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Seeing Shadows (Shadow Series #1)

Page 37

by S. H. Kolee

  Jackson still looked a bit unsettled by the earlier conversation and Claire's gibe, but his face cleared at my question. "I'm one of the masses of struggling actors too, which means I spend my days working as a trainer at a gym while I wait for my big break."

  "Jackson is actually in the play that I was telling you about," Claire said. She smirked as she glanced at Jackson. "He's one of the two men vying for my hand in marriage."

  "I'm looking forward to seeing it," I said. "So, do you end up with the girl or not?"

  Jackson grinned, his green eyes sparkling. It was getting easier and easier to look at him for longer periods of time. His gorgeousness was taking a backseat to his open friendliness.

  "You'll have to find out for yourself. I can't give away the ending. It’ll ruin the show for you."

  "What about you?" Mia asked. "What do you do? Do you have a job here yet?"

  "Fortunately, I got a job before I moved up here. I'm an executive assistant at Mass Communications, a marketing firm. Unfortunately, it's not really want I want to be doing, but for now it's a paycheck, so I'm happy about that."

  "Emma was a marketing exec at an ad agency in D.C.," Claire said, surprising me with the pride in her voice. "I'm sure she'll move up in the ranks at her company in no time."

  "Thanks for the vote of confidence, but for now I'll be happy if I'm able to answer the phone and make copies without messing up."

  "I'm sure you'll be a master copier and phone answerer in no time," Jackson said with a wink.

  "Just what I always dreamed of being as a little girl," I replied with a wry grin.

  "So you and Claire grew up in the same town?" Mia asked.

  I took a sip of my beer and nodded. I really was a lightweight and had been nursing my drink, but I saw Nathan motion to Maggie for another round. I was going to have to be careful around this group. Drinking more than a couple of drinks always made me a little more animated than I wanted to be.

  "Our mothers are friends through a charity group in our town. It's a typical small town where everyone knows each other's business." I smiled ruefully. "It's fantastic."

  "I went to boarding school, so Emma and I never met before," Claire added.

  "It really was a lucky break that Claire was looking for a roommate at the same time I was looking to move here," I said. "Do you guys live around here?"

  "Nathan and I are roommates and we live over on 2nd Ave and 1st," Mia answered. I was surprised that they lived together, but I reminded myself this was New York, not Merrittsville where coed roommates would have raised eyebrows.

  "I live around here too," Jackson chimed in. "Over on 14th and 3rd Ave."

  Claire stretched, raising her arms above her head and arching her back. "I need a smoke. Anyone want to join me?"

  Nathan and Mia both chimed in with wanting to take a cigarette break. Nathan groaned about having to go outside to smoke, since it wasn't allowed inside bars in New York.

  "Do you smoke?" Mia asked as they got up.

  "No," I replied. "I tried it once in high school and threw up afterwards. That's about as illicit as my substance history goes."

  Nathan slapped Jackson on the back. "You finally have someone to keep you company while we blacken our lungs."

  Jackson grinned. "Finally, another non-smoker. I've spent half my life waiting for these guys while they smoke outside."

  As the smokers filed outside, I was increasingly nervous about being left alone with Jackson. I felt a little gauche in his presence. He looked to be about my age, but he seemed so much more self-possessed and confident. Never mind that he was too damn good-looking.

  "So, Emma Mills," Jackson said, leaning back in his chair. "Tell me about yourself."

  "Well, you already know I don't smoke, I suck at ballet and I practice voodoo on the side. What more could you possibly want to know about me?"

  Jackson laughed, the vibrations of his chuckles sending excited shivers down my spine. I could imagine that low laugh in a different setting. A dark seductive setting that included a bed.

  I cleared my throat, trying to chase those thoughts away.

  "How long have you been a trainer?" I asked, congratulating myself for my steady voice.

  Maggie came over with the fresh round and Jackson thanked her before answering.

