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Secrets of a Sissy Boy

Page 9

by Carolina Dean

The belief in curses is found in virtually every culture and is mentioned in the sacred texts of many religions. Most religions forbid the practice of cursing, while others, citing the use of curses in their Holy books, utilize them to protect themselves from their enemies and other forms of evil. Every religion has a form of blessings intended to protect people, places, and things from curses. Nonreligious individuals believe that curses are a product of the mind and are psychological in nature. In a sense, people "curse" themselves because they believe that they are cursed.

  In the Judeo-Christian tradition, curses are seen as wishes that can only be fulfilled by God and only when the curse is deserved. For example, if you lay down a powder to curse one individual it will only have an effect on that individual and no one else who happens to walk over the powder. Furthermore, it is believed that curses which are not justified nor deserved have no effect. In other instances, curses are used to prevent individuals from breaking certain laws. In the Bible, curses can be used with success by those who have been wronged or oppressed. In addition, a curse which is both deserved and uttered by a person in authority is said never to fail. Finally, it is believed that only God can turn a curse into a blessing.

  Divine Retribution Spell

  This spell is designed to avenge yourself against someone who has hurt, slandered, or otherwise offended you in some way. Remember, for a spell such as this to succeed, it must be justified. It is vitally important to perform a divination before doing such a spell to determine if it is or is not justified and to cleanse yourself with a spiritual bath afterward.

  To perform this spell, you will need:

  White taper candle

  Three white votive candles

  Two photos of the person

  Two mirrors

  Reversing oil

  Revenge oil

  Begin by bringing the two photos back to back so that they face outward. Next, place these photos between the two mirrors facing in and lay the mirrors flat on your altar or workspace. In this way, no matter which way the person turns their evil will come back to them. Surround the mirrors on three sides with the votive candles so that they form up upside down triangle (because you want to bring this person down).

  Anoint the votive candles with Reversing Oil. Mark the person’s name on the taper and anoint it with revenge oil. Place the taper in a holder and place this on top of the mirrors. Light the three votives while saying the following:

  In the name of God the Father (light the first candle), God the son (light the second candle), and God the Holy Spirit (light the third candle, then light the taper candle and continue saying) I call upon the spirit of divine retribution to punish (Name) for his/her sin against me, so that s/he suffers three times the pain and suffering that s/he has caused me. So may she suffer until such time as s/he comes to me on her hands and knees begging my forgiveness. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

  You may change the wording of your petition to suit your needs as desired. Let the candles burn down, and you’re done!

  Curse of the Mirror Box

  The curse of the mirror box is a very old type of reversing spell used in folk magic traditions to send evil back to its source. The source is usually another individual who is attempting to work evil upon a victim. There are several methods of constructing a mirror box. The most traditional method I know consists of purchasing or otherwise obtaining a new mirror. It is very important that you do not allow this mirror to capture your own reflection because you do not want to get any part of yourself mixed up in the spell. However, it can be very difficult (almost impossible) not to allow this to happen unless you are invisible. The mirror is usually covered with a cloth and broken with a hammer or rock. Finally, the individual pieces are glued inside a box. The box can be made of anything such as a cheap chipboard box like those found in craft stores, a shoebox, or a small jewelry box. I have even known crafty practitioners who make their boxes resemble tiny coffins in which they place dolls.

  Other methods of creating a mirror box include, but are not limited to, gluing one small mirror to the inside bottom and inside lid of an Altoids can, constructing a box from 6 mirror tiles (four walls, a ceiling, and floor) with the mirrored side pointing inwards. Alternately, if you are in a hurry you can simply press a person's photo, hair, name-paper, or other small personal concerns between two mirror tiles. The tiles can then be bound with cord, twine, or even tape (yes, duct tape has its uses in the Magickal world, too.)

  From there, the curse usually consists of ritually placing a prepared doll, photograph, or other representation of the individual inside the mirror box. The ritual can also include the burning of reversing candles and should be accompanied by one's sincere prayer that any evil the perpetrator is sending against you be directed back at him or her. In my personal practices, I burn a prepared reversing candle on top of the box itself saying something along the lines of "[N], may all the evil you have done undo you!" The candle is then allowed to burn down over the box, sealing the person inside, and setting the curse.

  Some practitioners choose only to keep the person inside the box until they feel that the danger passes or until the individual learns his or her lesson. In these cases, the doll is removed from the box, and the box is destroyed. Other practitioners go a step further and take the mirror box to a graveyard where they petition a spirit to guard over the box and keep the individual "down." Once a spirit has agreed to these terms, the box is buried at their grave along with payment.

  As is the case with many curses, in the Hoodoo tradition, it is very important that you consult with your divination tool, spirit guides, etc. to determine if this method is justified in your situation before you decide to invoke the Curse of the Mirror Box.

