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Ashton Grove Werewolves (Boxed Set, Vol. 2)

Page 4

by Jessica Coulter Smith

The first part of their trip was silent, but an hour after being on the road, Ramsey broke the silence.

  “You haven’t said a lot about your life in the Los Angeles pack. Hunter has talked about it a little, but not much.”

  “I was nothing more than a possession there. After Hunter left, things got worse. There were two wolves who wanted me as their mate, one was relentless, and the new alpha was going to force me to choose. I knew I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want either of them. So I packed my things and left.”

  “Is that why you left so much behind?”

  She nodded. “I brought only what I knew I needed. It was hard leaving so much behind, but I knew it was necessary if I wanted to escape. I loaded the car while no one was watching me and I took off.”

  “Watching you?”

  “Once two of the guys showed an interest, they assigned someone to watch me at all times. I don’t know if they were afraid I would elope with someone, or if they were worried about the guys. Either way, they made my life hell.”

  “Well, I’m glad you came to Ashton Grove.”

  “Me, too.”

  Ramsey grinned. “Of course, now you’re right back where you started. We might not be mated, but you’re still stuck living with someone.”

  “I’m not stuck with you, Ramsey. I choose to be with you. There’s a difference.”

  He reached over and laced their fingers together. He had to admit that it was nice having someone in his life again. He’d been a part of Luna’s life for six months, but it hadn’t been the same. He’d only been pretending with her, but with Harper it was the real thing. They were starting a relationship. He should have been terrified, jumping into something so quickly, but he was fascinated by Harper and couldn’t wait to learn more about her.

  Another hour later, they pulled into the parking lot of the motel. Ramsey leaned over and kissed her.

  “Wait here. I’ll get our room key and be right back.”

  She smiled and nodded.

  He got out and dashed into the lobby. It had been such a long day that he was anxious to get to bed. And he was sure that Harper felt the same way. He’d noticed her yawning more and more the closer they’d gotten to the motel. He had no doubt they would both sleep well tonight.

  After giving the clerk the appropriate information and signing the credit card receipt, he went back to the Hummer with the room key in his hand.

  “We’re on the first floor,” he told her.

  “Good. I don’t think I’d make it up any stairs tonight.”

  He grinned. “That makes two of us.”

  He stopped in front of their motel door and got out. Getting the bag from the backseat, he made sure the Hummer was locked before joining Harper at the motel room door. He quickly unlocked it and walked inside.

  There was a king size bed that dominated the middle of the room and it looked incredibly inviting to both of them. Once Harper had changed into her silky nightgown, which Ramsey couldn’t stop staring at, and Ramsey had stripped down to his boxers, they crawled into bed. Even though the bed was large enough for both of them to sleep on separate sides and never touch one another, they both rolled to the middle and Ramsey pulled Harper into his arms.

  “Good night,” he said, kissing her one last time.

  “Good night,” she murmured, her eyes drifting closed.

  The next day, dressed in their bathing suits, Harper and Ramsey went to the lake. They managed to find a quiet cove, surrounded by trees. With no one in sight, they felt as if they were the only two people on earth. Treading water, Ramsey watched Harper as she swam nearby. When she got close enough, he reached out and grabbed her, making her squeal.

  “Ramsey! What are you doing?”

  He grinned and kissed her. “It occurred to me that I hadn’t kissed you in a while and it seemed like a good time.”

  “Anytime is a good time.”

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d feel that way since we aren’t in Ashton Grove. Since we don’t have an audience and don’t have anything to prove, I wasn’t sure if you’d still...”

  She placed a finger over his lips. “Ramsey, you can kiss me anytime you want. I love your kisses.”

  His mouth lowered to hers, searing her with a passion that she’d learned to associate with Ramsey’s kisses. His lips caressed hers and coaxed them apart so he could taste her with his tongue. As the kiss intensified, Harper found herself clinging to Ramsey as if her life depended on it.

