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Bossman's List

Page 100

by Ashlee Price

  “I do too, and we will. I just want more time with you and him. Sometimes I feel like all we do is work, and I would like to spend more time thinking about making our family bigger.” Her eyes darkened and she shook her head at me like I was being naughty. I was; if she would only let me, I would be as bad as she wanted. But that was something for later. I had to focus.

  Moving to give her and my son a kiss, I made my way downstairs and out into the crisp fall morning. I’d come to like my brisk walks in the morning, but today I had to take my car. It was a far cry from what I used to drive, but now I had Glenn and Jesse to think of. Now I had a backseat and all of the safety features that could be packed into an SUV.

  Getting in, I looked at the car seat in the back and chuckled to myself. For a long time I’d spent my days making million-dollar deals with some of the most powerful people in the country. And now I was a glorified coffee shop owner with a second location opening up today. Life had changed in so many ways – and I couldn’t see any of them in a bad light. It had all led me to this new life in which I was eager to wake up and start every day. I’d never been so at peace before, and I knew that it was because of Jesse more than anything else. What I did every day and who I was to the world didn’t matter anymore. Now it was all about how my wife and child saw me. That was all that mattered.

  The thought brought a smile to my face. I was about to leave when I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was Maria, and she sounded frantic. “I’m not supposed to tell you, Scott, but you have to know. Your father needs your help.”

  “My help?”

  I listened as she told me what was going on. I’d spoken to Jackson a couple of times in the last year, and even though he was acting different somehow, our talks had never really gotten past the first stages. I didn’t have the patience to hear some of the opinions that he had. He still wasn’t a fan of my wife, and I wasn’t a fan of hearing anyone say anything bad about her.

  But now I could see why he’d seemed different. I hoped that Maria was wrong, but I knew that she wasn’t. For all of his bravado, my father did need someone.

  If it would have been a year ago, I would have told her to hire someone to help him. I would have put it on someone else, because he hadn’t cared about me when I needed him. But I had Jesse now, and she’d showed me what forgiveness was all about.

  “I’ll be there in a little while, Maria. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this.”

  “Thank you, Scott. You know that he doesn’t deserve you.”

  I hung up and sighed to myself. I was going to have to open the new store first, before going over to Dad’s house to see what was going on over there that had the usually calm Maria so upset.

  Chapter 2 – Jesse

  “Are you ready for today?”

  I nodded my head that I was ready, but I didn’t feel like it.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Melissa, I am. Are you ready? This is going to be your first day running that place.”

  Melissa nodded that she was, though she looked about as sure as I was. “I don’t know about this, Jesse. I don’t know why things had to change. I’m going to miss coming over here ever morning and working together. Are you sure this is what you really want?”

  I’d thought about it a lot, and although I still wasn’t sure, there were many factors pushing me to do it. The first location, where we were now, was overwhelmed every day, and the hope was that with a new location, some of the business at this one would slack off. I’d hired several more people to take care of everything, but I had to have Melissa onboard. She was the only one that I trusted to do it, so I had to make sure she was okay with it.

  “This is what has to happen. You know how busy we are all of the time, and that’s not easy on either one of us. I know I’m going to miss you, but it’s not like we can’t hang out afterwards like we always did. I know it’s not going to be the same, but you’re going to do great. It’s time for a change, don’t you think?”

  “I think enough has changed. I’m trying to keep a few things the same. It’s going to be hard to deal with everything without you. I just don’t know if I’m ready.”

  I was sure that that was the part of it that held the most truth. It was hard to imagine doing things without her, but at the same time, I knew she was worried about failing. We all have those worries, of course; I’d had the same ones when my dad and I first started the business. But as time went on, I realized that I could do anything that I set my mind to. I was sure that Melissa was now going to get the very same important lesson that I’d learned so long ago.

  Pulling her in for a hug, I told her that she could do it. “You know that you’re the only one I would trust to do this. I know that you can do this, Melissa, and you’re going to do great. We’ve already trained up the crew, so you’ll have nothing to worry about. Everything has been thought of.”

  She wasn’t sure, but suddenly I was, and I was going to be sure enough for both of us. While she was always positive for everyone else, there were times that Melissa needed a dose of positivity herself. I knew that it was all going to be okay, and when she left the bistro to get to the other location I hoped the best for her. I wanted her to have a good first day. Looking around my own shop, I was trying not to feel so alone. An eerie feeling was going over me, but it wasn’t long before I heard Glenn fussing and I knew that I was never going to be alone again. Now I had Scott and Mom and little Glenn. I had more family now than I ever did before.

  When I finally opened the doors to start the day, the place started to fill with people immediately and the moment of loneliness was gone. I didn’t have time to feel that way. I had a job to do.


  “This is the third time that I’ve called you, Scott. Are you okay? Just call me when you get this. Melissa said that you weren’t at the other shop, so I just want to make sure that you’re okay. Please call me, baby, you have me worried.”

