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Torn (Jay Gunner, #1)

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by Gerald Greene


  Jay Gunner Book 1

  New Adult Romance

  Gerald Greene

  Cover by Todd Herbertson

  Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved

  Published by Village View Press

  1 - Following a Dream

  “I made it mom. Thanks for coming.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it. You worked hard. I’m so proud.”

  “Without your support I wouldn’t have made it. I owe you mom.”

  After graduation, I shocked friends and classmates. Lucrative offers from Wall Street brokerage firms and banks didn’t interest me. Instead, I chose an offer from Hong Kong based Global Trading Limited, a small, privately owned foreign exchange trading firm.

  I’d start as a junior currency trader, with the promise of frequent evaluations. I was sure this would fast track my trading career. I was a young man in a hurry for fame and fortune.

  I’d already showed a special talent. Through a series of trades, a $3,000 investment grew into enough to pay for most of an expensive Harvard MBA education. Mom’s sacrifices, a partial scholarship, and trading profits paid the way. I wasn’t a George Soros, not by a long shot, but was on my way.

  I took mom’s advice and followed my passion and dreams. The position offered adventure, fast track opportunity, and an exciting lifestyle. I would I board a Cathay Pacific flight with a carry-on bag, a laptop computer, and one suitcase. I had the confidence of youth. Failure wasn’t an option.

  I had an insane vision of becoming a tai-pan; an expatriate who achieves great things in China. Original tai-pans made fortunes trading silk, spices and opium. I’d make my fortune trading currencies.

  My best Harvard friend, John said, “Are you mad? You’re going where?”

  I said, “The Hong Kong offer is exactly what I’ve dreamed of. I have to go. It’s my destiny.”

  “That’s crazy! What about your Goldman Sachs offer? Turn them down now and you’ll be on their black list forever. You won’t get another chance.”

  My Harvard friends all thought like John. They all put me down as crazy. My girlfriend, Ashley Riddle, wanted to kill me. She was dismayed and angry. Her promises of love forever instantly turned to burning hate.

  Ashley expected a proposal. Instead, I would be leaving to a location half way around the world. She was royally pissed. Can’t say I blame her. Like a prick, I gave her no warning. I didn’t mention my plans until after graduation. Not once did I ask her to join me.

  Ashley let me have it. “Jay you’re insane. Insane and cruel. I thought we had a future together. Now, as soon as you graduate, you dump me. I guess to your selfish ass the last three years mean nothing.”

  I didn’t feel too bad. I liked Ashley but didn’t love her. No way was I going to marry such a material girl. All she wanted to do was shop and show off at parties. She loved the Hamptons. She was getting on my nerves.

  I said, “I should have told you sooner, but wanted to confirm my offer. Besides, you’d hate Hong Kong. You don’t even like Chinese food. You fit in better at the Hamptons, with all your rich friends.”

  “I hate you Jay Gunner. You’re a selfish bastard. I hope you choke to death on Dim Sum.”

  That wish for my death ended our relationship. She walked out in a huff. That was the last time I spoke to Ashley. I still can’t believe I spent three years with that social butterfly.

  Mom, bless her sweet heart, offered encouragement. When I showed concern about living alone, so far away, she said, “Son, the time to take chances is while you’re young. You must have courage and be brave. Above all, you must believe in yourself.”

  “Thanks for understanding. You’re the only one that does.”

  At the airport, she said. “I’ll miss you, but I understand you’re following your dream.”

  She hugged me, kissed me goodbye, and said she expected my success. I promised to stay in touch and write often. Mom meant letters. She never liked email. To her emails weren’t real letters.

  That was six years ago. Six years of adventure, success, and advancement. Now old college friends think I’m a lucky prick that stumbled into good fortune. New friends in Hong Kong love my style and bar habits. I always pick up the tab.

  At Global Trading, within three years, I advanced from junior trader to head of currency trading. I loved Hong Kong and my position. And I loved Dim Sum. Fuck that Hamptons party going bitch.

  Luck had little to do with making my fortune. I paid my dues and worked my ass off. The hard work paid off. My efforts were rewarded in an environment that noticed dedication and profitable results.

