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Breaking The Mold

Page 2

by Drew Sera

  “You like rope, so this won’t be so bad. Fuck, that’s a nasty scar if I’ve ever seen one.”

  He turned his body away from me. Why would he do that? Was this possibly a trigger for the young man? I wanted him to relax. I wasn’t going to hurt him, but he could learn from feeling the bite of a whip or flogger.

  “Don’t touch it,” Anthony said quietly.

  I put my hand on the back of his head and felt myself harden. He was afraid of something, and this intrigued me and excited me even more.

  “Anthony, this is just for teaching purposes. I’m not going to hurt you. Understand?”


  I showed the applicants in the crowd a few different floggers and let the group pass them around. As they were passing the floggers around, I went back to Anthony and wrapped my hand around his hands to make sure he was still warm.

  Being that close to him I could feel his fear and wariness.

  “Remember, sometimes ordinary, everyday things can be used as an implement,” I said to the group.

  For a fraction of a moment, I viewed Anthony as me when I was younger and just starting out. I acted before I could stop and think. I unbuckled his belt, pulled it from the loops and hit him on the back with it. I focused on his flexed biceps and fists.

  He had no idea what kind of fire he lit in me. This one had some fight in him. My God, what I could do with him…it would be amazing. The struggle and physical resisting would wear him down and then there’d be the mind struggle. The mind struggle would be where I’d clearly have the upper hand. I could get him to want what I could give him and get him to believe and understand that he needed it. I got lost with my thoughts and one firm word snapped me back to the present.

  “Red,” Blake said and I froze.

  What did I do? Oh, fucking hell…what did I just do?

  My heart pounded as Blake spoke to the crowd. I glanced at Anthony and for once, I was unsure of what to do or how to proceed.

  “By not asking Anthony what his safe word was or if he had any triggers or physical limitations, Paul failed to ensure that the scene would be safe,” Blake said to the group of applicants.

  Fuck. I made a scene not safe.

  But, I read his file last night and nothing jumped out at me. I took a deep breath and looked out above the heads of the applicants. I should have asked. Fuck!

  “Paul, can you please meet me in my office?” Blake asked.

  I had to fix this.

  “Since I botched the scene, I need the opportunity to fix it. Let me check his back and see if he needs anything. That’s my responsibility, Blake.”

  Blake wasn’t going to let me near Anthony. What the fuck? Was he going to swoop in and play Daddy Dom to Anthony? My protests would only make this worse, so I did as Blake asked and waited in his office for him. When Blake walked in, I knew he was pissed. But we were friends and I could explain.

  “Explain to me what the fuck that was all about, Paul. Since when do we use applicants for demo purposes like that?” he asked.

  “Blake, we use applicants often for demo scenes.”

  It wasn’t entirely false. We had used applicants before.

  “Not without telling them what you’re fucking doing before asking for volunteers!”

  He had me there. My body just reacted before my brain. I was trying to figure out how to explain myself to him.

  “What you did was dangerous. Aside from not asking Anthony what his safe word was, you didn’t ask him if he had any limitations…physically or mentally.”

  “Fuck, did you see that scar on his side?” I asked him, hoping we could return to conversation between friends.

  “Yes! Even more of a reason why you failed epically with that demo.”

  “He could have stopped me and told me—”

  “He’s twenty-two years old and is trying to learn. First and foremost, you were the experienced Dom in the fucked-up scene. It was your responsibility to make it a safe scene.”

  He was a strapping, hot as fuck, twenty-two-year-old. He needed a mentor and I could fill that role and teach him by having him experience things first hand.

  I needed to smooth things over with Blake.

  “I’m sorry, Blake. I should have explained the demo and then asked for volunteers. Then I should have gone through the proper protocol for setting up a scene.”

  “Make sure you learn from this mistake.”

  I would never forget how I felt as the belt made contact with his body. Watching his body tighten while his hands were restrained gave me a high that has been hard to match. Hurting this young man excited me like nothing else had before him.

  Thinking about it was making me hard. I glanced at my tablet sitting on the nightstand and tossed my flogger to the side. I quickly opened up Kinky Links and to my photo collection of my little muse. I scrolled until I found one with him fucking some sub in the dungeon.

  I remembered this one well and the only thing that bothered me about the scene was Colin fucking Everett. The fucking rich boy had to be everywhere. With Everett around, it was very rare for me to ever catch a scene with just Anthony and a sub because Colin and Anthony mainly co-topped. The scene had unfolded nicely, though Colin seemed to take the lead. The picture I have from that scene was of Anthony fucking this sub from behind. The girl was on her knees with her head down sucking on Everett’s dick as he casually lay on the dungeon floor propped up by his elbows. Anthony was crouched behind the girl banging the hell out of her.

  My picture captures Anthony mostly from behind. His marred skin stretches over his calves and thighs to reflect his toned muscles. His corded flesh was pulled tight as his hand gripped the girl’s hip. Also from behind were his enormous balls. I’d loved to reach out and squeeze them until his voice breaks.