  I hung up and stared at the phone. I was there alone after everyone had cleaned up and left for the day. I’d insisted they go, of course, but now I wished that I hadn’t. That solo feeling was upon me again, and although I knew that I was fine, I wasn’t feeling fine without Scott. He hadn’t called all day, and that wasn’t like him. Usually if he was away from me and Glenn, he would call several times a day to check in. It was strange to me that he hadn’t called, and I wasn’t sure why it could be.

  Finally I’d had enough sitting around, and I called him again. Again there was no answer, and I got ready to leave. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I knew that I had to find Scott. It wasn’t dark or late, but it was so far out of character for him that I was sure that something was wrong. If it wasn’t, why didn’t he answer his phone? As much as I tried to think of a reason for that, I came up with nothing. There was nothing that would keep him from answering or calling me back, so it had to mean that something had happened to him. My mind went to the wreck again, and I hoped that I was wrong.

  When a couple more hours had passed and I still hadn’t heard from Scott, I stopped calling. It was clear to me now that he was either in trouble or just not answering his phone. My mind played out all of the scenarios that I could think of, and none of them were any good. I so wanted to be wrong about everything, but in the end I didn’t know what to do, so I went to bed. Even though I was alone, the worry and taking care of Glenn had worn me out.

  I fell asleep fast, and slept until a hungry Glenn woke me up for a feeding. The clock said it was three in the morning, and I didn’t have to look next to me to see that Scott still wasn’t home. I went to look on my phone, and I could see that he hadn’t called either. My worry skyrocketed, helped on by the crazy dreams that I’d been having.

  Without anything else to do and with no one else to call, I started calling around to the hospitals. I wasn’t sure what I was going to find out, but after I called each one and there was no record of him being there, a small relief was outweighed by a bigger question. Where was my hus

  When the phone rang early the next morning, I jumped at it red-eyed. I didn’t know who it was, but I hoped more than anything that it was Scott. I’d played all the scenarios in my head, and I wanted to know which one was true. Had something happened? Had he decided to leave me because family life wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be? What?



  “Scott! Where the hell are you?”

  “I’m in the hospital. I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner, but something came up and I couldn’t get to a phone.”

  There were phones everywhere, and I was going to call bull on that later, but for now I was just happy to hear his voice and know that he was safe. There would be time later to find out everything else. It didn’t matter what it was, because as long as I had Scott, I knew that I could get through anything.

  Chapter 3 – Scott

  “I just can’t believe that I didn’t know about it.”

  Maria shook her head and patted my hand. She was trying to tell me that it was going to be okay, but I didn’t feel like it was. I needed to see Jesse, but I knew that it was going to be a while till she could get down to the hospital. They hadn’t given my father much time to live in his current condition. While there was no way I could have known about his cancer, I somehow felt like I should have. I felt like it was my fault for resigning and then making it so that we didn’t see each other. I should have truly forgiven him. Then I would have seen what was right in front of me the whole time.

  “You know how your father is, Scott. He didn’t want anyone to know that he had cancer. He didn’t want to appear weak. I think that was the biggest worry for him, and that’s why he’s been refusing chemo. He doesn’t want to lose his hair.”

  “But he could have told me.”

  “Yes, but with everything that was going on with the business, he wanted to give you some time.”

  “How did you know about that?”

  “I’ve known him almost as long as you have, Scott. He’s a complicated man, but there is a good part of him that’s like gold. He just keeps it wrapped up too tight. I know that it’s a lot to take on all of a sudden, but he doesn’t have much time, and I know that he wanted to make amends with you.”

  “Thank you, Maria. Thank you for being there for him when no one else was.”

  She waved me off, then smiled when she saw who was coming into the waiting room. As soon as I saw Jesse, I felt a large weight being lifted off of me. Maybe everything would be okay now. As long as Jesse was there, I knew that I was going to be okay. She moved to me and gave me a hug, telling me how worried she was.

  “I wasn’t trying to make you worry, Jesse. I just got wrapped up with everything. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “It’s fine, Scott. I was just afraid that you’d been hurt or were leaving me.”

  I chuckled and asked her how she thought that I could ever do that. “I don’t even want to wake up in the morning if you’re not next to me. I love you, Jesse, but seeing Dad this way, I just forgot about everything else. Please don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not, Scott. I was just worried.”

  “Where is Glenn?”

  “He’s with my mother. She’s going to watch him for the night, and she can watch him tomorrow if she needs to. I’ll just have to run over and bring her a few things. I’m all yours, Scott. We’ll stay here until they know something.”

  “Thank you, Jesse. I’m already feeling better with you here. Maria called and told me what was going on. It took almost all day to convince him to come here. I thought he was going to die right there. He’s so stubborn.”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t know anything about that…”

  I kind of chuckled and laughed. It was true that I was just as hard-headed as he was. For the longest time I’d hated to have anything in common with my father, but in many other ways I was proud of who I was and where I came from. He was a strong man, and although he was a hard father to live with, he was a great man to look up to. As a businessman, he was one of the best.