  Now, I can't share the Curse of the Mirror Box with you, without also explaining the Reverse Mirror Box Spell. The Reverse Mirror Box Spell is similar to the Curse of the Mirror Box in that it is a box decorated with mirrors on the outside, rather than the inside. Some individuals create such a box by taking six mirror tiles and gluing them together to create a box with the mirrored side facing out. Inside the box, the individual would place a prepared doll, photograph, name paper, or written petition representing himself rather than another person.

  The purpose of such a mirror box is to protect the individual from any and all negativity that is directed at him or her regardless of where it originates. However, some folks say that this type of box will also prevent you from receiving the blessings as well. It is up to the individual to decide if this type of protection spell is appropriate for their situation.

  Break Up Bottle

  Bottle spells are a versatile type of magick which can be adapted to virtually any purpose. Everything placed inside the bottle as well as the bottle itself will speak to the nature of the work being done. They may be plain or decorated as in the Peaceful Home Jar which has been decorated with verses from the Holy Bible. Break-Up Bottles are used to bring about the end of a person's relationship. Although they are commonly used on romantic or married couples, I have known folks to employ these types of spells to break-up friends and even business partners!

  To perform this working you will need the following items:


  Personal concerns

  Pen and paper

  Cayenne pepper


  Nine pins

  Nine needles

  Bark from a dogwood tree


  This spell should be begun the first night after the full moon and for eight days thereafter for a total of nine days. Take your paper and fold it in half with a line down the middle. On the left side of the line write the name of one person nine times. On the right side of the line, write the name of the second person also nine times. When you are done, tear the names apart down the middle and say:

  With God’s blessing, as I tear these names apart in like fashion so may the bond between [N] and [N] be torn asunder.

  Continue by pinning the name
s back to back and then folding the papers away from you several times saying: “May they turn from one another in anger, and hatred.” Place the paper in the bottle in which you have place the cayenne pepper, sulfur, pins and needles and say:

  May their every encounter erupt into heated arguments to that they bark and nip at each other like cats and dogs. May one’s thoughts of the other be like unto a pin piercing their brain and causing them pain and suffering unlike any other. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Seal the jar and using your own spittle draw a large X on the lid. Finally, shake the jar and pray the following:

  As surely as Moses killed the Egyptian, in like fashion may the love and devotion between [N] and [N] be killed by the power of this root. As the staff of Moses swallowed up those of his enemies, so may the serpent of contempt consume them with anger and hatred for one another. As Moses separated the waters and led his people out of Egypt so may [N] and [N] now be separated and lead away from one another. As the Jews wandered in the desert and never found the Promised Land, so may these two wander away from one another never to meet again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  The following night and each night thereafter for a total of nine nights, you will take your jar and shake it violently reciting the Moses prayer above. On the final night, dispose of the bottle by tossing it in either running water or the middle of a crossroads.

  A Cursing Container Spell

  This is one of my favorite conjures for enacting revenge on an enemy. I like working with dolls, especially for dealing with strong enemies or for doing enemy work over long periods of time. Once I have a doll made of my enemy, I will gather my container, petition, herbs, roots, personal concerns, etc.

  The herbs, roots, and petition will be placed inside the container which I have decorated and prepared beforehand. Typically, I will stick the doll full of pins all over the body as I announce my curses upon the head of my enemy and praying for their downfall. When I am done, the doll will be placed inside the container upside down (similar to the practice of burying bodies upside down in the belief that the dead in trying to dig their way out of the grave would dig deeper into the earth).

  The container is sealed (this may or may not be permanent). In the case of permanently sealing the lid, I usually place glue on the inside of the lid before placing the screw-on lid back on the jar or container. I don't always permanently seal the lids on the container so that I can add items to it or take out the doll and work it occasionally.

  The container is placed in the center of three candles which form an upside-down triangle as described earlier. The candles are lit and the container is shaken violently as I make my prayer or call down curses on my enemy. As the container is shaken, the doll inside is violently thrown against the inside walls of the container and the pins are driven further into the body.

  Afterward, the container is hidden in a dark place at the back of a closet or cabinet. In some cases, it may be placed on the floor behind the toilet. The container is brought out again at regular intervals (such as at the waning moon, when the moon is in the enemy's sun sign, or simply when you are in a bad mood) and shaken violently while calling down your curses again.

  Once your container spell has served its purpose, it may be disposed. How you dispose of your container will largely depend on what the it was used for. I strongly suggest that you dispose of your doll in a manner consistent with the work. If the container was for a positive purpose and worked well for you, it should not come to a violent end such as burning or being thrown in water, but rather buried with honor. If you are unsure of how to dispose of your doll, perform a divination or petition your spirits for answers.

