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Ashton Grove Werewolves (Boxed Set, Vol. 2)

Page 11

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  He noticed Trent watching Harper and he growled. He didn’t like the wolf’s attention on his mate. If the alphas didn’t send Trent away soon, Ramsey was going to personally escort him out of Ashton Grove.

  Connor called everyone’s attention.

  “First, I’d like to say that congratulations are in order. Some of you may know that Ramsey took Harper as his mate. What you don’t know is that they’re expecting their first child. Also, Trent and Luna were mated this morning and are also expecting a child.

  “But the main reason you were called here has to do with the dynamics of the pack. As you’ve noticed, we’re constantly growing, and because of that we’ve decided to add another position of leadership. Starting immediately, we’re going to have a pack enforcer. Now, some of you may not know what that is having come from small packs like this one. Basically, it means that someone is going to make sure all pack laws and alpha orders are followed. If they aren’t, they will be the one to see to the punishment. We’re lucky to have someone who has experience in this position. Ramsey held that title in the Denver pack, which boasts nearly two hundred wolves.

  “That doesn’t mean you’ll be taking orders from him. You’ll still be getting orders from me or Gabriel, that won’t change. But if something happens and an infraction occurs, the three of us will sit down and discuss the proper punishment. Once something is decided, Ramsey will be the one to see that it’s carried out.”

  Connor looked around the group, meeting the gaze of each wolf. “Are there any questions? Any concerns?”

  James, a transfer from the Chicago pack, raised his hand. “What if we don’t like the changes? What if we feel the person should have been voted in?”

  Connor smiled, but it wasn’t a pleasant one. “If you don’t like the way things are being run here, you’re free to find another pack. Essentially, get in line or get out.”

  James nodded.

  Sean, a transfer from the Las Vegas pack, raised his hand. “Are there going to be other leadership positions?”

  “Not at this time,” Connor answered. “As we grow, it’s possible that some will be added. But for now, it will just be the three of us.” He looked around at everyone. “Anything else?”

  When no one answered, he said, “Good. Meeting adjourned. Trent, Luna... I need to speak with you so stick around. Ramsey, why don’t you take Harper in the house? I’ll be in after I speak with these two.”

  Ramsey nodded and put his arm around Harper’s waist. As they walked past Luna and Trent, he glared at the other wolf, daring him to look at his mate. Trent apparently had at least some self-preservation skills because he kept his gaze averted.

  When they reached the house, Ramsey ushered Harper inside and closed the door behind them. They walked toward the front of the house and found Kiera in the kitchen baking cookies.

  “Want one?” Kiera asked as they sat down at the table.

  Harper licked her lips. “No way am I passing up a fresh chocolate chip cookie.”

  Kiera laughed. “Yep, you’re definitely pregnant. Here, have two. Ramsey?”

  He shook his head. “Where’s Gabriel?”

  “He had an emergency at the garage. Connor is handling everything today.”

  “He’s talking with Luna and Trent now. I’m guessing he’s letting them know about the transfer,” Ramsey said.

  “Probably. I know that Gabriel didn’t say anything after the ceremony this morning. I think he wanted them to have an hour or two to get adjusted to being mates. Not that an hour is long enough for something like that, but he didn’t want to spring two major life events on them at the same time.”

  “As long as they’re gone, I don’t care when they’re told or who tells them. I don’t trust Trent, mated or not. You didn’t see the way he was staring at Harper during the meeting. I don’t like him.”

  “Connor is going to give them a few days to pack their things and make arrangements to move. They should be out of here by Saturday. Think you can hang on until then?”

  “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

  Harper reached across the table and took his hand. “You shouldn’t worry about me so much. I’ve been fine so far.”

  “Yes, but he’s about to become desperate. Before, he thought he had all the time in the world. Now he’s only going to have a few days before he leaves Ashton Grove forever. Like I said, I don’t trust him. You have to promise me that you won’t go anywhere alone.”

  Harper nodded.

  “I think that’s a smart idea,” Kiera said.

  Connor walked in with a frown on his face. “They weren’t happy with the news, but that’s to be expected. It won’t take Luna more than a day to pack, but Trent was dragging his feet. He said it would take two or three days to get his affairs in order before he could leave.”

  “And you don’t believe him?” Ramsey asked.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “I told Harper not to go anywhere by herself,” he said.

  Connor nodded. “I noticed that he was watching her. You’d think a man newly mated would be able to keep his eyes on his own woman. Then again, Luna was doing her fair share of looking, and it wasn’t at Trent.”

  “I’ll be glad when they’re gone,” Harper said with a sigh. “Maybe life will get back to normal then. Whatever that is.”

  “Maybe we can all get together on Saturday, after Trent and Luna leave. We can all use a good time,” Kiera suggested.

  “A pack party?” Connor asked.

  Kiera shook her head. “I was thinking just family with a few other select people, like Ramsey and Harper, and maybe Austin and Hunter.”

  “Sounds good to me. You just have to sell your husband on the idea.”

  Kiera grinned. “No problem.”

  Ramsey chuckled. “Yeah, she has him wrapped around her finger. Much like Aislinn has you wrapped around hers, I’m sure.”