  I pulled my hard cock out and began stroking quickly as I imagined myself standing behind him, flogging him. I let my cum spill onto the tablet, right on his back in the picture.

  “There,” I panted and wiped the sweat from my forehead. “I could have made you great.”

  I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and then cleaned my tablet. The flogger held my attention for a while as I cleaned and conditioned each of the falls. While cleaning, my thoughts drifted to him again but I abruptly shook him from my mind.

  “Don’t fuck this up,” I warned myself. “I’ve got to get him out of my head and concentrate on Amy.”

  I had something amazing going with Amy. Our bond was strengthening and I loved her. When we first met in person and she learned about my little muse, she asked me if I could just turn off my feelings for him. I told her that I could.

  And I would.

  It’s just going to take some work and concentration on my part. I wanted Amy. He’s not worth my time anymore. Besides, he’s got a fucking rich attitude and was best friends with another rich bastard: Everett.

  It should have been easy for me to turn off my interest in Anthony and transfer it to my continued disgust with Everett. Those two fucking guys have everything under the sun. Everett’s got a mansion on a fucking exclusive golf course and Anthony has an unbelievable pad on the Strip in Urban Towers. And the cars...fuck. Everett rolls around in his expensive Range Rover and special edition BMW Alpina. When I saw that at the club one night, I just knew it was his. It just reeked Everett. That night I went home and looked up those fucking Alpinas. Fuckers start over a hundred grand. And I have a feeling it’s not just a base model. If I know Everett, that car was fucking loaded.

  Colin Everett had everything: huge house, cars, watches, and women. He had a rich man’s lifestyle and the luxury to pick up and go fuck around on some beach in the Bahamas whenever he wanted.

  I wanted all of it…the cars, the party house and heavy watches to show off on my wrist. But he also had something else that I wanted…something without a dollar sign in front of it...Anthony.

  Since they’re co-top partners, Everett gets to scene with him. And for that alone, I despise Colin Ev

  “Enough,” I told myself out loud.

  Amy was coming and I needed to focus. We spoke on the phone, and I hinted at wanting to ask her something and I wanted this to be a fantastic weekend.

  While examining the cotton rope, my phone vibrated on the table, and since Amy was traveling, I immediately grabbed it. She had sent a text with a picture of herself leaning against her car with a convenience store in the background.

  “Good princess, you’re listening,” I said out loud as I sent her back a quick text.

  J.P.: Gorgeous, princess. What did you get in the convenience store?

  Amy: They actually had Vanilla Coke, so I got that and a cookie.

  I couldn’t contain the smile as I shook my head at her.

  J.P.: Eat your cookie before pulling back out on the highway.

  I was so curious as to how her clit was doing.

  J.P.: How’s the naughty princess’ clit?

  Amy: Ugh! It’s so achy. You completely messed me up. Every groove of the road is driving me nuts.

  J.P.: That’s the point, princess. I want you aching and full of need when you get here.

  Amy: What if I just take care of it now?

  Her tease was cute. I knew she was just messing with me and wouldn’t dare. Her next text put a bit of panic in me.

  Amy: There’s a rest stop area a few miles up the road. Maybe I’ll just pull off and park by a few truckers.

  What the fuck? I began pacing as I quickly sent her a text but I wasn’t quick enough and another frightening text came over.

  Amy: Maybe I’ll give the truckers a show.


  I dialed her number and she picked up quickly.

  “Amy, don’t even joke about that. That’s so dangerous, and I don’t enjoy taunts and teases where safety is compromised.”

  “I’m sorry. I was just kidding. Can you only imagine? My luck, one of the truckers would be an undercover cop and then all over social media would be the news ‘Amy Andrews has been arrested for getting off while parked at a rest stop.’”

  I calmed down as I heard the sincerity in her voice that she wouldn’t dare pull off by a bunch of truckers. But still, I didn’t like the worry knowing she’s so far out of my sight most of the time. It’s not a lack of trust, but rather a lack of control. If she’s near me, I’d know she’s safe. This would be something she and I would talk about.

  “Princess, you just may get punished for that tease,” I warned in a teasing tone.

  Her sweet laughter warmed my heart, and I found myself smiling as I continued to pace.

  “Would I like it?”

  “Oh, Amy,” I laughed and shook my head. “Punishments can be very pleasurable...for me. But, as swollen as that clit is of yours, I’m willing to bet that you’ll find it satisfying too. Might need to put you over my knee.”

  I could have teased her more but decided to end it there. She’d be on the road and has plenty of quiet time to simmer on that idea. I love playing with the mind. Just to drop a little gem of a phrase and let a mind chew on it. Mind fucking is such an addictive hobby of mine.

  “Did you eat your cookie, princess?”

  “Yes, I’m all ready to get back on the road.”

