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Mean Little People

Page 36

by Dearth, Paige

  “I’m trying to give you a chance, Harry. We know that some of your top customers flipped over to Scary Joey for their money laundering. They needed a good businessman, and your guys couldn’t keep up with the growing demand. It’s no secret that the Morano family has a larger network. We can move more money, drugs, and goods than any other family on the coast. I’m asking you to talk to your men. I don’t want any more casualties in either of our families. Capisce?”

  Harry leaned forward, his index finger poking the air as he spoke in a gruff tone. “Johnny, what makes ya think ya can walk into my neighborhood and lay down laws? Ya been eatin’ too many of those fuckin’ cheesesteaks, and I think the fuckin’ grease is cloggin’ your fuckin’ brain. Ya know what you’re doin’ right now is enough to start a fuckin’ war. Is that what you want? A fuckin’ war?”

  “No, Harry, I want the opposite. I’m here for peace. Scary Joey took over some of your family business, and you killed him for it. I haven’t forgotten that your father, God rest his soul, was the man who helped me make the Morano family what it is today. I was a loyal and dedicated servant to your father. He would have known how to handle this situation, as a gentleman. In fact, he would have welcomed doing business with my family. I’m trying to make it right between the two families. Remember, I once belonged to the Bonanni family. I was one of you. I don’t want this to go any further. That’s why I’m here, Harry.” Johnny sat back in his chair and gave Harry a hateful smirk.

  Harry thought about it for several seconds. “My father was a fuckin’ fool for lettin’ other families share in the business that belongs to us. I remember ya when I was a kid. Ya was always hangin’ around the house, but I never saw why my father thought ya was so great.”

  “Your father was a good man. He cared about all of the families, not only his own family.”

  Johnny moved his gaze over to the Bonanni underboss. The man was picking his teeth with a toothpick and spitting food particles onto the floor. He looked like a brainless slob. Johnny visibly cringed. He had held the position of underboss in the Bonanni family many years prior, and it sickened him to see what the next generation had made of the Bonanni family.

  “So here’s what we’re gonna do,” Harry began. “The Morano family is gonna give the Bonanni family a cut of the money ya make on launderin’ for the customers ya stole from us.”

  Johnny lit a cigarette and laid it in the ashtray. “Tell me, Harry. Why would my family do that?”

  “’Cause ya just said ya want peace. Well, your family stole from my business, and ya oughta be payin’ the Bonanni family somethin’ for that. Don’t cha think? It only seems right.” Harry looked to his goons, who spontaneously nodded and grunted their agreement.

  Johnny gestured toward Vincent, who walked over to the table and handed Johnny a large envelope. Johnny placed the envelope on the table in front of him. He looked around at the Bonanni family men: the underboss, captain, and others in high-ranking positions. An entire group of losers, Johnny thought. Then he placed his hand on top of the envelope.

  “This is for the Bonanni family. It’s a token of our generosity.” Johnny pushed the envelope to the Bonanni family underboss, who flicked his toothpick on the floor and tore open the envelope to look inside. Satisfied, he gave Harry Bonanni a quick nod.

  “I believe we got peace,” Harry said, extending his hand to Johnny.

  Johnny shook Harry’s hand and stood up. “Big Paulie will make sure that you get a percentage of the profits moving forward.” Both men sat down again. Johnny looked into Harry’s eyes. “Just one other thing. I’d like to know who killed Scary Joey. Is he here with us today?”

  Harry shook his index finger at Johnny and smiled a tobacco-stained, toothy smile that made Johnny want to rip Harry’s head off and shit down his neck. “That’s real good, Johnny. Nah, we don’t know nobody who killed Scary Joey. It wasn’t anyone from our family.”

  Johnny rose to his feet and turned to his family. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Ninety-Eight

  The next night, the Morano family enjoyed an early dinner in New York at one of Johnny’s favorite restaurants. Afterward, they went back to the hotel and played cards, something they enjoyed doing together. At seven that evening, the men got into a rented car and drove to Brooklyn.