  Connor grinned. “Yeah, she does. Her and Alisdair both.”

  “Alisdair?” Harper asked.

  “My adopted son. He wandered up to my construction site as a wolf pup and Aislinn took him in, recognizing him as a werewolf right away. He was injured and was hiding from his pack. We changed his name and made him ours,” Connor explained.

  “He’s lucky to have found you,” she said with a smile.

  “You have no idea,” Kiera said. “They spoil him rotten.”

  Connor narrowed his eyes at her. “Look who’s talking! I seem to remember a certain baby having more than it could ever need or want long before it was born.”

  She blushed. “Okay, so I’m just as guilty.”

  Harper placed a hand over her own stomach. Would she be the same way? She was already anxious to set up the nursery, but would she spoil her child like these two obviously had? She glanced at Ramsey and found him watching her intently. His eyes gave nothing away so she had no clue as to what he was thinking, but she wondered if he too was thinking about their unborn child.

  “Now, for the reason I asked you to stay,” Connor said, addressing Ramsey. “You already heard your job description. Do you have any questions or concerns? Anything you didn’t want to say in front of everyone?”

  He shook his head. “Not really. It was pretty self-explanatory. I mean, unless there’s something you left out or anything you need to tell me that you couldn’t say in front of the pack?”

  “No, I was open and honest in front of them. Any decisions will be made between you, me and Gabriel. None of us will make a decision without the others. You’re going to be the only one tracking everyone down and making sure they’re punished accordingly. There’s just one thing we didn’t cover.”

  “What’s that?” Ramsey asked.

  “Compensation. It’s going to require you to take time off from your regular job whenever the need arises. So it seems only fair that we pay you something to take on this task.”

  Ramsey shook his head. “That isn’t necessary.”

  “Yes, it is. We’ll pay you
based off the situation. Regardless, you won’t go home empty-handed. You have a mate and baby to think about now.”

  “Okay, fair enough.” He glanced at Harper and wondered if it bothered her to be referred to as his mate and not his wife. She’d said before she didn’t care, but he knew it would bother her sooner or later. It had to. Didn’t all women want to get married eventually? Or was he being chauvinistic? He certainly wasn’t trying to be, but he wanted to make sure she got what she wanted out of their relationship. No, what she needed.

  “That’s all I needed. If you have any questions, just give me or Gabriel a call. Otherwise, I guess I’ll see you Saturday if Kiera gets everything set up.”

  Ramsey nodded and stood. “Thanks again, Connor.”

  He helped Harper to her feet and they left the Victorian. The ride home was silent and Ramsey wondered what Harper was thinking about. It always worried him when she was quiet, especially after something big happened. It was the first time she’d seen Trent since moving from California, had it upset her more than he’d thought? Was she worried about the baby? Was she thinking about his new position in the pack? Or did she just not have anything to say?

  He could just ask her, but he preferred that she just tell him. Shouldn’t she want to talk to him? If something was bothering her, shouldn’t she want to lean on him? Their relationship was still so new that he never knew what to make of her, what to say or not say, what he should or shouldn’t do. He wished he could read her better, but he figured that would happen over time.

  Looking at her out of the corner of his eye, he noticed she seemed relaxed. The sun made her hair shine like spun gold and he wanted to reach out and touch it. He found himself wanting to touch her all the time, even if it was just to touch her hand or run his fingers through her hair. Anything, just as long as he could have contact with her.

  “Instead of going home, would you like to go do something?” he asked.

  She looked surprised. “Like what?”

  He shrugged. “Whatever you want.”


  “That’s what I said.”

  “What if I said I wanted to see you in your wolf form again?”

  He glanced at her. “Why? You aren’t planning to drag me to a pet store are you?”

  She laughed. “No, of course not. I just... You changed back almost immediately after I got home that night. Don’t you think it’s odd that your mate has only seen you as a wolf one time?”

  “I guess I didn’t realize how important it was to you. I’ve known wolves that mated with women who had never seen their wolf form. But if you want to go home, I’ll be happy to shift for you.”

  “Are you sure? We can always do something else. Go walk in the park, go to the mall, visit the next town over...”

  He nodded. “All of those are good suggestions.”

  “What is the next town over, anyway?”

  “Depends on which way you go. The one I prefer is Jonestown. It’s about ten miles down the road and isn’t much bigger than Ashton Grove. They have some nice boutiques if you like shopping, a small museum, a few parks, and a mall that’s about the size of ours.”

  Harper was quiet for a moment. “Well... You can shape shift at any time, but there are only so many days you can take me someplace. Maybe we should go out today.”

  He had to admit he was a little thankful. It was odd shifting on command. He’d never had a woman ask him to do so before. Then again, he’d never met a woman like Harper before either. She had a valid point. She was his mate and as such had a right to get to know him in both of his forms. He just didn’t see what the rush was. They had the rest of their lives together.

  He turned right and headed toward Jonestown. Hopefully she liked the place as much as he did. If nothing else, it would at least get her out of Ashton Grove for a bit and give her some new scenery to look at. And maybe the outing would do them some good.

