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Lumberjack Weekend [Divine Creek Ranch 21] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Heather Rainier

  She heard what sounded like flapping. Gauging the location, she thought he might be handling the stack of magazines and books she’d left on the kitchen counter. She bit her lip, recalling she’d promised him she’d keep her reading materials picked up and sworn to herself she’d do better if it bothered him so much.

  “Come on. It’s just a few books.”

  “That’s the tip of the iceberg, babe,” Victor said. “This clutter is all over the house, which drives me nuts. Her shit is always spread all over the bathroom counter. I burned my hand on her damned curling iron last week for fuck’s sake. Plus, there’s hairspray all over everything in there. She never empties the dishwasher. She leaves her delicates hanging everywhere to dry. I’m sick of seeing all this crap.”

  Violet bit her lip, knowing she’d been leaving her lingerie to drip dry in the utility room after hanging it up and then forgetting it was there until she needed it. She’d meant to tidy the whole condo after she was done with her bath.

  “Her constant chatter is driving me insane. I enjoy conversation as much as the next man, but I don’t need her to verbalize every thought in her head. And she can’t watch television without snacking, which drives me insane because there are always crumbs everywhere.”

  “Hey, you know most of that’s from me, now,” Bodie said in a defensive tone, but she also heard the slight chuckle in his voice, which made her heart shrivel a little.

  Victor had complained before, but she hadn’t realized it was such a hardship living with her. He never let on.

  “She’s also packing on the pounds in case you hadn’t noticed. The dimples on her ass are a turnoff, as is the way she jiggles while we’re fucking. I’m not into that.”

  “It’s never bothered me. I like that she’s fluffy and curvy. She was too thin to begin with.”

  “Well, it bothers me.”

  As the silence ticked on for several seconds, and Bodie said nothing further to defend her, her heart shrank a little more and the cooling bathwater sent a chill through her.

  Victor sighed. “I’m not saying she’s a horrible person, babe. I’m just saying that, as things stand, her redeeming qualities don’t make up for the inconvenience of living with her. If having a woman in the house is going to be like this, then I don’t want a ménage anymore. I just want you. I want it like it was before you met her.”

  “But I love her.”

  “Well…I loved you first.”

  The unspoken ultimatum hung in the air like the blade of a guillotine.

  Motionless, trapped in the tub, Violet felt her pulse in her ears, her breath trapped in her throat, her voice arrested by shock. It made sense when she thought back over the last couple of months. He’d been prodding at her, but she’d known from the get-go he liked to be in control and she’d never minded. Enjoyed it, in fact. She’d thought he was pushing her to do better, but in reality, he’d been propelling her toward the door.

  “I agreed to add her because she made you happy, but I’m not happy.”

  The silence from Bodie told her all she needed to know.

  Her books and magazines weren’t that much of a mess. She kept her delicates in the utility room, not strewn all over the house. She’d been as loving to Victor as she had to Bodie, and she’d thought he felt the same about her as she did about both of them.

  I deserve better than this.

  “Baby?” Bodie asked, drawing her back through a tunnel of hurt into the present.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “Victor knew I was going to call you.”

  She frowned. “Are you leaving him?”

  “No, baby.”

  “Why are you calling me now?”

  “He knew I missed you, and he said he’d understand if I…”

  Boy, how very generous of him. Wish I could understand.

  Violet turned away from the shop interior so she wouldn’t be overheard. “He’d understand if you came out here to fuck me? I loved you both, Bodie, and I’m sorry he made you choose between us. I would never have done that, to either of you. Our ménage is the single biggest regret of my life. No more booty calls.”

  “Baby—” The soft yearning in his voice tore out her heart.

  “Every time you come out here you take another piece of my soul with you when you leave. Please…don’t call me anymore.”

