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Her Husband Watches: Ten Book Bundle Vol 2

Page 11

by Lainey Fox

  "Yes, actually. Daniel has a few meetings planned for us today. I might be a little late tonight."

  "Not a problem," she replied, putting her coffee cup in the sink. "I've got a big day planned, too."

  Sam nodded. "Did you ever get the moisturizer situation handled?"

  "Back to the lab," she sighed. "How's the Englewood case?"

  "He's on hospice care. Daniel wants me to get meetings with him, his accountant. You know, the final push." Sam sighed. "The only thing I hate about this kind of law is having a client for years then they die."

  "Yes," Tara soothed. "But he trusts you to get this done."

  "I know. I like the old grump. Besides, Daniel wants it done. I didn't think I'd like it when he took over the department, but I do now. He's a great guy."

  Tara smiled, gathered up her briefcase and purse. "I like him, too," she said.

  Tara felt charged in every cell of her body. It was like her body was suddenly alive in new ways. She had met Daniel twice in the two weeks since the barbecue and each time it was better, more intense. She'd never been so sexually aroused in her entire life. There was something about being with Daniel that was addictive.

  He wasn't gentle, but he was considerate. His drive matched hers, his appetite seemed to feed hers. They were perfectly matched in sexual fervor. There was no softness between them, which should have bothered her. For some reason it didn't. She was content to get her love from Sam. It didn't make perfect sense, even to her, but when she heard his car pull in, she forgot about anything making sense.

  "Hey," she greeted him, admiring him in his suit.

  "Hey yourself," he returned, coming over to place a kiss on her forehead.

  "You seem tired," she remarked, drawing back to look at him.

  He shrugged. "Work stuff," he assured her. "I need you today."

  Tara smiled and stepped back, a teasing glint in her eye. "Then catch me," she told him.

  "Catch you?" he asked, confused, then laughing as she darted away from him, bare feet slapped the hardwood as she led him on a chase around the living room before heading for the stairs.

  He chased her up the stairs. She was laughing as they fell onto the bed, but he stopped her from just tearing the clothes out of the way.

  "We have all day," he reminded her, tracing her cleavage lightly with his finger. "This doesn't have to be rushed."

  She nodded, nipped at his finger playfully. He grinned that crooked grin that drove her crazy. She squirmed a little, trying to move her hips against his.

  "You're an impatient little thing, aren't you?" Daniel clamped his mouth over hers, moving one hand to unbutton the top of her dress, cupping her lace clad breast with one hand, the other hand gently imprisoning her hands above her head.

  "Please, Tara, let me take my time," he said, cradling her face in his hands.

  She eagerly opened her mouth for him, his tongue lightly caressing hers. She knew he was torturing her on purpose, but she couldn't resist trying to urge him faster. He chuckled against her mouth but didn't change his pace.

  She moaned as he caressed her nipple through her bra. He moved his mouth to her neck, leaving whispery kisses as he went down her throat, across her shoulder, her collar bone. He moved down just enough to lightly touch his mouth to the tops of her breasts, making no move to remove her bra.

  "Red lace looks good on you," he whispered, releasing her hands so he could touch her better. She lie still, letting him rub her gently through the fabric.

  He unbuttoned her dress to expose her lace thong. "Very nice," he told her, conversationally. "I like a woman in lace."

  He lowered his dark head to her chest, licking her nipple through the lace. She put her hand on his head, savoring the smooth feel of his skin.

  He increased the speed of his tongue, then clamped his mouth over her, taking her erect nipple with his teeth, his tongue, suckling at her with a speed that had her groaning. She arched her back, pulling his face against her harder.

  He backed away from her slowly, moved down her body, lightly running his lips over her creamy flesh as he went. He pressed a firm kiss to the front of her panties, causing her to lift her hips with a whimper.

  "I'm wet," she whispered, grinding against the hand he now held to her, rubbing her sweet spot. His hand pushed and pulled the lace against her in new ways.

  She felt herself shiver with the familiar cold heat as he pushed her gently towards the first peak of orgasm. Just as she reached the brink, he pulled away from her.

  "What?" she asked, sitting up.

  "I'm feeling lazy," he shrugged.

  "Lazy?!" she demanded.

  "Lazy," he confirmed. "I think I'll just lay back and let you drive."

  She grinned and covered his body with her own, running her hands and mouth over his chest, down his flat belly. She placed a kiss on the tip of his manhood, stroking it with both hands before mounting him.

  She moaned out loud as she worked him inside of her. "I will never get used to you," she breathed, as she began to find her rhythm.

  He merely grunted, putting his hands on her hips, thrusting with her. She obliged his silent urging, riding him faster and harder. She felt her body exploding as he gave a loud groan and collapsed back onto the bed.

