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The Old House

Page 6

by Alexie Aaron

  He pulled her shirt back down and set her on the cushion of one of the observation seats before he woke her.

  Mia opened her eyes to see the angel still looking at her. “I’m sorry, Sariel, I don’t know what came over me. The fatigue of the last few months has taken a toll, I imagine.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Calm. Thank you. I’m sorry for the whole rock thing,” she said.

  “But not the knee?”

  “Oh no, you had that coming,” she said.

  “I did. I was acting foolish. It happens from time to time. Mia, I don’t always play fair. It’s probably why I’m one of the unspoken ones. But trust me when I tell you this, I do not want to harm you or yours. Continue to live your life. Soon you’ll have to make a choice; your body will demand it. Don’t act rashly. Make the choice you feel is the best one for you.”

  “Can you tell me what is coming?”

  “There is going to be a fight over the human race, Mia. For too long, entities, much stronger than I, have played their games with the bipeds. Alliances have been formed. War is not far away.”

  “Why do you and Angelo want me so badly? Are the two of you on opposite sides?”

  “No, why would you think that? Birdmen and angels have always fought together. He and I see in you a warrior who we would be proud to fight beside. He may want something more from you. I don’t know his mind. He and I are not friends, Mia. We have the same vices the humans have. Jealousy is one of them.”

  “Thank you, Sariel. You have eased my mind and body,” Mia said.

  “Take care, Mia. You have much to learn and many dangers to face,” he said.

  Mia reached out her hand.

  Sariel, although amused, shook it before he disappeared.

  Mia felt a jolt as the gondola moved past the last tower. She turned her gaze downward, afraid to look into the sun for what she may see there.


  “You could have at least tried it,” Mia said as they climbed the hill. Her thighs were burning.

  “Too much space,” Murphy said. “Falling, always falling.”

  “I talked to Sariel, and he explained what happened to me. ‘Incidental contact’ is how he explained it. He helped me to release the pent-up emotions.”

  “Exactly how did he… Did you and he?”

  “For cripes’ sake!” Mia shouted. “I’m not the Whore of Babylon. I can keep my pants on, Stephen Murphy. Honestly,” she said, fuming. “That is the last time I share something so sensitive and personal with you, effing farmer.”

  Murphy winced. He figured he deserved that, but he had to ask. He had reconciled himself to sharing Mia with Ted, but there was no way he was going to let any of the flyboys take her as their lover. He would take her from this earth himself before he’d let her corrupt herself that way.

  “You’re pretty quiet,” Mia observed.

  “Saving energy.”

  “Did you get a chance to visit Chastity’s grave?”

  “Yes. It’s a nice place, tended by a young priest named Joseph.”

  Mia sensed something else happened, but she would give Murphy privacy. She concentrated on moving upward towards the hotel.

  Murphy felt there was something different about Mia. She seemed to be more accepting and less tense. Her jaw was no longer clenched and her hands didn’t automatically form into fists. He had mistaken this as satiation. Mia exhibited this behavior after being with her husband.

  Mia looked over at the ghost and swore she saw him blush. She wanted so to ask him, but also, part of her didn’t want to know, so she let it go.

  “Did Sariel touch you, Mia?”

  “Not that I was aware,” she said honestly. “I fell asleep.”

  Murphy turned sharply, dropped his axe and put a hand on either shoulder. “Fell asleep?”

  “Yes. I was standing, looking into his eyes, and then I forced myself to close them. When I opened them again, I was still staring at him, except… I was sitting down. I didn’t think much about it. I wasn’t violated in any way. Honestly, you’ve got to have more faith in me.”

  “Sorry,” he said, dropping his hands. “Mia, I have confused you with Chastity. I’m sorry.”

  Mia moved her hand to his face. “If I could take that hurt from you, I would. If I could change the past, I would. But we are here, standing just inside each other’s dimension, drawn to each other, but knowing that it isn’t right. The old Mia would have spat on the rules of Father Santos and would have gladly joined with you, but I’m not that Mia anymore. I chose a human male to be my husband. A living, breathing man who gave me a child. I love him, Murphy. He’s not perfect, and neither am I. You have to either accept my choice or I will have to take my family and leave the farm.”

  Stephen’s hurt bore into her, tearing her peace apart. The old Mia would have cried and pleaded for him to stop. Instead, she took a deep breath and reassembled her peace. She saw him for what he was, a man spurned again in love. She could not help him without debasing herself. She dropped her hand and turned away.

  “Is it so horrible that I love you?” he asked. “Am I so repulsive that you’d leave me? I have saved you, Mia. I could have let you die.”

  Mia turned and said, “Come into my body and answer your own question.” She pulled off both of her gloves and gripped the ghost and pulled him into her.

  Murphy tried to resist, but she was too strong. He found himself inside of her, experiencing every moment of her life at once. He knew the temptation she fought every time she sensed him near. He saw the fear of losing him to the Dark World and understood her anger at him for tempting her to break her vows. He saw, over and over, her unanswered prayers: “Please God, I want a normal life. I want to live and be loved.” He drew in her strength, ready to break free of her, when he saw the feather. It was there, glowing in the darkness. He reached out and grasped it. A hundred visions of past Earthly battles flew into his mind. He saw the darkness approaching and the living populace of the earth cringing while the heavens were filled with more fighting. A battle for them.

