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First Comes Love: A Billionaires, Brides, and Babies Romance

Page 95

by Alexis Angel

  The bitch of it is, that the Estates were built in the 1950s as a place for returning veterans from Korea and all the other wars to settle down in. Have a nice, comfortable middle class life. And sure, it may have been like that for a while. But then like all fucking wealthy billionaires, the property was built, the city paid all the fees and shit that the developers charged, and then because it was affordable housing, people just forgot about it. And by forget, that means they forgot about the people who ended up moving in there too.

  How do I know all this?

  Because I fucking grew up there. I fucking walked past the Irish gangs that roamed the hallways, looking to recruit me. I used to walk back from school with books inside a pizza box so that the kids wouldn’t hassle me. Because if they saw me with books, they would have kicked my fucking ass.

  But then I started growing up. I started working out. Playing sports. And I started getting bigger. That’s when it got even fucking worse. Now they wanted to pick a fight to see if they could beat me.

  My parents both had jobs, mind you. They both worked every day of their lives, till they died. God rest both their souls.

  But I never forgot where I grew up. And why it was like that. Because people stopped caring about the everyday American. And those people had no fucking voice.

  Because of elites like Carter Andrews. And his father.

  That’s why the fucking environment can kiss my fucking ass right now. People in this town need jobs. They need dignity.

  But Vivian Hawthorne? Sure, she’s a blue blood. Family came over on the Mayflower. Dad ran a successful asset management business.

  But from everything I can tell, this woman doesn't take any shit. She’s a strong, independent woman. She knows what she wants. And she goes after and gets it.

  But along the way, she doesn’t put any skeletons in her closet either. She’s good. Too good.

  But that’s the problem, right now. Because people who….

  Wait, did you hear that?

  I get up from the chair that I’m sitting in. I had thought that I would take the morning to relax with a cup of coffee in the library, but apparently that’s not going to happen now, based on the fact that I hear the sound of a car engine out in the driveway. I walk toward the front door, anticipating someone coming up the porch. I’m dressed in a pair of pajama bottoms. That’s all. I don’t give a fuck. Let whoever is at the door get a good look at my fucking ripped torso. If it’s a woman, she can have a nice long drool at my defined pecs and 8-pack abs. If it’s a guy, well, maybe he’ll get jealous. Otherwise he’ll get hard. Either way, I got nothing to fucking hide.

  The bell rings, and I open the door.

  I’ve never seen her before. She’s Asian. I figure from everything I know, I’m guessing Chinese? Slim. Nice pair of tits. Shoulder length black hair. Slender. Black pencil skirt.

  "Mayor Jeffries?" she asks in perfect crisp English. I don’t know why I was expecting any different but I shake myself the fuck awake.

  Since when do beautiful Asian women come knocking on my fucking door?

  Well, actually, don’t try to answer that because I had this one reporter come through and knock I think maybe three weeks ago? Although she was Japanese. Anyways, came with some flimsy excuse about wanting to interview the youngest mayor in America. Ten fucking minutes. That’s how long before her skirt was hiked up around her waist and she was calling out to God as I rammed my cock into her fucking cunt. Made her cum so hard she was literally trembling.

  "Are you okay?" the lady asks again and I snap out of whatever that was up there.

  "Hi, yeah I’m the mayor," I say to the woman, instinctively putting out my hand. "You are?"

  She shakes my hand. She’s got a firm grip. "My name is Tina Ling, and I’m representing the city of Shanghai in the People’s Republic of China," she says to me.

  She looks me in the eyes. "Can I come inside?"

  I nod and let her through.

  She walks by me without another glance and I swear to God I can’t help but cock my head a bit and look at her ass as she walks in.

  "What can I do for you, Mayor?" I ask slowly as I close the door. "Would you like to sit down?"

  That’s when she turns to me.

  "Actually, I won’t be here long, Mr. Jeffries," she says all business. "I came all this way to talk to you in person because I think it’s important that you should know what I can offer you."

