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Bossman's List

Page 42

by Ashlee Price

  “Yeah, for a while. They’re engaged. I thought you knew?”

  “No. I didn’t.”

  “Well, you’ve been busy lately and the wedding was a lot of work.”

  “Was it worth it?”

  He looked anxious, and I pulled him in for a reassuring kiss. “It was definitely worth it. I’ve never been so happy in my life.”

  The kiss was returned, and when the music stopped, we didn’t. It caused a stir among the guests, but I didn’t care. I felt like I was the happiest person in the world and I would burst with it all any minute.

  I had to pull away and guide him back to our seats. He was just going to have to wait. My face was red from the encounter and from the knowledge of what was going to come next. I was starting to look around and wonder how rude it would be considered if I found a way to get out of there sooner rather than later.

  Tyler and Camilla caught my eye on the dance floor, and for a moment, one silly moment, I felt jealousy. It wasn’t something that I felt because I wanted him, but he had a look in his eyes that I’d never gotten to see from him. He’d never looked at me with such love and devotion. I’d waited years to see it, and in a way I hated to see him that way with another. I was bubbling with emotions and I had to turn my attention elsewhere.

  When I finally caught my husband’s eyes, they the same look in them, and I knew what I’d known all along. I was supposed to be with Dylan. It was that simple.


  “Nothing, baby, I just love you.”

  Chapter 4 – Camilla

  “We can’t just go. It would be rude. You were the one who wanted to come, so no, we’re not leaving after the cake is cut. You have to dance and stay and mingle a while.”

  Tyler wasn’t having any of it. I’d left him wanting more after lunch on purpose, but he was too wound up to be put off much longer. I didn’t know how close he was to throwing me over his shoulder and hauling me away, but I wouldn’t have minded if he did. There was something about a wedding that made me a little hot for him. It must have been all of the love in the air. It was hard to dismiss how much I could feel it. I wanted to be with the one that I loved now.

  “I don’t want to mingle. I don’t care what anyone else has to say. I just want to be with you. Are you really going to deny me that?”

  Shaking my head, I told him that he was going to survive a little longer without anything like that. Tyler’s eyes darkened, and I looked away so as to not give away how hot it made me. I knew that look very well, and right now it was something I was going to try to ignore.

  “Why does it always have to be right now?”

  The flame leaped in his eyes and his grin widened. “Right now?”

  I shook my head again, sure that he just wasn’t hearing the words that were coming out of my mouth. How else could he get them all so wrong?

  “I didn’t mean right now, Tyler. We’re in the middle of a wedding with a lot of people. We can stay a little while longer and then bow out when no one will notice.”

  Tyler looked around like he was considering my idea. I thought it was a good one. I was not about to jump out of my skin like he was. I wanted him, but I also knew that we had a lifetime to be together. I didn’t feel the rush and worry that I did with most relationships. There was a sense of knowing that it was all going to be okay. Tyler wasn’t going anywhere and neither was I. We were meant to be together.

  “Baby. You know that’s not what I meant.”

  He wasn’t listening. “No one is paying attention now. The open bar is doing the trick. I’m sure there has to be a place in here somewhere where we won’t get noticed. This place is huge.”

  Tyler had my hand and was pulling me towards the back of the reception hall. I didn’t know what was beyond the swinging doors, but I didn’t think that we were supposed to be there. It didn’t feel right, but there was no stopping Tyler when he got something in his mind. I was just glad that it was me that made him so adamant and impatient.

  “Tyler, come on. Let’s go home if you really can’t wait.”

  “I don’t even want to wait that long.”

  “We could do it in the car again.”

  He chuckled, and there was a moment when he looked back that I thought he was going to go for the bait. There were so many things wrong with us doing it here. This was the wedding of one of my patients and his ex-wife. None of it screamed out that it was a good place to get it on. Somehow Tyler wasn’t the least bit bothered by any of that.

  “No, I still have a cramp in my leg from that. Besides, don’t you want to do it somewhere new?”

  We’d talked about our fantasies, and he knew that I liked new places. “This is not really what I meant, though, Tyler. I meant… I don’t know.”

  “Come on, you were the one that told me that you like doing it in public places. There are people all around, and I know that you’re getting hot just thinking about it.”

  I wasn’t going to deny it, because that would have been futile too. He knew me too well. The only thing I could do was go with it. I let him drag me up some stairs to a part of the building that didn’t look to be in use. It was a good thing, too, because the first room that he found, Tyler was pulling me into it and kissing me before the door was shut. He wasn’t kidding about not being able to wait.

  “Baby, slow down.”

  “I can’t, Camilla. I need you now.”

  There was no telling what was going on in his head, but it was clear that he needed me. I wasn’t sure why, but I wasn’t going to ask. I moved back a little and started to unzip my dress. That wasn’t fast enough for him, and before I could stop him, he started pulling me down to the carpeted floor. The room was almost empty, save for a few boxes, and I closed my eyes when his hand ripped my panties to the side. I couldn’t focus on anything else anyway.