  I made millions as the Euro collapsed. My story was featured in business magazines. As college classmates learned of my success, I started getting solicitations to invest in ventures. I received all sorts of business plans. I was polite with rejections, but had no interest. It was best to stick with what I knew best.

  In foreign exchange trading timing is everything. I arrived in Hong Kong at the right time. Foreign exchange markets were extremely volatile. Aggressive skilled traders, with market savvy and brass balls, had the opportunity to make outrageous profits.

  I developed into one of the best. At 29, I was a multi-millionaire. Life was like one big wet dream. My bonuses were huge as I made money for investors in Global Trading Limited.

  I developed an outrageous lifestyle. I pay $50 for haircuts, buy famous designer suits, insist on $150 ties, sport $500 shoes, live in an expensive condo, and enjoy VIP status at expensive nightclubs and restaurants. With blazing blue eyes, trim fit body, jet black hair, bronzed face and stylish dress, Chinese lady friends say I look like a movie star.

  In a way they’re correct. Chinese movie star friends got me a minor role in a Kung Fu movie. I liked being the bad guy. Life was good as a hard charging American expatriate in Hong Kong.

  2 – Meeting Joy

  At six o’clock I reached for the alarm clock. I hit the snooze button, and rolled over to snuggle with by Chinese girlfriend. Ten minutes more and I’d be fine.

  Amanda Lee was warm, curvy, and waiting for me to wake. As soon as I moved, she threw a long, graceful arm across my chest. Her long legs curled around my lower body. Amanda followed with a soft, wet kiss on my bare chest. Oh shit. It was Monday morning. I didn’t have much time. That little bit of attention made my cock rock hard.

  Amanda purred, “Lover, how about a quick one?”

  “Amanda I’d love it, but not now. I’m hosting the conference call. I have to be on time.”


  She placed her hand on my manhood and stroked my hot spot. Her thumb placed gentle pressure and movement just where I liked it. Maybe I should reconsider. What the hell, I could be a few minutes late. She knew me too well. With a little gentle persuasion she gained control. Amanda knew how to change my mind.

  “Sure you don’t have time? Only thinking about markets? I won’t be here tonight. I’m off to Honolulu.”

  “I remember. I’ll miss you.”

  “I want you for breakfast.” Amanda had that gleam in her eyes.

  “I have to get to work. You’ll be back when? I’ll see you on Wednesday?”

  “Wednesday night. I’ll have one night in Honolulu, one night in Manila, and then return Wednesday afternoon. You’re lucky Cathay Pacific takes good care of flight attendants. When I return, I’ll have a couple days off. I expect some special time.”

  As Amanda spoke, she slipped under the sheets. She worked her way lower, kissing my chest, then navel; teasing me with a skilled wet tongue. My swollen cock rose, demanding attention. Taking the hint, her tongue flicked the head, and then licked the excited swollen shaft. I groaned in anticipation. I’ll be late for sure. What the Hell. I was
beyond the point of no return.

  In her sweet mouth, my throbbing manhood took control. Please don’t stop now. She bobbed up and down, stroking hot spot with urgency.

  I moaned, “You’re a devil. A bad ass she devil.”

  “Like it? Want more.”

  “Don’t talk. Don’t stop now. A minute more.”

  Amanda went into overdrive. One hand stroked my balls, the other wrapped around my shaft.

  I couldn’t hold back. I had an explosion that left me breathless.

  Amanda looked pleased. She loved my toe curling reaction, and smiled her bewitching she devil smile. “I like making you cum. It excites me.”

  I panted, “Excites the hell out of me, that’s for sure. I owe you one. But it’ll have to wait. I’ll be late. I’m the host of the call. Not good.”

  I rose from bed and glanced at Amanda. What eye candy. Amanda lay naked on the bed, hands folded behind her head. Pert breasts pointed towards the ceiling. She looked fantastic, even without makeup, and with messy long black hair.

  I said, “I want more, but can’t keep clients waiting. In 45 minutes, I have to be at work.”

  “What a disappointment. You work too hard.”