  Well, fuck. I wasn’t expecting anyone to offer me anything, so I guess I can listen to her.

  "I know what you’re trying to do with the Boltiador Family, Mr. Jeffries," Tina Ling says, not even bothering to address me by Mayor. I don’t normally care, but in this instance it seems like she’s doing it on purpose. "And I’m here to offer you a deal not to bring them here to this town."

  What. The. Fuck.

  Tina Ling continues.

  "Before you say anything, just know that I’m prepared to offer enough to make it worth your while if you decide to play ball," she says taking a step closer to me. "The people who are backing me on this have very deep pockets. Deeper than yours."

  There’s no way they can have deeper pockets than me. Does she know what I used to do? The billions I made in oil and gas exploration?

  "I know about the billions you made in oil and gas exploration before settling down to this…small town life," she says as if fucking reading my thoughts. "But let me assure you, my backers are infinitely more well funded. As well as much more connected than you."

  "So you’re here to bribe me?" I ask.

  If she thinks she can buy me out, then this bitch has another thing coming.

  "I’m not here to buy you out or anything that would offend you," she says silkily. Jesus fucking Christ. Is she seriously in my head? Are you telling her what I’m thinking? Because I swear to God if you’re playing double agent on me…

  "What I’m offering you is instead a chance to do more good than you’re currently doing now," she adds quickly. "I understand you want to help the people of your town. But this town isn't the only one suffering, Mr. Jeffries. Other towns across New York State are also dealing with job loss. But right now you’re just one mayor. I could offer you the opportunity, if you’re willing to pay the price to not just bring 10,000 jobs, but 100,000. Or a million. To this state. And eventually, to this country."

  What exactly is she offering me?

  "The connections and the backing to take the good work that you’re doing here, and take it to the statehouse. Or the US Senate. Or even one day, maybe the White House," she says, answering the question in my head. Fuck it, I give up trying to wonder if the Chinese can read our minds nowadays.

  But it’s time to actually say something here. This bitch has been talking for way too fucking long.

  "I already have the connections I need to get these factories here," I tell her, looking her in the eyes. "And after we get the factories back, we’ll move on to other towns. And if I ever do decide to be Governor, I’ll do it on my own fucking merits. Not being bought and paid for by a special fucking interest."

  "You?" Tina asks, cocking her head and taking another step closer. I can all of a sudden smell her perfume. "Have connections?"

  "I’m working with Senator Hawthorne," I say, not knowing what else to say. The truth is, I’m trying to win her over. Maybe I should have fucked her harder. Although that wasn’t possible. She was basically a quivering mass of flesh in a sex haze by the time I was done fucking her.

  "You are too funny," Tina Ling says in a snort that leads to a laugh.

  I don’t even realize how, but all of a sudden she runs a hand down the side of my abs.

  I tense up. But my cock fucking twitches.

  No. Not for this bitch.

  "The Vivian Hawthorne is your inside connection to get this deal passed?" Tina Ling asks me. "You really are just a mayor that sits and drinks with the poor commoners, aren’t you?"

  "I think you’d better get the fuck out of my fucking
house, lady," I tell her with gritted teeth.

  She shrugs. "If the person you’re counting on to get your back in this is the woman that’s sleeping with the Governor of this state and defending the legislation that will kill your factories, then sure, I have no problem with that," Tina Ling says and takes another step closer to me. She lifts herself on her feet and leans in closer to me and whispers. "But if you want real friends. Not ones who are spending time with your enemies having brunch at the Harvard Club, or friends who will take care of you. And make you…happy, then give me a call."

  I feel her hands on my abs again, and then slide down. She's at the waistband of my pajamas and she slides her hand in.

  I gasp. But she quickly pulls out. I feel something else. I look down.

  She’s left her business card.


  She’s stuck her business card in the fucking waist band of my fucking pajama bottoms.

  "I didn’t have anywhere else to put it," she says to me, smiling sweetly.