  He was out, and I was not prepared. Tyler was always so ready. He pushed in as my weight helped him along. I heard a cry and I knew that it was from my own lips, but it sounded so far away. I couldn’t control my noise as he moved up from beneath me.

  “Lean forward.”

  I could hardly think, but his words penetrated my thoughts. I knew what that meant. I shook my head that I wasn’t going to. I wasn’t ready for that, not when he was so raring to go. It was already hard to control myself, and if he got his way, there was no possibility of me holding it together.

  “Please no, Tyler.”

  “You know that’s what you want.”

  Tyler’s hands were on my hips and he pressed up as he held me down on him. His grinding hips were driving me crazy, and he just kind of grinned widely with the gesture.


  “What?” He tried to look innocent, but the wolf eyes didn’t help convince me. As soon as I did what he asked, I knew what was next, and I was already on the verge of madness.

  I moved my hips a little faster, trying to appease his need without giving him fully what he wanted. I’d long since stopped caring where we were as I pushed myself to climax. It never took long when I was sitting on top of him. His hands would roam over every inch they could reach, and since I was in control, I could gently rock myself to my end.

  I tried to stop, but he shook his head and smiled. “You don’t think we’re done, do you?”

  I knew better, but I didn’t answer. My body was racked with pleasure, and I didn’t have a mind to protest when he pulled me down for a kiss. His arms went around me, and he held me up as he started to thrust quickly upwards. The pleasure intensified and I had to beg him to stop. Before he did, I was crying out while Tyler muffled my sounds with his own lips.

  This was what I’d tried to get out of. Tyler had done it to me the first time when I was practically passed out on his chest. Any time he got me on top, the blur from underneath was sure to put me in a situation where I could barely take it.

  Pushing up from his chest, Tyler’s grip tightened and he moved faster. I could tell that he was almost there, and I squeezed him as h
ard as I could from the inside. I loved the way he slowed and then pressed deeper, holding me still as I felt the first gush of heat inside of me.

  My eyes finally opened and met his. He twitched inside of me, making me clench him again. When I felt him start to re-harden, I pushed against his chest. “Not again. I can’t right now.”

  Getting up before he could convince me otherwise, I looked around for something to steady myself on. My legs were wobbly, and Tyler got up to help me. “Did that feel good, Doctor?”

  I sighed and kissed him. He knew how it felt. “It always feels good with you.”

  “You had me worried earlier when we were at the courthouse. Are you feeling better? You haven’t said a word.”

  “I wasn’t even thinking about it. I was just thinking about the wedding that we have coming up. I want it to always be like this, Tyler. I don’t want us to lose this.”

  He pulled me in for a kiss, and I felt the security of his arms around me. “We’re never going to lose this, Camilla. I love you too much for that to ever happen.”

  I bit my lip. I wanted to believe him, and I did. But things were going to be different quite soon. It wasn’t only going to be me and him anymore. Things were about to change a lot.

  The End For Now…

  Check Out the Epilogue to Bad Boy Exposed for the Final Chapter in this Story

  Epilogue To Bad Boy Exposed

  Six months later…

  “This is not how I envisioned this to be, Tyler. I wanted to wait until the spring.”

  “I know, but I didn’t want to wait.”

  “And you always get what you want, huh?”

  He shrugged and gave me that boyish grin that made it hard to be mad at him. I liked the way he always took control, but this might be his craziest idea yet. I’d wanted to wait until after the baby was born to get married. That was the plan. It had been ever since I found out about it, but then Tyler decided that it wasn’t going to do.

  “I’ll never say that I get everything I want, but I’ve been told that I can be quite persuasive.”

  “Well, I think in this instance you bamboozled me with the idea of a shopping trip. You know that I’ve been looking for things for our son. Now you won’t tell me where we’re going, just that we’re getting married? This isn’t fair, and I still want to go to Marcus Reeve.”

  “Would you have come if I would have told you what we were really doing?”

  Probably not. I didn’t want to get married when I was as big as a whale. While Tyler insisted that I looked stunning, I could see myself in the mirror, and the last thing I thought about was how glowing I was. I felt awkward in my own skin and now Tyler had sprung this on me. I didn’t want him to remember me this way. I didn’t want this to be the way it was, but I was starting to think that I didn’t have a choice. He’d gotten me on the plane, and after that I was left to worry about what was next. I wanted to marry him more than anything else, but not like this.

  “I don’t know, Tyler, but you know that I don’t like surprises. I have work in the morning. I don’t know how you thought this would work.”

  “You don’t have any clients that can’t be canceled. I already checked and made arrangements for the rest of the weekend. You do like surprises, but you’re not feeling this one, obviously. I thought you wanted to marry me?”

  He had that puppy dog look in his eyes that I knew he did on purpose. Once he’d figured out that I couldn’t say no to it, he made sure that he used it every chance that he got. It drove me crazy, but that was another problem all together.

  “Of course I want to marry you, Tyler. We’ve been planning a wedding for months. Remember? What are we supposed to do about all of that now?”