  He let go of the feather and moved along her ribs that Sariel had protected. He touched the etching of the ancient words the angel had carved there. He looked beyond the words and saw Mia’s heart. He saw the print of his hand upon it and felt the love that Mia truly felt for him. It wasn’t a physical love. It went beyond that. He realized then that their love would never need to be consummated; it already had, in the most beautiful way that could be. Mia had let Murphy see her soul.


  “She’s just standing there,” Ted said, worried. He and Burt were watching Mia’s progression up the hill, assuming Murphy was with her.

  “She’s probably catching her wind. You know Mia, she’s going to walk up and by us, not breaking a sweat, leading us to believe she’s Superwoman.”

  Ted had to laugh at Burt’s assessment.

  Mia started walking again. She turned and said something to Murphy who just now came into Ted’s view.

  “Murphy’s with her. Maybe she was waiting for him.”

  “That’ll be the day, when our Mia outlasts a ghost,” Burt said proudly.

  “Burt, she’s my Mia.”

  “Keep thinking that, be delusional,” he teased. “Mia Cooper Martin may be in love with you, but she cares about all of us. She’s ours.”

  Ted wasn’t sure how to take that. He decided to let it go for the peace of the investigation.

  “They’re watching us,” Murphy said. “We will talk later. I’m honored by your love, Mia. I will try to rise to be worthy of it.”

  Mia didn’t smile. She wasn’t sure she had done the right thing. To open up and tell someone your heart was one thing. To show them was another.

  “Come on, Mia, you can do it!” Ted called.

  Mia laughed and push Murphy aside. “You’re it.” She took off running.

  Murphy could have passed her, but instead, he paced himself, watching how quickly the mature woman had turned
into a child and how she made him feel that young too.

  Mia ran into Ted’s arms, and he swirled her around, declaring, “The king of the hill. Long live King Mia!”

  Mia’s heart was pounding from the exertion. She sensed that all was well with Murphy and her. She prayed that she would never have to contemplate leaving Murphy again, that maybe he had gotten the message finally.

  Murphy showed up and laid his axe in the first available piece of wood.


  Chapter Six

  “Mia, I need you and Mike to do interviews in an hour,” Burt said as he followed Ted and Mia into the new wing of the hotel.

  “Why me? That’s Audrey’s forte,” Mia asked.

  “Audrey is going to help Cid and Ted run wire and set up the command center.”

  Mia turned to argue, but the look on Burt’s face said there would be no argument.

  Ted said, “Come on, Mia. You and I have a little time to relax.”

  Mia looked up at Ted and smiled. “You mean relax or relax?”

  Ted shook his head. “Come on, you, I thought you’d be worn-out.”

  “Actually, I am but…”

  “I thought you’d want to check out the room. Make sure there are no ghosties,” Ted said quickly.


  Ted opened the door to E 14. It was a large room with new furniture and amenities. Mia looked longingly at the steam shower. Every muscle in her body ached from the lifting of the equipment boxes to the trudge up the hill, and she was exhausted. Still, she wanted to make love to Ted. It was more to test out her theory that she was now under her own emotional control than the need to have sex. She hated using him this way, but she wouldn’t be able to concentrate until she was convinced that Sariel had taken away his needs from her.

  Ted watched as Mia shed her clothes. He didn’t have any problem rising to the occasion. He made slow passionate love to her, and after, as she lay in his arms, she said, “Thank you.”

  “I should be thanking you,” he said, hugging her. “The last few days have been amazing.”

  Mia brushed a curl off his forehead and smiled. Yes, it’s been wild. I think I can behave myself for a while now.”

  “Too bad.”

  Mia laughed. “Now who’s trying to wear who out?”

  “Let’s shower. I can’t wait to get some hot water on these aching muscles.”

  “I’m too tired to shower.”

  “I can’t have you leaving this room looking like an escapee from an orgy, dear. Plus, you’re going to be on camera.”

  “Fuck the camera,” Mia said stubbornly.

  “Mike’s going to be there and…”

  Mia popped up. “Lead me to the shower, master.”


  “I’m telling you that she was coming on to me during the meeting,” Mike said to Burt. “She was, well, hot, very hot.”

  “She’s had a baby. Maybe her hormones were misfiring or something.”

  “You can’t play the hormone card every time you don’t understand a woman, Burt,” Mike advised.

  They broke off talking when Mia walked into the room. She was wearing a pair of capris with a colorful twin sweater set on top. Her hair had been blow-dried until the silky strands fell shimmering down her back. Mia the hoyden had turned into Mia the innocent. She couldn’t look more different in their eyes.

  Burt knew she had done this on purpose. She was getting back at him for the live-feed outfit he’d made her wear.

  Mike was oddly attracted to the new Mia. She ignored him, sat down and prepared herself for the first interview.

  “Mia, don’t take it the wrong way, but your hair is too shiny for the camera,” Burt said, looking through the viewer. He touched his earcom and asked, “Ted, how does Mia come over on the video?”

