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Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town

Page 24

by Broquard, Vic

  “Thanks, that would be valuable, Uncle. Say, how can I get a map of the Federation Planets and one like that of Adapazan that you have there on your wall?” Zoran asked. He realized that he knew very little at all about the geography and layout of his own Wild Lands and of Adapazan. This knowledge he knew that he would need almost immediately when they returned to Brn.

  The long afternoon was filled with five engineers and their sketches of fortifications and castles. Zoran was amazed at how much information both Barons had accumulated on just their brief visit to Brn and Archmage Oldrich’s tower! Each chief engineer came from a different planet and each had different ideas of how best to proceed. However, all five were in complete agreement on the fortification and castle location. It had to be just beyond the current Archmage tower and the city’s outer walls there. The rising mountain valley would offer incredible protection on all sides, except from the city itself. To get to the fortress, an army would have to plow through the entire city first. At first, Zoran cringed at this idea; he was supposed to be protecting the city. However, they quickly pointed out to him that the attacking army would be at a severe disadvantage with city street fighting. They could be ambushed from nearly every building and rooftop in the city, taking massive losses long before they finally reached his outer walls. Zoran insisted that there be sufficient room within the fortress walls to house the city folk, if a siege ever came.

  Time and time again, Zoran had to insist, “Simple, keep it simple. We do not want anything fancy. No, no gold torch holders, please. Keep it purely functional and lost cost. Brn is not wealthy.”

  By dinner time, the outer walls had been drawn up. Its circumference was nearly a mile, though its shape was more that of an irregular pentagram, taking advantage of the natural shape of the high mountain valley directly behind the Archmage tower. The main entrance would be to the left of the tower, where Zoran currently housed his small security forces. They assured Zoran that stone cutting would commence upon his return to Brn, even though it was still winter.

  Within the walls, a small creek would fill a water pond that would provide for the inhabitants. Many large wooden buildings were designed to line the outer walls, providing housing for horses, security forces, and the emergency housing of the citizens of Brn, should a siege occur. The design of the manor house had to wait for tomorrow. On this, none could agree this first day. Zoran desired another wizard tower, similar in height to the existing one. Yet, the Circle of Ascension had to be deep within the castle or manor house with all manner of protections to keep it secure. A simple tower would never do, they continually pointed out to Zoran.

  As everyone headed to their rooms to get cleaned up for dinner, the women finally returned from their shopping excursion, accompanied by quite a commotion. “Zoran, they tried to assassinate Lida,” Zdenka explained excitedly, as she rushed up to greet him. Behind the four women, a number of security men bodily carried a subdued assassin standing him before Baron Milan.

  “My god! Lida! Are you all right?” Zoran exclaimed. Duke Leo was already at her side.

  “Yes, yes, no harm done, just ripped my bodice, but I have purchased several new ones anyway. Skin of Stone saved me again, little brother. My, is Jarka ever fast!”

  Jarka, standing beside Rayna, smiled and stayed out of the limelight.

  “Come, you must tell me precisely what happened! I cannot believe that they would do this in my own city!” Uncle Milan was furious. His face grew red with anger.

  “Well, we were walking out of the last dressmaker’s shop when one of the two invisible assassins cast a spell on us,” Lida began, eager to relate their adventure. “I believe he was trying to dispel some of my magical protections that I had on myself. It worked, I felt several leaving me, but that attack allowed us to see him. Just then, the second invisible assassin rushed up to me and tried to stab me with his poisoned dagger. Jarka sensed his coming somehow. Man, she is sure fast! Just as the assassin became visible as his dagger hit my bodice, Jarka’s dagger went through his right eye. He died instantly. She is incredibly fast, Zoran, believe me. Anyway, Rayna shot several spells at the first assassin, and then I did too. He kept dodging ours, but Jarka finally trapped him in sticky webs. Our security men took charge and captured him. He’s not said a word though. Maybe you can get him to speak, Uncle Milan.” Lida finally finished her tale, pleased that she had the complete attention of everyone, especially Duke Leo, who still clung to her.

  Duke Leo declared, “Dear, from now on, you don’t go anyplace without me!” She beamed and squeezed his hand.

