Worlds Elsewhere
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Krauss, Werner
Kronborg Castle, Helsingør
Krymov, Dmitry
Kumar, Raaj
Kumar, Sanjeev
Kumonosu-jō see Macbeth
Kurosawa, Akira
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Kyd, Marcus
Kyd, Thomas
Lady of Lyons, The (Bulwer-Lytton play)
Lake Erie
Lal, Ananda
Lamb, Charles and Mary
language of Shakespeare
Las Vegas, Nevada
Leach, Esther
von Ledebur, Ruth
Lei, Bi-qi
Leicester, England
Leicester’s Men
Leiden, Netherlands
Leiden des jungen Werthers, Die (Goethe)
Leipzig, Germany
Leman, Walter
von Lengefeld, Charlotte
Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold
Leo Africanus
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Lessing, Otto
Lestrade, Gérard
Levine, Lawrence W.
Li Guangjie
Li Jun
Li Ruru
Li Zhisui
Liang Qichao
Liang Shiqiu
Library of Congress, Washington DC
Life Goes On see King Lear
Life Week (Chinese magazine)
Lille, France
Limon, Jerzy
Lin Chuchu
Lin Shu
Lin Zexu
Lin Zhaohua
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC
Lipkovskaya, Yevgeniya Konstantinova
Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Theatre, Cape Town
Littledale, Harold
Liu Po Tuan
Liu Yunqian
Liu Zhijun
Liverpool, England
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans (Plutarch)
Lloyd George, David
Lohani, Chidambar Prasad
Lonavala, Maharashtra
Long Walk to Freedom (Mandela)
Longbridge, Birmingham
Longerich, Peter
Looking for Richard (Pacino documentary)
Loomba, Ania
Lord Chamberlain
Lord Chamberlain’s Men
Lord’s Prayer
Los Angeles, California
Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Love’s Labour’s Lost
Lu Xun
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Luhrmann, Baz
Luise Miller see Kabale und Liebe
Lumière, Auguste and Louis
Lusby, Jo
Lust’s Dominion (Dekker play)
Luther, Martin
M’belle, Elizabeth Lilith
Mabusela, Marcus
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Astor Place Opera House performance (1849)
Chris Hani School production (2013)
Dorothea Tieck’s German translation
Dutt’s adaptation
Goethe-Schiller staging at Weimar court theatre (1800)
Ghosh’s adaptation (1893)
Lambs’ prose adaptation (1807)
Maqbool (2003 film)
Marathi adaptation
Müller adaptation
‘Scottish play’ taboo
Shakespeare Must Die (2012 film)
Swapnasandhani adaptation
Throne of Blood (1957 film)
Vasundhara adaptation (1910)
Macbeth, Banquo and the Three Witches (Martin)
Macbeth Travestie (play)
Macready, William Charles
Madame Mao see Jiang Qing
Madan, J. F.
Madan, Pestanji Framji
Madan theatres
Mafikeng, Siege of (1899–1900)
Mahabane, Zaccheus Richard
Mahajani, V. M.
Mahaka-Phiri, Yamikani
Maharashtra, India
Main Nashe Mein Hoon (Indian movie)
Maine, United States
Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, Sierra Nevada
Malay Camp, Kimberley
Malini (Tagore play)
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Manchester, England
Manchester United
Mandela, Nelson
Manifest Destiny
Manim, Mannie
Mankiewicz, Joseph L.
