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Diamonds or Donuts

Page 9

by Lucie Ulrich

  Heat licked her cheeks a second time, but this time it was from guilt. Marrying Logan and traveling wherever life took them should far outweigh any thoughts of living near the beach, having a great apartment, or missing Kevin—especially missing Kevin. What was wrong with her?


  Happy with the results, Kevin placed everything on a platter and set it in the middle of the table. Sarah brought out the plates and cutlery.

  “This looks amazing, Kevin. I can’t wait to dig in.”

  Her enthusiasm warmed him from head to toe. More to the point, anything she did brought on feelings he shouldn’t be having. He offered a blessing over the meal then silently prayed he’d be able to focus on the food, conversation, and nothing more.

  Sarah lifted the top of the bun and frowned. “I thought we were having cheeseburgers.”

  “We are.”

  “I don’t see any cheese.”

  “Trust me, it’s there.”

  “If you say so.” Sarah bit into the burger, and pulled it away only to have a bit of stringy, melted cheese land on her bottom lip.

  Kevin stopped himself from brushing it away with his thumb, though his first thought had been to kiss it away. Instead, he reached for a napkin and handed it to her. “Sorry, guess I should have warned you.”

  She chuckled. “No harm done.”

  Just as she was about to take another bite, Pippa called from the living room. “Anybody home?”

  “Didn’t you say Pippa was on a date?” Kevin added a large slice of tomato to his burger.

  “That’s what she told me.” Sarah craned her neck to look through the screen door. “Out on the balcony!”

  The screen slid open and Pippa leaned against the door frame. “Got enough food for me?”

  This wasn’t the way Kevin figured his prayer would be answered, but he couldn’t argue its effectiveness. “There’s more than enough. I made extra for you to have on hand. Be right back.” He hurried inside for another glass, plate, and burger, then set all of it in on the table before taking his seat again.

  Sarah moved her chair over to make room for Pippa. “What happened to your date?”

  “He was a complete jerk.” She plopped onto the chair. “And a liar.”

  Kevin stared across the table. “Do I need to hurt this guy?”

  “I already took care of that. Besides, you’re a cop. It wouldn’t look good if you went around assaulting people because a friend of yours said they deserved it.” She filled her plate. “Ooh, these veggies look great. I’m starved.”

  Kevin knew Pippa could handle herself under most circumstances, but if he wasn’t to spend the evening alone with Sarah, then he needed a good story to make up for it. “Start from the beginning.”

  “There isn’t that much to tell.”

  “I think there is.” Sarah reached for her drink. “Liar and jerk definitely have the makings of a good tale.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Kevin winked at Sarah. With her help, Pippa didn’t stand a chance.

  “Okay, fine.” Pippa took a large bite of her burger followed by some punch. After swallowing, she wiped her mouth with a napkin. “Granger.” She rolled her eyes. “Who names their child Granger? Anyway, we met at the restaurant as planned, but when I asked about the other couple who was supposed to join us, Granger said he’d just gotten word they couldn’t make it. I was surprised, but didn’t see the need to make a fuss about it.”

  “How did you meet this guy?” Sarah forked a mushroom.

  “Through a teacher friend of mine who we were supposed to meet up with. The fact that she didn’t call to tell me they wouldn’t be joining us raised a bit of a red flag, but Granger seemed nice enough. That and I was hungry.”

  Kevin laughed. “Sounds about right.”

  Pippa stuck her tongue out at him. “We ordered and started to get to know a bit about each other. When his hand went to my thigh, I figured he wanted to know more than I was willing to share.”

  Kevin couldn’t wait to hear the rest. Pippa was a force to be reckoned with when her personal space was invaded. “Go on.”

  “I gently removed his hand and asked him not to do that again. I was nice, but firm. Until he did it a second time.” She took a small bite of burger.

  “Here it comes.” Kevin grinned. “Did you stab his hand with a fork?”

