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Carved in Stone

Page 14

by Stein Willard

  Aspen heard the words but her eyes were riveted on the soft moist lips as they parted and closed to form the words. She knew a split second before she kissed Aeron what she was about to do, but the time was too short for her brain to kick in. She could not remember moving, but she remembered the moment their lips touched … for the first time in three millennia. A blinding light exploded behind her closed eyelids and as the brilliance faded, a face, so beloved, so missed, swam info focus. The familiar battle-weary eyes looked at her with so much love.

  Phage. You’re home, beloved.

  The small touch of a tongue gliding over her teeth made her part her lips. With a soft sigh she welcomed the sorely missed invasion. Her hands reached out and clutched at the blonde’s hips, but the touch wasn’t enough. She moved closer and pressed herself up against the strong, tall body. She was vaguely aware that the blonde was trembling, but the sensory overload of having those sweet lips on hers and the insistent tongue inside her mouth pushed everything else from her mind. She deepened the kiss and poured all her love into the act. She heard a soft moan and revelled in the knowledge that it came from Aeron. Her celebration was short-lived. Without warning, Aeron stepped away, breaking the kiss and leaving Aspen feeling desolate.

  Aspen’s eyes flickered open to meet Aeron’s shocked ones. The blonde’s face was deathly pale as she stood there, trembling violently. Seeing the woman like that, Aspen cursed herself for initiating the kiss. Aeron was obviously not ready. She reached out a hand to touch Aeron’s face, but the blonde flinched.


  The amber eyes turned dark as they stared at her. A chill ran down her spine as Aspen saw the change. This was not just a reaction from shock anymore. Something else…something big was wrong with Aeron. She took a cautious step closer to Aeron, but the blonde held up a violently shaking hand.

  “Don’t…don’t come any closer…please,” Aeron whispered in a broken voice. She seemed even paler than a few moments before.

  What have I done? Aspen’s eyes filled up as she stared at the strange acting woman.

  “Please tell me what is wrong. I’m so scared for you right now.”

  Aeron simply turned and left without a word.


  Aspen drained the last wine from the bottle and carefully placed it on the table. Sadik waited until the woman turned back to him before he spoke again.

  “What did you do?” It’s been more than an hour since Aspen burst into his room with a bottle of red wine in her hands and tears streaming down her face. Before he could talk she had just crawled onto the bed with him and began to do serious damage to the wine. He had waited patiently for her to say something, but when he realized that she was not ready to talk, he had sat up, leaning against the headboard, waiting for her to collect herself.

  “I kissed her.”

  His eyes widened at that. “You kissed her? Why?”

  Aspen wiped at her wet cheeks. “Because I needed to. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Sadik closed his eyes. Everything was ruined. Maybe he shouldn’t have left Aspen alone with Aeron. He swung his feet off the bed and reached for his robe. Aspen’s sharp eyes followed him.

  “Where are you going?”

  Sadik shrugged into his robe and threw Aspen a sidelong look. “I’m going to see if she’s okay. I can’t imagine how scared she must be right now.”

  He saw realization dawn in Aspen’s eyes and a look of shame and regret flashed across her face.

  “Thank you, Sadik.”

  The guest suites were located in a different wing, but the room Aeron occupied was Aspen’s own; one where no-one but Aka and himself ventured. Making the long trek to Aeron’s room, Sadik prayed that all was not lost. It would break both women if they were not to meet and reignite those dormant feelings. When he reached the door, he knocked firmly but carefully. It would defeat the purpose if he scared her even further. He chanced a look down the way he’d come and arched a brow when he found Aspen standing at the end of the long corridor. Even from there, he could sense her concern.

  After a second knock, the door opened slowly and Sadik’s heart clenched at the fear and confusion he read in the blonde’s eyes.

  “The Sultana was worried about you and asked me to check up on you. May I come in for a minute?”