  “Damn. Assassins in my own city. This will never do. Take him to the dungeon. We’ll make him talk. Probably hired by Baron Kazimir,” Baron Milan cursed. “Well, this demands action; action they’ll get. Take him away and search him thoroughly. We’ll make him talk!”

  Turning to Jarka, he calmed down and added, “Mage Jarka, you have my profound thanks for saving my future daughter-in-law once again. I will see that you receive a proper acknowledgment. Zoran, you have chosen very able friends indeed. It was wise of you to bring her along with you. Most impressive. Mage Jarka, if ever you seek employment beyond Baron Zoran’s realm, please consider working for me. It a standing job offer,” he grinned, but knew full well she had no such intentions. This was a political formality, recognizing her services rendered. Jarka continued to smile, proud of her minor achievement.

  Baroness Marjeta, a tall woman, elegantly dressed, well-coiffed blonde hair and dark blue eyes, said, “Well, enough excitement for one day. Let we ladies bathe and dress in our new outfits. Dinner will be at seven. Baron Zoran, you have new suits waiting for you in your room. I suggest we all be properly attired for this evening’s dinner.”

  “Yes, dear,” Baron Milan replied.

  “You too, Viktor,” Baroness Ivana, also added with a tease in her voice. She had long black hair and dark eyes. She was a compliment to her baron.

  “Yes, dear,” Baron Viktor replied in kind, mimicking Milan’s voice tone. Aside to Zoran, he whispered, “See what you are getting yourself into by marrying?” All three men chuckled.

  “I’ll see to our prisoner first, gentlemen,” Baron Milan said and left them, following after his security men into the dungeon.

  As the young couples exited their rooms to head to the dining hall, Zoran was surprised to see how beautiful his sisters looked in their matching pale blue billowing, ruffle-filled dresses, whose color blended well with their light brown hair. Duke Leo, tall and thin, with long blonde hair and a constant smile, escorted Lida, while Duke Stefan, also tall, but well-built, with dark brown hair, escorted Rayna. He could see why both his sisters were so taken with these young men. They seemed wildly in love with his sisters.

  Just then, Archmage Zdenka and Mage Jarka came out of their room, offering an arm for Zoran, who wore a black suit with white linen shirt. His jacket had twin tails. “Oh my! Zdenka, Jarka! Wow! You both look absolutely stunning! Wow!” Indeed, he was shocked at their transformation. Zdenka wore a sky blue billowing dress that precisely matched Zoran’s new eye color and the color of his thread in his Circle of Ascension — a fact not missed by Zoran. Jarka looked equally stunning in her brown dress, made of satin which shimmered in the light as she walked. “Wow!” he said for the third time. He missed Rayna’s knowing wink at the two young women. Later he learned that Rayna had been instrumental in helping them pick out just the right afternoon dresses. With one on each arm, Zoran proudly escorted them to the dining hall, following the other two young couples.

  In the huge room where exquisite tables, chairs, armoires, and other pieces of furniture abounded, one could see the benefits of living on a world where fine quality wood was plentiful. The craftsmen here knew how to make not only a functional object, but one that was highly aesthetic — a work of art. Zoran was impressed. His uncle and aunt arrived last, much to Marjeta’s distaste.

  “Well out with it, Milan. Then, let’s hear no more of it this evening,” she cajoled

  “Yes dear. The assassin is dead by his own poison. However, before he committed suicide rather than face my wrath, I discovered that he is in the employ of Baron Bogdan Clav, not Baron Kazimir, as I first thought. I will deal with Bogdan tomorrow. There, dear, enough said. Time to dine. Oh yes, our court musicians will play for an hour after dinner. I’m told that the young people wish to dance.” Zoran grinned at Zdenka, he wondered if she had had any part in arranging this detail.

  They got to meet Baron Viktor’s other children, more of Zoran’s cousins, who had arrived in time for dinner. Andrea was nineteen, while Berta was eighteen; their boyfriends were not present, however. Vana was barely seventeen, while Viktor Junior was twenty. The second Circle would elevate Viktor Junior to a baron as well.