  “Any idea what you want to do when we get there?” he asked.

  “You’re probably tired of baby shopping.”

  He grinned. “Not at all. There’s actually a really cute boutique on the main strip that I think you’ll like.” He glanced at her still flat stomach. “And while you aren’t showing yet, their mall has a really nice maternity store. It wouldn’t hurt to pick up an outfit or two just to have something on hand when you need it.”

  “I have to slow down. I’m going to run out of money.”

  “Did you pay for the other baby things?” he asked, feeling a little irritated.

  “Well, no... But...”

  “And have I asked you to pay for anything since we’ve been together?”

  “No, but...”

  “Then why would you assume that you would need to pay for anything you buy today? I may not make a ton of money working at the garage, but I can still take care of you.”

  She reached for his hand. “Ramsey, I didn’t mean...”

  “I was paid really well for that job I did in Denver, and while I ran through just about all of it while I was in Mississippi, I can always do other odd jobs for the Denver pack if something comes up.”

  She tensed. “You promised you wouldn’t do something like that again. Not while we’re together.”

  “I didn’t say I would pretend to be someone’s mate. Now that I actually have a mate, I doubt that I would be asked to do something like that anyway. And if they did ask, I would tell them no. When I give my word, I keep it.”

  “Then what would you do?”

  “When I spoke with the alpha about the Trent situation, he didn’t seem happy with his current enforcer. If things got bad enough that we needed some extra money, I could always hire myself out to the Denver pack for special jobs here and there.”

  “Or I could get a part-time job.”

  He shook his head. “I’d rather you stay home with the baby. I know that sounds old fashioned, and maybe a bit chauvinistic, but I don’t like the thought of strangers raising our kid. I don’t like daycares.”

  “I want to stay home, but if you think we need extra cash...”

  “I think we’ll be fine. I just said if it came to that then I would do whatever was necessary to make sure we’re taken care of.”

  She sighed. “I don’t want to argue. Can we just forget we had this conversation? We were having a good day until you asked me what I wanted to do. It’s gone downhill from there.”

  “All right. Let’s start over. What would you like to do first when we get into Jonestown? We’ll be there in just another minute or two.”

  “Let’s go to the baby boutique first, and then the mall. We’ll play it by ear after that.”

  He nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Ramsey drove straight to the boutique when they arrived in town, parking in front of the small store. When they walked through the front door, Harper immediately went to a small wooden rocking horse in the front corner near the display window. It was hand painted with a leather seat and reins, the colors cheerful and bright. It reminded them of carousel horse, minus the pole.

  He watched as Harper touched it reverently and he knew that she wanted it. He also knew that he was going to buy it for her. It would be a while before the baby would be able to ride it, but it was obviously a unique piece and something that Harper had fallen in love with.

  Ramsey motioned to the sales woman and asked about the piece.

  “We don’t usually take consignment pieces, but this was an antique that someone restored. The owner is an older gentleman who said his grandchildren had outgrown it. Do you think you might be interested in it?”

  “Oh, could we, Ramsey? Please?” Harper begged.

  He grinned. “Yeah, I think we’re interested in it. Could you put it aside for us while we finish looking around?”

  The sales woman nodded and smiled. “Just let me know if you need anything.”

  Harper commented on several other things in the store, but Ramsey tried to keep her away from the furniture and larger pla
y items. He knew there was a lot they would still need to purchase, but there was no sense in buying it all at one time. They had a ways to go so there was no reason they couldn’t spread it out a bit.

  By the time they left, they had purchased the rocking horse, two receiving blankets, and some crocheted baby booties. Ramsey put everything in the back of the Hummer and drove to the mall.

  With it being a weekday, the mall wasn’t very crowded, for which Ramsey was grateful. He hated large crowds, especially since it made it difficult to park the Hummer. It seemed that most of the empty parking spaces had someone parked over the line, and there was no way a vehicle as large as his was fitting in a space that tight. But he was in luck and managed to find front row parking.

  Harper threaded her arm through Ramsey’s as they walked through the mall. “May I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’re friends with Hunter, right?”

  He was surprised by her question, but nodded.

  “Does he seem different to you lately? I mean, I know I haven’t seen him in a while, but it seems like something is bothering him. Or is it just me?”

  Ramsey frowned. “I haven’t really thought about it. I guess I’ve had my mind on other things lately. He’s been more distracted, but I wouldn’t say it’s anything to worry about. He probably just has something on his mind. If you’re worried about it, why don’t you ask him?”

  “Because he’s my big brother. He expects me to confide in him, but he never confides in me. I’m just worried about him.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  She bit her lip. “Would you ask him?”

  He stopped and looked down at her. “You want me to point blank ask him if something is bothering him? First off, that isn’t something I would normally do so that’s going to make him suspicious. Second, if he wants to talk, he’ll let me know.”


  “I’ll make sure I talk to him at some point this week, but it will be up to him to bring up anything that might be bothering him. If he doesn’t say anything, I’m going to leave the matter alone. He’ll talk when he’s ready. Or, you could just be reading too much into things. He could be perfectly fine.”


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