Book Read Free

Let Them Talk

Page 12

by Susanna Carr

  “Just as I suspected,” Sean murmured as he watched his hand stroke her stomach. “You are finally rebelling.”

  Isabel shook her head. “That’s not it.”

  “Take my word for it.” His hand grazed her hip. “I’m an expert on rebellions. Mine lasted for years.”

  “So you’re saying that what I’m going through is a phase?” she asked with disbelief. Why did he believe her transformation wouldn’t last? Didn’t he see that she was permanently discarding the old Isabel and emerging into the person she was meant to be?

  Sean’s hand paused and he looked directly into her eyes. “It’s not to be taken lightly. You could make a choice in this haze that could have lifelong repercussions. I was on the path to destruction before one of my teachers stepped in.”

  Isabel stared at him. What exactly was he suggesting? “You think I need to get out of this phase?” She was enjoying where she was at in her life. It wasn’t comfortable or easy, but she liked who she was becoming.

  “More like you should be guided through it.” His mouth slanted into a wicked smile as he moved his hand up along her body. “I’m happy to help.”

  Isabel closed her eyes, determined to hide her troubled thoughts. What was wrong with the way she was right now? Didn’t Sean like this side of her? No, he wanted her to show the same ruthless control over her desires that he did. He believed she should hide her sensual nature so she didn’t destroy what she had.

  But what if he had a point? What if this recklessness was temporary? Could she justify throwing away her hard-earned reputation for something that wouldn’t last?

  Isabel slowly opened her eyes and met his gaze. His teasing smile had been replaced with an earnest expression. It seemed that he truly cared about her. “Why do you want to help me?” she asked.

  “Honestly, I don’t want you to do something that you would regret.”

  “I’m not my mother,” she said with a sigh.

  “And I don’t want you to do something reckless,” Sean continued, cupping her cheek with his hand. “Or get caught. I’ve lived in a town where my reputation was so bad that the only way I could overcome it was to leave. I don’t want you to be forced to make the same choice.”

  “Is that the only reason you want to help me?”

  His features tightened, making him look harsh and intense. “I want to be the only man in your rebellion.” Possessiveness roughened his voice.

  Isabel felt a secret thrill curling low in her stomach. “I can arrange that.” She tipped her chin up, eagerly welcoming his kiss.

  “I’m serious, Isabel.”

  “Okay, Sean.” Isabel linked her arms over his shoulders. “I will not try out any seduction techniques or aphrodisiacs on anyone but you.”

  “Brat,” he muttered before he claimed her mouth with a kiss.

  * * *

  SEAN STRODE ALONG the sidewalk of Main Street. It was hot this afternoon and he tilted his head up to savor the sunshine. For a moment he was tempted to ditch the file folder in his hand, hunt down Isabel and spend the rest of the day with her in bed.

  He frowned as he noticed his trailing thoughts. That wouldn’t do. It had taken him years to develop the discipline he needed to become a success. He enjoyed his job, was proud of his accomplishments, and he wanted to continue making a positive impact in his community.

  But he had become very distracted this past week. The fling he was having with Isabel was dangerous. A bad idea. And he couldn’t stop. He didn’t want to.

  He stopped at the crosswalk, pondering what he was doing with Isabel. Keith Bennett had asked him earlier today about the progress he had made. Bennett had heard rumors about Isabel that ranged from her putting together a display of frequently banned books in the library to her conducting a secret love affair.

  Sean saw a flash of peach from the corner of his eye. Isabel. Sean gritted his teeth. He always associated that color with Isabel. He connected everything he saw, heard and felt with the woman. Isabel Bennett was constantly on his mind.

  He turned his head and spotted Isabel staring intently at a storefront window. Heat washed over him, expanding inside, pressing against his skin. Sean knew the smart thing to do would be to keep walking and pretend he hadn’t noticed her. He needed to start distancing himself from her.

  But surely in public he could control his reaction to her. Sean walked toward her, anticipation pressing against his chest. She hadn’t moved by the time he approached her. He said her name softly but she didn’t turn. Sean took a moment to study her.

  He ached to pull her into an embrace, brush his hand against her skin and welcome her with a kiss. But he couldn’t. The rumors were already spreading about Isabel. Today as he’d crossed the town square he had heard a conversation between two elderly women suggesting Isabel only read books that would help her on her “manhunt.” The other had claimed that no man in town was safe. That Isabel was becoming just like her mother.

  Sean knew none of it was true. Isabel wasn’t on the hunt. She had already captured him. Every man in town was safe, except for him.

  “Isabel?” he said.

  She jumped at the sound of his voice. “Sean!” Her eyes widened and a secretive smile danced on her lips at the sight of him. She clasped her hands together as if she was preventing herself from touching him.

  He loved the way she looked at him. It was more than that she was happy to see him; there was also desire there. If they’d been somewhere private, she would act on the promise in her eyes. Greet him with a gentle kiss that would burn out of control.

  “What got your attention?” he asked.

  “Oh, nothing,” she said. She looked away and pushed her hair behind her ear.