  He saw her hesitate before she nodded and stepped aside so he could enter. When she closed the door behind him, Sadik turned around to face her. Aeron was still fully dressed, albeit a little rumpled. The golden eyes were red-rimmed as they looked back at him.

  “I’m sorry this happened, Aeron. The Sultana is incredibly sorry for what she did.”

  Aeron’s eyes sharpened at that and Sadik felt a shiver run down his spine. When he was younger Aspen always used to tell him that Phage had a way of looking at a person. It stripped you bare. Sadik knew he was encountering one of those stares. It felt as if Aeron was looking right through him.

  “Why did you really bring me here, Sadik?” The blonde’s voice was hoarse. Her intense gaze didn’t let up.

  “You are the only person beside my family who showed an interest in Aspen and Phage. I thought you would love to see our collection.”

  The golden eyes skewered him for a long moment. Sadik had to use all his willpower not to look away.

  “I want to see it.”

  Sadik frowned, confused. “Excuse me?”

  “The collection. I want to see it.”

  Sighing in relief, Sadik smiled. “Tomorrow we can…”

  “Now. I want to see it now.” Aeron’s eyes were hard as they watched him.

  “Now?” Sadik asked carefully. “You want to see it tonight?”

  Instead of answering, Aeron opened the door. Sadik looked from Aeron’s hard, expressionless face to the gaping doorway. He’d hoped for an early night before his family arrived, but it was not to be. The only consolation was that his lack of sleep would be for a good cause. This was his life’s mission. Since the first time Aspen had confided in him, when he was about ten years old, he’d decided that he would move mountains to find Aspen’s mate. Many of his ancestors had tried and failed and even then, he knew that the chances of him succeeding were slim, but to a ten-year-old, the promise he had made to himself was huge. It had made him feel grown-up; it had set a direction for his life.

  He looked at Aeron and a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips. He stood on the cusp of fulfilling his promise. He stretched out his hand, inviting Aeron to continue ahead of him.

  “You should brace yourself, for you will be blown away by what I have to show you.”

  He noticed a slight widening of Aeron’s eyes before she looked away and walked out of the room.


  The strong smell of blood was nauseating and the pain paralysing. The motion of the bed added to the pain and she groaned softly with each movement. Growing up with a warrior mother, she had learned about war and had experienced fear and pain on the battlefield. She had lost friends and family and death had never been a stranger to her.

  She had never taken her own death into account. She had thought she would be ready to succumb to the dark, painless lure like many before her. But that was before she met her soul mate, the owner of her heart.

  Aspen owned her.

  Even with the pain ravaging her body, she could feel a small tear run down her cheek. She was going to lose Aspen and she wasn’t ready for that. Her pain-filled gaze opened to touch the canvas roof of the wagon.

  She was terrified of dying.

  Laying on the battlefield with the spear protruding from her chest and her blood seeping into the trampled ground, she had known her injury was critical. It was only when her men gathered around her, shock and pain in their eyes, that she knew her time was up. Hardened soldiers, like themselves, knew when they were living on borrowed time. It was painful to talk but she had asked them to leave her there and finish what they had started. A battle wasn’t always won by one man, or a woman for that matter. S
he had fought alongside these men for five years and they knew not to desert the cause, even if she fell.

  The wagon tilted dangerously and a fresh wave of pain coursed through her body. She didn’t know how long ago she’d been injured but she must’ve been unconscious for some time, because she doubted she would’ve been able to survive the bumpy ride for long.

  “We are not far anymore, milady,” a voice spoke next to her. A familiar face came into her line of sight. Genon. In the past she had rarely made use of the healer’s services on the battlefield. A cold, wet cloth was pressed against her lips and she thirstily sucked the moisture out.

  A groan escaped her lips again when the wagon came to an abrupt halt. Relieved that the wagon was stationary and her pain had lessened some, she closed her eyes. As if from a distance she could hear voices and movements, but she didn’t even try to decipher the words. She just wanted to sleep so the pain could disappear.