  Her rose bud nipples were swollen erect. She wanted and deserved attention. Amanda wasn’t shy. It was clear what she wanted. I felt like a selfish bastard. If only I didn’t have that damn early morning call. The wake up action should have been a warm up act, not the final curtain.

  “See what you’re missing? Want to change your mind?”

  “As I said, I owe you one. Don’t worry. I won’t forget.”

  Amanda said, “I hate conference calls.”

  Before showering, I gazed from the Kowloon harbor front condo floor to ceiling windows. From the seventh floor the view was awesome. Across the bustling harbor, the dynamic Hong Kong skyline glistened in the early morning light. Even when running late, taking in the view was part of my morning routine.

  I saw a Star Ferry churning its way to the Hong Kong side. A sister ferry headed for the Kowloon dock. The Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation headquarters tower sparkled, dominating the skyline.

  Amanda said, “Don’t stand there daydreaming. You’re in a hurry. Remember?”

  “I am. Sorry. I know you’re disappointed.”

  I hurried to dress, told Amanda I’d miss her, gave her a kiss, and started my short walk to the Star Ferry pier. From the Star Ferry, I loved looking at the Hong Kong skyline. Gleaming skyscrapers, elegant hotels, and high rise condominiums covered the hillsides.

  A few minutes later, I sat at my trading desk on the 88th floor of the HSBC complex. I never tired of the high floor office view. Hong Kong, in its urban splendor and mysterious Chinese ways, lay before me. It was my dazzling adult playground.

  As usual, my trading assistant, Joy Wong, beat me to the office. The wake up pot of coffee was ready. We traded throughout the Asian market sessions and often well into the European trading day.

  When markets were active we’d trade until noon of the North American trading session.

  Busy days extended to 15 hours. I had to remain fit and mentally sharp to keep an edge as a top flight trader. I worked out three times a week where top MMA fighters trained. Joy did a great job covering my absence from the trading desk.

  I had my own personal trainer. Trevor Malloy was a former mixed martial arts fighter. He wasn’t satisfied with work outs until I was ready to drop. He would yell at me to get off my butt, and pushed me to do more.

  I can hear him now, screaming in my ear, “Get off your butt, you sorry piece of shit. We’re not finished.”

  I suffered to get into the best shape of my life. The damn trainer encouraged me to fight MMA guys. He must have hated my guts. It was no secret I’m rich, and at times an arrogant, greedy bastard. Plenty of guys would be happy to see me destroyed in the octagon.

  I said, “I’m not about to take a chance fighting caged wild animals. I like living too much.”

  Trevor said, “You sorry ass pussy. Get off your butt and give me fifty.”

  As I neared peak condition, he tortured me with ever more intense workouts. Damn him. I’d fire his ass if he wasn’t the best MMA trainer in Hong Kong.

  Staying in fighting condition was a great way to relieve the tension of high-stakes Forex trading. That and enjoying an active sex life worked great. I preferred sex, but realized my workouts improved performance, both with trading and in bed. Amanda was demanding and helped keep me in top condition. I looked forward to those sexy workouts.

  One look at the monitors and I knew this would be a tension filled, extended workday. Global markets were melting down across all asset classes. Market volatility was insane and becoming more pronounced.

  I was only five minutes late for the conference call. Not so bad, considering the morning’s early diversion. Once I was on the call, clients told me they enjoyed Joy’s briefing.

  As soon as the call was over I said, “Thanks for filling in. We better gear up for a busy day. The Nikkei 225 broke above resistance, and is up over 500 points. As the Nikkei rallies Yen is getting weaker.”

  Thinking out loud, I said. “Prime Minister Abe must be shitting bricks. Even with massive quantitative easing the economy is barely growing. It’s still near deflation. A weakening Yen is helping Japanese exporters, but the economy sucks. An aging population doesn’t buy much, except essentials.”

  Joy heard me and said. “That’s what I covered on the call. Unintended consequences are bound to happen in a fucked up micro managed global financial system.”

  I interrupted, “Like what? I need to know exactly what you told clients. And I wish you’d clean up your language.”

  “I speak better English than you do.”

  “You know what I mean. Some of our clients don’t like hearing the F bomb.”