  Without listening to another word, she ended the call, praying for calm. Casting her blurred gaze around her workspace, she tidied the bags, the pens, the sales receipts, the drawers, and then sprayed the surface down and cleaned it, even though it was already pristine. Ever since having her disorderly housekeeping skills so painfully pointed out, she’d become more than a little compulsive about neatness. Her eyes stung when she blinked, and the tears overflowed. She’d already cried out all the tears of a broken heart many months before. Now she cried from regret for letting things go on as long as they had.

  As if sensing her emotions, Tex vocalized softly and put his paws on her shoulders. He rubbed his chin against her cheek, and licked her tears, purring like a motorboat. His unconditional affection was a balm to her hurt feelings. He’d shown up on her back loading dock one day the summer before, and he’d been her shop’s guard cat ever since.

  Running her palm down his back, and inhaling and exhaling slowly, she did the only thing she could do as someone approached the sales counter. She wiped her tears away and smiled as she turned to her customer and then gasped.

  Joseph Hazelle, tall, gray-eyed, and a bit of a mystery to many folks in Divine, stood before her. Few beyond his close circle of friends knew he was also the owner of an exclusive BDSM club.

  “Mr. Hazelle, what a wonderful surprise,” she said, automatically placing her hand in his when he reached for it. “How have you been?”

  Instead of shaking her hand, he gave it a gentle squeeze.

  His pause was momentary as he held her gaze, probably noting her ruined makeup, blotchy cheeks, and bloodshot eyes.

  He reached out to scratch Tex under the chin. “I hope eventually you’ll use my first name. I wish some of the subs I know observed protocol as studiously as you do.” His gaze seemed to look even deeper as he said, “Are you all right?”

  He stroked the top of her hand before he released it, and she surprised herself when she nodded readily. “I know I look a mess, but I’m okay. I really am. What can I do for you…Joseph?”

  Joseph smiled as he parted the front of his gray suit jacket and reached into the breast pocket. “What can you do for me? You can accept my invitation.” He withdrew an eggplant-colored envelope with her name embossed on the front and placed it in her hand.

  “An invitation?” She slid a finger under the rich gold seal, knowing by the weight and the texture of the heavy paper he’d spent a pretty penny to have it printed. She wasn’t sure she was up to a social occasion as she slid the equally luxurious embossed invitation from the interior.

  “I’m hosting an event. I’d like you to come to it.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, Joseph…”

  “Are you seeing anyone in a committed relationship right now?” he asked, his brow arching ever so slightly, almost in challenge, it seemed.

  “Well, no. No, I’m not, but…”

  Coming from him, the question was a loaded one. Joseph owned and operated Hazelle House, which was privately located in nearby Morehead. He was also a well-reputed Dominant. They’d become friends when Grace Warner had introduced them and he’d referred Josh and Lucas Abbott to her to do the renovations on the Emporium. There was no romantic attraction between them, but they’d become friends, and he’d told her about owning the club. Something about him had earned her trust, and although she’d made it clear she wasn’t in a position to afford a membership at his club, she’d had to admit the notion of its existence had intrigued her. He’d evidently taken her at her word, if the invitation in her hand was any evidence.

  “I’m inviting you as my friend, nothing more, Violet. Yo
u’ll be perfectly safe. The details are there on the invitation. It’s not a heavy play event. For you it would be more like dipping your toes into the water.” Joseph gave her a mischievous smile and added, “You never know.”

  “But I can’t afford—”

  She halted speaking when he lifted a hand and said, “A sex-positive culture group is sponsoring it, so my duties will be fairly light. I’d like to have you as my guest, to show you what the events are like. Indulge me?”

  “Well…” She returned the heavy parchment invitation to its rich purple envelope, a little seed of anticipation to read all the fine print and details springing to life. It was time to live a little, and she’d told herself time and again she deserved better. Maybe Joseph’s timing was perfect. “You remember I told you I’m not into pain—”

  “You don’t have to be. The information inside that envelope will explain. I think you’ll have a positive, eye-opening experience. At least think about it?” he asked softly.

