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A Deepening Knowledge (A Life of Magic)

Page 2

by Matthew Mitchell

  Suzie ran across the deck to her father, who gathered her up in an enormous hug. Raven crossed to Brooke and gave the minstrel a long hug. Stain grabbed me and looked deep into my eyes.

  "Boy, I believe you might have had a little bit of an adventure." Suddenly he hugged me tight while the crew cheered. I looked upwards and saw Mophor and Pat in the rigging, grins splitting their faces.

  "About time you showed up lazy bones." Pat called down. I could hear the relief in his voice.

  "While you have been lazing away in the lake we have had a little excitement on the surface." Mophor snickered. "Fine company you were keeping also. All I had was this scaly lizard."

  Stain stepped back and laughed, "Well yes, there has been some excitement. But we can discuss this later." He motioned to the girls, "For now I imagine our young friends are quite hungry and would love to freshen up."

  With that announcement all three of our stomachs growled, much to our embarrassment.

  "We have food back at the docks. Giad has been bringing in food while we dealt with all the various situations and looking for you three." Captain Ob Vious shooed us towards the cabin. "Let's talk for a moment before we reach the docks."

  In the cabin we all grabbed whatever surface we could to sit. Raven and I ended up sitting on a sea chest while Suzie grabbed a chair. Stain, Brooke, and the captain each sat in the other chairs.

  "Stain, I suggest we let our young charges start this tale, since everything happened after their disappearance." Brooke stated as she calmly settled her hands in her lap.

  "That is a fine idea." Stain agreed, "You start and we will fill in the gaps as we know them."

  I looked at Suzie and Raven, they both nodded for me to speak for us.

  "We went shopping and ended up at Omar's for our last stop of the day. He told us about an evil mage who had visited his shop previously." I started explaining. Stain was nodding.

  "We have talked to Omar." His expression was grim. "He blames himself for you three being taken, no matter what is said to him. Perhaps with your reappearance he will stop blaming himself. But continue, please."

  "Well we left Omar's shop and boarded a skiff to head back to the docks. I felt a surge of magic and started throwing up a shield around all of us. That is when I saw him." His face haunted me. "The evil mage was the one piloting the skiff. The next thing I know is all of my magic is being drained from my shield and then I passed out."

  Stain nodded. "That lines up with what Omar told us. He said all three of you collapsed into the bottom of the skiff and then the skiff took off across the water, propelled by magic most likely. So what happened after that?"

  I looked at Stain, "We woke up today and were at the bottom of the lake inside a large magic bubble."

  The looks on the adults faces said that something was wrong.

  "What is wrong?" Suzie asked.

  Brooke was the first to respond, "You three have been gone for just over a month."

  Her statement shocked me. I could tell from their expressions Raven and Suzie were shocked also.

  "A month? How could we have been gone for a month?" No wonder things looked like they had changed.

  Stain leaned back and considered, "I imagine that you three must have been drugged. Either that or a sleep spell was used and it either wore off or the mage who cast it finally went too far away from you to keep the spell going."

  The captain leaned forward, "The important thing is that you three are safe now." He looked at Stain who nodded. "Now our turn. You three were taken and Omar called out the city watch, trying to catch the mage before he escaped. The watch finally got hold of us and we started searching for you. Stain here tried magic while the rest of us looked around."

  Stain leaned forward, "You three were shielded by very strong magic. I kept finding decoys and had to wade through them until I was out of options. By that time you were beyond my ability to find. We knew you were still nearby but could not figure out where."

  The captain nodded, "With the King's permission we locked the lake down including the shores and the town. Nobody came in or out for a week without permission. That is when things became more interesting. Evidently there were some river pirates who were paid to break through the barriers and cause as much chaos as they could. After that people either fled or took up arms. Basically until yesterday this whole lake area was a battleground." Well that explained the damage to the boat.

  "The boat held up really well young lady." Stain looked at Suzie. "I am quite proud of the work you have put into her."

  The captain agreed, "The old lady held up well, thanks to all of your hard work."

  Brooke looked at Raven. "I notice you are missing some hardware. I am assuming the mage took all of it when he captured you three?"

  Raven grimaced, "Yes. I feel exposed without my knives."

  Brooke grinned and pulled a bundle from under the table. She handed it to Raven. "Good thing he cared more about hiding you three than hiding anything else."

  Raven opened the bundle and sat there stunned. It was full of her knives, all the things from our pockets, and everything Omar had given us.

  "We found that in a building that we believed you were being held. Nobody was there, just these things and a few other trinkets. It looks like before you were sunk you were held there." Stain explained.

  Which brought to mind something, "How did you find us under so much water?" I asked.