  "Just a couple of years. I fell into it because I had a lot of free time since my acting jobs were so sporadic. I spent a lot of it working out at Peak Fitness, a gym around here. They were looking for more trainers and they approached me. I just had to take a few classes and pass an exam to be certified, and there you have it. I was a trainer."

  "Well, you do look like you're in a good shape," I said, giving his body an appreciative glance. I laughed a little self-consciously at my bold once-over. "Of course, that's purely from an objective viewpoint of someone who's assessing your trainer skills."

  "Of course," Jackson agreed with a smile. "You should stop by the gym sometime. I can give you some free trial sessions."

  I groaned. "Me and working out do not gel. I always wished I was one of those people who actually enjoyed working out, but sadly, exercising is akin to physical torture for me."

  Jackson grinned. "Maybe you just haven't had the right trainer. I can make exercising lots of fun." He glanced down at me, in much the same way I had given him the once-over. I flushed at his perusal. "Although I'd say there's not much to improve on."

  I burst out laughing. "You really are a good actor. I'm not sure whether to be flattered or suspicious. If this is your tactic for getting new clients, you must be an awfully popular trainer."

  "Come see for yourself. Peak Fitness is just over on 2nd Avenue between 12th and 13th Street. I work most weekday evenings except Friday, and some Saturday and Sunday afternoons."

  Jackson pulled his cell phone from his pocket. "Give me your number. I can text you my schedule."

  "Um, okay," I said, unsure whether Jackson was being friendly or if he was interested in me. Although I had told myself that I wasn't looking for a relationship right now, I wasn't dumb enough to pass on someone like Jackson. He was funny and gorgeous. You didn't meet funny and gorgeous guys who took an interest in you every day. Besides, who said it had to be something serious? I had just come out of a ten-year relationship. This could just be something fun.

  Besides, maybe he was just being friendly. I didn't want to embarrass myself by protesting when all he wanted to be was my friend. Or my new trainer.

  After Jackson programmed my number into his phone, he started reciting his. I quickly fumbled for my phone in my purse to enter his number.


  "What?" I had no idea why Jackson was spelling.

  "My last name. To put in your phone."

  I laughed. "Are you always this forward with giving out your phone number?"

  Jackson grinned. "I'm always available for my clients. That's how dedicated I am to my job."

  Before I could answer, Claire, Nathan and Mia filed back in. I saw Claire give Jackson and I an assessing look, and I had to squelch the compulsion to quickly stuff my cell phone back into my purse. It hadn't seemed as though there was anything going on between Claire and Jackson, but I made a mental note to ask her about it later. The last thing I wanted to do was tread on her territory.

  Nathan took a long swig of the fresh beer Maggie had set down on the table while they were gone.

  "So what have you two been talking about?" Claire asked as she took a more delicate sip of her own beer.

  "Jackson was telling me about being a trainer," I replied. "Actually, he was trying to convince me to become one of his clients. He doesn't realize that my definition of working out is pressing the buttons on a TV remote."

  Mia laughed. "Jackson is in high demand as a trainer. You should see the gaggle of women that gawk at him while he's working out."

  "Now, Mia," Jackson lectured playfully. "You're going to give Emma the wrong idea. I'm a dedicated trainer that would never take advantage of p
otential clients."

  "Riiight," Mia said sarcastically. "And I actually think that fuchsia is a color that works on everyone. That's at least what I tell everyone when they come to my make-up counter."

  "Jackson is a really good trainer," Claire said. "If you're going to hire a trainer, he's a good choice. He's helped me a lot with strengthening and elongating my muscles."

  Maybe I had just imagined Claire's earlier look. She didn't seem perturbed at all by the thought of Jackson being my trainer.

  "Hold on," I said. "I'm not planning on getting a trainer. I'm not even planning on joining a gym. Not anytime soon, at least. I have to work on getting a paycheck before I start spending it, even if it's for an amazing trainer with clients chasing after him."

  Jackson gave me a dazzling smile. I started to question whether the second beer was a good idea. I felt a little woozy looking at Jackson's smile and I was sure the alcohol had something to do with it.