  Baron Milan’s other children joined them as well. His youngest son, Alfons, nineteen, had arrived from the fortress Raha, along with his young wife, Valérie. They had been married only a couple of months. Alfons was proud that he married before his older brother, Leo. The new Circle of Ascension was being built there in Raha for him. Also, his young daughters were present: Dusana, seventeen, and Katerina, fifteen. They hovered around Andrea and Berta, and the four constantly chatted and giggled. Although the dinner was quite formal, Zdenka found that it was very friendly and that she fit right in with them, especially with Rayna and Lida. She visibly relaxed and began to enjoy her stay here.

  Both Zdenka and Jarka thoroughly enjoyed the long dance after supper, as did the other young couples and his cousins. Duke Leo promised to have the musicians play every night after dinner, and Lida gave him a big thank you kiss for that.

  The next day’s lengthy design session finally began to make inroads on the actual castle-manor house-tower combination, but it would take the rest of the week to finally get it completely done to everyone’s satisfaction. While the girls went out shopping nearly every day, Baron Milan sent along fifty security men with them. However, the women did find time to review the ever growing fortress and castle plans that Zoran and the engineers were drawing up.

  One evening as Zdenka and Jarka were going over the nearly final plans, Zoran discovered an interesting fact. Jarka commented, “Shouldn’t you have a maze surrounding the Circle of Ascension like at Castle Dorumova?” She sketched the precise layout on a scrap paper.

  “Well, yes, that makes its defense easier, but how do you know the castle’s precise layout?” Zoran asked.

  “Once I see something, I can later recall it perfectly,” Jarka replied. “At your mother’s ceremony, I studied all of the faces present. I can now identify every one of the barons and baronesses, to say nothing of Castle Dorumova’s layout.”

  “Wow! Incredible, Jarka. You never cease to amaze me. I certainly cannot do that.” She grinned and was pleased with his praise.

  As the wedding day drew closer, Baron Milan vetoed the boys’ request for a last night out on the town — the bachelor’s party. It would be the last opportunity for Baron Kazimir to attempt an assassination before his heir married Duke Leo, putting her forever out of his reach. “Too much danger. I cannot allow it. We party inside the castle.” Duke Leo grumbled, but could not overrule his father.

  As Jarka helped Zdenka get ready for her wedding day, she volunteered, “Do you know that Bernard has asked me to marry him?”

  “No, he did? Bout time. He’s had eyes on you as long as I have known him. What did you say?” Zdenka replied, curiously.

  “Well, I told him I would answer him when I got back. I do like him. I’ve just never thought that I would, well you know, settle down like that.”

  “So,” Zdenka prodded her.

  “Well, I’ve decided that I’ll say yes when I get back. There, I’ve gone and said it out loud, finally. Why was that so terribly difficult for me to say?” she wondered.

  “Congratulations! He is really a wonderful man, you know. I’ve known him for a number of years. He’s kind and considerate.”

  “Yes, but he is also awfully boring a lot of the time, though since he has become a Mage, he is far less so. But then, I am a sneaky thief,” she admonished herself.

  “An honorable one that always does good,” Zdenka added. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ve changed a good deal too since you became a Mage.”

  “I guess I will have to get used to having dogs running all over the place,” she jested. Both women laughed.

  The ceremony was a grand affair, but was soon over, much to everyone’s delight, none more so than the three couples. Duke Leo and Lida began packing for their honeymoon. They were headed to Gonda, where Baron Etienne would look after their safety. Other than the couple and the barons, no one knew where they were going. They purposely used the Circle of Ascension to travel there that night, making sure that they could not be followed. A bit later, Duke Stefan and Rayna parted for their honeymoon on the watery planet of Asami, where Baron Hajime would guarantee their safety.

  Zdenka, having been privy to the women’s discussions of honeymoon places, decided that she wanted to visit Asami as well. It sounded like a heavenly place to vacation, tons of islands and beaches everywhere. However, their honeymoon would have to wait for several months; both had too many pressing obligations back home. Indeed, she was very intimidated by having to begin her first Picking of new magic students in barely two months, let alone all of their training. She was now the owner of the tower, since Archmage Nadia was retiring. The problems facing Zoran were far larger and more pressing.