  “I beg your pardon?” Ted asked, his voice squeaking.

  “How is she looking, you ass?”

  “Ethereal, a bit shiny,” he said.

  Burt set the camera down, walked over and mussed up Mia’s hair. She looked like she wanted to punch him, but Mike cleared his voice and asked, “Ted, how about now?”

  “Much less shiny,” he said.

  Burt mussed up her hair once more, and this time Mia slugged him.

  “Careful, peanut, that’s your boss,” Ted said over the com.

  “It took me a lot of time to do my hair, and this oaf messes it up,” Mia complained.

  “You’re starting to sound like Mike,” Ted said.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  Mike looked at Mia and understood. Burt had turned the angel into a recently-bedded vixen. He took out his comb and said, “Trust me, Mia.”

  She did. Within minutes, he had pulled her hair back and braided it loosely, letting it fall over her shoulder. He took off his leather bracelet and wound it around the end. “There,” he said. “How does she look now?”

  “Like a professional PEEP,” Ted declared.

  “Okay, send in the first interviewee,” Burt said, rubbing the bruised muscle of his shoulder.


  Cid, Audrey and Murphy looked at the list of hotspots. They only had two more cameras to set up. So far, there hadn’t been any interference. The hotel staff had mentioned that most of the incidents had happened after dark. Murphy didn’t pick up on anyone lurking in the areas they were working in, so maybe the team would complete the setup before anything happened.

  “How’s this angle?” Cid asked Ted.

  “Can you move the camera back a bit? All I can see is the corner. The activity is supposed to happen on the bed, over.”

  Cid looked at Audrey who was cracking up.

  “That’s what she said, over.” Audrey couldn’t resist.

  “Miss McCarthy, whatever has come over you?” Ted said, realizing what he just said and quickly droned, “Cancel last transmission.”

  Cid and Audrey laughed so hard that Audrey flew into the bathroom. Cid sat on the floor, stared into the camera, and announced, “Ghost hunter down.”

  “You guys, you’re worse than Mia and Mike,” Ted complained.

  “How is the dynamic duo doing?” Cid asked.

  “Mia slugged Burt, and her and Mike seemed in sync.”

  “Bizarro World, dude,” Cid said, getting up. He walked over to the bathroom door and knocked on it. “Miss Audrey, are you alright?”

  “Um yes, I’m just washing my… Maybe we should get a camera in here,” she said, opening the door.

  The steam rising from the sink fogged the mirror where something was writing GET OUT!

  Cid picked up the camera and filmed the scene. “This could have been written before we got here. The letters timed,” he suspected.

  Audrey was taking readings. “All seems to be within normal parameters, Captain.”

  Ted rolled his eyes. It was going to be an interesting evening with Audrey in this kind of mood.


  Mia waited until John Groban, the bartender for the Price Hills Resort, sat down. She leaned over and clipped a small microphone to his collar. “This is to help boost your voice. This room has a high ceiling so your voice may get lost,” she explained.

  “No problem,” he said, oddly comforted by her hands on him. He didn’t like being in the hotel, even in the daylight.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” she asked.

  John smiled, taking in the role reversal. “No, I’m fine.”

  “Okay, I would like you to take us back to a few moments before the incident. I understand you were alone in the bar on the main floor?”

  “Yes, I was taking stock. The owners wanted to make sure the bar had everything possible for making the latest martinis and margaritas. I knew we would have to order some special liquors, so I had come in specially to do the ordering. Some of these could take months to get in,” he explained. “I was in the liquor cabinet when I felt a presence behind me.”

  “Was it just a feeling, or did you hear or possibly smell something?” Mia asked.
/>   “No, just the hairs on the back of my neck raised. I turned around, and a beefy-looking man dressed in a pinstripe suit was sitting across the bar in one of the booths. I yelled over, ‘Sorry, but the management has closed the bar until the grand reopening.’ He just stares at me like I’ve insulted him. I walk out from behind the bar and towards the man when he gets up and disappears.”

  “Could he have left the bar before you got to him?” Mia asked sweetly.

  “No, I was four feet from him when he vanished, miss.”

  “That must have been scary,” she sympathized.

  “That was nuthin’. I shook that off. I’ve seen a few things in my line of work. So I go back to my inventory when a hand grabs me by the back of the neck and pushes me down to the floor, and then the kicking starts. All the while, this guy is saying stuff about my heritage and my mother’s lack of husband.”

  “That’s horrible,” Mia says. “How long did this go on for?”

  “Long enough to break two ribs and bruise my kidney.”

  “I’m sorry this has happened to you, John.”

  “So you believe me?” John said, surprised.

  “I’ve seen some things too in my line of work,” Mia said.

  “And cut,” Burt said.

  “Do you want to go back into the bar?” Mia asked John.

  “No, miss.”

  “I could go back in there with you. Maybe have you wear some protection. We could sort out this difference of opinion?”

  “Miss, the guy knocked the shit out of me.”

  “Fair enough,” Mia said, knowing when to back off. “You’re not still seeing the man, are you?”

  John paled. “How did you know?”

  “Tell me about it.” Mia motioned for Burt to start filming.


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