  "Remember, the first few sessions are free, and I can get you a free trial membership at the gym for a couple of weeks."

  "We'll see," I replied with a noncommittal smile. I checked my watch and frowned at the time. As much as I had enjoyed meeting Claire's friends, my first day of work was looming over me and I hadn't unpacked. The last thing I wanted was to be unprepared for tomorrow.

  "I should get going. I haven't unpacked and I want to obsess a little more about my first day of work tomorrow."

  "I'll go with you," Claire said. "I'm exhausted."

  I reached for my purse to get money for my beers when Jackson stopped me.

  "Don't worry about it," he said with an easy smile. "The least I can do is buy you a couple of beers as a welcome-to-town gesture."

  "Are you sure?" I asked hesitatingly. I wasn't sure how comfortable I felt with someone I had just met picking up my tab.

  "Of course," Jackson said. He glanced at Claire, quirking his mouth. "You too, of course."

  "Thanks, Jackson," Claire said breezily.

  "It was nice meeting you, Emma," Mia chirped. "I'm sure we'll be hanging out a lot, now that you're in town."

  "Thanks, it was nice meeting you all too," I replied with a smile. I felt lucky that not only did I have a friend in Claire, but it also seemed that she was willing to take me into her circle. I glanced at Jackson. "Thanks again for the beers."

  "No problem," he replied.

  "See ya, Ems," Nathan said with a smile. "Don't forget my art show next week."

  "I can't wait."

  It was already dark when Claire and I stepped outside, but it was still warm.

  "Thanks for introducing me to your friends," I said as we started walking the few blocks home.

  "Of course," Claire replied easily. "I know how hard it can be to move to a new town not knowing anyone. I was lucky because I met Jackson in an acting class the first month I moved here and he introduced me to Nathan and Mia. We've all been friends ever since."

  I took the opening, wanting to make sure that I wasn't stepping on any toes.

  "Is there anything between you and Jackson?" I asked, flushing a little at my question.

  Claire gave me a mischievous grin. "Why do you ask?"

  I flushed deeper and gave an awkward laugh. "Just wondering. He was probably just being friendly, but he seemed a little flirty and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't overstepping any boundaries."

  Claire laughed. "Don't worry. Jackson and I went out on a few dates when we first met, but that was three years ago. We found out that we were better off as friends."

  I felt relief at her answer. I hadn't realized how worried I had been that there was something between them.

  "So feel free to pursue away," Claire continued.

  "Oh, I'm not saying I want to pursue him," I said hastily. "I just wanted to make sure I wasn't stepping on any toes. It was just innocent flirting."

  "Okay," she replied in a tone that said she didn't believe me. "But if Jackson shows interest in you, I wouldn't dismiss it. He's a great catch."

  I nodded but didn't say anything else. I was too busy wondering if the new Emma Mills was going to have her first fling.

  Chapter Two

  Figuring out the subway system the next day was a lot easier than I had thought. As promised, Claire had spent some time going over the map with me when we got home from Max's Tavern and I was able to navigate it with much more confidence than I had anticipated.

  Nervous that I would be late on my first day, I left much earlier than necessary and arrived at work an hour early. Sitting in a Starbucks down the street and feeling jittery, I wished I hadn't left so early.

  I checked my watch and saw that I had ten more minutes left to wait so that I would arrive at work fifteen minutes early. I figured fifteen minutes said I was responsible but not overeager. My boss didn't need to know that I had been waiting at Starbucks for over half an hour.

  I took another sip of my coffee and checked my outfit to make sure that nothing was awry. I had dressed in what I thought looked professional, yet trendy. My slim black pants and black heels made my legs look longer than they were. I had paired it with a crisp white oxford shirt and a wide grey belt that I hoped accentuated my narrow waist. I had fought to smooth down my hair, since it wanted to go in all different directions due to the humidity.

  I drained the last of the coffee and checked my watch for the millionth time, relieved to see that it was time to go. I threw away my coffee cup and straightened my shirt, taking in a deep breath. I just hoped I liked my boss.