  She slid her hand across the slightly nubby texture of the envelope and then drew it to her as she looked up at him and nodded. “I’ll think about it. I mean it, Joseph. I’m not just putting you off. I’ll give it serious thought.”

  Inordinate happiness filled her when he smiled broadly, obviously pleased. All this Dom had to do was smile and she went loopy.

  “I’ve kept you long enough, and I have other invitations to deliver. I look forward to hearing from you.”

  She walked him to the door, and he patted her arm in a fatherly gesture before taking his leave.

  A noise overhead drew her attention to the man on the ladder, near the center of the Emporium, and a warm thrill rushed up her spine, not because of the invitation in her hand so much as the knowledge she was being watched.

  While she’d hoped and prayed Bodie might finally make the choice to move to Divine, she’d kept her eyes from temptation. She’d been loyal—and dumb to hold out hope for a man who had obviously been satisfied with the status quo.

  She’d told Joseph she was free, hadn’t she? Finally cutting the last tie between her and Bodie had released a heavy weight from her chest, and she breathed in deep and enjoyed its absence.

  She looked up into seductive blue-green eyes. Eyes that were made even brighter by the blue and green plaid of his work shirt.

  It’s no longer temptation if I’m free.

  Josh Abbott lifted his chin, his brows furrowed slightly, and mouthed, “Are you okay?”

  Besides the fact I’m imagining you and your sexy brother dressed in plaid flannel and denim like lumberjacks, tying me up, and fucking me within an inch of my sanity? Remembering how all that masculine heat and muscularity had felt rubbing against her earlier, getting her nipples as hard as diamonds, she cleared her throat and suppressed a giggle as heat creeped up into her cheeks again. She managed a nod and a smile for him, and she mouthed back, “I’m fine.”

  He was still frowning but he nodded as he went back to hanging the large crystal chandelier she’d recently purchased for the store—and for herself. During renovation they’d hung several other fancy light fixtures for her but this one was a truly over-the-top indulgence she’d wanted for months to grace the center of the Emporium. Josh glanced at her one more time, as if checking to make sure she truly was okay and then directed his attention back to the job.

  For just a few seconds longer, she watched his thick biceps and the sleek muscles in his forearms flex as he worked. She’d totally been ogling his ass when she’d smacked into him earlier. Not watching where she was going—bah! She was watching his tight buns in his Wranglers and hadn’t been paying attention.

  The months they’d spent renovating the Emporium had been good ones and she’d looked forward to seeing them every day. They’d shown a genuine interest in her plans for the Emporium, and they’d made her feel pretty. Josh had even asked if she might be interested in going out with them. Both of them. That’d put her on guard, even though she knew they were good men who wouldn’t mistreat her. But she’d remembered Bodie and the hopes she’d held onto, and she’d turned them down, claiming that prior “commitment” and her lack of time because of her business.

  She was running out of jobs to keep calling him and Lucas back to handle for her around the place, and pretty soon they might figure out she wasn’t ready to see the tail end of them. Well, not unless they were naked, of course.

  Her cell phone chirped with an incoming text message, and she looked down at it. A message from Bodie.

  I’m so sorry, baby. I never meant to hurt you. I love you.

  She reached for the phone and then jerked her hand away as if burned. He was a sweet manipulator. He’d charm her into forgiving him, and next time, he’d catch her in a weak moment and she’d welcome him, again. Bodie was impossible to resist.

  She told herself the same thing now as she’d told herself that final night back at their condo in Dallas when she’d finally risen from the chilly water, alerting them to her presence. Caught in his cruelty, Victor had cursed. He tried to apologize, but when she’d stopped him, he turned on his heel and walked out. Bodie had attempted to explain, the pain of being torn between them evident in his beautiful but bloodshot eyes as he watched her pack all of her clutter and crap, which didn’t take long at all.

  I deserve better.

  On the way to a hotel that night, she’d been listening to a talk radio program. Most of it had gone in one ear and out the other until the host of the show had asked a key question of the guest. “What is your one true objective? What is your true north?”