  She turns away from me and walks to the door. I turn around to watch her open the door.

  "I did have fucking pockets, you know," I say to her, trying to get something in this conversation.

  "I know," she says without looking back. "We make those pajamas in a factory in Shanghai. Call me if you decide you want to get serious about your future."

  And just like that, she’s out the door and walking toward her car.

  I watch as she drives away, thinking about what she said.

  Vivian and Carter.

  I think about what the newspapers said.

  They’re probably both in Manhattan right now.

  Maybe it’s time I paid them a visit.


  These high ceilings, crisp white tablecloths, and that signature 'Ivy League Scramble' with eggs, sausage, and goat cheese makes me feel at home. I've brought Vivian here to the Harvard Club for brunch, and I can tell that even she's impressed. I know what you're thinking, this is a club exclusively for Harvard alumni and that makes me some sort of effete liberal.

  In fact, if you’re so inclined, the whole Harvard thing with my protecting the environment makes me one of those wimps you see on television.

  You couldn’t be farther from the truth.

  You want to know why I’m against Liam? Really?

  I watch as Vivian delicately nibbles at her Berry Bowl, placing one berry at a time in between her lips—raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries. Watching her lips redden under the stain of the berries makes my cock twitch.

  It’s been two weeks since my office. Two weeks of meetings—either meeting with her directly, or her and Liam. And every time I’ve tried getting close to her…her defenses go up. What am I doing wrong?

  In fact, why am I even bringing her here? To impress her? What am I? 16? Trying to wow a girl into letting me in her pants.

  Why am I so affected by her?

  "Recognize anyone you know?" Vivian asks. I'm looking around, not because I expect to know anyone, but because the last thing I need right now is my cock tenting my khakis. I need a distraction.

  "I'm a Harvard alumni," so the likelihood of me running into an old friend is pretty high. Maybe someone I played football with. Maybe an old study group partner.

  "I see, well I—"

  Her response is cut off when her phone rings. It's a shrill and high-pitched ring tone, and I have no idea how she can stand to have that on her phone. People are looking at us, frowning. The club rules are strict about the use of cell phones. Ringers have to be set to silent, so I'm expecting someone to lodge a complaint.

  "It's my office. I have to take this; I'll be right back, I'm really sorry," Vivian says, waving to me with her hand apologetically. I watch as she scoots her chair back and exits the room to answer the call. I can't help but look at the way her perfect ass sashays across the dining room floor and out of my view. I don't use the word 'perfect' lightly, but even I'll admit that she's a damn near perfect woman. Her petite but curvy frame coupled with the way her blonde hair cascades down and around her shoulders, drives me wild. I reach down to take a sip of my coffee when I hear a commotion coming from the back of the room. It sounds like it's coming from the entrance, and I look around to find the source.

  "Sir! This is a member's only club. I'm going to have to ask you to leave!"

  I turn around to see a man from the security desk waving down someone who is trying to enter the dining room as a non-member. He seems to be walking fast.

  "The fuck it is! Do you know who I am? I'm here on important business; give me a few fucking minutes," he says with a snarl.

  Wait a minute … the man in question is heading straight toward me and I recognize that voice anywhere. It's Liam Jeffries."

  He storms up to my table, one fist balled in his pocket. I can tell from his posture that this is going to be a hostile visit. "Who the fuck do you think you are, Carter?"

  "It's nice to see you too, Liam," I say, standing up to greet him with a fake smile. Given his agitation, it doesn't seem like a good idea to remain sitting. There's no way I'm going to let him get the best of me. If he's going to cause a scene and call me out in front of all these people, he better be ready for the consequences.

  "Fuck you, Carter. I know all about your little plot to take me down."

  "Well, that's dramatic."

  "Is it? Mayor Tina Ling paid me a fucking visit and how do you think that went?"

  Shit. What's she doing visiting Liam? Was that before or after she had my pants unbuttoned?

