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Zoran Chronicles Volume 1 A Dragon in Our Town

Page 43

by Broquard, Vic

  “Now I know that Baron Eckhard is grief-stricken over the sudden death of his daughter. He is obligated to submit his petition for control over your father’s Circle. It was his daughter who was to inherit it, you see. He owes that to her memory. All would think less of him if he did not submit his petition. I know that you are also planning to submit a similar petition, though I am not yet privy to your particulars. We will all find out first thing in the morning.”

  “I’m sure that the High Council will decide on the one which had the best merits. I’m sure that Milan and Viktor have filled your head with notions that we may be planning an invasion of Adapazan to take the Circles by force of arms. Am I right?”

  Zoran didn’t think that answering would reveal any secrets. “Well, as a matter of fact, they have. They are pledged to send their armies to help me defend if you launch an attack against Adapazan.”

  “We are the have-not’s. Why would we do such a thing? What is to be gained? Only political votes. Nay, rather we ought to be assaulting Cosma, Gladno, and Terra. They are the have’s. Watch your step with those barons, Zoran. In many ways, they are using you for their own ends. They would much rather go to fight a war on Adapazan than on their own planets. We only seek a better equity between the planets of the Federation.”

  Zoran decided to speak his peace. “Well, there is the slight matter of suppression, slaughtering, slavery, and brutality that Kazimir wreaked on Adapazan. I am totally against that. I stand for the Free People of Adapazan. There is more to all this than mere inequity of riches, baron. Never have I seen worse conduct than that committed by Kazimir. If there ever was an evil man, he was it, though I’ve heard that Bogdan is a close second. I’ve not seen this kind of inhumanity to mankind, this kind of suppression of free will on Terra, Gladno, or even Alta.” He decided against speaking out against the mermaids of Asami, because such knowledge might not be widely known.

  Zoran finished up, “My fight is not about money, riches, or wealth. Mine is about the freedom of our people. I will fight against anyone who tries to crush our freedom and free will.”

  “You will get no argument from me on that point, Baron. Such a noble attitude is most commendable indeed. However, I should also point out that Adapazan, like Rehor, is rather an inhospitable world, filled with warring primitives, a harsh world that must be tamed if civilization and broad scale survival is to be brought to such wild lands. Into such wildernesses, only the strong survive. Baron Kazimir and Baron Bogdan are hardy pioneers, fighting anyway they know how, with limited men and resources, trying to tame a wild and primitive world. Sometimes, their methods may seem too harsh to our eyes, but the end result should be what they are ultimately judged by. I personally admit that many times, I thought that Kazimir went too far in his treatment of others. And I often told him so, just as I frequently do Bogdan. In the final say, do the ends justify the means? If they can take a primitive, harsh, wild planet and turn it into a civilized, cultured world with a high survival potential, then I tend not to look too harshly on the means.”

  “You might have a different view if you were the one being suppressed, slaughtered, or turned into a slave,” Zoran countered.

  “Aye, son, I might at that. I promise you that I will continue to be vigilant with Bogdan and continue to try to moderate his ways. I just wanted you to have another point of view on the alliances of the High Council. In my opinion, it is not Good versus Evil. It is political, the have’s versus the have-not’s. Just something for you to ponder.”

  “I know my wife will be doing her best to give everyone a good time each evening. She’s spent years working on the entertainment. Just realize that Anwyn is not Terra. We do not have such expansive arts as they do. Our people must work just to survive. We have little free time for the arts. She’s worked long and hard to put together three wonderful evenings for everyone.”

  Zoran was curious, “Say, how often does a planet get to play host to the High Council?”

  “Until you came along, and now Baron Leo, with two meetings a year and sixteen planets, each planet plays host every eight years. This matter is on the agenda this time. We must decide what to do now that more and more new barons are joining us,” he replied. The two chatted a bit longer, before Baron Carwyn had to leave to welcome more arrivals. Indeed, most were arriving this evening.

  In the privacy of their suite, Zoran told his friends what Baron Carwyn had to say. Most found his explanation fascinating. None of them had considered this point of view before. In many ways, it did make sense.

  At ten the next morning, Baron Carwyn gave his opening welcome speech. His was short, and he quickly got down to the business at hand. “First, Brother Jiri Zar has completed a new Circle of Ascension on Valtr. I give you Baron Viktor Pavel.”

  Baron Viktor rose, “It is our great pleasure to announce that the new Circle is fully functional. My son, Duke Stefan and his wife Rayna are there in the Visitor’s Area. It is my wish that they become Baron Stefan and Baroness Rayna. Both are fully qualified in all ways.”

  After a round of perfunctory applause, Baron Carwyn asked if there were any objections or challenges. Hearing none, the High Council voted unanimously in favor. Carwyn then announced, “Be it here known that this Circle of Ascension belongs to Baron Stefan Pavel and Baroness Rayna. You may come and take your place at the council table.” While the group again applauded, the two took their seats beside Baron Viktor, who was very pleased indeed.