  “Well, I’m glad you finally called. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you, Scott. You and Glenn are my world.”

  “Mine too Jesse. Mine too.”


  “There’s something that I need you to do for me, Scott. Something I need you to promise me.”

  “Okay, whatever it is, Dad, I’ll do it.’

  “I need you to take over the business again. I’m not going to be here that much longer, and I just want to know that everything is going to keep going. I know that you’ll do that and I know that you’re the best man for the job. Let me give you something, my legacy, Scott. I know that I’ve done many things that I’ll always regret, but in spite of me, you turned into one hell of a man. Take the company, Scott, it’s yours.”

  He chuckled. “Seems like me dying is the best thing that could have happened to us. At least now you’ll listen, and I’ve no more time to guide you. You don’t need it anymore. I’m proud of the man that you’ve become.”

  I was close to tears, so close I had to fight them back so I wouldn’t embarrass myself in front of everyone. Jesse seen them, though, and she squeezed my shoulder a little tighter. It didn’t matter that my father had said such bad things about her. She was there for me, and that was the kind of loyalty that everyone wanted and needed in their life.

  “Thank you, Dad.”

  Jackson turned to Jesse, and I could feel her stiffening up a little bit. It didn’t matter that my father was being nice now. I knew that she remembered what he’d said about her before. But she wouldn’t say anything, not now and most likely not ever. She was just that kind of woman.

  “I owe you an apology, Jesse. I thought that you were going to be disaster for my son, but I see that you’re exactly what he needed.”

  Jesse’s face got a little red with the praise, and then she told him that it was I who’d saved her. I couldn’t have loved her more in that moment. There was a knock at the door and Jesse went to it. From the way she was up so quickly, she seemed to know who it was.

  “I hope you don’t mind, Jackson, but I thought it was about time that you met the next generation of Scotts.”

  I didn’t know that she was going to have her mom bring our son to the hospital. I knew that she was worried about germs and everything else, but I couldn’t help but feel a tug at my heart when I saw my father’s eyes light up. He’d called once after Glenn was born, but I’d been too busy to visit. Now I wished that I’d done what Jesse was doing. She really could see the bigger picture far better than I could.

  My father was ever so gentle holding Glenn. He told me how much he looked like a Scott. I could tell that he was happy to see the blue eyes that we both had. It was a moment that I was never going to forget, and it was all because of Jesse. I really didn’t know what I would do without her.

  Chapter 4 – Jesse

  “I know that you have to do this, Scott and I think you’re such a generous man for doing it, but I’m worried. That’s all. I’m just worried that you’re going to get sucked back into the business and you’re going to be unhappy again. Ever since you quit, you’ve been happier. Are you really ready to go back?”

  I was worried about his unhappiness more than I was worried about his state of mind. He was always upset when he working at his father’s company, and I didn’t want to see my husband that way again.

  “It’s different now. Father has a lot of recovering to do from his last bout of chemo, and since the doctors are giving him a good chance of fully recovering, it may only be for a short time. I don’t know why, but I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Is it because you don’t like working at the bistros?”

  “No, it’s not that. I mean, I like being here with you and Glenn all day, but I need something more, Jesse. I miss all of the deals and everyone looking to me for advice.”

  I could understand that. I couldn’t imagine what it
would be like to go from a high powered job like he’d had to the bistro. It was doubtless a huge change, and he was taking it rather well. I was going to miss him, because he brought the same intensity to everything that he did, but I was starting to see that it was something that he needed. He needed to run things, and although it would be hard without him, I hoped that it lasted a little longer than expected.

  “Well, your father isn’t the only one who still has to recover. The surgery was just a couple of weeks ago. Why can’t you just wait a little longer?”

  He chuckled at me and pulled me into his arms. “Would it be any easier if I took another week off?”


  My answer was too quick, and that had him grinning bigger. We both knew that it wasn’t true, but I was almost desperate to keep him away from that life, even if I knew I wasn’t going to be able to.

  “No, I mean, I know that it would be easier for me if you never went back, but you have to, Scott, and I understand. I just… I don’t know. I don’t want you thinking like before. I love you, and I just don’t want you to get it in your head that you owe him. You’ve given your father more than forgiveness, you gave him a kidney too. I think you’ve done your part.”

  “You’re the one who showed me what forgiveness could do. The way you’ve forgiven your mother was amazing. How could I do any less?”

  “I didn’t give her a body part, Scott. Just know that you’re doing great, and if you want to quit, that’s okay. It will go on without you, and there is always the bistro that needs you too.”

  “Are you going to miss me?”

  I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I pushed them back angrily. I didn’t want to get emotional, but it was just par for the course lately. Who knew that being a mom would make so many emotions bubble up to the surface?

  I nodded my head to answer Scott. He gave me a big hug, and for a moment I was feeling a little bit better about everything that was going on. I was going to miss him, but I told myself he would be back later.


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