  “How do you know? Been running polls?”

  “Fuck, Joy. What’s with you today?”

  ”So, it’d Ok to F bomb me, but not the clients? Is that it?”

  “That’s pretty much it. Now what else did you say on the call? Please tell me.”

  “I said the fucked up Jay Gunner says the system breaks down when no one trusts politicians, banks and governments. The Fed has to keep pumping money, or the whole system will collapse. The Japanese central bank is printing more money than the Fed. The world is being flooded with fiat money. It’s a bubble, it can’t be sustainable.”

  “Sounds like you’ve been reading my notes. But you didn’t say I’m fucked, did you?”

  “No, I said you’re fucked up. There’s a difference. And the comments are strictly my opinion. You copied the notes from me. It doesn’t take a genius to know we’re near the end game. Fiat money made by computer strokes is a scam.”

  “Shit girl. Tell me what you really think.”

  Joy said,”I doubt Abe will be in office much longer. Let’s hold our short Yen positions. The worse things get in Japan the weaker Yen gets. The politicians consider that good news. Crazy isn’t it?”

  I looked at Joy and smiled. She liked to bust my chops, but I’d gotten used to it. She was great at analyzing markets. She filtered out the daily noise of fluctuating markets and determined major trends. But I needed to keep her off those conference calls. I never knew what she’d say.

  I was the technical expert, and traded short-term moves. Together we made a fantastic trading team. We wrote a market newsletter that gathered a large following. In Hong Kong Forex trading circles, we were making a name for ourselves. New wealthy clients poured in.

  Joy was only 24. While new to Forex she was savvy and smart. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in mathematics. Joy continued her education at Harvard, earning an MBA, and ranking at the top of her class. Upon returning to Hong Kong, she moved back in with medical doctor Chinese parents.

  Her parents hoped Joy would follow in their footsteps, and chose a career in medicine. Joy was not interested. For the only time in her life,
she went against her parent’s wishes. Everything changed with her Harvard MBA and big income at Global Trading. Now mom and dad were proud.

  I was lucky to meet Joy at one of my favorite watering holes, the M Bar at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. By chance, I sat at the bar and found myself next to Joy. I noticed her perfume was intoxicating, yet subtle.

  “I love your perfume. Mind telling me the name? If I can afford it, I’d like to buy some for my girlfriend.”

  “No problem. It’s Clive Christian No 1. And yes, it’s expensive. Judging from your appearance you can afford it.” She smiled a coy smile, as she looked me over.

  I looked spiffy in my new Armani suit and Hermes silk tie. I always dressed like a millionaire. Due to my trading expertise, I was one several times over.

  At only 29, it was my good fortune to be successful. I gained the attention of many beautiful Hong Kong ladies. They liked my athletic figure, jet black hair, cobalt blue eyes, white smile and Black American Express Card.

  Amanda didn’t like my wandering ways, but was pretty cool about it. That is, until she came home a day early from one of her trips. She found me in bed with Sally Wu. I met Sally at a party, and like a dumb ass brought her to the condo. That was too much for Amanda.

  “You bastard, you bring that sorry ass slut into our home? You dare fuck her in our bed? How can I trust such a dumb ass person?”

  Our relationship almost didn’t survive that incident. Amanda stayed pissed for days. She threatened to walk out. I promised to change my wicked ways. After sleeping on the sofa a few nights, I realized I loved her. Well, maybe love is too strong a word, but I valued the relationship. I definitely loved the sex.

  “Amanda, I’m really sorry. Give me another chance. I promise to be a loyal partner.”

  Amanda yelled at me, “You sorry bastard. I don’t know why I stay with you. If you ever bring another woman home, I promise I’ll shoot you.”

  I took that as forgiveness. “I promise. I’ll behave.”

  “You better behave. Ok, I must be crazy, but one more chance. Don’t screw it up.”

  I sometimes thought of taking on the one thing in life that scared me shitless. But for now, I dismissed marriage as a bad idea. Amanda didn’t push too hard, but I could tell that decision time was approaching. She wouldn’t wait forever. She was fearful of becoming what the Chinese call a “left over woman”.


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