  Sean glanced down at the window display and instantly guessed what Isabel had been studying. The blue-and-green-printed stiletto heels. He knew she was drawn to the daring design that screamed sex from the pointed toe to the blue ribbon ankle strap.

  His gut twisted as he imagined Isabel wearing those shoes. They would make her sexy legs appear longer, give her pelvis a provocative tilt and make her walk with a sway to her hips.

  “Those shoes.” His voice came out gruff as he imagined her wearing only those shoes as he took her to bed.

  “How did you know?”

  “I’ve seen the inside of your closet. You have rows of shoes.” Each pair was impossibly sexy and attention-grabbing. “But you never wear them.”

  Isabel drew her head back. “How do you remember what shoes I wear?”

  “I remember everything about you.”

  She blinked, obviously surprised by his comment, and hurriedly returned her gaze to the shoes. “They’re not really me, are they?”

  He heard the wistful tone in her voice and suddenly understood the rows of unworn shoes in her closet. She wished she was the type who wore the shoes.

  He glanced at the kitten heels on her feet. “I like the ones you’re wearing now. They suit you. I also like it when you’re barefoot,” he said in a teasing tone.

  Isabel’s shoulders slumped. “You’re right. Those shoes are more Laura’s style.”

  Sean went still when he realized he had given the wrong answer. But what he’d said was the truth. He was drawn to her feminine and classic style. He found her restraint incredibly sexy. And yet, he wanted to see her striding toward him in those stilettos. “You’ll never know if you don’t try them on.”

  She shook her head. “I would have no place to wear them,” she said with a determined smile.

  Sean was torn. He wanted to encourage her to explore and find pleasure everywhere. But she was hesitant and he suddenly understood why. It wasn’t because she was afraid of what others might say. She was unsure about the powerful feelings inside her. The ones she was never comfortable revealing except when she was alone with him.r />
  “I should go,” Isabel said as she took a step away from the window. “I have to prepare for the poetry jam at the library tonight.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  She narrowed her eyes as if she hadn’t heard him correctly. “You’re going to attend?”

  He gave a shrug. “It’s open to the public.”

  “Yes...” The word dragged from her mouth. “But you’re not one to hang out at the library.”

  Sean caught and held her gaze. His mouth tilted in a lopsided smile. “That was before I realized what I’ve been missing.”


  “THANK YOU ALL for attending,” Isabel said in front of the small crowd. “This concludes the poetry jam. There are refreshments available in the back, compliments of the Seedling Women’s Reading Circle. Please help yourself.”

  Sean leaned against the wall in the back of the room as he watched Isabel offer words of thanks and encouragement to the poets. People circled Isabel, wanting to hear her opinions. She was in full hostess mode, doing what she most wanted—bringing new ideas to her community through her beloved library. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

  He wasn’t sure why he was staring. There was nothing different about her tonight. Isabel wore a lavender dress that fell well past her knees. Her blond hair swung near her chin and today she wore a pearl necklace that matched her pumps. As usual, she stood out among the casually dressed group.

  Sean’s gaze traveled down to the gentle swell of her hips and his pulse skipped. No, he did know why he was staring. He wondered if she had received his text. And if she had followed it. He really couldn’t tell.

  As if she sensed that he was looking at her, Isabel glanced in his direction. As their gazes clashed, Isabel blushed and looked away. She nervously smoothed her hands against her full skirt.

  She’d definitely gotten the text, Sean decided as he smiled. He watched as Isabel abruptly turned her head and joined a conversation among a group of elderly men in baseball caps. But had she followed through with his suggestion? Was she that bold or had he found her limit?

  His request had been reckless. He shouldn’t have made it. It wasn’t like him—the new him, anyway. He had suffocated that impulsive side of himself years ago...but Isabel had managed to resurrect it. He had promised Keith that he would curb her scandalous behavior and instead he was encouraging it.

  “Mr. Hawkins,” Doris Brown said in a strident tone as she came to stand next to him. “Two visits to the library in the same month?”

  He looked down at the petite older woman and his smile widened. “Hello, Miss Doris. If I had known you were here, I would have sat next to you.”

  Doris made a face but he saw the twinkle in her eyes. She may claim that she didn’t like bad boys but he knew she liked the challenge they offered.

  “I didn’t realize you were a fan of poetry,” she said.

  “I didn’t realize it, either.” Sean hadn’t actually paid attention to the poems but had spent most of the evening watching Isabel. He enjoyed seeing the delight, surprise and enthusiasm on her face.

  Miss Doris’s lips twisted to the side. “I hear you have become a bibliophile.”

  Sean frowned at her statement. He could take books or leave them. He wasn’t as attached to them as Isabel was. “Because I’ve visited the library twice?”

  “Because you joined Isabel’s book club.”

  Sean paused as he felt the punch of surprise. What else had the older woman discovered about that night? “Where do you get your information?” he murmured.

  “Let’s cut to the chase,” Miss Doris suggested. “You are obviously interested in Isabel. And, for some reason, she can’t keep her eyes off you.”

  He automatically glanced in Isabel’s direction and found her looking at him. Heat radiated from deep inside Sean as their gazes held. A secretive smile played on Isabel’s pink lips before someone pulled her attention away.

