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Page 5

by Jason Cheek

  Judging the closing distance, Moonglow waited until the first misshapen heads sprang up out of the dark right in front of her, before making her move. Shifting the whimpering pups to her left arm, she sprang twenty feet into the air.

  The closest Scourge leaped after her a split second later, but she was already passing high above its head. Slamming into the massive trunk of the nearest tree, she sank her claws deep into the trunk, bracing herself once more.

  Rushing after her in a flurry of angry screeches, the pursuing Scourge ran to the base of the tree. Leaping onto the thick trunk, they began climbing after her with their long clawed hands. Flexing her powerful legs, Moonglow sprang once more. Flying through the air, she cleared forty yards, before crashing into the frozen ground. Diving into a roll, she jumped back to her feet as the Scourge screeched in anger behind her taking up the chase once more.

  Moonglow’s feet hit solid ground a moment later, as she broke out of the deep snow of the forest onto the windswept plateau of Winter Run. Her feet pounded the windswept stone like a pounding drum as she ran up the steep incline.

  Already, the Scourge were once again closing in for the kill. Except this time, she could see their red eyes and tooth filled maws clearly in the moonlight as their numbers turned the plateau behind her into a dark oozing mass.

  Sides heaving from exertion, Moonglow passed under the first set of rock formations arching to either side over her head. Watching out of the corner of her eyes, she saw two the fastest Scourge start passing on either side of her.

  Unfortunately, she knew this game all too well.

  Springing at the same time, both Scourge slashed with their long claws. She felt their sharp claws slicing deep into her legs, before falling away. Just as the next two began taking up position behind her.

  Except for a deep rumbling growl in her chest, she showed no other reaction to the injuries as she ran on.

  Passing under the third set of stone ribs, the next set of Scourge sprang onto her back. Digging their claws deep into her shoulders blades, they sliced deep gashes down her spine, before tumbling to the ground behind her as she ran on.

  Shrugging off the injury, she continued towards her goal as the next Scourge in line closed in behind her. Again they slashed deep into her pounding legs trying to take her down, and again she ignored the pain as if it were nothing.

  Focused solely on her goal, the spot just before the point where the last set of stone ribs came together over her head, Moonglow blocked out the blood streaming down her shredded back and legs as her muscles screamed from the strain. The pain was nothing, in comparison to the need to save the lives of her daughters. Somehow she managed to stay ahead of the pursuit passing under the fourth and fifth stone ribs before the next two Scourge could close to attack range.

  Reaching her goal, Moonglow crouched suddenly just as the Scourge behind her lunged at her back. Leaping straight up with all of her strength, she shot into the air as the Scourge slammed into her from behind.

  Realizing she wouldn’t make the jump with the extra weight on her back, Moonglow stretched out one long arm high above her head. Her massive clawed hand barely caught the top edge of the rocky outcrop as she slammed to a stop.

  The sudden halt jarred one of the Scourge loose. Slashing wildly, the creature slid off Moonglow’s back, falling to its brethren gathering below as the remaining Scourge drove its clawed hands deep into her muscular shoulder blades.

  Seeing his prey helpless, the Scourge head snapped forward as its fangs sank deep into Moonglow’s shoulder. Screeching in rage, it ripped out a large bloody chunk of flesh from the arm that clutched the puppies protectively to her breast. Gulping down the tasty morsel, the Scourge screeched in triumph to its brethrens below as it sank its jaws once more into her bleeding shoulder.

  Helpless, Moonglow could only howl in agony.


  The mental scream burnt through Moonglow’s pain as a searing elemental blast of fire and ice shot past her head, almost making her lose her grip on the puppies in her arm. Looking over her shoulder, Moonglow saw the Scourge’s gaping jaws encased in ice, frozen wide open, while the only thing left of the top half of its head was a smoking blackened skull.

  Slowly, the Scourge’s lifeless body fell away from her back to the plateau below. In amazement, she looked at her daughters. Luthar had tried to explain to her, but she had never truly understood how powerful their daughters would be until now.

