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The Spy in Moscow Station

Page 27

by Eric Haseltine

  Dover Air Force Base

  Drake, Bob

  Eagleburger, Lawrence


  election meddling

  Electromagnetic Systems Laboratories (ESL)

  “Ellen and Tony” (CIA case officers)

  Enger (KGB officer)

  Epstein, Ed


  Euro-Siberian natural gas pipeline

  Faurer, Lincoln

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

  arrests of KGB officers in U.S.

  and Moscow embassy security

  re CIA mole

  relations with CIA

  relations with Justice

  relations with NSA

  Ferren, Bran

  Filatov, Anatoly

  Firyubin (Russian diplomat)

  Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)

  foreign service nationals (FSN)

  Fort Meade

  “four Soviet scientists arrested for spying (1982)” claim


  Frankfurt, Germany

  French Embassy, Moscow

  Fulton, Robert

  Gandy, Beth

  Gandy, Carl (brother)

  Gandy, Carl (father)

  Gandy, Charles

  consulted on French security breach

  dyslexia of

  interview with (2018)

  investigation of Selectrics

  meets the author who is starting NSA job

  Moscow assignment

  and the Moscow embassy chimney and antenna

  NSA career

  and Project GUNMAN

  talk with Inman

  tastes failure

  technical work

  warns of KGB tradecraft

  warns of Moscow embassy security

  Gandy, Chuck (son)

  Gandy, Freda

  Gates, Robert

  Gerber, Burton

  Grambling, Freda

  Grambling family

  Great Patriotic War

  “green door”

  Gromyko, Andrei

  GRU (Soviet military intelligence)

  guards, American

  Guilsher, John

  GUNMAN Project

  damage done by Russian implants discovered by

  questioned by other agencies

  report on

  Russian implants discovered by

  Halloween Massacre (in CIA DO)

  Hartman, Arthur

  “Counterproductive Counterintelligence” memo

  Haseltine, Eric

  Hathaway, Gus

  asks for Gandy’s help

  and the “chimney”

  CIA COS in Moscow

  cooperation of

  Gandy meets

  questions Gandy’s conclusions

  supports Gandy

  talks with Gandy


  Hayden, Michael V.

  Helsinki, Finland

  Herb (boss)

  Herrmann, George


  History of the Diplomatic Security Service (by U.S. State Department)

  honey trap (KGB sexual operative)

  lures Gandy

  Hoover, Herbert



  IBM, Lexington, Kentucky factory

  IBM Selectric III typewriters

  brought from Moscow for examination at NSA

  examined by Gandy and Arneson at NSA

  method of operation of

  suspicions about

  undiscovered bugged ones

  use of in Moscow embassy

  IMINT (spy satellite imagery)

  INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaties)

  information security, Russian-language textbooks on

  information systems, cyber blind spot in

  Inman, Bobby

  Inman, Robert

  intelligence community (IC)

  interagency security group


  Iraq war




  Javits (State man in Moscow)

  Johnson administration

  Justice Department

  relations with FBI

  Kapustin, Y. A.


  agents of, hired at Moscow embassy

  arrest of agents in U.S.

  arrests of CIA assets in Russia

  attack on French embassy

  attacks on U.S. embassy persons

  and the “chimney”


  Moscow Embassy security breached by

  relations with GRU

  and the “safe thing”

  Sixteenth Directorate (Intelligence)

  spying on Moscow embassy

  technical prowess of


  U.S. spying on

  watchers in the embassy

  kinetics (overt military warfare)

  Kirk, Ambassador

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kodak x-ray film

  Koecher (Czech double agent)

  Korean War

  Korniyenko (Soviet foreign minister)

  Krimer, Wm. D. (U.S. interpreter)

  Kulak, Aleksey Isidorovich (Fedora)

  Kursch, Donald

  Kuznetsov (Soviet ambassador)

  Lamb (of State)

  Langley (CIA headquarters)


  LeChevet, Dawn

  LeChevet, Jon

  and the “chimney” and its antenna

  cooperation of

  Gandy meets

  resistance to Gandy

  talks with Gandy

  technical prowess of

  testimony on security at Moscow embassy

  use of Selectric



  Makarov, Victor

  Marine guards

  scandal (1987)

  Matlock, Jack


  Maxwell’s equations

  McCall, Sherrod


  military technology, stealing of

  Mitterrand, François

  moles and mole hunt

  Moro, Aldo


  shopping in

  Moscow embassy. See U.S. Embassy, Moscow

  “Moscow rules”

  MUTS. See TUMS/MUTS signal (technically unidentified Moscow signals)

  Myosotis system

  Nancy (secretary)

  national intelligence

  national security advisor

  national security community, infighting inside

  National Security Council

  Negroponte, John

  nerve agent attack (UK 2018)


  Nilov, B.


  nitrophenyl pentadienal

  Nixon, Richard

  Nixon, Steve

  Novichok nerve agent

  NSA (National Security Agency)

  advisory board (NSAAB)

  A Group



  Fort Meade, Maryland

  Friendship Annex

  Gandy’s career at

  headquarters building (OPS2)

  help to CIA



  legal charter

  and negotiations with Soviets

  No Such Agency

  OPS1 headquarters building



  reenergized after 9/11

  relations with CIA

  relations with Defense

  relations with FBI

  relations with State

  Research Directorate

  secrecy of its existence

  SIGINT focus

  standing in national security community

  told to stick to code-breaking

  value of advanced degrees in

  nuclear arms negotiations

  nuclear f

  ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence)

