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Torn (Jay Gunner, #1)

Page 6

by Gerald Greene

  As soon as they were out of the office, I went to the bathroom and threw up. My head was spinning. Not only was I in possession of top secret documents, but my stolen unemployment reports risked it all. My greed had gone too far. I had to destroy that computer.

  13 – Stolen Files

  I couldn’t wait to get home. Amanda left that afternoon on a flight to Tokyo so I’d be alone. As soon as I arrived, I took the computer out of the back of the closet hiding place. I had to see if there were messages. I went to my desk and moving my old MacBook Pro aside, booted up the new laptop.

  There was a message. It was an email from Brian. Palms sweating, heart pounding, and weak kneed I opened it. I feared a heart attack.

  Hey Buddy,

  I’m off the grid and out of touch for a while. Could be that means forever.

  I appreciate the $20,000 you sent for the two months of fun. Hope you did well with the information.

  I hate to burden you with the files I’ve sent, but it’s time to pass the torch. Do with them as you think best. They’re worth a lot of money to certain parties who may be looking for them. Be careful as they’re ruthless bastards.

  You’re the only dude I trust. I won’t put you at further risk by contacting you again.

  Best wishes,


  I followed the link to the list of files. My God so many files. I started at the top. There was a message between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. I skimmed two paragraphs and saw some undiplomatic things said about American leadership.

  I skipped down to number 75. It was unbelievable. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said nasty things about President Obama’s Mid-east policies.

  There was file after file of what were mean to be private conversations and emails between world leaders. No doubt the NSA was spying around the world, including within the United States. The President had to know.

  It soon became evident nothing was safe from data mining. NSA stored items Americans would assume were private, like medical records. NSA even knew our surfing habits. NSA stored information on every website visited, every email written, phone call made.

  I didn’t want this. If examined by the FBI that now unwanted computer would get me 20 years in a federal prison. My first thought was to immediately destroy the evidence. That computer and its contents had to go. My nerves couldn’t take it. I poured a cognac. I felt short of breath, like a heart attack was coming on. I sat at my desk slowing sipping the amber liquid, trying to calm down.

  I loved my country, although I’d never put my ass on the line like a navy SEAL, or even a regular GI. I guess I was an armchair patriot, content to cheer while others do the heavy lifting. What should I do? Man up and reveal I had the wanted stolen files? I cringed at the thought. Any examination of the computer would reveal my illegal activities.

  The FBI had me in their sights. If they had surveillance tapes of my second meeting with Brian, they knew he gave me a briefcase and computer. For sure they’d ask for the laptop.

  How about the American people? Didn’t they have a right to know they no longer have privacy? Shouldn’t they know the global reach of NSA spying? Should I turn over the files to the New York Times or South China Post, or some well-known investigative reporter?

  I had a terrible headache. I felt trapped no matter what. My beautiful life was at risk. I needed time to think this out. I poured another drink. OK, I had a large safe deposit box at HSBC. I often carried a briefcase to the office and back home. The laptop could fit inside. I’d store the computer in the safe deposit box until deciding what to do.

  Wednesday morning I called Joy at the office. “Joy, I’ll be late getting to the office. Cover for me, OK?”

  “You’re never more than a few minutes late. Are you sick?”

  “I’m fine. Just have to run an errand. Be there about nine.”

  “No problem. I’ll take care of things. See you soon.”

  I felt much better after stopping by the bank and locking the laptop in my safe deposit box. I entered the office confident things were looking up. Until the phone call from Special Agent Cooper requesting, no demanding, another meeting. My God, what next?

  14 – Break In

  I told Agent Cooper I had a busy day, but could see him at 7:00 PM. Only Joy and I would still be at the office, so he should call from the front door. Joy would let him in.

  That gave me all day to think. I also had all day to sweat. I was pretty sure the FBI had surveillance tapes from the second meeting with Brian at the Lobby Bar. If they did Agent Cooper knew Brian passed me a computer and briefcase.

  This time Agent Cooper came alone. As I entered the conference room, he said, “Mr. Gunner thanks for your time. I have a few more questions.”