  Neither of them noticed Sam in the hallway outside the door. They were too busy concentrating on the next round. Sam felt shock pour through him as he eased down the hall. He couldn't believe what he'd seen. He supposed he should feel fury, or go back upstairs and confront them. He certainly shouldn't have snuck out of his own house. Good god, he'd never seen Tara come to life like that. She had been like a porn star in Daniel's hands.

  He suddenly realized what he was feeling. Shame. Not just because he couldn't please her, but because he had been turned on by what he'd seen. When Tara had climbed up on Daniel's thick, straining cock, Sam had thought there was no way her little body could take it in. But she had. She'd moaned and squirmed until Daniel's entire dick was inside of her. From his view, Sam had seen her greedy cunt straining and stretching to take that big black monster.

  What was he supposed to do? Go home like nothing happened? Confront her?

  What if she leaves me?

  He shook away the thought. He needed Tara. She made his life worth living. He couldn't imagine not having her in his life. Sam stared out over the water. He would go home like nothing happened. She seemed happier, anyway. He couldn't handle a confrontation right now. There was too much going on to begin to sort out his marriage. He would simply let things ride, for now. Pleased, or at least satisfied, with his decision, he turned back to his car. He sent Tara a text, offering to pick up dinner on his way home.

  She replied almost immediately, saying that would be great.

  “Well, she's probably tired,” he thought.

  Her Husband Watches –

  The Big Black Lawyer 2

  Book 2 of Her Husband Watches – The Big Black Lawyer

  By Lainey Fox

  Copyright © 2016 by Laney Fox

  & Scarlet Lantern Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language.

  All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  Chapter 1

  Sam and Daniel, along with Anthony Pyle, had been working for three days to sort out the estate of very wealthy billionaire. Despite the years that Sam had spent on the case, even he was shocked at all the entanglements in the deceased man's finances. The over time was atrocious. They were eating soggy hoagies and chugging energy drinks at eleven pm, at this point just trying to locate all their deceased client's financial assets.

  "How many women friends did this guy have?" Sam asked, as
he read through the will again. "I just found another bequeath to 'my dear friend'. This guy was a real Casanova."

  "I count twenty seven," Daniel sighed. "But to be fair, one was his housekeeper."

  "Lucky bastard," Anthony mumbled.

  "I agree. He's resting in his coffin while we sort through his mess," Sam said, trying to lighten the mood. He knew that the late hours were making them all punchy, Anthony most of all. Sam thought maybe the other man resented the time away from his family.

  Anthony snorted. "Smart guy. No wife, no kids, just lots of money and lots of sugar babies."

  “So much for thinking he misses the wife and kids,” Sam thought.

  Daniel met Sam's eye across the desk, raising a questioning eyebrow. Sam gave a little shrug. He didn't know what was causing Anthony's bad mood, but he wished he'd get over it. The job was hard enough without adding Anthony's sour disposition to everything else they had to deal with.

  Daniel sighed and looked at the Red Bull in his hand. "One more of these and my heart will literally explode. I need some sleep. As your boss, I declare it past time to get our asses out of here."

  Sam stretched and chuckled. "I knew I liked you, boss. I could stand some sleep." He thought a moment before adding, "And a beer."

  Daniel smiled and nodded. "A beer would go a long way washing this energized pepperoni taste out of my mouth."

  "Lucky jerks," Anthony said, grabbing his things and stuffing them in his briefcase. "We don't keep beer at the house anymore. It's a bad example for the twins," he mimicked, in a high pitched falsetto voice.

  "I'd invite you over," Daniel started, but Anthony cut him off.

  "No big deal. It's late and I'm not great company right now. I'll grab one at the gas station and drink it in the garage."

  Anthony walked out, his shoulders hunched in his suit. He looked older, shrunken. Sam was a little taken aback by Anthony's hostility.

  We're all tired, Sam thought.

  "That is one unhappy dude," Daniel remarked. "Should I be worried? You've known him longer. Is this normal?"

  "He does seem worse than usual," Sam agreed.

  "Worse than usual?"

  "Anthony's never been known for being the happiest person," Sam replied. "It was a little better before they got pregnant, but not much. He's been passed over for partner six times. Instead of working on his game, he just gets bitter. I never really understood why he chose a woman who wanted a family, either, unless he thought her connections would help his career."

  Daniel mulled that over, staring at the door that Anthony had closed behind him. Sam couldn't tell what the other man was thinking. He waited, but Daniel merely shook his head.

  "Sorry, Sam. I'd love to sit here and say things like 'it's not really about making partner' or 'he shouldn't blame his beautiful family', but I'm too tired."

  "I hear you. See you, boss man." Sam started towards the door, but Daniel stopped him.

  "I'll walk out with you," Daniel said.


  "Everything okay with you?" Daniel asked, throwing his suit jacket over his arm.