Mannheim, Germany
Mansfield Park (Austen)
Mao Zedong
Maqbool see Macbeth
Maria Magdalena of Austria
Market theatre, Johannesburg
Marlowe, Christopher
Márquez, Gabriel García
Martin, Frank
Martin, John
Marx, Karl
Maryland, United States
‘masala’ culture
Masjid Bunder station, Mumbai
Masque of Blackness (Jonson)
Mass for Double Choir (Martin)
Massachusetts, United States
Massinger, Philip
Master of the Revels
Mather, Increase
Matjila, Daniel
Maulana Shaukat Ali Road, Mumbai; see also Grant Road
Maypole dancing
Mbeki, Govan
Mbeki, Thabo
McDade, John
McGuffey’s Reader
Measure for Measure
Mediterranean Sea
Meetha Zehar see Cymbeline
Mein Kampf (Hitler)
Melville, Herman
Melville, Johannesburg
Melzer, Annabelle Henkin
Memling, Hans
Memories of an Old Actor (Leman)
Memphis, Tennessee
Mendelssohn, Felix
Merchant Ivory
Merchant, Ismail
Merchant of Venice, The
Ahsan’s adaptation (1900)
at Calcutta theatre (1784)
Cantonese version (1954)
in China
at Chowringhee theatre (1843)
Dil Farosh (1927 film)
Ghosh’s adaptation (1853)
Hallam’s production in Virginia (1752)
and Marx
in Nazi Germany
Nu lushi (1916)
Plaatje’s Setswana translation
Rou quan
Shanghai Drama Assembly staging (1930)
Shylock; or, the Merchant of Venice Preserved (1852)
tercentenary performance in London (1864)
Meres, Francis
Merry Wives of Windsor, The
Mesei University, Tokyo
Mhudi (Plaatje)
Middleton, Thomas
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A
10ml love (2010 film)
Thalheimer’s production in Munich (2013)
Xian kuai
Milton, John
Minerva theatre, Kolkata
Ming Dynasty (Tian play) see King Lear
Miola, Robert
Mirza, Anwar
Miss Julie (Strindberg play)
Mississippi River
Missouri, United States
Mitra, Dinabandhu
Mkalipi, Kwede
Mkwayi, Wilton
Mobile, Alabama
Modi, Sohrab
Mofolo, Thomas
Mokae, Sabata-mpho
de Montaigne, Michel
Monterey, California
Montez, Lola
Montreal, Canada
Morhof, Daniel Georg
Morris, Thomas
Morris dancing
Mort de César, Le see Julius Caesar
Moryson, Fynes
Moscone, Jonathan
Moseneke, Dikgang
Mosse, Ramona
Mother India (Indian movie)
Mother Teresa
Mountjoy, Christopher
Mountjoy, Marie
Mountjoy, Mary
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mpanza, Justice
Msamati, Lucian
Much Ado About a Merchant of Venice (play)
Much Ado About Nothing
Müller, Heiner
Müller, Max
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Munich, Germany
Murch, Marcus
Murray, Hugh
Murray, Walter
Mushtahel, Parwin
Mussoorie, Uttarakhand
Naidu, Ramesh
Nair, Anirudh
Nair, Billy
Nair, Jayaraj Rajasekharan
Nair, Paramesh Krishnan
Nanjing, Jiangsu
Nanjing, Treaty of (1842)
Nashville, Tennessee
Natal, Colony of
Natal Province, South Africa
National Archives, Kew
National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA), Beijing
National Endowment for the Arts
National Film Archive, Pune
National Mall, Washington DC
National Party of South Africa
National Taiwan Normal University
National Theatre, London
National Theatre of Korea
Nationaltheater, Weimar
Native Americans
Native Life in South Africa (Plaatje)
Native Urban Areas Act (South Africa, 1923)
Natives Land Act (South Africa, 1913)
Natural History (Pliny)
Natyashastra (‘Science of Drama’)
nautanki (Indian dramatic form)
Nebraska, United States
Nelson, Richard
Nevada, United States
Nevada City, California
Nevada theatre
New Alfred Dramatic Company
New Brighton, Eastern Cape Province
New Hampshire, United States
New High School, Mumbai
New Mexico, United States
New Orleans, Louisiana
New South Wales, Australia
New York, United States
New Zealand
Newport, Rhode Island
Newton, Isaac
Ngākau Toa Theatre Company
Niagara Falls
Nicholas Nickleby (Dickens)
Nielsen, Asta
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell)
Nobody and Somebody (play)
North, Thomas
North Africa
North Bloomfield, California
North Dakota, United States
North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan
Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Norwich, England
Nottingham, Notting-hamshire
Nova Scotia, Canada
Ntshona, Winston
Nuremberg Trials (1945–1946)
O’Keeffe, John
Oechelhäuser, Wilhelm
Oedipus Rex (Sophocles play)
Ohio, United States
Old Globe, San Diego
Old Vic, London
Olivier, Laurence
Olympic Games
1936 Berlin
2008 Beijing
2012 London
Omkara see Othello
Onions, Charles Talbut ‘C. T.’