  Carwyn continued, “Brother Jiri has informed me that the Circle on Alta is nearing completion. Further, he expects that by the fall council, he will have the next new Circle on Terra finished. We should expect to introduce two more barons at our fall session. Now then, the next action must be to address the vacancy of the Circle of Ascension at Castle Dorumova due to the untimely death of Baron Kazimir and Brunhilda, the wife of his heir, Damek. In acknowledgment of the fact that at this time Damek has not married a qualified Duska, his claim to the throne is void. Thus, the position must be filled by the High Council. In this matter, Baron Eckhard, father of Brunhilda, wishes to make his petition first. I have granted it, as it was his daughter and Duska that was slain. Baron, you have the floor.”

  Baron Eckhard rose and spoke solemnly. “Such a sad day we face, when a baron passes away leaving his Circle unmanned. This is why we strive so hard to have guaranteed heirs to the throne. Had he left us just such an heir, we would only have to give our approval and move on to more pressing matters. However, in this case, we must fulfill our sworn duty to man up this Circle of Ascension.”

  “To that end, I am petitioning on behalf of my late daughter, Brunhilda, who was designated the Duska of Dorumova, in the event of Baron Kazimir’s death. As you may know, my eldest son, Adolf, has long been declared my heir and thus cannot be considered for this position. My youngest daughter, Greta, is married to Bran Clav and Bran is the designated heir of Baron Bogdan. Thus, she is also ineligible by our rules. My youngest son, Burkhard, is now eighteen and of age. He is, of course, fully Duska trained. It is my petition that the Circle of Ascension in Castle Dorumova be given to Burkhard, based on Brunhilda’s former position as heir-designate. I hope that you will give this your strong consideration in her memory. Thank you.” He sat down. Several Barons clapped for him.

  Carwyn then rose and announced, “Baron Milan, on behalf of Baron Zoran, will make another formal petition.”

  Baron Milan rose and began his well-rehearsed presentation. “Federation Rules are quite precise in this particular situation. First, let me point out that Brunhilda was only heir-designate, she was never officially baroness, and thus her claim is secondary, according to our rules. Likewise, per our rules, if Damek Kamil at this time has remarried a valid Duska, it would be our obligation to declare the position his. Damek has chosen not to do so. Thus, his claim to the throne is invalid, just as Baron Eckhard has said. We do not argue that point. However, the rules clearly state that, in the event the appointed heir is invalid at the time
of appointment, then the eldest remaining son, who is valid, may become the heir. Now that also fails because Zoran, Lida, and Rayna are all holding similar positions at other Circles. Failing any valid, remaining sons, then any remaining eldest daughter, who is valid, may become the Baroness. If none meet those criteria, then it falls to the High Council to pick someone.”

  “Yes,” called out Baron Eckhard, sensing that Milan was playing into his hand. “We must choose someone.”

  Milan raised his hand, “Ah, but there is one more valid son and two daughters!” All three are valid Duskas, as certified in the documents you have at hand by Priestess Anezka Zar. Thus, per the above mentioned rules, the baron position should go to the son, Jan Vavrin.”

  Zoran glanced at Eckhard and saw his face grimace. Milan continued. “While Jan is a Duska, he is only ten years old. So now we must review the Regency rules that cover the situation when an heir is too young to assume the throne. Those rules specifically state that, if the valid heir is not yet eighteen, then the Circle can be held for him by an appointed Regent. Thus, we come to the matter of how a Regent can be appointed. The rules again state that a Regent can be anyone whom the under-aged, valid candidate chooses, subject to the following. A Regent cannot at the same time be another baron. While it is preferable for the Regent to also be a Duska, it is acceptable if he or she is not. If the Regent is not Duska, some provision must be made for the protection of the Circle of Ascension.”

  “Heir designate Jan Vavrin has asked that Damek Kamil be his Regent, running the Castle and its affairs until he is of age. Further, he has asked his sister, Kamila Lota, assume the task of protecting the Circle of Ascension until he is old enough. Kamila is now sixteen and a fully trained Duska, who can perform those duties that a Circle requires. Both Damek and Kamila have agreed to fill these positions.”

  “In summary then, our petition is that Jan Vavrin be appointed heir to the throne of Castle Dorumova and the Circle of Ascension therein. Further, that Damek Kamil be appointed his Regent and that Kamila Lota be appointed his Circle Protector until such time as Jan reaches the age of eighteen, at which time, both Damek and Kamila will be relieved of their positions and obligations.”

  Baron Eckhard rose, fire in his eyes. “I must also point out that all three of these are bastard sons and daughter of Baron Kazimir!”

  Baron Milan rose, “The rules do not make any exceptions. It clearly states sons and daughters. Marital status is not referenced at all. Your protest is invalid, but duly noted by all of us.”

  Now the floor was thrown open for discussions. Bogdan, Carwyn, and Cheng all spoke in favor of Eckhard, punching in the bastard son aspect. They argued that the High Council had an obligation to enforce strict moral codes, that this would reflect on the lowering of Federation morals, and similar such arguments. Barons Viktor, Aldo, Tom, and Etienne all spoke in favor of Baron Milan’s request. Each argued that in no way at all did it violate any of the Federation rules of succession and that the rules could not and should not be broken at this time.