  Breaking apart, they were both breathless.

  “Make love to me,” Harper said softly.

  Ramsey looked around. “Here?”

  “No one else is around.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “In the water or on the beach?”

  “In the water. Please Ramsey.”

  He swam until his feet could touch the bottom. “If that’s what you want.”

  She nodded and kissed him softly. “Forget the foreplay. I want to feel you inside of me,” she whispered.

  “Are you sure? This isn’t quite what I had in mind for our first time together.”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  Harper did as she was bade. He pulled his cock free from his swim trunks and pulled her bathing suit aside. With his eyes on hers, he thrust into her. When she flinched, he froze.

  “Why didn’t you tell me I was your first?” he demanded. “We should have been in a bed for your first time.”

  “I wanted to be a part of you. I didn’t care where we were.”

  He kissed her tenderly. “We’re doing this in a bed later and taking our time. Understood?”

  She nodded.

  Ramsey began thrusting slowly, giving her body time to adjust. When her hips began to meet his thrust for thrust, he plunged into her harder and faster. A moment later, her legs tightened around his waist and her fingers locked in his hair as she cried out his name, finding her release. Knowing that he’d pleased her, he allowed himself to come deep inside of her.

  “Ramsey, I... that was...”

  He kissed her gently.

  “That was the best moment of my life,” she finally finished.

  “Do you want to stay here longer or go back to the motel?” he asked.

  She kissed him again. “The motel. Definitely the motel.”

  He chuckled and carried her out of the water. Now that he’d had a taste of her, he wanted more. What he hadn’t told her was that it had been one of the best moments of his life, too. He had a feeling that he’d never get enough of her.

  Chapter Five

  Back in Ashton Grove, Hunter approached the alpha’s house. He hadn’t been there much since first joining the pack, and he was nervous to be there now. How would Gabriel react to his news?

  He rang the bell and waited.

  Kiera opened the door with a smile. “Hunter. What a pleasant surprise. Come on in.”

  He followed the alpha’s mate into the house with a smile.

  “Is Gabriel home? I needed to speak with him about something.”

  “He’s in the kitchen with Luna.”

  Hunter nodded and followed Kiera. Before he stepped in the kitchen, he heard Luna begging to be Ramsey’s mate. He hesitated a moment to see what the alpha’s answer would be. When Gabriel didn’t give one, he went ahead and entered the kitchen.

  Kiera smiled at her husband. “Hunter stopped by to talk to you.”

  “I was about to head over to the shop,” the alpha said.

  “This was more of a personal nature. And it concerns Ramsey, too.”

  Gabriel glanced at Luna before looking at Hunter again. “Go ahead.”

  “First I should start by telling you that I’ve kept something from you and I’m sorry for that but I felt it was in her best interest.”

  Gabriel looked surprised. “You’ve found a mate?”

  Hunter shook his head. “My sister is in town.”

  “I didn’t realize you had a sister.”

  “She moved here
just before Ramsey came back.”

  “And this has what to do with Ramsey?”

  “She’s living with him.”

  Luna gasped and paled a little, but stayed put.

  “You have room, why didn’t she stay with you?” the alpha asked.

  “She isn’t living with him as a roommate. She’s living with him as his girlfriend. I introduced them when he first came back and they hit it off. They’ve been inseparable since.”

  “I see. And you didn’t tell me about her because?”

  “Pack life in California was hard on her. I had a feeling that she and Ramsey would get along well together. I wanted to give her the time to find out before she was introduced to the pack. She was nervous about starting over. I’d talked about Ramsey a lot and she was intrigued. Even knowing the situation with Chloe, she still wanted to meet him first. I didn’t see the harm in letting her.”

  “It wasn’t your call to make,” Gabriel said calmly.

  “I know and I’m sorry, but it’s worked out well.”

  “I want to see Ramsey.”

  Hunter rubbed the back of his neck. “About that...”