  Pushing the thoughts of Luthar away, Moonglow hugged her pups tightly to her breast.


  Taking a deep breath, Moonglow gave one mighty heave, propelling them to the top of the rocky outcrop. Collapsing to her hands and knees, she took a moment to catch her breath.


  Starfire’s and Frostbrand’s Mentem-loqui speech echoed in unison in her head.


  Struggling to get out of their Mother’s arm, Starfire proclaimed loudly.


  Seeing the blood pooling onto the stone ledge, Frostbrand wailed loudly.


  Looking below, Moonglow watched the Scourge horde as it began to move once more. Already, they were nearing the pathway at the far end of the plateau, which would take them to her current position in short order.


  Climbing painfully to her feet, Moonglow took three quick steps, before jumping the gap to the trail that would take her the rest of the way to Winter Fang Rocks.


  Landing heavy, Moonglow forced her shredded legs into a run as the sounds of claws on stone came to her from further down the path. They would be here any second! Throwing her head, she howled as she ran.


  Looking over her shoulder, she saw the Scourge round the bend on the trail below.


  Scrambling up the winding pathway of the Spine, Moonglow entered Winter Reach. Seeing the dark shapes of Winter Fang Rocks soaring high above her in the night’s sky, she broke into a dead sprint.

  The large stones where roughly shaped like giant teeth, creating a natural barrier at the top of the peak in the shape of a giant maw. The only way in or out was between the two largest stones near the center, which was why the Pack had given the mountain peak its name.

  Moonglow heard the screeches of triumph ringing out behind her from the Scourge as a response to her cry for help sounded in her mind.


  The first of the Scourge up the path were only steps behind her as she passed through the two massive stones that marked the entrance to Winter Fang Rocks, when the large dark shapes of Werewolves rose from their hiding spots on either side of the entrance. Lunging forward, they slammed into the leading wave of the Scourge horde as Moonglow passed through their lines to safety.

  Dead Scourge bodies flew through the air as the Werewolves sprang forward, filling the gap between the two massive stones with their hulking bodies. Their razor sharp claws cut through the Scourge wave with devastating slashing blows as the ferocity of the attack threw the Scourge back in shock.

  A moment later, the leading wave of the Scourge turned and ran, heading back down to the plain below. Seeing their enemies escaping, the Werewolves began howling after them in pursuit.


  Ridgeback’s mental order slashed through the Werewolves’ blood lust, stopping them in their tracks. Rising to his full height, he stood in front of his Packmates.

  Several of the youngest Werewolves growled angrily at Ridgeback’s command, as their instincts screamed for them to continue chasing their bloodied prey. Bloodfang, one of the youngest, faced Ridgeback exploding in anger.


  Enraged beyond reason, the young Werewolf ignored Ridgeback’s orders as he sprang after th
e fleeing Scourge.

  Leaping over the young Werewolf’s head, Ridgeback landed lightly in front of Bloodfang. Faster than thought, his backhand slammed the young Werewolf back into two other young Werewolves who had started following after him. The three Werewolves fell into a pile on the ground. Growling loudly, they quickly sprang back to their feet ready to fight.

  Visibly swelling, Ridgeback faced the young Werewolves growling his next words out loud.

  “You will stay with the Pack!”

  Ridgeback was not an alpha, but his dominant aura was strong enough to override the younger Werewolves natural instinct to chase down their prey, and cut through the bloodlust that was overwhelming their thoughts. Chastised, they hung their heads submissively falling back into the ranks of the Pack standing guard at the approach to Winter Fangs.

  Ridgeback wasn’t particularly angry with the young Werewolves. He still remembered how it was when he was young. The bloodlust would make his blood burn in his veins. Facing the Scourge horde as they flooded the plateau below, he growled deep in his chest. There was no time for that kind of foolishness tonight.


