really, really like it.”

  Jamie shoved her dress up around her neck and captured her nipple. Now that she was nearly nude, he had full access to her body and took advantage of it, tormenting her with skillfully placed bites and licks. She searched for the button on his pants and opened it, then dragged the zipper down. His erection pressed against the waistband of his boxers, and she easily pushed the material down and freed him.

  His cock was hot and hard. Knowing she did that to him boosted her confidence. He moaned against her mouth when her fingers wrapped around the head, sending a jolt of desire through her. She loved the way he reacted, how turned on he got, and the way he touched her.

  Sparks of pleasure tingled between her legs as his fingers continued to plunge inside her. The pressure built, signaling a much-sought-after climax. It might not be a gourmet orgasm, seven courses and all the prep time, but fast food was good every once in a while.

  And this was the best fast-food sex she’d ever had.

  The creak of the bathroom door squeaked and echoed off the walls. They froze. She pressed a finger to her lips and mouthed a silent “shhhh.” He nodded. If they were lucky, whoever it was would do their business and leave.

  “Dani, are you in here?”

  She gritted her teeth and mouthed, “Shit.”

  It was Kinni. Afraid she’d come peeking in the crack of the stall, Dani exhaled, trying to affect a normal voice and said, “Yes. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  She made a move to yank down her dress, but he stopped her and shook his head. Evil—the man was going to get them caught.

  “I just wanted to ask you something,” Kinni said.

  “Okay, can it wait? I’ll be back out at the table in a few minutes.” Having a conversation in a bathroom was a little weird. Doing it while being fondled was damn near impossible.

  “No, I don’t want Roxy to hear.” The click of Kinni’s heels on the tile moved toward them. “Did she ask you for a favor?”

  Panic washed through her. With Jamie there she couldn’t tell Kinni yes. But she didn’t want to lie, either. “Why? Did she ask you for one?”

  A heavy sigh wafted through the crack of the door. “Yeah, but I don’t know if I can do it.”

  Curious, but more worried about being caught, she finally managed to push his hands away. He frowned at her with a playful pout and shoved his erection back into his pants. Nothing put a damper on a good tryst like someone breathing outside the door.

  “Well, I say give it a try,” she said, repositioning her dress. “You might be surprised what you’re capable of.” Like making out with your ex in a bathroom stall. “It will be good for you.”

  “Do you think so?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course I do.” She jabbed a finger at Jamie. “You,” she mouthed, “wait here.” She pointed to herself and then to the bathroom.

  Jamie nodded, but when she started to move, he pulled her to him and kissed her again. All the pent-up desire still burning through her veins came out in the kiss. It left her breathless and a little unbalanced.

  “You okay in there?” Kinni asked.

  She shoved Jamie away and pushed the handle of the toilet down. The flush echoed through the bathroom. Making sure he was out of sight in case her friend was standing by the stall, she slid the bolt and slipped out. “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sick? What were you doing in there?”

  “It’s a bathroom. What do you think I was doing?”

  “You look a little flushed.” Kinni pressed her hand to Dani’s forehead. “And a little warm.”

  “I’m fine.” She walked to the sink. “Never better.” After washing her hands, she blasted them dry with a supersonic hand dryer, and then pulled the door open. “You coming?”

  “Yeah.” Kinni stopped just outside the door. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Perfectly.” She wound an arm around her friend. “I can’t wait to try those crab cakes.”

  As they turned the corner, she glanced back to see Jamie slip from the bathroom. He stared at her for a few seconds, his expression clearly stating that this wasn’t over. She blew him a kiss, letting him know she was game. So far the night had proven highly entertaining. And from the looks of it, things were only going to get better.

  They reentered the dining room. Price and Lincoln had cornered Kyle and were arguing about the next year’s Seattle Seahawks lineup, or some such sports nonsense. She meandered to the layout of appetizers and picked up two small white plates, handing one to Kinni. Her friend rambled on about something, but Dani’s attention was fixed on Jamie. He reentered the room, his gaze ghosting across her before settling on Price and Kyle.

  “Do you want one of these?” Kinni tapped the tongs holding a crab cake against Dani’s dish. “Or something else?”

  “What?” She glanced at the crusty circle her friend held. “Yeah, I’ll have one of those, thanks.”

  Kinni dropped it unceremoniously on her plate and turned back to the array of choices. “Okay, I’m going to take your advice and do what Roxy asked.” She added a carrot and two squares of cheese to her plate.
“But you might get a phone call from me freaking out.”

  Oops, she hadn’t been paying attention to Kinni and had no idea what she was talking about. “You know you can call me anytime.”

  Her friend looked at her. “Really? That’s so great to know.” She shook her head and laid the tongs on a white platter filled with crackers. “I’m just not comfortable with the whole ‘yes’ thing.”

  “Yeah, I can imagine.” Nodding, Dani picked up the discarded utensil and plucked a few pieces of cheese off the plate. “So explain it all to me again.” She was such a bad friend. “What is it exactly that Roxy wants you to do?”

  “Well…” Kinni’s smile was dubious. “Nothing, just a wedding favor.” She hesitated before glancing over her shoulder and lowering her voice. “I’m not supposed to say anything to anybody.”

  Dani was certainly familiar with that. It seemed Roxy was hitting everybody up for a wedding favor. Like she said, the woman was diabolical when she wanted something. But Roxy would never do anything to purposely hurt Kinni. “Then do it. Be confident. And tell me about it later.”

  Kinni nodded conspiratorially, and then they joined Roxy and Joya’s conversation about the wedding, but Dani’s gaze kept wandering to Jamie. She really wished they could have finished what they started in the bathroom. Now she was all worked up with nowhere to put that energy.

  Almost getting caught with Jamie had been horrifying and exhilarating. Every so often she’d catch him looking at her, which would kick up her libido all over again. He’d always been sexy, but now that she was nibbling on the forbidden fruit, his sex appeal ratio skyrocketed.

  Luckily he behaved himself during dinner. There were a few furtive glances and a well-placed comment laced with innuendoes, but nothing blatant that gave them away to the rest of the group.

  When dinner was finished, they collected their coats and congregated outside the restaurant.

  “So,” Price said. “Where to next?”

  “Home for me.” Dani dug in her purse for her keys. “I’ve got a management meeting in the morning.”

  “Come on, party pooper.” Price wrapped an arm around her and rubbed his cheek against hers. His close-cut facial hair scratched against her skin, making Dani cringe away from the playboy. “It won’t be any fun without you.”


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