  Stain smiled, "I would give credit to your gargoyle friend. It seems that now that he has attached himself to you he will always be able to find you. We were having trouble figuring out where exactly you were because he could not narrow it down at such a depth. Earlier he said you were moving again so we all piled into the boat and followed his directions."

  In the silence that followed we thought about how close the evil mage had come to keeping us hidden. Into this silence our three stomachs growled once more. We all laughed, partially in relief.

  "I would say it is time to feed these young people. We should be almost at the docks by now." The captain stood up and walked out of the cabin.

  "It is a relief to have you back." Brooke hugged each of us. "I know that I would rather not have this event occur again." She wiped tears from her cheeks and walked out.

  Stain shut the cabin door. "With that in mind I have a favor to ask." He held out three small bracelets, each clad in different stones. "I made these so I had something to do. It was either make something or blow something up and I was out of targets to blow up." We each took the bracelet. It tingled slightly to the touch. "These are what I would call help bracelets. Touch each stone in turn and it sends out a message to any nearby mages that you need help. It is tuned to me specifically so that I will always be able to find you, no matter where you are." He seemed very serious and I realized how upset us being taken had made him.

  "Now, before you put these on let me warn you. You will never be able to remove them once they are on. This is old magic and you need to accept this fully." He seemed concerned. His words brought back some of the info I had learned through the mage's puzzle.

  "I know what you are talking about. This is an old royalty trick." I said.

  Stain's eyebrows shot up, "Omar did mention you solved the mage's puzzle. I am glad you did so, yet the burden will rest on you I fear."

  Raven put the bracelet on her wrist. "I would rather be found than have to wake up at the bottom of a lake again." The bracelet glowed slightly and then looked completely normal.

  Suzie stood up and put her bracelet on. "I agree with Raven. No more deep lake bottoms for me."

  I looked at mine and smiled, "Sounds like a great idea." I put on the bracelet and could feel the magic from it reach deep into my body, not just binding to my wrist but to what seemed to be my very soul.

  Stain smiled, "Well that helps me relax just a bit. How about some food?" He walked out and left the door open.

  We three looked at each other and smiled. "It is good to be back." Raven sai
d dryly.

  Suzie grabbed our arms and pulled us out the door. "I am starving and I refuse to look like the only pig. We are going to eat."

  * * *

  Giad was thrilled that the three of us were starved. "Finally, some young bodies to feed! Sit!" He waved us to the table. "A feast shall appear in moments." He disappeared into the kitchen at the warehouse. Delicious smells flowed out from the doorway and wrapped around us.

  "Oh my that smells amazing!" Suzie slumped to the table and grabbed a warm roll out of the bowl sitting there.

  "I am not sure my appetite will allow me to appreciate his cooking, I am just glad to have food." Raven settled into a chair, also grabbing a roll.

  "I know I will enjoy it. I just do not know if I will taste it." I sat between the two girls and grabbed two rolls. The Captain, Brooke, and Stain sat at the table.

  "We have been getting spoiled with all of Giad's cooking." Brooke poked the two men in the stomachs. "I think the rich food starting to show on my two friends here." Both men looked pained and then laughed.

  "True enough, a little too much of a good thing." Stain chuckled.

  "Speak for yourself." The captain poked Stain. "I have not gained an ounce."

  "So, I did not notice a new notch in your belt?" Brooke leaned over the table.

  Suzie laughed and hugged her dad. "He always eats more when he is worried." He hugged her back and just held her for a moment.

  Footsteps rang off the boards behind me and suddenly hands were grasping my shoulders. My first thought was to throw up a shield. The hands were ripped away and a body went flying.

  "OTT!" Stain yelled. "Drop your shield. You are safe." He looked behind me and shook his head. "That is what you get for startling him."

  "I should have known better." Omar was picking himself up from where he had landed. A small trickle of blood flowed from his nose.

  "Omar!" Now I felt bad. I grabbed him and hugged him. "I am so sorry." A small touch of magic stopped the bleeding and reset his nose.

  "Ow. Warn someone when you are doing magic on him." He reached up and felt his nose. "Thanks though. After everything I do not think a broken nose would reassure my clients." He sat at the last chair at the table.

  "Everything? What has happened?" Raven asked.

  Omar grinned, "Why the famous Omar, weapons trader running through the streets calling for the city watch, screaming at a skiff, calling out every King's Man I know to help find you three. I would say it almost makes me seem unstable."

  Stain grinned, "True, but now that they have been found I am sure we can remedy all misunderstandings. I personally will have words with each King's Man and straighten out any issues." Omar seemed relieved.

  "Enough talk. FOOD!" Giad exclaimed. He placed a large platter on the table while others placed bowls, baskets, and small platters around the large platter. The smells were overwhelming.

  All of our stomachs let us know that it was most definitely time to eat. We laughed and started passing around food and loading our plates. I think the adults got almost as much as the we three.