  As the two crawled into their honeymoon bed that night, Zoran promised, “Dear, as soon as we can safely get away, I will take you to Asami. It will be our special place; I think you will like it.” She gave him a hug and they began passionately kissing.

  Chapter 18 Preparations

  The next day, the newlyweds returned home, laden with nearly a wagon full of packages, dresses, suits, drawings, and other gifts. The framed pair of maps Zoran prized, as one gave him his first real knowledge of the overall layout of the Wild Lands and their relation to the provinces occupied by Baron Kazimir. Zdenka and Jarka prized their new wardrobe most highly, as you might expect. After the many congratulations were finished and their numerous boxes stowed, Zoran called for a conference. The engineers and work force would be arriving in the afternoon.

  “I’ve made some deals. The five top fortification engineers of five planets and I have come up with this as the cheapest, most economical design for us. Five crews will begin preparation work this afternoon. How they can in all this snow I do not know. Gather around, let me show you what we are proposing,” Zoran explained. He spent an hour outlining all of what he learned, plans made, and bargains struck.

  “Archmage Karel, these will be your quarters here on the top floor. There is plenty of space for you to have as many falcons as desired. Bernard, this section is for you and Jarka and your dogs. I assume that you will want to bring as many of them here as possible,” he explained. Both men, surprised with this special touch, slapped him heartily on his back in appreciation.

  Karel, Bernard, I would like you two to work closely with the engineers if you will. Janos and I are going to tackle the next major hurdle: what to do about the remaining warlords and their provinces. In two weeks, I will have to go to the first High Council meeting, where we will be formally recognized. In the meantime, there is lots to do.” He finished his pep talk, and he and Janos retired to stare at the map of Adapazan and the warlord problem.

  “Baron, I am very out of touch with the current status of the remaining warlords,” General Janos confessed. “Years ago, I had some idea of them. Certainly time has altered situations. When I left Dorum, I came to Brn because it was the best of all the remaining provinces. Some of these rebel leaders are nearly as bad as Baron Kazimir. Ruthless, cunning, vicious, treacherous, these men are attempting to hold on to their Wild Lands somehow. Their forces vary widely. Some are good fighters; others, riffraff. Certainly, each one is terrifically independent and will be very hard to control.

  “I figured that they would. Look, this is going to be the House of the Free Peoples of Adapazan. I plan to act that way from the start. I am going to treat them as I would like to be treated. Then, if they go against us, that’s their own undoing. I’ve worked out a plan, but I need to know all of the leaders of Lesy, Radim, Veklov, Ves, Zovou, Valy, Tehov, Tratky, Kin, and Orlovia Provinces. That’s at least ten Warlords, maybe more. Your first task is to see if you can find out their names for me. I am going to write up my first message to be sent to them.”

  While General Janos left to make inquiries around Brn, Zoran began writing out his initial contact letter. Identical copies would be sent to the Warlords. He began by introducing himself and explaining that he was fighting against Baron Kazimir, that he was in Brn, that he had become an Archmage, and that with the help of Mikolas and the Zars, had actually built the first new Circle of Ascension in over two centuries.

  He went on to explain what this actually meant, that now Adapazan was no longer under the sole dominion of Kazimir. In fact, this new Circle stood for the Free People of Adapazan. He then wrote, “I have taken it upon myself to stand solidly in the way of any further expansion of Baron Kazimir into the Wild Lands. He shall not attack another independent province ever again. At this time, I have begun to build a fortress and castle here in Brn, but it will be at least a year before it is done. True, I have no armies of my own. However, I am an Archmage and have four other Archmages with me, along with many Mages and a small security force. In order to hold our position against attackers, I have brought over a dozen golden dragons from their home world to Brn. You may have heard just how deadly my two young dragon friends were in Sholov Province. Anyone will think more than twice about attacking us as long as we have dragons to help in our defense. I can invite more gold dragons to Adapazan as needed. I have just signed a mutual defense pact with five other planets. If the Wild Lands are attacked as was Sholov Province, they are pledged to send five armies to help drive the invaders back.”


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