  “Nothing that crude. I simply threw my glass of wine in his face. When Granger fumed that I’d just tossed away eleven dollars, I picked up his glass and threw that one at him too.”

  Sarah laughed so hard she started coughing. “I love it.”

  Grinning, Pippa cut into a piece of zucchini. “Needless to say, we didn’t stick around for dinner. The guy was so mad that he stormed out, leaving me with the bill. Thankfully, the restaurant manager was gracious enough to let it slide. He said I’d been humiliated enough and he wouldn’t add to it.”

  “That was nice of him,” Sarah said. “We’ll be sure to eat there after I move in.” She dabbed the corner of her mouth with a napkin. “That pretty much covers the jerk part of your story. Where does the liar part come in?”

  “Just as I was leaving, my friend called to see if I was okay. Apparently Granger called to tell her I was sick and dinner was off.”

  Kevin stabbed a pepper with more force than necessary. “I do need to hurt this guy.”

  “No need for dramatics, Kev. I’m a big girl and handled myself just fine. Granger knows better than to mess with me. But if he ever considers trying again, I will use the fork.”

  Sarah nearly spit out her punch, laughing. “Pippa, I adore you, and I’m so happy we’re going to be living close to each other again.”

  The two hugged. Whatever time Kevin would get to spend with Sarah disappeared before his eyes. He knew it was for the best, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.


  Dinner over, Sarah cleared the table while Kevin insisted on cleaning the kitchen. She appreciated his willingness to help, especially after all the work he did to make the meal so special.

  Pippa wiped down the table and tossed the cloth into the sink. “Thanks for letting me crash your party, guys. I’m going to take a long, hot bat then head to bed with a good book.” She kissed Kevin’s cheek. “See you at church tomorrow?”

  “You bet.”

  With a final wave, Pippa disappeared behind her closed bedroom door.

  Kevin ignored the heat he felt standing so close to Sarah as she loaded the dishwasher. It was definitely time to get out of here. He dried the cutting board and set it on the counter. “Tonight was fun. Thanks for letting me cook for you.”

  “Are you kidding? I should be the one thanking you. I’m going to have to steal some of your recipes. I love to cook, but I’m not always that creative. It’ll be fun to fix something new and original for Logan.”

  There was that name again. Kevin forced a smile. “I’m more than happy to share whatever I can with you.” He folded the dish towel and hung it on the rack. “Guess it’s time for me to shove off.”

  “Oh, I thought you wanted to take a walk on the beach.”

  His heart lightened. “You still want to?”

  “Sure. Why not?”

  “I don’t know. I just thought with Pippa joining us, a longer dinner, more cleanup, you might be too tired.”

  “I’m exhausted, which is why a walk is perfect. It’ll help me wind down, ease some of my muscles, and make it easier for me to sleep.”

  “Okay then, let’s go.”

  She grabbed a shawl from the rack next to the front door and draped it over her shoulders. “I’m ready.”

  Kevin didn’t offer his arm as they walked across the boardwalk, nor did he offer any conversation. No words could possibly top the beauty of the crescent moon reflecting off the water or the myriad of stars dancing against a black backdrop. It was the perfect, romantic night for couples in love. If only he and Sarah were that couple.

  They stopped at the water’s edge.
“Isn’t the sky glorious?” Sarah pointed overhead, a look of joy and wonder on her face. “There’s the Big Dipper.” She chuckled. “I only know because I see the North Star. It’s the only constellation I’ve ever been able to identify.”

  The urge to take her in his arms and kiss her was so strong he had to look away. “Same here.”

  “Logan would be able to point them all out. The guy amazes me with how much he knows. He may dig up the ground, but the sky is his second love.”

  “So, digging is his first love and the sky is his second. Where does that leave you?”

  The look of joy on her face vanished. “I don’t think that’s any of your concern.” She wrapped the shawl tighter around herself and took off walking.

  What had he been thinking saying something so stupid? He hurried to catch up with her. “I’m sorry. That popped out before I realized what it sounded like.”