  Ogorodnik, Aleksandr

  Olszewski, Kazimerz

  optical character recognition (OCR) equipment

  Osborne, Richard



  Perry, Bill

  Perry, Lee

  persona non grata (PNG)

  Peterson, Martha



  Philby, Kim

  Poindexter, John


  Potemkin, Grigory

  Potemkin village

  Potomac River

  Powers, Gary

  Project GUNMAN

  Prokhorov, Dimitry

  radar flooding

  Radio Free Europe

  Reagan, Ronald

  Red Brigades


  “Red Team”


  RF emanations

  RF imposition

  Roger channel



  RUMINT (rumor intelligence)


  criminal groups in

  hackers in

  hostility to West

  suffers no consequences for spying

  technical prowess

  U.S. HUMINT network in

  See also KGB; Soviet Union

  Russian-language textbooks on information security

  the “safe thing”

  SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)




  the box in

  RF-shielding of

  security windows

  Selectric typewriters. See IBM Selectric III typewriters


  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

  Shah of Iran

  Sheremetyevo International Airport

  Sheymov, Victor

  Shulman, Marshall D.

  Shultz, George

  asks to see smoking gun

  hostile to NSA

  and investigation of Selectrics

  negotiations with Soviets

  power struggles

  receives smoking gun report

  Sidorin, Yuri


  Skripal, Sergei and Yulia

  Smith, William French

  smoking gun, reward for finding


  Soviet Union

  Afghanistan invasion


  Ministry of Defense

  Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  negotiations with

  protests Gandy posting

  threat to U.S.

  tradecraft. See KGB

  See also Russia

  Spaso House

  spy dust

  Stalin’s purges

  START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)

  State Department

  and the “chimney”

  dealings with Soviets

  denies security problems

  doubts Russian technology

  and Gandy

  hinders investigation of Selectrics

  hinders Moscow embassy security probe

  insecure operations of, in Moscow embassy

  protests KGB microwave attacks

  Regional Security Office (RSO)

  relations with CIA

  relations with NSA

  resists discovery of Selectric hacks

  technical prowess of, deficient

  Stoessel, Walter

  Sukhodrev, V.M. (USSR Interpreter)


  TEMPEST collection

  TEMPEST collection (of U.S. equipment)

  Theremin, Leon

  The Thing in the Great Seal

  bugging of

  Thomas, Louis

  Tolkachev, Adolf

  Toon, Elizabeth

  Toon, Malcolm

  Gandy meets

  Totrov, Yuri

  Tovar, Hugh




  TSCM (Technical Surveillance Countermeasures)

  antenna/amplifier systems



  TUMS/MUTS signals (technically unidentified Moscow signals)

  function of, a mystery to CIA and State

  monitoring of

  purpose of

  Turner, Stansfield

  Secrecy and Democracy (memoir)

  Turner, Tina

  U.N. General Secretariat

  United States

  infighting within government agencies

  need for presidential leadership

  presidential election of 2016

  war in Afghanistan

  U.S. Embassy, Moscow


  New Office Building (NOB)

  north annex of

  Regional Security Office (RSO)

  Russian boasts of penetration of

  security holes at

  USS Liberty incident

  Vance, Cyrus

  veniki (“broom ladies”)

  Vetrov, Vladimir

  Vorontsov, Sergei

  VRK (very restricted knowledge)

  “Wally,” (“Wallflower”)

  Warsaw Pact

  Webster, William

  Weinberger, Caspar

  who-hates-whom chart

  Williams, Rusty

  Wright, Lawrence


  Yagi antenna


  Long Fuse, Big Bang: Achieving Long-Term Success Through Daily Victories

  Brain Safari: 5-Minute Experiments to Explore the Space Between Your Ears

  The Listening Cure: Healing Secrets of an Unconventional Doctor (with Chris Gilbert, M.D., Ph.D.)

  About the Author

  ERIC HASELTINE was director of research at NSA and associate director of National Intelligence in charge of science and technology for the U.S. intelligence community. Before joining the NSA, he was executive vice president of Disney Imagineering. A Ph.D. neuroscientist, he has given several popular TED talks on the future of science and is an inventor with more than seventy patents and pending patents. He lives in California with his wife, Dr. Chris Gilbert. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  Foreword by General Michael V. Hayden, USAF (Retired)


    1. Our Spies Are Dying

    2. The Counterspy

    3. In the Belly of the Beast

    4. The Chimney

    5. Clues to the Mystery

    6. Obstacles

    7. Who Hates Whom

    8. A Trip to the Oval Office

    9. Project GUNMAN

  10. A Wife in the Wrong Place at the Right Time

  11. Behind the Green Door

  12. Putting the Smoke Back in the Gun

  13. Lessons About the Russians for Today

  Author’s Note




  Also by Eric Haseltine

  About the Author



  An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.

  THE SPY IN MOSCOW STATION. Copyright © 2019 by Eric Haseltine. Foreword copyright © 2019 by Michael V. Hayden. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


  Cover design by Jonathan Bush

  Cover photographs: Russia © Will & Deni McIntyre / Getty Images; silhouette © Marcus Davies / Millennium Images, UK

  The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on request.

  ISBN 978-1-250-30116-1 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-250-30115-4 (ebook)

  eISBN 9781250301154

  Our ebooks may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at 1-800-221-7945, extension 5442, or by email at

  First Edition: April 2019

  * Even at the supersecret NSA, R9 had enjoyed a reputation for being especially “black,” specializing in “truly spooky stuff.”

  * Nothing written here indicates that the U.S. government, where I worked as an intelligence officer, acknowledges either the validity or U.S. employment of techniques described in public documents such as Russian-language textbooks.




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