  “Have you read the book that got her into so much trouble?” he heard Doris Brown ask. “The Secret Diary of an Anonymous Victorian Lady?”

  “I’m not the book’s target audience,” Sean said carefully as he looked at Doris. He had read the erotic diary this week. He wanted to understand why it had been so important to Isabel and why it had changed the way she viewed her life. That diary, along with the books that lined her bookcase at her home, revealed a great deal about Isabel. All of them were about finally being noticed by one important person.

  “Well,” Doris said in a drawl, “read it if you want to get into Isabel’s bed.”

  Sean tilted his head back and didn’t try to hide his suspicion of Doris’s intentions. “Why are you trying to help me?”

  “I’m not. I have a bet with the reading circle that you two are going to become a couple. After losing the last bet, I’m determined to win this one,” she said before she marched away.

  Sean shook his head as he watched Doris Brown leave. All small towns were the same. There were meddlesome matchmakers and judgmental prudes. The powerful and the outcasts. The good girls and the bad boys.

  Which group did Isabel fall into these days?

  He remained standing in the back of the room as he watched how the other townspeople interacted with Isabel. As far as he could tell, everyone treated her with respect. The gossipmongers might be hoping she would become more like her scandalous mother but Sean knew they were destined to be disappointed.

  It wasn’t long before the food was devoured and people started to leave. He glanced at his watch and noticed it was past the library’s closing time when Isabel guided the last volunteer out of the main entrance. He strolled behind her as she locked the doors and turned around. She smiled when she saw him. He felt a tightness in his chest as her eyes lit up when he approached. Her smile was worth the wait to be alone with her.

  “Was Miss Doris stirring up trouble?” Isabel asked as she stepped away from the entrance. The closed library was eerily quiet with most of the lights turned off. “I can have a word with her.”

  “I can handle Miss Doris.” But he liked that Isabel was looking out for him. He could get used to that. “She was suggesting we should date. Not that she approves of me, but she has money riding on it.”

  Isabel rolled her eyes as they walked toward her office, their footsteps echoing in the cavernous hallway. “This town and their bets. Did you tell her she could collect?”

  Sean jerked his head with surprise. “Why would I do that? What we have is private.”

  “You mean secret.” Isabel’s mouth settled into a grim line. “Would it be so bad if we went public?”

  “Yes, it would.” Because what they had couldn’t last. He’d believed he could dampen the fire between them, but it only flared hotter. Soon it would become uncontrollable. Based on his past history, Sean knew that he couldn’t let his emotions go unchecked.

  There was a time when he’d acted on every thought and emotion. He had ached to be heard, to be understood. Instead, he had alienated everyone he’d cared about. He had become too much trouble, too much work.

  So he’d learned to harness his emotions. He’d always been in control. Until now. He wasn’t as careful when he was with Isabel. She seemed to appreciate his unguarded moments but it was a risk. If she saw how much he desired and loved her, would it scare her off? Would they both have to leave town, scandal dogging their heels?

  She reached for the handle to her office door and paused. “Is it because you work for my father?”

  “No,” he replied instantly. He respected his boss but Keith Bennett didn’t have a say in his personal life.

  “Because he wouldn’t have any objections. The man is always singing your praises. And he does not offer praise easily.”

  “No, Isabel, it’s because what we have is short-term and Seedling has a very long memory.” S
ean ignored the pang in his chest. He didn’t want this to end but he had to be realistic. “They would always bring up your bad decision to hook up with me.”

  Isabel exhaled sharply and wrenched the office door open. “It’s not poor judgment that got me into bed with you.”

  “You don’t want to be associated with me,” he said as he followed her into the office.

  “Why?” Isabel asked as she walked around her desk. “I have nothing to be ashamed of. I would be proud to be seen with you.”

  Her words shouldn’t affect him. He had worked hard to become respectable, but he never really believed he had reached that level. But Isabel was proud of him. And he realized that was all that mattered. “Miss Doris may not agree with you.”

  She paused as she reached for her desk drawer. “You are no saint, but neither am I.”

  That was true, but she didn’t have to be proud of it. Who would have thought the town’s librarian, Seedling’s good girl, could have him twisted in knots?

  “You’re more good than bad,” he insisted.

  “Want to bet?”

  “That reminds me,” he said as she grabbed her purse from the drawer. “Did you get my text? The one asking you to remove your panties before you stood in front of all of Seedling?”

  Heat scorched her cheeks and she clumsily dropped the purse on her desk. “Yes.”

  Sean’s body hardened as he imagined her naked under her dress. He thrust his clenched hands into his pockets. “Did you follow it?”

  She nervously licked her lips and looked away.

  His throat tightened as his blood pounded through his veins. “Show me.”

  * * *

  ISABEL FLATTENED HER HANDS against her stomach. She was nervous. Excited. She glanced past Sean through the office door.

  “No one is here,” Sean said as he kicked the door shut.

  She gave a silent nod but she glanced again at the closed door. No one should be in the library. No one would interrupt them. She gave a hesitant step around the desk.


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