  During all this, Zoran watched the faces of the six Neutral barons, curious of their reactions. On the surface, the argument of morals versus bastard sons and daughters sounded good, but Zoran suspected that many of these men had fathered sons and daughters out of wedlock. Certainly this was highly likely in the case of Asami and Baron Hajime — as witnessed by Chika and Akira, the mermaids. He saw that most of the Neutrals were enjoying immensely watching this power struggle between the two sides!

  Finally, as the noon hour approached, a vote was called and Milan’s request was approved by a vote of eleven to four. Adapazan was not allowed to vote, and Zoran had to abstain since he had a vested interest and they refused to count half-votes. Baron Carwyn announced the request as passed and said, “Regent Damek, you may take your seat on the High Council. However, as it is close to noon, let us adjourn for lunch.”

  Barons Milan and Viktor were extremely pleased with the outcome. The political balance of power, which used to be five versus five versus six neutrals, had now completely changed, becoming six versus four versus six neutrals. Over lunch Milan pointed out that such a dramatic shift in the political balance had not occurred for over a century and a half! Hence, this was a very significant shift indeed.

  During the afternoon session, they tackled the problem of where to hold the High Council meetings in the future, now that more and more Circles were being built. A number of ideas were put forward, but the unanimous decision of the Council was to continue their eight year cycle, visiting each planet in turn. However, when it was a planet’s turn to host, it would be up to the multiple barons there to determine at whose castle it would be held.

  That evening at the opening night dance, based on lunch time chats with the other baronesses, Zdenka and Jarka chose to wear their latest fashion billowing gowns with the extremely high heels. Over half of the baronesses wore theirs and both women desired to join them. However, they continue to wear their more comfortable gowns during the daytime, as did the other baronesses. The dance was acceptable, though the musicians were nowhere near as good as those at the other dances they had attended.

  Later that night, Barons Milan, Viktor, and Zoran met in private. Milan said, “Well, we’ve accomplished what can only be called a miracle. Now our task becomes to keep little Jan alive for another eight years! Undoubtedly, our enemies will send out all manner of assassins. If Jan is killed, Eckhard’s request may well be adopted, unless you can find some more unknown bastard sons and daughters,” he teased Zoran.

  “I will keep them at our Tower as much of the time as I can. Besides for many years, Jan, Zuza, and Kamila will need to study and train. All three have many years of magic training ahead of them. I’ll keep them safe.”

  Viktor spoke his mind. “We should keep a vigilant eye on Bogdan and Eckhard. There is still a strong likelihood that they may attempt an invasion of Adapazan. This is especially so, since Damek is now seen as a weak leader, to say nothing of the army casualties suffered in Sholov Provence. You certainly don’t have an army yet. Do not rule out an aggressive military action against the whole of Adapazan, Zoran. I certainly would not.”

  “In that case, I really ought to see if I can have another twenty dragons living around Dorumova. The treasury there can easily support them,” Zoran concluded, very worried about just such an attack. Indeed, their position on Adapazan was tenuous at best. Only the dragons stood between their freedom and an invading army. Whether or not his allies could get significant armies to Adapazan to counter an invasion in time, Zoran did not know.

  The next evening’s entertainment consisted of an hour and a half of Anwyn traditional belly dancing with very exotic costumes that revealed too much, as far as Zdenka was concerned. The men thought otherwise. The next night was a traditional desert fiesta. For this event, all of the women and men were given local costumes and went barefoot in the warm sands. Bonfires provided both illumination and heat for roasting their meal. Local musicians played afterwards, with the attendees given lessons in the local barefoot sand dancing. Zdenka and Jarka were most impressed with their traditions and loved the sand dancing. The third night was a play and this night they again wore their latest fashion dresses. The play was called Haves and Have-Nots and told the story of these two cultures in conflict with a balance achieved at its end. Zoran realized that this was really a political play, with many subtle undertones reflecting the current politics and situations going on within the Federation.

  When Zoran left after the next night’s closing dance, he realized that he had actually learned a considerable amount from this meeting. Not from what was said during the long, mostly boring meetings, but with his chat with his enemy and seeing first hand their culture and life. He realized that he truly needed far more data about the other planets and their situations. Once more, Zoran realized how much he did not know. What Zoran didn’t know was that many others in power did not know that they did not know!

  Later that
night and home again, he and Zdenka looked out over their construction site. The walls were finished and the sides of their new castle were now five feet tall. They began to see their rooms and halls taking shape. Another year and they may well be able at last to move into their Castle Brn, as Zoran named it. She chose this time carefully and whispered into his ear, “I’m pregnant.”

  “What? Wow! Fantastic! I’m going to have a baby!” he exclaimed.

  “Ah, dear, it is I that will be having it. You are just the dad.” He laughed at her tease, picked her up, and twirled her around in circles, before passionately kissing her. Life looked happier than Zoran ever imagined it could be.

  The End.




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