Ontario, Canada
Operation HK
Opium War (1839–1842)
Orbán, Viktor
Oregon, United States
Oregon Shakespeare Festival
Original Pronunciation
Orinda, California
Orkin, Martin
Orlando, Florida
Orlando, Kentucky
Orwell, George
Ostermeier, Thomas
Otello (Verdi opera)
American Company production
Cape Dutch translation (1836)
Cape Town performance (1818)
Dutch society performance (1837)
Dutt’s Othello
Howarth’s adaptation
Kaliyattam (1997 film)
Market theatre production (1987)
Omkara (2006 film)
Plaatje’s Setswana translation
at Sans Souci (1848)
source material
and South African politics
Urdu version (1918)
Yutkevich’s film (1955)
Othello, of de Jaloersche Zwart see Othello
Othello Slegs Blankes see Othello
Ottawa, Canada
Otway, Thomas
Our American Cousin (Taylor play)
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Oxford English Dictionary
Pacino, Alfredo ‘Al’
Padua, Italy
Painter, Baburao
Pali Hill, Mumbai
Pan African Congress (PAC)
Pandosto (Greene)
Paranjpe, Raghunath
Paris, France
Park an der Ilm, Weimar
Parsi Oriental Cricket Club
Parsi theatre
Passau, Germany
Pasternak, Boris
Patel, Baburao
Peele, George
Penguin China
Penn, William
Pennsylvania, United States
People’s Art Theatre, Beijing
People’s Liberation Army
Petersohn, Roland
Phalke, Dadasaheb
Phelps, Samuel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Library Company
Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded, The (Bacon)
Pilgrim Fathers
Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Plaatje, Olive
Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho
Placerville, California
Plassey, Battle of (1757)
Platter, Thomas
Playing Shakespeare (UK TV Series)
Pliny the Elder
Poel, William
Poetics (Aristotle)
Poole, John
Poor Soldier, The (O’Keeffe play)
Pope, Alexander
Pope, Thomas
Popeye (US cartoon)
Population Registration Act (South Africa,1950)
Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape Province
Portland, Maine
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Posner, Lindsay
Prague, Czech Republic
Pretoria, Gauteng Province
Prinsloo, Sandra
Prithvi Theatre, Mumbai
Prodigal Son, The (play)
Proud Woman of Antwerp, The (play)
Providence, Rhode Island
Pu Cunxin
Puccini, Giacomo
Pune, Maharashtra
Purchas, Samuel
Pushkin, Alexander
Qing dynasty (1644–1912)
Quarshie, Hugh
Queen’s Men
Quiller-Couch, Arthur
Quince, Rohan
Quiney, Richard
Racial Typology of the Jewish People, A (Günther)
Racine, Jean
racism and race
Rah-e-Sabz (‘Path to Hope’) Theatre Company
Raid on the White Tiger Regiment (opera)
Rainold, Robert
Raja Harishchandra (Indian movie)
Ramallah, West Bank
Ramanathan, Ramu
Ramnath, Nandini
Rape of Lucrece, The
Räuber, Die (Schiller play)
Ray, Dwijendralal
Ray, Satyajit
Red Detachment of Women, The (opera)
Red Dragon (ship)
Regietheater (‘director’s theatre’)
Reible, Dieter
Reimer, Georg
Reinhardt, Max
Representative Men (Emerson)
Residenztheater, Munich
Revenge of Prince Zi Dan, The see Hamlet
Revolutionary Opera
‘rhizomatic’ (globalisation theory)
Rhodes, Cecil
Rhodes, William Barnes
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Richard II
Richard III
American Company production
American Revolution performances in New York (1777–1783)
and American West
Benson’s film version (1911)
California debut (1847)
Cibber’s adaptation (1700)
Cooke’s performance in New York (1810)
Kean’s performance in New York (1820)
Murray and Kean’s staging in New York (1750)
Nevada City performance (1851)
Nevada City performance (1856)
at Old Globe, San Diego
Olivier’s film version (1955)
Richard III (1912 film)
Richard III (1955 film)
Robinson’s adaptation (1853)
Schlegel’s German translation (1801)
Warde’s film version (1912)
Richard III, King of England
Richardson, Ian
Richardson, Samuel
van Riebeeck, Jan
Riefenstahl, Leni
Ripon theatre, Mumbai
Rivonia, Johannesburg
Rivonia trial (1963–64)
Robben Island, South Africa
Robbers, The (Schiller play)
Roberts, Sarah
Roberts, Susan
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, ‘Doc’
Rockefeller, John Davison
Rocky Mountain News
Romeo and Juliet
Bazm-e-Fani adaptation
Beijing performance for migrant labourers (2006)
Bhuli Nai Priya
Bobby (1973 film)
Cantonese version (1964)
Garrick’s adaptation (1748)
Goethe’s staging (1811)
Joachimus Bertrand’s staging in New York (1730)
Nargis’s film version (1947)
Plaatje’s Setswana translation
Popeye version
Romeo+Juliet (1996 film)