  Gabriel sighed. “What now?”

  “He kind of left town with Harper last night. They should be back tomorrow. I think. At least, that was the plan when they left, but they wanted some time away from the pack.”

  Luna had paled even further and shrunk into her seat.

  “Is that who he was kissing last night? The blonde woman?” she asked.

  Gabriel’s gaze sharpened on her. “You knew he was with someone when you asked to be mated to him?”

  “I saw him, but...”

  “But nothing, Luna. You know what he’s been through. How could you have done that?” the alpha demanded. “You’re to move your things from the apartment immediately. I won’t have you underfoot over there. Ramsey deserves a chance to be happy, and hopefully Harper will take his mind off Chloe.”

  If possible, she paled even more. “I took his mind off her!”

  “No, you didn’t. If you had, he wouldn’t have had to get drunk before he went home his first night home. It’s obvious he thought about Chloe the whole time he was gone.”

  Luna winced and nodded. “Where am I moving my things?”

  “You’ll stay here until I mate you to someone. Which will be soon.”

  “I’ll have everything here by this afternoon.”

  “Good. I’d suggest you start packing.”

  She rose from the table and walked out with as much dignity as she could muster. With one last glace over her shoulder, she left the werewolves to talk.

  After Luna was gone, Gabriel focused on Hunter again.

  “I should punish you for lying by omission. You kept something important from me.”

  “I know. And I’ll accept whatever punishment you give.”

  “But you’ve also done something I haven’t been able to do in six months. You’ve gotten Ramsey to think of something other than Chloe. For that, I owe you, so let’s call it even.”

  Hunter nodded. “I’m sorry that Ramsey won’t be at work today and tomorrow. But all things considered, I thought it was important for the two of them to have some time alone. I thought it might solidify their bond.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. Let’s hope we’re right.”

  “If you don’t need anything else, I’ll head across the street and get to work.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll be over shortly.”

  “Gabriel, thanks. Not only for not punishing me, but for giving Harper and Ramsey a chance.”

  The alpha nodded and watched the other wolf walk out. He had a lot to think about. Was it possible that Harper could be Ramsey’s mate? Being born into a werewolf family, it was guaranteed that she was a werewolf’s mate. But whose? For the sake of the pack, he hoped that Hunter knew what he was doing. If Harper and Ramsey really did work out, then it would be for the best.

  Chapter Six

  Harper opened her eyes and stretched lazily in bed. She’d spent the rest of the morning and afternoon making love with Ramsey and now her body was sore, but in a good way. She looked at the werewolf sleeping at her side and smiled. He really was quite remarkable. And not just in bed. He’d been so sweet, asking if he was hurting her, making sure she wasn’t too sore. And then, in-between their bouts of lovemaking, he’d asked about her childhood and teen years. Although, she had a feeling some of it had been a fishing expedition to see just how many boyfriends she’d had and how much experience she’d had before coming to his bed, despite the fact that she’d obviously never been intimate with a man before. Werewolves! Such territorial creatures. But she loved it.

  She curled up on her side and ran her fingers through his hair. During their talks, she’d extracted a promise from him. For as long as they were together, he wouldn’t pretend to be anyone’s mate, no matter who asked. Like Chloe, she didn’t think she could handle it. If he wanted a mate, he could ask her to be his mate for real, or he could break up with her before going off to play make-believe with someone else.

  Her heart ached at the thought of being without Ramsey. Even though they’d just met, she felt close to him. Closer than she’d ever felt to anyone before. If she’d know him longer, she’d swear she was in love. But that was ridiculous. She’d only known him for a day or two. Love at first sight didn’t exist. Did it?

  She might be living with him now, but she didn’t know how he felt. For all she knew, he was just playing a part. A part with benefits. Yes, he’d been tender and kind to her. But that didn’t mean he had feelings for her. The only way he’d feel something for her so soon is if she were truly his mate. She could dare to dream. Being part of Ramsey’s life would be wonderful.