  Her voice was light, and I didn’t get an indication that she was actually afraid of being put over my knee. But I know her...she’ll think about it for the next two hours.

  “Drive safe and bring me that naughty, needy pussy.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Love you, princess.”

  Amy made a dramatic kissing sound before we ended the call. I went back to examining the rope and kept my eye on the clock.

  Chapter Three

  July 2011


  Mmm, why was the idea of being put over J.P.’s lap and spanked so arousing? Would I be naked? Would he use his bare hand?

  For a span of about twenty miles, I thought of nothing more than being under his firm hand. I remember him telling me that he loves dishing out punishment scenes. I’ve seen some of the pictures of submissives that he’s punished, and some of the images make my stomach drop. Specifically, the ones where he used the cane. The cane looks like it leaves some devastating marks.

  He wouldn’t use a cane on me.

  Would he?

  No. He knows I’m new and that might be a bit harsh.

  But, what would he do?

  I grabbed my soda from the cup holder and took a long sip. My mind was running away with itself.

  “He didn’t say that he would punish me. He merely joked about possibly putting me over his knee,” I reminded myself of the fine, actual details.

  Seventy-six miles to go. God, I couldn’t wait to see him and feel those strong arms of his wrap around me tightly. He had completely succeeded at making my body ache for him, and it’d taken tremendous restraint for me not to grind against my jeans. As I shifted in my seat, I noticed how wet I was. I ached with need...just like he said I would.

  My heartbeat sped up as the crystal clear skyline of the Las Vegas Strip came into view. I made my way to J.P.’s and felt a surge of excitement. I needed the release quickly as it’d been building over the last twelve hours. As I pulled into his driveway, he opened his front door and came out to greet me.

  J.P. opened the car door for me and offered me his hand. Feeling his hand surround mine made me feel at ease. He pulled me into an embrace and kissed me sweetly on my ear as he hugged me.

  “I missed you, Amy,” he said softly.

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  He gazed into my eyes, and I felt my clit throb reminding me of my state of need. J.P. grabbed my weekend bag from the trunk while I carried my messenger bag with my laptop and notebook. Once inside, he set the bag down by the door then lifted the strap of the messenger bag from my shoulder and set it carefully next to the weekend bag.

  J.P. smiled before backing me up to the door. He took my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. Our tongues twisted as they fought for what they wanted. I could feel his erection press against me through his pants, and it made me even wetter. My panties were soaked, as was the crotch of my jeans.

  My hands gripped his muscled upper arms as he unbuttoned my jeans and yanked the zipper down. His hand grazed my stomach gently before his big hand slid lower and cupped my pussy over my drenched panties. A moan full of want and desire slipped from my lips.

  “Mmm, yes, please,” I begged.

  I needed him.

  He laughed softly and kissed my neck.

  “The princess has a very naughty pussy. These are soaked, my dear.”

  “I couldn’t help it. You’ve had me on edge for over twelve hours now.” I laughed along with him and teased him some. “No fair; you can’t go from making me come before I go to bed and before I get out of bed, and then the night before I visit, swear me off from coming.”

  He looked so sexy when he tilted his head back and a booming laugh filled the entryway.

  “Oh, princess, I can.” He leaned in to kiss my pouty face. “And I did.” J.P.’s tongue dived back into my mouth, and I relaxed, letting his tongue take control. “And that’s going to be a new rule between us from now on. Twenty-four hours before we visit one another, you’re not allowed to come.”

  I smiled slyly and nodded at his new rule. He began pressing his fingers against my wet panties.

  “I like it when you arrive like this. Tell me, what was running through that brilliant mind of yours to make these panties so wet?”

  J.P. toyed with the lace leg-band of the panties as he waited for my answer.

  “I’m claiming innocence. It’s your fault,” I explained with a sweet smile.

  He cupped my right cheek and stopped playing with the leg-band of my panties. He brought his hand up from my panties to brush my hair behind my ear on the left side, then he looked into my eyes. His stare was sharp, and I couldn’t look away. It was almost as though what I just said, made him reall
y happy.

  I smiled and added, “It’s your fault. You’re the one talking about putting me over your knee.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he reopened them, his pupils looked like huge floating dark circles.

  “Princess, I merely made an assessment. You can’t blame me for what your mind did with the statement.”

  I thought about what he was saying for a moment before he spoke again.

  “But knowing that this,” he reached down and rubbed my pussy over the wet panties, “is a direct result of what your mind did with that statement, it tells me an awful lot, Amy.”

  “It does?” I asked.

  “Oh, yes.” He took me by my hand and led me to his living room. He stood in front of the couch and put his hands on his hips as he gazed at me with intense eyes.

  “What?” I asked with a shrug, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

  “Being told that I’d put you over my knee did that to you. You were aroused by it, weren’t you?”

  I could feel my heart pounding as my cheeks grew warm. Hot, actually. I stood there wearing my smile that I thought concealed my confirmation or denial.


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