  The Werewolves laughed heartily at Ridgeback’s joke. It kept their minds from wondering what had befallen the majority of their Pack Brothers and Sisters that hadn’t made it back to Winter Fang Rocks.

  Looking about him, Ridgeback estimated there were less than forty Werewolves standing with him. Over half of them were females still recovering from giving birth to their young. Add another handful of females staying with the youngest pups deeper in the Fangs, and that was all that was left to preserve the Pack’s very existence.

  Holding his clawed hand palm up, Ridgeback looked into the night’s sky as it started to snow once again. Sniffing the air, he smelt the brewing storm forming in the dark sky above.

  Angrily, he balled his elongated hand into a fist. If only the storm would come sooner rather than later, they might have a chance.

  Suddenly, the screeching sounds of the Scourge filled the air as they charged forth in a massive wave of claws and fangs. Sweeping his gaze over the Werewolves standing with him, Ridgeback strode down the line growling orders.

  < Do not let them fool you in being drawn away from your Packmates >


  Looking out at their enemy, Ridgeback last words reverberated through them.


  Baring their fangs, the Werewolves howled out their rage. Standing shoulder to shoulder, they held their ground as the first Scourge wave broke against them.

  Chapter 4

  Location Irlendria / Winter Fangs / Scourge Camp:

  “Commander Annork, I see you received my dispatch.”

  Crunching the last of the Scourge runner in his massive jaws, Commander Annork turned his red eyes away from the battle raging on the slope above as he regarded the new arrival with open disdain. Standing flat footed, he towered over the grongor mounted highborn bellowing in rage.

  “I do not need any help in slaying these animals!”

  Seeing the four black robed forms riding up behind Lord Nardak, his bellowing changed suddenly into a fearful hiss.

  “Lord, what are they doing here?”

  Lord Nardak smiled cruelly. “It appears the Dark Lady does not share your confidence in this matter.” Privately, he feared the Acolytes of Loviatar as much as any Tuonellian, but he had learned long ago the secret in dealing the Goddess’s Dark Sect when he was extremely young. Annork had thought he had won a significant victory when he had wrestled this command from him months earlier.

  The fool had no idea! Werewolves were no dumb animals to be taken lightly in their own den.

  Looking over the mountain of dead piled up before the approach to Winter Fang Rocks, he shook his head in disgust. He doubted if there were two hundred Scourge left, out of the ten thousand that Annork had begun the attack with.

  “You will command the surviving nafda to fall back at this time.”

  Reaching for Lord Nardak with his oversized fists, Annork bellowed again in sudden anger.

  “You command nothing here ...”

  “Our mistress is less than pleased with your lack of progress Annork.”

  Rocking back on his heels, the soft hissing words cut through Annork’s bellowing tirade in mid-blast. His mind fearfully registering the lack of title in the acolyte’s address. Whipping around, he bowed his head addressing the acolytes directly.

  “Forgive me Dark Sisters. The Brokenfangs failed to silence the animals as they promised. Hence, I have lost more forces to these animals than originally expected.”

  Heads bowed, the acolytes dismounted moving as one to stand in front of Commander Annork in a half circle. Looking away, he began bellowing commands to the remaining Scourge, when four black blades pierced his skin. A second later, the ground slammed into his face as the paralysis affected hit him instantly. A choking scream of agony, came from his nerveless lips as black blotches of corruption began spreading out from the small knife pricks, consuming his flesh.

  Smiling, the first acolyte’s hissing voice continued. “Our Mistress accepts your apology, Annork son of Kherhn. She knows this will not be an issue in the future.”

  Joining her sisters, the acolytes left the rotting corpse where it lay as they walked to the middle of the windswept plateau. Spreading out double arm intervals, they began clearing the snow from the ground at their feet as the lead acolyte’s voice rang out once more.

  “Lord Nardak, you will pull your forces back to a point twenty paces behind us, and wait for further instructions. We will deal with these beasts.”

  “As you command, Priestess.”