  “We’ll still have the wedding. I don’t even care if no one knows that we’re hitched before then or not. We do the wedding for everyone else, but this is for us. When our son is born, I want to make sure that we’re married. I don’t want him born into this world the way that I was.”

  I knew then that he was serious about it. I had a good idea of why he felt so strongly, so there was nothing more for me to do but agree with him. If it meant that much to him, how could I deny him such a request? I really just couldn’t, and the truth was that I didn’t want to.

  “If it means that much to you, I’ll marry you whenever and wherever you want. It doesn’t matter to me, Tyler, as long as we’re together. I just wanted to be pretty for you. I wanted to lose some of this weight that I’m gaining and get back to how you like me.”

  “I don’t like you, Camilla. I love you, and I don’t think I could love and desire you any more than I do right now. You know that, right?”

  I was trying to get it through my head. He said it all of the time, but the truth was that it was hard to believe him when I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. It was hard to rectify that in my head. It was even harder to be as confident as what he was used to, when everything physically was so different. His need hadn’t slowed down, and that helped, but it was harder to feel okay with everything when I was so close to popping.

  “I know, Tyler, but that’s just love making you say that. You can’t possibly want to marry me like this.”

  He sighed and told me that I was just going to have to trust him. I did, more than I cared to admit to my independent self, but there was still this nagging thought in the back of my head that everything was going to go tits up. I wasn’t going to feed into that negativity, though. I was going to try.

  “So what am I wearing, a curtain?”

  “You’re really blowing it all out of proportion. You look beautiful, and I wish you could see yourself the way that I do.”

  I didn’t want to hear his sweet words. I was sure that it was because I was pregnant. He’d treated me with kid gloves ever since finding out.

  “I’ve found you something to wear that I think you’ll like. It’s just like the one that we’ve ordered for our wedding in the spring, but this one will fit you now.”

  “While I’m like this?”

  I was skeptical because of the cut, but he was positive that it would, though he wouldn’t let me see it until we got there.

  “So where are we going?”

  “I don’t know. I’m kind of afraid to tell you, because I don’t know if you’re going to like the idea or hate it completely.”

  “I’m sure that I won’t hate it.”

  “We’re going to Vegas.”

  That was not all what I’d expected, but as I looked out the small window, I could see that he was telling the truth. It was hard to miss it from the sky when there was nothing else around it for so many miles. It was dark out and the lights from all of the casinos shone bright. There was no way to miss such a place, not even from way up here in the sky.

  “You’re serious?”

  “See, I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.”

  “Well, it’s definitely a surprise…”

  I wasn’t trying to make him nervous, but I didn’t know what to say about it. It was the biggest cliché there was, running off big and pregnant to get married in Vegas. There was something more to him being there. The place was somewhere that he’d gone to win his fortune a long time ago. He’d taken some seed money that he was supposed to put into starting a company and moved to Vegas for a couple of years. After he multiplied his money tenfold, he got into stocks, which was just another way for him to gamble.

  “You know how I feel about this place.”

  “I know. I just never thought I would be getting married in a place like this.”

  “You hate the idea, don’t you?”

  “No, I’m just getting used to the idea is all. I mean, I thought we were going out to dinner and a little shopping. The next thing I know we’re on a plane and now we’re about to get married. You don’t take your time, do you?”

  “I don’t remember you being too upset about that any other time.”

  His suggestion made me blush, and I couldn’t help but grin at him an
d give him a kiss. He really did know me too well.


  “This is where we’re getting married?”

  The place was nothing like I’d imagined in my head. Instead of getting married at St. Vincent’s Cathedral, we were going to get married in the Sunshine Church and Hotel. This was not a place that I ever saw myself being. It was not the place that a person would expect a billionaire to want to get married, but Tyler had always been a bit of a no-frills kind of guy. He liked the finer things in life, but coming from nothing, he didn’t have the same airs that others in his position had.

  “Yes, is this not fancy enough for you, Doc?”

  I shrugged and looked down at the dress that must have cost thousands more because of all of the extra fabric. It seemed wrong to get married there in that dress, but this was how it was going to go, and I was okay with that.

  “I told you I don’t care when and where. As long as we’re together, I’ll go anywhere with you, Tyler.”

  He grinned and told me that he knew I was the one for him. “You’re always so strong, but a little submissive at the same time.”


  I didn’t like the word, and he tried to make it sound better, but I knew what he meant. When I was with Tyler, nothing else really mattered. I loved him too much to care where he wanted to marry me. As long as he still wanted to marry me, that was all that mattered. But was I ready to hear ‘submissive’?

  “Why does that word bother you so much? Aren’t you mine?”

  Tyler had gotten serious all of a sudden. There was such ferocity in his eyes, with a touch of vulnerability. It was then that I realized that I could hurt him just as badly as he was able to hurt me. I didn’t want to, but the idea that he was the one with all of the power went out the window when I saw the depth of his emotion.

  “Yes, I’m yours. And you’re mine.”

  He grinned and pulled me to him. Tyler was always so gentle on my body, not crushing me against him like he used to. Just then, I wanted him to do that more than anything. I needed it.


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