  After making the short walk to my building and checking in with security, I went up the elevator to the twelfth floor, where my boss' office was located. Mass Communications was a large marketing firm and occupied floors eight through fifteen in the building.

  The elevators opened with a ding and I excused myself, wending a path through the crowd in the elevator. There seemed to be a crowd everywhere I went in New York. From the subways to the streets to the elevators, it was going to take some time to get used to people being everywhere.

  "Excuse me," I said to the smiling receptionist. "I'm Emma Mills. Today is my first day as Janet Lerner's assistant."

  "Of course," she said. "Have a seat. I'll let Janet know that you're here."

  I took a seat in one of the plush chairs in the waiting area, picking up a magazine but flipping through it unseeingly. It was something to do, but I was far too nervous to actually read the pages.

  After about ten minutes, I saw a woman striding towards me. I had never met Janet Lerner in person because my interview had been over the phone, but I assumed it was her. I had been surprised when she hired me over the phone without meeting me in person, but she had told me that she could tell I was a good fit for the job. She had also been impressed with my resume, since I had managed a heavy client load at my last agency.

  I stood up to greet her and she shook my hand with a firm grip.

  "Emma!" she exclaimed. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

  "You too, Janet," I replied with a smile. Janet seemed as warm and friendly in person as she had on the phone. "I'm excited to get started."

  "Follow me," she said as she started walking down the hallway towards the offices. Mass Communications was a global marketing firm and it showed. The impeccably decorated offices spoke of its success. Janet strode down the hallway confidently. She was a director in the company even though she was only in her early thirties, which was impressive in such a prestigious firm. Janet was attractive in an efficient and practical way, her light brown hair cut fashionably to her chin and her clothes perfectly tailored. Her make-up was expertly applied to enhance her large blue eyes and high cheekbones.

  "It can be a bit of a maze around here but you'll get used to it," Janet continued as she made various turns in the hallway and I walked quickly to keep up with her. Everyone seemed to walk so fast in New York. It was another thing I would have to get used to.

  She finally stopped at a cluster of cubicles and pointed to one. "Here's you
r desk. Go ahead and get yourself settled. We'll sit down and go over your duties in a bit and I'll give you a tour of the office later."

  "Okay," I said, still a little dazed. "Is there anything you need me to do right now?"

  Janet laughed. "There's plenty, but I don't want to throw everything at you at once. I know the first day can be a little overwhelming. Just relax and settle into your cubicle for now."

  With that she was gone, going into her office right outside my cubicle but leaving the door open.

  I sat down at my desk, surveying my cubicle. It was bare except for a computer, phone and a few office supplies. I opened a bottom drawer and stuck my purse inside. I hadn't brought any personal things with me to the office. No pictures and no knickknacks. I wasn't a knickknack person and I didn't know whose picture I would set on my desk. I guess I could have brought a picture of my parents, but that seemed a little juvenile.

  Sean's framed picture that used to rest on my desk back at my old job in D.C. was no longer appropriate, but I still had it with me. I brought it from Maryland and buried it in one of my dresser drawers when I unpacked last night. Even though I was ready for my new life, I wanted to keep a part of my old life with me. For all the complaints I had about Sean and his dullness, he was part of my history and there had been some good times.

  Having nothing else to do, I turned on my computer and watched it boot up.

  "Hi," I heard a voice chirp. I turned around and saw a woman pop her head out from the cubicle next to me. "I'm Celeste."

  Celeste looked like she was in her late fifties with greying hair, but her brown eyes still looked bright and youthful.

  "Hi, Celeste," I replied with a smile. "I'm Emma, Janet Lerner's new assistant. Nice to meet you."

  Celeste rolled out of her cubicle in her chair, scooting closer to mine. "I work for Drew Stephens, right over there." She indicated the office next to Janet's with a nod of her head. "Welcome to Mass Comm."

  "Thanks." I appreciated the friendliness, but I wasn't sure I wanted Janet to catch me already chatting it up with other assistants. I wanted her to think I was competent and responsible, not an office gossip.


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