  They entered the restaurant swiftly, and Tony moved to the front of the group. He positioned his gun expertly, and a bullet struck Harry Bonanni between the eyes. Tony turned the gun to Harry’s underboss and shot him through the throat. Tony gestured to Vincent, who walked over and cut Harry’s pants away. Just as Johnny had instructed, Tony reached into his pocket and rolled up three one hundred-dollar bills. Then he bent down and shoved the money up Harry’s ass.

  “There ya go, ya greedy prick…buy yourself somethin’ real nice in hell.” Tony sneered, thinking of Scary Joey.

  The other two men who had been sitting with Harry stood off to the side of the room watching. These two men, trusted Bonanni family members, had easily turned on Harry and the underboss when Johnny promised them a chance at heading up the family. In fact, it was the two Bonanni mobsters who’d made sure Harry and the underboss were in the restaurant at the exact time Johnny had instructed.

  Johnny stood over Harry’s half-naked body, a lit cigar still dangling from his lifeless lips. He hacked up phlegm and spat on the younger man. Then Tony and the others walked out of the restaurant as casually as they had walked in. There were no other people dining there that evening, just as it had been planned. Johnny patted Tony on the back as they got into the rented car. Tony was oddly delighted and mildly irritated. It was the first time that Johnny had even acknowledged him in a positive way.

  “You did very good tonight, Tony.”

  Feeling satisfied, Tony smiled. “I wish those dickheads were still alive so I could kill those fuckers all over again. I would’ve liked to torture that fuckin’ Harry Bonanni to death.”

  “What about those two assholes we left alive in there that saw what Tony done, Mr. M.?” Vincent asked.

  “They’ll keep their mouths shut. Given that they helped set up the other two for us to kill, they have no choice. They’d be seen as traitors by the Bonanni family. There wouldn’t be a place they could hide.”

  Johnny and Big Paulie knew there was always a chance that people could talk. However, they didn’t let that slim chance of betrayal ruin their good feeling. The Bonanni family hadn’t been upstanding since Harry had taken over as boss. Now, with Harry out of the way, Johnny and other bosses on the East Coast could help rebuild the Bonanni family. Harry Bonanni had been a renegade, void of charisma, sophistication, and all other qualities essential in a godfather of a crime family. Harry was going to the place that suited him most…a grave.

  The men arrived back in Philadelphia just before midnight. Tony went straight to his apartment, the anticipation of seeing Kate gave him a warm feeling in his heart and his groin. When he entered the apartment, it was dark and quiet. He moved slowly to the bedroom, where he dropped his clothes onto the floor and crawled under the covers next to her.

  Tony rubbed the back of her neck, moving his large hand down to her thighs. Kate moaned as she awakened to his soft caresses.

  “I’m glad you’re back. How come you didn’t have to stay longer?” Kate rasped.

  “We took care of business quicker than we thought.”

  Kate stretched, and her eyes closed.

  Tony snuggled closer to Kate and listened to the steady rhythm of her breathing. He never in a million years would’ve thought he would find a woman like Kate. As Tony lay next to her, breathing in her sweet scent, his skin began to tingletingled, and his heart rate hurried. Tony knew, without a doubt, he’d found the love of his life. The only woman he’d ever love.

  Chapter Ninety-Nine

  The following week Tony heard Johnny in his office as he walked into the Morano house. “How the fuck did this happen? Find out who opened their fucking mouth!” Johnny yelled.

  “We already know who told ’em,” Big Paulie said. “Some of the boys heard one of the Bonanni captains is looking for revenge on whoever killed Harry.”

  Salvatore walked into his father’s office with Tony and Vincent behind him. “What’s going on with the Bonannis? Do you think the two assholes that help set up Harry turned?”

  “No,” Johnny said, “Big Paulie was just telling me it was the waiter who was working at the restaurant that night. One fucking waiter in the whole place, and he had to be the sonofabitch who would sing.”

  “Well, I understand they tortured the asshole before he told ’em what he knew. Now he’s a one-handed prick.” Big Paulie chuckled. “They cut his fuckin’ lips off too for not comin’ to ’em sooner with the information.”

  Big Paulie turned to Tony. “Look, ya gotta watch your back. One of those douchebags is gonna be lookin’ for ya.”