  “It didn’t sound very nice.”

  “No, it didn’t. I don’t know Logan and I’m just getting to know you. I was completely out of line.”

  She stared at him, a spark of fire in her eyes. “The only thing you need to know about Logan Montgomery is that I love him, he loves me, and we’ll be married as soon as he gets home.”

  “I know that.”

  “Then why do you seem to have this fascination where Logan and I are concerned?” He opened his mouth, but she didn’t allow him to get in a word. “You’ve questioned the size of my ring, whether or not a mansion is for me, and now this.”

  Feeling trapped, Kevin was at a loss, unsure whether to tell her how he felt, or ignore his feelings and leave her to the life she seemed to want. A gust of wind blew some sea spray in his face, cooling his heated skin.

  “I think I’d like to head back.” Sarah spun around and walked toward the boardwalk.

  He’d blown it. His desire for this woman would be the ruin of them both if he didn’t stop, and stop now. He hurried to catch up to her, but she kept a brisk pace. He finally reached her side a few yards from the property that separated the main house from the garage. “Look, Sarah, I really am sorry if I said anything to offend you.”

  She didn’t stop walking, but did slow her pace. “I’m not offended. I’m confused and tired, and it’s probably better for me not to say anything more about the subject tonight.” When they reached the steps on the side of the garage, Sarah stopped and faced him. “Thanks again for dinner and for all your help this afternoon.”

  If she had any clue what his ulterior motives had been, she’d probably slug him, which would be nothing more than he deserved. “No thanks are needed.”

  Nodding, she wished him good night, and started up the stairs.

  “Sarah, wait.” Kevin approached, stopping on the step below her. “I really had a wonderful time tonight, and I think you did too.” He waited for her to turn around. “Please forgive the cop in me, and give the friend in me another chance.”

  Her fiery eyes cooled and a crack of a smile lifted one corner of her mouth. “Maybe if you promise to leave the cop home from now on, I might consider giving the friend a second chance.”

  “Thank you.” He placed his hand over her fingers resting on the banister.

  She slid her hand free. “I said might.” Dashing up the stairs, she didn’t look back before entering the apartment.

  Kevin climbed into his car and pulled out his cell. He punched in his sister’s number.

  Amy answered on the third ring. “What’s up, baby brother?” She paused for a second. “Please tell me you’re not backing out of the trip.”

  He’d called to talk about Sarah, but quickly changed his mind. They’d end up talking all night, and neither of them had time for that. “Not for a second. I can hardly wait to see you again.”

  “Good, ‘cause I’m counting the days until you get here.”

  The smile in his sister’s voice was the medicine Kevin needed to ease his mind. Of course, once he told her about his feelings for Sarah, he doubted her smile would remain.


  Sarah changed into her pajamas, pulled out the sofa bed, and crawled under the sheets. Sleep, however, didn’t come easily. She wanted to talk to Logan—needed to talk to him, but it wasn’t possible. She thought of earlier times when modern forms of communication hadn’t been available, and how difficult that must have been. Here it was the twenty-first century, and she had no way of reaching the man she loved.

  When sleep finally came, it was accompanied by dreams of missed phone calls, arguments, and misunderstandings. There might even have been a fight between Logan and Kevin, but it was all too blurry to remember. She awoke with a headache and heartache.

  Pippa’s bedroom door opened and she appeared makeup applied, dressed and ready for church. She stopped short at the side of the couch. “Yikes! Who did you wrestle with last night?”

  “Crazy dreams.” Sarah pushed herself to a seated position and ran a hand through the tangles in her hair. “I’d better make myself presentable. I didn’t realize it was that late.”

  “You still have an hour. I’m going in early. I have children’s church this morning.”

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot.”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Pippa placed a hand on Sarah’s arm. “What’s going on?”

  Tears clouded Sarah’s vision. “Guess I’m having a harder time dealing with Logan’s absence than I thought I would.” She blew out a breath. “I should be planning my wedding, not moving into a new apartment. Alone.”