  "You tell me. And if I were you, I'd keep my voice down—this isn't the kind of place you want to air out your dirty laundry, if you know what I mean. That'd be poor form for the Mayor of New Kingston, don't you think?"

  "You know what's poor form? You fucking trying to take away 10,000 jobs from the city of Kingston. That's what. You Democrats are all the same—shouting and crying about the fucking environment. That's all a fucking hoax. It's just a way for you to push your agenda of moving fucking jobs and getting to tell us what to do."

  Now he's really pissing me off, and I find myself clenching my jaw. "Are you seriously kidding me, Liam? You think I don’t care about those people in your town? That’s why you go on television to go tell me to go fuck myself? Because you think I care more about a goddamn owl?"

  "Because I fucking know how to get things done. It's you and your big government fucking—"

  I cut him off mid sentence. "You know what your problem is, Liam? Your ignorance. You don't really give a shit about people! Because if you did, you'd give a shit about all of the pollution you're planning on subjecting the citizens of New Kingston to with these five factories of yours. Way to go, Mayor," I say, clapping my hands in mock support. "What good is a damn job when your citizens overtax your healthcare system because they’re being poisoned in their own homes!" I'm oozing sarcasm.

  "Ha! You're out of your fucking mind, Carter. Are you really interested in seeing the unemployment rate spike to unprecedented levels? People will be out on the street—families decimated. Are you really thinking about what it means to not bring a paycheck home for your family? To have to fill your bathtub up with water because you know your water is getting shut off for non-payment. No, you wouldn't know anything about that. You've been wealthy from the moment you took your first breath. So you can go fuck yourself if you think I'm falling for any of your nonsense."

  "Watch yourself," I growl, flashing my teeth. "You're the one not thinking. You're so narrow minded that you can't think about tomorrow—about future generations. It's not all black and white Liam."

  "No, it’s all about black and white with you, Carter," Liam says, snarling at me. "What the fuck are you doing here with Vivian, anyways?"

  I'm trying to not let Liam get under my skin, but his presence is causing my pulse to quicken, and I find myself clenching my jaw. He isn't hearing a thing I say, and he better watch how he talks to me.

  "My relati
onship with Vivian is something you won’t ever understand, Mayor Jeffries," I tell him coldly. "You don’t have the patience to deserve a woman like that."

  "You better watch yourself Mr. High and Mighty Governor," Liam says, a spark of pure anger in his eyes. "You think you have it all, don't you? You think you've got the new legislation and the Senator behind you, but let me tell you something asshole. That cute blonde you're trying to impress here today? Well, I've already slept with her, so I hope you enjoy my sloppy fucking seconds."

  That's it. Now he's really overstepped his bounds. I don't care who's watching. It's my instinct to reach back and throw my fist right into the middle of Liam's face. It hits him with a sickening thud and I see a thin line of blood leak from his nose. The punch catches him off guard and he stumbles back into the table behind him. There's a husband and wife dining at that table, and their drinks are knocked over, the contents spilling into their laps.

  "Hey, watch it!" they say, raising their arms in protest.

  But before anyone can respond, Liam flies into me, throwing a punch that grazes my jaw. Our arms are now locked together and we tumble onto the dining room floor. The outside world is a blur, but I vaguely hear shouts and murmurs coming from fellow diners. People have their cell phones out. Are they recording us? I can hear security trying to break us up, but Liam isn't slowing down and neither am I. I refuse to let him get the best of me. I have my knee on his chest and I hit him again, but now there are two police officers yelling in our direction, "Break it up!"

  Liam and I let go of each other, and one officers yells for us to get on our knees with our hands up. We both comply and as soon as we go, they walk over, pull our hands behind our backs and place them in handcuffs.

  "Do you have any idea who you're handcuffing?" I ask.

  "Save it for the judge, tough guy. We've seen enough from the two of you. We're taking you in."

  "To the county jail?" Liam asks. "You've got to be kidding. I'm the Mayor of New Kingston. You can't do this."


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