  She was painfully aware she’d been a people pleaser all her life. Now it was time to take care of herself for a change. She looked around the store, her thriving business, caught a glimpse of herself in her mirror, and then smiled at the sounds Josh made as he worked. No longer sitting dead in the water, she took a deep breath and finally embraced the course correction and smiled at the customer who walked up to the counter.

  * * * *

  Josh hadn’t even closed his truck door when Lucas met him out in the parking lot. On the way back in, he filled Lucas in on the morning’s events at Violet’s, including her phone call. He kept to himself how much it’d bothered him to see her in tears. She deserved better.

  “And you’re sure she was okay?” Lucas asked as Josh placed his keys on his desk.

  “By the time Joseph Hazelle had left she was fine, but something about that phone call had her upset enough to cry.”

  “You should’ve texted me.”

  Josh shook his head. “And what would you have done? Come over and put pressure on her to tell you all about it? That could easily backfire. Besides, like I said, she was fine by the time I left.”

  Lucas sighed with frustration and turned to reach for something on his desk. “Speaking of Mr. Hazelle, he dropped this off for you this morning.” He held up an envelope.

  Josh sat back in his office chair, the beginnings of a smile crossing his lips as he examined the heavy, dark purple envelope with its gold seal. Lucas leaned against his desk, expectation in his eyes, obviously waiting for him to open the envelope. His brother had never been the type to enjoy delayed gratification.

  Tapping the front of the envelope, Josh asked, “He hand delivered this?” In the Emporium, earlier that afternoon, he’d caught the pleased grin on Joseph’s face when he’d glanced up at where Josh had been working on Violet’s chandelier and acknowledged him with a nod.

  Lucas nodded. “Aren’t you going to open it?”

  Josh was more curious as to why Joseph had made a similar delivery to Violet earlier. Whatever was in her envelope had made an impression on her. After Joseph had left, she’d looked his way. Something in her eyes had been different, and he’d felt a small flicker of hope flame to life inside him. He didn’t know if it had to do with the contents of the envelope or the phone conversation that had obviously upset her moments before Joseph had arrived.

  He’d spent enough time around her to know
when she was upset because she’d begin cleaning and tidying. His heart had clenched when she’d blinked and a tear had fallen before she quickly swiped away the evidence of her hurt. He’d wanted to descend from the ladder and check on her, but experience working near her for the last several months had taught him that she would thank him but keep whatever was bothering her to herself. He’d almost done it anyway, but then Joseph had walked in.

  He lifted the seal and revealed a thick piece of printed parchment. When he removed it, another smaller piece of paper fell out with it. He scanned the printed parchment and chuckled.

  “What is it?” Lucas asked. Josh handed it to his brother.

  Lucas read aloud, “‘Explore your erotic fantasies and hedonistic desires at Hazelle House.’ I know the two of you are friends, but I wonder what Joseph is up to. I mean, you’re not a member of the club—are you?”

  Josh shook his head and offered him the hand-written note, which Lucas also read out loud. “Consider this a helpful nudge between friends. I hope you and Lucas will come as my guests.” He looked again at the invitation. “Is this supposed to be like a Fantasy Island weekend? Like ‘It’s de plane, boss. De plane!’?”

  Josh chuckled at the mental blast from the past and shrugged. “I’m more curious about whether Violet accepts the invitation.”

  Lucas’s brows shot up, and a big grin crossed his face. “What?”

  “He delivered the same type of envelope to her earlier this afternoon. I was across the store from her, but her body language wasn’t shouting no when she looked at it.”

  Lucas’s brows knit in a frown, and he said, “Do you think Joseph invited Violet because he’s attracted to her?”

  Josh shook his head. “I asked him point-blank a while back. He knows we’re interested in her. This must be his way of providing an opportunity.”

  “Why does Joseph think this event might be of interest to you? And why would he do you this kind of favor?”

  Josh shrugged. “The invitation was intended for both of us. I’ve been talking to him and Ethan.”


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