  "Yeah," Sam replied, a little startled. "Why?"

  Daniel fell in step with him. "No reason. Just thought that since I have one disgruntled man on this case I'd better check with you, too. I don't want to be the guy that drove his team into divorce and fatherless children."

  Sam laughed as they made their way across the parking lot. "Don't worry. Tara isn't the type to make a man miserable over some long hours. She works, too."

  "Right. Good, then. See you tomorrow."

  Daniel was at odds. Saturday was usually his favorite day of the week. He would take the boat out, or go to the golf course with his buddies, or just hang out at home and take lots of naps. He rarely was so preoccupied that he couldn't settle.

  He sent Tara a text. If nothing else, maybe some good skin on skin time would help clear his head. Tara, he had discovered, was like an addiction. She got under a man's skin, into his system, and that was the end of him.

  The confusing thing, to Daniel, was that he felt no guilt. He liked Sam, and enjoyed working with him. He never felt superior to him, or guilty about what he was doing with Tara. It was as though he completely separated his relationship with her from his relationship with her husband.

  Oddly enough, he thought that Tara felt the same way. She was almost animalistic in her sexual appetite, but that passion didn't spill over into their normal lives. Daniel knew she wasn't in love with him, just as he knew he wasn't in love with her.

  They were friends, he decided. He enjoyed her company, talking to her about various things. She seemed to enjoy him, as well. But unlike most women, she didn't seem to be after an emotional connection. She was focused on her career, and, strangely, her marriage to Sam.

  It didn't make sense, he decided, but it worked.

  His phone vibrated with her return text.

  Come over.

  Well, his Saturday had just gotten a whole lot better.

  Chapter 2

  Tara was pacing in the living room, waiting for Daniel to arrive. Sam was at the golf course. He'd left shortly after she'd gotten the text from Daniel. She had debated telling Daniel she wasn't in the mood, but it had all worked out, she mused, because she had some pent up energy to get out.

  The new launches at work had her revved up. The new batch of interns was adding to the general chaos. She had to control her temper and not fire them before they had a chance to prove themselves. So far, they had just created a lot of headaches.

  She had an idea that a good mattress session with Daniel would clear her head.

  She heard his car pull in and went to unlock the door. She was dressed in a short silk robe, her hair loose and shiny.

  "Well, did you go to all this trouble for me?" he asked, taking in the floral printed silk, the bare flesh, the fresh scent of perfume.

  "Of course," she laughed. "Actually, I just got in from the tennis courts and thought I should shower first." She led him up the stairs, her nerves already jangling with anticipation.

  "Mmm," he said, turning her in his arms. "Do you mind if I want to just have my way with you?" he asked.

  "Don't you always?" she asked, laughing. He tilted her face up, kissing her deeply.

  "Different way of having my way with you," he clarified, untying the sash on her robe. "Just stand still."

  She smiled as he slid the robe off of her arms, letting it fall to the floor in a soft little puddle. His dark eyes stared into hers as he began to touch her. His hands moved over her, down her sides, her belly, her breasts. He slid a hand down to the soft moistness between her legs, cupped and held her, running his thumb gently over the sensitive nub.

  "Mmmhmm," she purred, throwing her head back as his other hand continued to stroke her body. He stopped touching her long enough to take his clothes off.

  She stood still, waiting for him to come back to her. His hard, huge cock was hard against her belly. "Stroke me," he said, as he pushed a finger inside of her.

  She obliged, running her hands over him, marveling at the size and weight of him. She never got used to how big he was. She felt herself getting wetter as he gently stroked inside of her.

  "Gotta have it," he breathed, picking her up and moving her to the bed. He had her on her back, positioned her legs over his shoulders.

  "I'm going deep," he warned her. She nodded, lifting her hips and spreading her thighs.

  He plunged into her with one hard, smooth thrust. She let out a sound some where between a groan and a scream, rocking her hips to take more of him inside of her. He obliged her with longer strokes, pulling out to the tip and then pushing all of himself back inside of her.

  She rejoiced in the feel of him, so hard and long and thick, filling her body to capacity. She wiggled and bucked as he thrust into her with long, hard strokes.

  He kept her legs high, rocking her back onto her shoulders as he sought more of her. He cupped her ass in his hands, grabbing and p
ulling as he began to go faster and faster.

  She urged him on with little moans and sounds, her hands twisting in the sheets as she felt herself going over the brink. He picked up the pace as he felt her body clench around him, letting the hot, wet pulsations of her pussy work him over the edge.

  He stiffened and let out a groan as he poured himself inside of her.

  Sam watched from his spot in the closet. He felt like an idiot, but a lucky idiot. There isn't a better show in town, he thought, wryly. He was glad he'd brought a bottle of water with him, sipping it slowly as Daniel and his wife fell back on the bed, spent.


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