  “The waiter don’t even know who I am,” Tony said, his stomach filled with iron butterflies.

  “Big Paulie heard through some of his old friends that are still working in the Bonanni family. They know, Tony. The guy who wants revenge knows it was you. We’re working with the two guys that set Harry up, trying to put this whole thing to bed,” Johnny explained.

  “So whata we do now?” Tony asked, worried about what would happen to Kate if he was killed.

  “Johnny’s got surveillance on ya. Ya ain’t gonna be nowhere wit’out the family. Besides, Salvatore and Vincent are stickin’ around ya too. Just to make sure you’re OK,” Big Paulie said.

  The news put Tony in a dark mood. The veins in his forearms were pulsing, and his jaw was tightly clenched. He didn’t like being threatened; he had given up fear a long time ago. He thought about how to kill the man out to get him.

  For the next several weeks, Tony remained on high alert. Yet there were no attempts of violence against him. Shortly before Thanksgiving he ran into Big Paulie who was sitting outside of a small café in the Italian Market.

  “Do we know anythin’? I’m tired of walkin’ around waitin’ for this asshole to find me,” Tony said.

  Big Paulie took a sip of his cappuccino. “Johnny’s been talkin’ to one of the Bonanni captains ’bout the whole revenge thing. Sounds like the Bonanni family is pretty fuckin’ happy that those two assholes are gone. We don’t think ya got nothin’ to worry ’bout. They promised Johnny that if anythin’ bubbled up over Harry’s death, they’d take care of it.”

  Tony kicked at a small stone in the street. “And ya believe ’em?”

  “Yeah, we think it’s gonna be all right,” Big Paulie said casually.

  “Oh yeah? Would Johnny feel the same way if it was him bein’ threatened instead of me?”

  Big Paulie placed his cup on the table next to him and glared at Tony. “Listen, I told ya what I know. Ya don’t wanna go ’round questionin’ Johnny. Ya understand me?”

  Tony drew a long breath. “Sure, I get it, but I don’t feel so good ’bout all this shit.”

  “Stop worryin’, will ya? I’ll let ya know when ya gotta be concerned.”

  With the immediate threat avoided, Tony was cautiously optimistic. The information that Big Paulie had shared at least let him breathe a little easier. With a small sense of relief, he stopped at a flower stand on his way home and bought Kate a small bouquet of flowers. It had been a long, stressful couple of weeks, and he’d been very distant with Kate, and he knew his behavior had made her worry.

  Tony walked into the apartment with a smile on his face. It was time for a small celebration as the dark veil of retaliation lifted.

  Chapter One Hundred

  Over the next month, Tony fell back into his normal routine but still kept up his guard. He lived two lives. It often made him feel like he was two people. He was madly in love with Kate, and they shared special, gentle times together. Then on the street, he was a mobster who worked for Johnny Morano performing horrible acts. His mixed emotions were always battling inside of him. It was his persistent struggle between good and evil.

  Kate had been working at Osteria, and in early November, she trained as a waitress. The owner had cut a deal with Salvatore that he would let Kate start her training earlier than the normal six months he required of his workers. Part of the deal was that Kate must keep some of her kitchen duties. She had to stay after the restaurant closed to clean up. That she didn’t mind, but taking out the trash at the end of the night was one pesky task that Kate hated the most, though she didn’t dare complain.

  It was a Saturday night, four days before Christmas. Kate had planned a romantic dinner for Tony. They had already accepted invitations to go to Donata and Ruth’s on Christmas Eve and to attend a big party at the Moranos’ on Christmas day. It was Kate’s one night off before the holiday, and this was their last chance to share a quiet Christmas dinner.

  Tony didn’t get home until close to nine o’clock that evening. When he opened the apartment door, the aroma of turkey and mashed potatoes softly strummed his senses. He inhaled deeply, and his mouth watered. He walked into the living room looking for Kate, but she wasn’t there, so he moved on to the bedroom. The bedroom door was closed, and he grabbed the knob. It was locked.

  “Kate?” Tony said, in a hushed voice.