  Soft, gentle hands cradled her face. “What have you done, my greatest love? Oh, what have you done,” a soft voice lamented.

  It took a lot of effort, but she opened her eyes. A face, so familiar, so beloved, swam into focus and even with her body ravaged by pain, her heart swelled with love, crying out to the beautiful woman leaning over her prone body.

  Aspen, the Queen of her heart. Regret throbbed through her body as she gazed upon the face she would probably see for the last time.

  “My heart…”

  At that moment she wished she was strong enough so she could wipe the tears from her beloved’s face. What she would have given to be able to embrace Aspen one last time. She was so cold. Aspen’s embraces had always kept her warm.

  “Keeper of my heart,” Aspen murmured; her voice thick with emotion. The flap to the wagon was pushed open and without looking up, Aspen spoke. “You are no longer needed, Atitan. You can return to the palace.”

  The finality of the words, hurt for many reasons. Aspen knew that the end was upon them. It was devastating to know that she had such a short time with this spectacular woman. The happiness they’d shared was snatched away in the blink of an eye. Looking at Aspen she couldn’t help but feel proud of her woman, her wife and her Queen. If only they had more time together.

  Aspen stretched her body out so she lay next to her, resting on her elbow she could look down at her.

  “I have always wanted to tell you this, but we always got distracted the moment I wanted to discuss something of deep importance with you.” Aspen smiled gently. “You were always my biggest distraction and the most welcoming kind.” Aspen placed a tender kiss on the cool lips.

  Oh, Aspen, I do not want to leave. My warrior’s spirit rebels against my cowardice, but my heart, the one that belongs to you, doesn’t care about anything but wishing to be with you.

  “I want you to know that five years ago when you walked into that hut and I saw you, I knew no one will ever lay claim to my heart but you.” Fresh tears coursed down Aspen’s cheeks.

  The splashing of her beloved’s tears on her face, was more paralysing than the pain that was ushering her towards the end of her final chapter on earth.

  “I made it sound like a political alliance when I pledged my hand to you before your Queen and Mother. What everyone else saw as a pact of trade and peace between our nations, I saw as a great opportunity with the most beautiful warrior to guard my heart.”

  I did too, my love. When Mother called me to the tent, I knew what to expect. She had discussed the matter with me the night before when your caravan rode into our village. You caught my eye already and I was instantly enamoured by your beauty and the strong sense of purpose to protect your people. You had my heart by then. I should’ve told you that before, but I was so preoccupied showing you instead of telling you that.

  Aspen offered another kiss. “Where you are going I cannot follow, my heart’s desire, but know I am sending the most important piece of me with you. My heart will go with you always and forever. It has always been yours and thus, it belongs with you. It will be safe in your hands. I know to talk hurts, beloved, but I want you to promise me that we will meet again and that we will continue this great love. Can you do that for me?”

  Eyes filled with tears as she looked at the beautiful Queen and her heart swelled even further with love when Aspen leaned over and kissed each of her eyes. Aspen was going to find her and they will be together again. They will share love, lust and laughter again. She would literally give her life to have that again. The coldness was straddling her chest now. It won’t be long anymore. As much as it hurt to part her lips, she did.

  “I promise…”

  Aspen face shrunk gradually until only her dark eyes were visible. We shall meet again, they promised.

  Then darkness engulfed her.


  Sadik’s heart was beating in his throat as he stared down at the woman in his arms. He touched a shaky hand to the blonde’s pale cheek. The one moment they were making their way down the corridor to the Vault, when Aeron suddenly grabbed her head and fell to her knees. Torn between going for help and not wanting to leave Aeron by herself, he cursed himself for having left his cell phone in his room.

  He scanned the long corridor wondering where Aspen went. She had trailed them from the room, but seemed to have left as they neared the Vault. What the hell was Aspen thinking? It was obvious that the woman was still traumatized after having been accosted. He looked down at the woman lying in his arms; he blinked in shock when he met intense, unblinking golden eyes staring up at him. This was getting a little too spooky.