  I said, “No problem. Haven’t found Brian Andrews yet?”

  “No, it’s strange. Like he’s disappeared. Have you heard from him?

  I froze. My hesitation must be clear. My God what to do? I sort of lied; didn’t tell the full story. I thought. I’m in so deep now a few more lies and distortions wouldn’t add to the prison term. Shit, what a nightmare.

  “No, I haven’t seen him. I’d call you if I had.”

  “Mr. Gunner, we secured surveillance tapes from the Intercontinental Hong Kong Hotel. Mind telling me why you didn’t mention a second meeting?”

  I’m in trouble. I better think fast. “At the time I didn’t think of it. It was so brief. All Brian did was deliver a computer he’d purchased for me. I wanted a new MacBook Pro. Brian had a buddy that works for Apple in Hong Kong. He helped me out by passing along an employee discount.”

  “I see. And the brief case?”

  “It contained the power adapter and USB SuperDrive. “

  Like a lightning bolt it hit me. I had an almost new MacBook Pro. One I used to keep up with markets from home. My special trading software wasn’t illegal. That would become the computer given to me by Brian. On a grainy video tape I didn’t think anyone could see the difference.

  “Mind if we take a look at the computer?”

  “Not at all, if you promise not to copy my secret trading software. I’ll get it back, right?”

  “Mr. Gunner, we’re the FBI. You can trust us. You’ll have the computer back in just a few days.”

  Joy came into the room. “Jay, I’m sorry to interrupt. Amanda is on the phone. Says she’s calling from Hong Kong Emergency Medicine Centre. She needs you right away.”

  Joy looked distressed as she delivered the message. She liked Amanda. As I’ve recently learned she likes me more.

  I leaped for the phone. “Amanda, what’s wrong?”

  “Jay, so glad you’re there. Something terrible happened.”

  “Are you OK?”

  “I’ve been better. Have a hell of a black eye and bruises all over. Doctor says I have three cracked ribs. Still feel lucky. Could have been much worse.”

  “Damn. Were you in a car wreck? What happened?”

  Amanda started sobbing. After a moment she regained composure. “Sorry to cry. I was so scared. I returned from the airport about 6:45. I entered the house and was turning on the lights when two guys came up behind and attacked me. One spun me around and punched my face. I went down and the other kicked me a few times. Both were wearing black masks. ”

  “My God. You’re sure you’re OK?”

  “I’m beat up and sore, but nothing life threatening. I called the police and they insisted I get checked out.”

  “Any idea what the guys were doing in our apartment?”

  “Believe it was a robbery. The rooms were trashed, like they were looking for something. The rats took my jewelry, including the gold necklace, and your Apple computer. Maybe a few other things.“

  “As long as you’re OK the rest doesn’t matter. I’ll be right there. You’re at Hong Kong Emergency Medicine Centre?”

  “Yes, the police took me there.”

  I knew the location but wanted to be su
re. “That’s at Yue Hwa International Building, Peking Road, right?”

  “Yes, 8th floor.”

  “I’m on my way”

  Agent Cooper followed most of the conversation. “Mind if we enter your apartment? We may have a situation.”

  “Not at all. You have the address?”

  “We do. I’ll ask Agent Bright to join me and meet you there. Now, better pick up your girlfriend.”

  Joy asked. “Anything I can do to help? Want me to come along?”

  “Thanks for asking, but Amanda is already upset. I’m afraid she would be more upset if she saw us together.”

  Joy picked up her purse. “I’ll be at home if you need me. Tell Amanda, I hope she’s OK.”

  Amanda’s appearance shocked me. One eye was swollen shut. Surrounded by black and blue puffy skin, it looked painful. A shaved eyebrow disclosed a one inch cut and three stitches. Luckily, her nose wasn’t broken, but a bloody nose soiled her blouse. Her face looked terrible; like she’d just lost an MMA fight.