  She watched as he stretched and slowly woke.

  “How long have you been awake?” he asked.

  “Not long.”

  He reached for her and pulled her into his arms. He nuzzled the side of her neck and kissed her.

  “What did you want for dinner tonight?” he asked.

  “Anything is fine with me.”

  “I saw an Italian place on the way back from the lake.”

  “Sounds perfect. I just need to take a shower first.”

  He kissed her again. “Makes two of us. If I promise to behave, want to shower together?”

  She nodded and snuggled into him. Honestly, she’d probably agree to just about anything he asked. Of course, she wasn’t about to tell him that.

  He rolled out of bed and tugged her along behind him, heading for the bathroom. While he adjusted the water to the right temperature, Harper studied him. A man his size shouldn’t be as graceful as he was. She couldn’t be near him without wanting to touch him. When he turned to her, she allowed him to help her into the shower.

  He stepped in behind her and closed the curtain.

  “I know you’re too sore to do anything, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to touch you.”

  She smiled up at him shyly. “I like it when you touch me,” she admitted.

  Ramsey kissed her softly, pulling her close. Her body instantly responded to him, even though she knew nothing was going to happen between them. She couldn’t help but want him. When she felt his arousal, she rubbed herself against him.

  He pulled back. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...”

  “It’s not you. I just can’t be around you without your clothes on. Hell, I don’t think I can be around you with your clothes on without wanting you. Just being in the same room with you is enough to make me hard.”

  She blushed and smiled up at him, pleased that she had such an effect on him. Knowing that he desired her that much made her want him even more, not just sexually, but in a forever kind of way. The longer she was around him, the more she wanted to be his mate. Not that she could tell him that. If he knew, he could very well run the other way. No, she had to hold herself in check and just hope that he
came to care for her enough to want to keep her around.

  Ramsey kissed her again. “I’m going to let you wash yourself. If I get my hands on you, I can’t promise to behave. I thought I could, but...” He shook his head.

  She lightly caressed his chest. “It’s okay, Ramsey. It’s actually rather flattering that you don’t have much control around me. I think I like it.”

  He grinned.

  As she washed her body and lathered her hair, he watched her every move. She felt the heat of his gaze as if he were caressing her body. She couldn’t have been more turned on if his hands were actually touching her. Harper cursed her body at that moment, wanting more than anything to be with Ramsey again yet knowing she couldn’t. If she were lucky, they could be intimate again tomorrow night, but she doubted they could before then. It wasn’t fair, all she wanted was to be with Ramsey.

  When they were finished, they got out and dried off. It didn’t take them long to dress for dinner. The ride on the way to the restaurant was quiet, but it was a comfortable silence.

  The next day, Ramsey got a text message from Kiera. He was stunned about the change of events with Luna, but he would be lying if he said he was disappointed. He’d wondered how he could get her to leave the apartment now that he had Harper living with him. It seemed Gabriel had saved him the trouble.

  He sent her a message back letting her know where they were and that they would be home soon, and she responded quickly letting him know that Gabriel hadn’t been pleased with his abrupt departure. He knew he should have called and gotten permission to leave, especially since he’d been scheduled to work, but it had been last minute and had sounded like a good idea at the time. And honestly, it had been a good idea. He wouldn’t have changed anything. His time with Harper was precious to him. Never had he met anyone like her before, and he doubted there was anyone like her in all the world. It made him wonder if perhaps he should hang onto her. Of course, that’s assuming she wanted to stay with him.

  They’d packed first thing in the morning and he’d already checked out of the motel. Harper was waiting for him in the Hummer, probably wondering what he was up to. Since Kiera hadn’t mentioned anything about his trip, he had to assume that Gabriel already knew about it, which meant that Hunter had talked to him as planned. He only wished he knew how the conversation had gone. Was Gabriel okay with it? Or would the alpha try to take Harper away from him when they returned?


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