  The golden eyes blinked once, twice and then closed again.

  “Aeron? Please talk to me.” He cradled her cheek gently, his heartbeat thudding loudly in his ears. Where was Aspen or his mother when he needed them?

  “I’m fine, Sadik.” Aeron’s eyes were still closed.

  Before he could exhale in relief, Aeron took a deep breath and her eyes opened. They were dark and piercing.

  “When were you going to tell me that the Sultana is really Aspen, the Warrior Queen of Galatia?”


  Aeron slapped Sadik’s hand away when the man tried to help her to her feet. She pushed to her feet and rested against the wall until the fuzziness in her head had dissipated a little. She fixed a cold stare on Sadik who stood back, his hands resting awkwardly along his sides.

  “Are you okay?”

  “What do you think?” she snapped back. The man cringed at her tone, but Aeron ignored the reaction. “You brought me here under a false pretence.”

  Sadik’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. He opened his mouth to speak, but seem to reconsider. Aeron pushed away from the wall. Without a backward glance at the man, she made her way further down the hallway. She could hear Sadik following her.

  As she walked away, Aeron forced herself not to think of what she’d discovered. But it was impossible. Aspen, the mysterious multi-billionaire was none other than the illustrious Warrior Queen. In the silence between her and Sadik, she could almost hear the thought echoing loudly through her mind. It’s not supposed to make sense, but how to explain the dreams she’d had and the vision earlier? The same crippling pain and sadness she was feeling a few minutes ago returned and Aeron stopped to take a deep breath. She felt Sadik’s hand on her shoulder and when she looked at him, she was surprised to find her vision blurred by tears. She doubted if she would ever be able to relive that specific vision without crying. The emotions…the love and pain…were so intense and honest. There’s no doubt that she was loved…deeply.

  “Aeron,” Sadik lifted a hand to wipe at her tears. “I’m so sorry that you had to find out this way.” His voice was raw with emotion. “Please forgive us.”

  Aeron shook her head slowly. “You lied to me…and her…” Aeron didn’t know how to call the woman anymore.

  “And we will never be able to make amends for our duplicity. Please, trust me when I tell you that it was done w
ith the best of intentions in mind.”

  Pressing her lips together, Aeron stared at Sadik, long and hard. “She’s not supposed to be alive, Sadik. It’s just not possible.”

  Sadik pushed his hands into the pockets of his robe. “If you like, I can tell you more about her after you’ve perused the collection. Some of the pieces are self-explanatory and I believe they will do a better job of convincing you than I can.”

  “I don’t need convincing, Sadik. I need the truth.”

  “And I will give you both.” He held out his hand. “Shall we?”


  Aspen hopped on one leg while swallowing back a curse. She hopped over to the wall and flicked on the light switch. The wine cellar was bathed in a soft light and she glared at the cause of her injury. Had she not been drunk already, she would’ve remembered that she’d asked that a small table and chairs be brought to the cellar last week. She loved sitting down here occasionally to read. The place was quiet and cool and she loved the slightly musty smell. It took her back over two thousand years to her castle and the faint musty smells that clung to the walls during the rainy season. She limped toward the wine rack and pulled out a bottle. She read the label, but in her state of intoxication, all she cared about at that moment was that the content be potent.

  She looked around and grinned when she saw a few glasses and a corkscrew on the table. She simply couldn’t find fault with how her household was being run. Everything was readily available almost all the time. She uncorked the wine and took a long drink straight from the bottle. Smacking her lips together, she sunk into a chair and tossed her legs over the arm of another one. There were moments like these; when she almost felt content. She looked around the cellar. She was comfortable, yes, but never happy. A sad smile formed on her lips. Tonight, for a short while, she was happy – truly and utterly happy. Every time she looked up from her plate and saw Aeron, her heart rejoiced. Even though she knew deep down that it was simply an illusion and that Aeron didn’t feel for her the way she should’ve, Aspen was deliriously happy.


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