  Kate slowly opened the door and gave him a bright smile. “Hello, handsome,” she purred. “Would you like to come in?”

  Tony smiled with his eyes and stepped forward. Kate took several steps backward into their bedroom. He took one long stride forward to erase the distance between them. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her to him, taking in a long whiff of her smell. “You’re gorgeous.” Tony closed his eyes to savor the warm feeling running through his core.

  Kate put her arms around his neck. “Thank you. You’re very handsome.”

  Tony bent his neck and met her lips. His fingertips skimmed over her jaw as he tried to control his urge to kiss her again. His hand reached out and softly followed along her curly, blond hair until it found Kate’s shoulder. He gently drew her to him. He kissed her again as he ran his hand down the small of her back.

  When they parted, Kate giggled. “We better eat. I know that look. No time for that right now; our dinner will burn.”

  Tony kissed Kate on the cheek. He looked deep into her eyes. He was immersed in the person he loved, the person he would die for, if necessary. Tony finally relented and followed Kate into the kitchen. Together they got everything set on the table, and when they were finished eating, they did the dishes.

  Kate was scrubbing a pan that she’d cooked the turkey in. “Jingle bells, jingle bells…” she sang.

  “Jingle all da way,” Tony sang, joining in.

  Together they finished cleaning as they sang Christmas carols. It was a perfect evening. Later that night, Tony and Kate walked into their bedroom. The room was dark. Kate crossed the room and plugged a cord into the outlet in the wall. The bedroom lit up with small white lights she had hung over their bed. It gave the room a romantic glow. Kate turned on soft music and went back to where Tony was standing.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  Tony took Kate into his arms, and they swayed to the soothing sound of the music. He leaned in and kissed her gently, and as he did, Tony slid his hand over her ass. Kate subtly pushed her pelvis closer to his.

  “How do you like my Christmas lights?”

  “Yeah, I like ’em real good. They make me horny.”

  “You’re such a pig. Do you want to make love to me?”

  Tony held Kate away so he could gaze into her face. “What’s goin’ on here? Ya tryin’ to seduce me or somethin’?”

  “Something like that. You know, a girl has needs.”

  Kate took Tony’s hand and led him over to their bed. She unbuttoned his shirt, and as the fabric fell away inch by inch, she kissed his chest until she reached his navel. As Kate undid his belt buckle, Tony unzipped the back of her dress, which fell to the floor effortlessly. Kate stood before him in a soft p
ink bra, thong, and garter belt—something she had bought for the occasion with some of her tip money.

  Kate’s eyes begged him as he stepped out of his pants.

  “You’re beautiful, Kate.”

  Tony reached around and unsnapped her bra. As she slid it down her arms, Tony took one of her breasts in his hand and gently laid her on the bed. He kissed her passionately and then fluttered his tongue down her abdomen until he reached her thighs. Tony clenched the top of her thong with his teeth and slowly slid it past her thighs. He kissed the tops of her legs until he was gently licking her inner thighs—first the right inner thigh, then the left, and back again. His tongue grazed between her legs as he alternated his attention from leg to leg. His mouth finally settled in. His lips and tongue swayed gently between her legs. As his tongue floated over her flesh, as lightly as a feather, Tony softly eased his fingers inside of her. When he had Kate on the verge of orgasm, he stopped and moved back up to find her mouth. They shared a hungry, lust-induced kiss. Kate’s hand found its way between Tony’s legs, his erect penis waiting for her. Tony opened his eyes.

  “Thanks for tonight, Kate. It was real special. Best Christmas ever.”

  She nodded and guided Tony inside of her. When it was over, they lay wrapped in each other’s arms. Tony wished he could bottle his feelings of the evening so that later, when he needed them, he could use them to get through bad days.

  Under the small lights that Kate had hung over their bed, the couple listened to mellow tunes on the radio. Kate snuggled in closer to Tony as she slid her hand across his inner thighs, again causing an instant stir in both of them.

  “I love ya so much, Kate.”

  “Till the end,” she murmured.

  Chapter One Hundred One

  Tony was sitting across from Salvatore and Vincent in the kitchen of the Morano house.

  “What kinda work we got today?” Tony asked.


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