  “It’s barely been a month since he broke the news. Your reaction is normal. I’m sure it’ll get better with time.”

  “He got mad at me yesterday.”

  “Who? Logan?”

  His harsh tone replayed in Sarah’s head. She nodded. “He was upset that I didn’t have dinner with his folks.”

  “How did he know? I can’t imagine you told him.”

  Sarah pushed the covers aside and threw her legs over the side. “Apparently he uses some of his rare phone time to check in with Mommy and Daddy before he calls me.”


  “It isn’t that I don’t expect him to call his parents now and again, but we get such a short time as it is. I don’t know when I’ll get to hear from him again, and until then all I have to remember is that we parted on less than loving terms.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. You seemed to be having such a good time with Kevin that I never suspected anything.”

  Her headache intensified. “Yeah, that’s another thing. I’m starting to feel guilty about spending time with Kevin. He’s a great guy and I like him a lot, but I’m afraid I might be giving him the wrong idea.”

  Pippa’s eyes widened. “Like how? I know better than to think you’ve been flirting with him.”

  “No, nothing like that.” Sarah thought back to last night and the other times they’d been together. Had she been flirting? Had he? “It’s just that I really like him. We’re so comfortable together, I forget he’s a gorgeous, well-built guy and I’m an engaged woman. And then there’s the questions he’s been asking about Logan and me. I’m starting to think he might like me a little more than is good for either of us.”

  Sarah paced to the window and back, chewing on her thumbnail. “I should probably keep my distance from Kevin, right? I mean, unless we’re in a group or church setting? That would be okay, wouldn’t it?”

  “I can’t tell you what to do, Sarah.”

  “Of course you can. You’re my best friend. My maid of honor. My voice of reason.” She gripped Pippa’s shoulders. “Tell me I’m reading too much into Kevin’s attention.”

  A grin spread across Pippa’s face. “Oh, my sweet Sarah, you don’t want me to tell you to stay away. You want me to assure you it’s okay to be friends with Kevin while Logan is off on his expedition.”

  Sarah fell back on the bed, her legs hanging off the end. That was exactly what she wanted. “I’m a horrible person.”

  “You aren’t horrible.�
�� Pippa grabbed Sarah’s hand and pulled her to her feet. “You’re human. I know you love Logan and how much you miss him. If you think it’s best to avoid Kevin then do it. But in all fairness, you might want to tell him why. He’s gone out of his way to be helpful and welcoming, so he might not understand.”

  “I do owe him that much, but not today. I’m too confused. Promise you won’t say anything to Kevin about our talk?”

  Pippa propped her fists on her hips. “What do you take me for?”


  Kevin sat through the church service, one eye on the preacher and the other on Sarah. He might as well have stayed home for all the good the message was doing him. He had no intention of speaking to her, other than to wish her and her folks a safe drive home. She wouldn’t be back for a month—plenty of time to sort through his feelings.

  By the time the closing song was half through, Kevin ducked outside. He found Pippa in the playground supervising a dozen or so kids. He stood outside the chain-link fence. “Having fun?”

  She grinned. “Always. Is church over?”

  “Just about. Parents will be out to claim their kids any minute now.”

  No sooner had he spoken the words, the front double door opened and people spilled out, chatting and smiling. One by one, Pippa’s charges were picked up. She sent them off with hugs, kisses and waves. After plucking her purse and sweater from a bench, she joined Kevin on the other side of the fence. “Looks like you got as much sleep as Sarah last night.” She nudged him and grinned.

  He rubbed tired eyes. “There’s too much going on these days. With finals over this week, I’ll at least have one less thing to deal with.”

  “Nice use of avoidance.”


  “Okay, I won’t pry.” Pippa closed the gate. “Are you still planning to visit your sister?”

  “Yep. I called her last night and reconfirmed my visit.”

  “How long will you be gone?”


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