  Amanda pulled up her blood spattered blouse to show three taped ribs. Both arms had bruises from kicks received as she tried to cover up. She was lucky to have only fractured ribs as broken bones. The thieves had the items they wanted, and attacked as they were rushing out. If she’d been home when the thieves first broke into the house, it would have been much worse.

  Agent Cooper and his partner, Agent Bright, beat us to the condo apartment. The door was wide open as we arrived. Police were swarming all over.

  Agent Cooper filled us in. “Looks like real pros broke in. This is a secure building. Two security guards are always on duty. Police tell us they found both guards lying unconscious in a storage room. They tell the same story. One second they’re fine, the next they felt a little sting on the neck and that was it. The next thing they knew paramedics were working on them on the way to the hospital.”

  Amanda added, “Wish I only had a little neck sting. They made a mess of me.”

  “I’m sorry Ms. Lee. I know you’re not feeling well. I have just a couple of questions. Is that OK?”

  I jumped in, “Please make them short. Amanda needs to be in bed.”

  “Yes of course. Ms. Lee, did you get a good look at your assailants?”

  “No Sir, not at all. As I told the police it happened so fast. I entered the house and was punched and kicked before even turning on the lights. I only know two men wearing black masks and jumpsuits worked me over. As I was lying on the floor, they picked up two bags of our stuff and were gone.”

  “What did they take?”

  “Before police arrived, I staggered around and noticed my jewelry and Jay’s Apple laptop missing. I noticed I was dripping blood everywhere and stopped looking.”

  “Were the men Chinese?”

  “I don’t know. They were wearing all black, had on facemasks, and punched me before I knew what was happening. I have no idea if they’re white, black, brown or yellow. “

  I thought it enough. “Fellows, let’s give Amanda a break. She’s under medication, but still hurting and needs rest.”

  Agent Bright said, “Sure, we understand. Sorry to intrude, but this is a crime scene. We’re not asking you to leave, but need to look around. The computer is what they wanted. Where did you keep it?”

  I showed them to my desk. With the laptop missing, there was only the Apple USB Superdrive unit on the desktop alongside a notebook. Looking at the floor, I noticed my briefcase missing. Oh shit. I couldn’t decide if that was good news or bad news. The FBI doesn’t have the top secret documents, but someone does. Like a fool I hadn’t burned them as Brian suggested.

  Ordinary crooks wouldn’t know or care about pieces of paper. But anyone after top secret computer files would recognize the importance of the documents.

  I no longer felt safe in the condominium or in Hong Kong.

  15 – Confusion

  Amanda couldn’t believe our bad luck. She’d decided on Bali for our vacation, and arranged hotel reservations for the first two weeks in August. Now with three cracked ribs, it hurt her to get out of bed and walk as far as the bathroom.

  “Jay we’ll have to cancel our vacation plans. I can’t go out with my eye and nose all puffed up. Everyone would think you beat me.”

  I didn’t laugh at her little joke. “Sweetheart, it’s your ribs I’m worried about. You groan every time you move. I know even with pills you’re in pain. If you pop any more, you’ll become a junkie.”

  “I need them. I can’t stand pain. My ribs are killing me. At least my eye is healing and I can breathe through my nose again.”

  “Your eye shouldn’t be a problem. You could always wear sunglasses. You would anyway. You know how cool you look in those $350 designer shades.”

  “I don’t feel so cool. Damn those thieves. Stealing our stuff and ruining our vacation before it even started.”

  “Just try and get well. We’ll still go to Bali. Even though we’ll have to wait until December. Markets pick up from September to the first of December. That’s my busiest time of year. Christmas and New Year in Bali would be good; a real blast. Let’s plan on that.”

  The rest of the week I felt stressed. I tried to help Amanda as she recovered from her wounds. I found I wasn’t a good caretaker. I tired of fixing meals, fetching juice and water, bringing pills, and taking her to doctor appointments.

  Joy was great about filling in at the office, but the interruption to my trading routine was upsetting. And expensive. I didn’t dare make new trades while under such stress.

  Amanda had a low tolerance for pain. Her constant bitching was depressing. I realized I liked Amanda better as a part time girlfriend. Life was more balanced and pleasant when she traveled half the time.