  To Curse a Bully

  For this spell, you will need:

  Three Reversing candles

  Black male or female figure candle to represent the bully

  Pen and paper

  Reversing Oil

  Destruction Oil

  Sharp knife

  Begin by writing the bully’s name on a piece of paper nine times and dressing the four corners and center with Reversing Oil and Destruction Oil. If there are several bullies, you will want to focus on the strongest bully, the leader. When you are done, set the name paper aside. Carve the name of the bully on the black candle and dress it with Destruction Oil. Now, take the sharp knife and cut the head off the candle saying:

  (Name) may the evil that you have done undo you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  Set this candle on your altar with the name paper underneath. Make sure part of the wick is exposed where you cut off the head so that the candle can be lit.

  Cut the tips off the three reversing candles, turn them upside down, and dig a new wick out of what was the bottom. Dress these three candles with Reversing Oil and place them on the altar around the human figure candle so that they form an upside-down triangle. When the altar is arranged as described, hold your hands over the candles and say these words with the full authority of the Lord:

  (Name) you come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord God Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give your body to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. In Jesus name, Amen.

  Light the reversing candles and finally the human figural candle and say: “(Name) may the evil that you have done, undo you.” Allow the candles to burn out and when they have done so, gather the broken body of your enemy (the wax remains) along with the head you previously cut off and take them out and scatter them in a wooded area.

  Pity that Penis Spell

  Let’s face it guys, penises are awesome, penises are great. It's just that sometimes it is the men that they are attached to that gives penises a bad name. Am I right? We all know that men often highly value their appendage and that, for many of them, it is the source of their confidence and sense of masculinity. So, when a lover hurts you, especially by philandering and cheating, it is only natural to want to hurt him in the worst way possible and his penis makes for a very convenient target.

  To work this spell, all you need is a black penis candle and some pins and needles. If you don't have a penis candle, just remember that any candle can be a penis candle with the right imagination. Begin by etching the man’s name on the candle very slowly and deliberately with the straight pin. As you etch his name into the candle, think about how he has hurt you and how you want to make him pay. When you are done, dress the candle thoroughly with Revenge Oil.

  Now, summon all your anger and hatred for this man and stab the candle with the pin over and over and over. As you stab the candle, call out his name and say what you want to happen to him. You may say something like:

  John Brown, may your penis burn each time you pee just as I burn with anger for you now; may you feel every sting and jab of this pen each time you get hard so that your penis shrinks and grows no more!

  Leave the pin in the candle and repeating the stabbing portion of this spell the following night with a new pin. Do this for a total of seven nights. On the seventh and final night, light the candle and let your curse take hold

  Chapter 8

  The Secret to Protection

  Before you read this chapter, I would ask that you go back and read the previous chapter on revenge - if you have not already done so - where I explain the rules of cursing and revenge spells. In many ways, spells to curse another are actually the flip side to spells of protection. Simply stated, curses are spells that are intended to bring some type of harm to another, whereas protection spells are those that are intended to shield one from harm.

  Protection spells exist because as humans, we need to feel and be secure in our persons, in our homes, in our jobs, and in our spirits. For gay people in particular, the need for protection exists because even in 2016 we can still be terminated from our jobs for our sexual orientation. We ca
n be denied housing, our right to legally marry our partners can be challenged, in some areas of the country we can be imprisoned for having sexual relations with a consenting adult, and perhaps most frighteningly, we can be beaten and even killed in public places simply for existing.

  A Simple Protection Doll Baby Spell

  This ritual calls for making a doll baby to represent yourself. Perhaps the easiest way to make a doll baby is to purchase a store-bought doll such as a generic doll or an action figure. The doll is cleansed by wiping it down with ammonia and incorporating the personal concerns of the individual it is intended to represent into the doll.

  Many spiritual practitioners are familiar with male and female image candles that are commonly used in candle magick spells. However, these little images can just as easily be used in the same manner as a waxen image, because that is exactly what they are! To prepare such a candle as a doll baby you can simply scratch the person's name across the chest of the doll. If you have personal concerns, or wish to incorporate herbs and roots into your doll, the candle will have to be loaded. To load the candle, bore a hole in the bottom and fill this with your herbs and personal concerns and then fill the hole back in with wax to seal everything in.

  Another option is to make a poppet. A poppet is made from two pieces of cloth which are cut in the shape of the human body. This cloth can also be something that the individual has worn, or simply a colored piece of cloth that matches your goal. The pieces are sewn together, turned inside out, and stuffed with things like cotton, herbs, straw, and gems. If you have a link to the individual, add that to the poppet, as well. Finish by sewing up the opening. Next, personalize the doll by giving it the features of the person it is intended to represent. When you have finished, wrap the doll in a clean cloth until the spell or ritual is to be performed.


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