  Bowing deep in his saddle, Lord Nardak rode away quickly calling out commands for the Scourge Blood Leaders to pull back their warriors. The screeching commands, of the Scourge Blood Leaders, echoed behind him as he rode through the ragged troops. Slowly, the surviving warriors began moving to the acolyte’s specified location.

  Scourge society was loosely organized by tribes of family groups. Blood Leaders were warriors that had defeated all challengers in their brood, only then would the other warriors follow their commands.

  Since the Tuonellian had dominated the Scourge, they had forbidden the Blood Leader’s the right to choose their own Sypan, or Horde Leader, since the previous Scourge uprising. Instead, Tuonellian Hulks were typically used to lead the Scourge. Tuonellian Hulks were rare mutant Tuonellian High Born that were not much saner then the Scourge they commanded. Due to their enormous size and incredible strength, the Scourge Blood Leaders accept Tuonellian Hulks as their natural leaders, without the usual challenging rituals demanded by their traditions.

  The Scourge revered the Hulks, dissimilar to Tuonellian society that considered Hulks little better than the Scourge they commanded. Hate filled rage boiled through him at the old thought. Using his mighty blade, Lord Nardak cruelly slashed any laggard not fast enough to stay out of his path.

  Fighting the urges of his ravishing hunger, he swore at the curse he was forced to endure since his birth.

  Looking back once more over his shoulder, he saw the acolytes start pouring glowing green liquid onto the frozen ground. Within seconds, magic green flames began burning at their feet. Quickly turning away, he galloped to the front of the Scourge formation to await further orders.

  It was always best not to make the Dark Priestesses wait!

  Sweating even in the cold of the blizzard that was forming, he watched the black robed shapes of the acolytes as they chanted before the burning sigils. Reaching a crescendo, their voices cried out in unison as they fell to the ground on their knees.


  At first, the silence was complete, but, slowly, the sounds of the storm began howling around them once again, and still the acolytes did not move. Sh
ifting restively, Lord Nardak looked from side to side at the Scourge behind him. The slaves had collapsed to their knees, when the acolytes had cast their spell. Unmoving, they held their claw hands protectively over their heads. Shifting restively beneath him, his grongor reacted to his irritation, when a loud tearing sound suddenly filled the air.

  Whipping his gaze back to the magical glowing circles in front of the acolytes, Lord Nardak froze in place.

  Unexpectedly, he saw large clawed hands appear in midair as if reaching through a hole. Thunderous tearing sounds reverberating across the plateau as the holes in front of the acolytes began growing in size as the clawed hands literally began ripping open the very fabric of creation!

  In horror, he watched as spike covered heads and cloven hooves began forcing their way through the small openings. Seconds later, four hulking twelve foot tall creatures, covered in foot long bone like barbs from head to hoof, stood within the circles of power as the green flames flared into a fiery cage around them.

  “Barbed Demons!”

  The name tumbled from Lord Nardak’s numb lips as the old stories of the otherworldly creatures swept through his mind.

  Chapter 5

  Location Irlendria / Winter Fangs / Werewolves Camp:

  Looking out at his surviving Pack mates collapsing to the ground around him, Ridgeback hung his head, refusing to give into the exhaustion he felt.

  A Battle Leader had to be strong for his warriors. They had thrown the Scourge back repeatedly throughout the night, until they fought atop a mountain of dead twenty deep. He didn’t know why the Scourge had suddenly stopped their attack and pulled all of their forces back to the far side of Winter Reach, but he wasn’t going to complain about their good fortune.

  Only tattered strips of flesh clung to his broad chest and muscular arms. Everything else had been stripped away during the fighting.

  Ignoring the pain, he automatically began tearing large chunks of flesh from the dead below, shoving the bloody chunks of meat into his maw. The flesh tasted like burnt wood ash, and he had to force himself not to puke after every swallow, but as his Sire always said. “Food was fuel,” as long as his body had the fuel it would continue repairing itself until he died.


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