  The best thing about the remainder of the week was I didn’t hear from the FBI. I thought that unpleasant business might be over. Agent Cooper seemed satisfied I knew nothing about the break in and missing computer. I hoped he thought my contact with Brian was causal, and had nothing to do with stolen government files.

  Near noon of the Friday New York trading day Joy and I were about to call it a wrap. It was approaching midnight in HK.

  “How’s Amanda doing?” Joy looked like she was concerned.

  “Better, thanks. Another couple weeks and she’ll be fine. She still hurts when she moves around, but the ribs are healing.”

  “I’m glad.” As I sat at my desk Joy came behind the chair, wrapped arms around shoulders, kissed my cheek and caressed my chest. My reaction to the awkward embrace surprised me. I had an instant hard on.

  Sensuous memories of the night spent together swept over me. I tried to suppress thoughts of her naked body next to mind but could not. A raging fever burned; one I must take care of.

  “Joy, I don’t want you to think me an animal, but I want you; right here, right now.”

  “We’re here alone, and the office door locked. What’s holding you back tiger? Can’t decide if its love making you want or some strange?”

  “I don’t want to lie. Thanks to you I feel confused about my relationship with Amanda. Maybe I love you both. Trying to figure it out.”

  “Maybe you don’t love anybody but yourself. Just like fucking. Ever think of that?”

  “That hurts. Hope I’m not that cold. I care for you. And my feelings are growing stronger. But I live with Amanda. I thought I loved her, but now I don’t know.”

  Joy asked, “So do I have a chance? I’m crazy about you.”

  I melted under Joys gaze. She made me crazy hot. I said, “I’ve been trying to control my desire. But it’s hopeless. I want you.”

  “And I want you. I’ve been dreaming you take me on the conference table. It might seem a little strange but my fantasy has a good ending. Are you up for it?”

  “Joy one of your kisses gets me up for anything you want. As soon as you touched me, I was up and ready.”

  “Let’s stop talking and start doing.” Joy bent over and bit my neck. It hurt, but increased
my passion.

  I turned and took Joy’s hand, “You’re a little crazy. You know that, don’t you?”

  Joy said, “You make me crazy. I didn’t expect this, but can’t help my feelings. They’ve evolved into a passion I can’t control. We’ve had a good year together. We make good partners.”

  I pulled Joy close and squeezed her buttocks. I rose to kiss her luscious half open, inviting sweet mouth. She moaned and pulled me closer, deepening the passionate kiss. I broke away to whisper, “I don’t know where this is going. I want you to know that.”

  “I know it’s complicated. We spend so much time together. During the trading day we must act cool. Stay in control. No one must know.”

  “I know you're beautiful. You make me crazy.”

  “What about Amanda? Maybe you love her. Maybe I love you. I’m not sure. Even if you don’t love me, I know I want you now.”

  “Joy, I know I care. You're all I think about. I’d suffer if I didn’t see you.”

  “That’s good enough for now. Let’s feel and enjoy, not over think our situation.”

  We entered the conference room and turned off the lights. Far below the harbor glistened. Bathed in neon light, the splendor of Hong Kong spread beneath us. In the evening air moonlight reflected off the buffed dark mahogany table, and danced in Joy’s eyes.

  She teased me. Joy glided near the windows where moonlight played across her body. The silk dress dropped to the floor. She stood for a moment in black lacy panties and bra. The sight of moonlight shining off her curvy figure increased my desire and anticipation. Her actions were so unexpected. There was much for me to learn about Joy.

  A quick movement and her soft bra fell to the floor, revealing pert breasts begging for my caress. Crimson colored nipples pointed upward, defying gravity. I couldn’t stand it. I wanted her more than ever; more than anything.

  My love goddess moved close and unbuttoned my shirt. Hands moved to unfasten belt, then unzipped pants. She went to one knee, pulling down boxer shorts to free my swollen throbbing cock. Teasing it with tongue, she grasped it with both hands, guiding the stiff member to the soft wet flesh of her mouth.


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