  We dug in and ate without really talking. The food was delicious and I know I ate too much. I am pretty sure everyone else did also since they all looked overly stuffed yet satisfied.

  "Well, now that I know you fine folks are found maybe I can get on with my activities." Omar stood up. "Be sure to come by the shop, Ott remember do not disable my magic. I can promise I will not miss this time." With that comment and a grin he left.

  "Disable his magic?" Stain asked.

  I blushed and nodded.

  Suzie spoke up. "When we knocked at Omar's door he activated some magical protections and Ott disabled them."

  Raven chimed in, "Omar thought he was being attacked so he shot a bolt through the door at Ott. Suzie knocked Ott aside just in time to save his life."

  Everyone sat there for a moment and then busted out laughing. I blushed even worse and then started laughing myself.

  "I had no idea he was going to shoot at me!" I stammered out through my laughter.

  Raven wiped tears from her eyes, "You should have seen Ott's face when he realized Suzie had saved him. It was classic."

  We sat around the table and talked deep into the night. We three youth shared all the things we had experienced that day of shopping and the adults caught us up on the various things that had occurred while we were gone. All of our purchases had made it back to the warehouse and the boat. Most were still packed up and needing to be put away. The city had been in turmoil while we were gone and the city watch had placed a curfew until everything calmed down. Stain had brought all of the local mages together and enlisted them with the city watch for magical assistance. The river pirates were eventually chased away or captured.

  "What about the evil mage?" Raven asked.

  Stain leaned back in his chair. "I am positive that he has left the area for now. He hid the whole time he was here and then when we got too close he ran. I believe that is why you three woke up when you did. Whatever spell was keeping you asleep must have been one that required his constant input of energy. Once he reached a certain distance it simple failed."

  Suzie leaned forward, "How far would that have to be?"

  Stain smiled, "It depends on the mage. I could hold the spell about a day's travel away. Ott, with the risk of making his head bigger, could possibly hold the spell twice that distance. Twice even that if Fiosrach was helping and it was an earth spell."

  "So the mage was probably a day or two away when we woke up?" Raven had leaned forward.

  "That would be a reasonable thought." Stain nodded.

  "Then that attack the night before last could have been a cover for his escape?" Brooke asked.

  The captain and Stain looked at one another. "Perhaps. That would make sense." Stain mummered to himself.

  "That would explain some of the reports we had from different areas. That one boat that disappeared during the fight. The light river barge." the captain leaned forward and pointed at Stain. "I bet the slimy sucker was on that barge. The family is upset about the loss of that barge."

  "I am afraid you might have it right." Stain seemed to be thinking to himself. "I will have to investigate more tomorrow." He turned towards me. "In light of all that has happened I think we can take a small break in your magic training. You have the next week free from organized magic training. However, I will have mages for you to meet and spells to gain. Also you need to keep practicing both magic and with weapons. I think these two ladies could use the same practice." He turned to Brooke. "I would like to borrow your apprentice for an experiment tomorrow, if that is fine with you?"

  Brooke smiled, "The one we had been discussing?"

  "Just that one. I think it is time we figured out a few things." Stain stood up. "It has been an exhausting few weeks and I have had a lot of excitement today. I am going to bed." He pointed at me. "You, my young apprentice need to rest also. Do not stay up too late." With that he walked off and through a doorway. We all just looked after him for a moment.

  "What experiment?" Raven pointedly asked Brooke.

  Brooke stood up and smiled, "You will find out tomorrow. I am also tired. Goodnight my friends." She also walked through the doorway.

  The captain levered himself up and patted Suzie on the shoulder. "This old river rat is tired. I am turning in also. Suzie, you can sleep ashore or in your berth. Just let the guard know which so I do not worry." He trundled off down the dock and climbed aboard his boat.

  I sat there and looked at both girls. Suzie looked tired yet relaxed, Raven seemed nervous now. How different these two ladies were and yet how well they got along. Unusual.

  Raven looked at me, a slight blush crawled across her cheeks when she realized I had been watching them. "What do you think the experiment is that Stain is wanting to perform?"

  I thought and then looked at her, "I have no clue. My brain is too tired."

  Suzie smiled, dimples pitting her cheeks. "I bet you two
will have fun. I will probably be cleaning and unpacking all day." She stood up and hugged Raven. "Come talk to me later, okay?" Raven nodded. Suzie leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Thank you for being such a good guy Ott. You rescued us. I will always owe you for that."

  I sat there stunned. She walked off towards the boat. I just sat there and watched her as she climbed the gangplank.

  "She loves you. You know that right?" Raven's voice cut through my thoughts, even though she whispered. My head snapped around to find her watching me. "Suzie loves you Ott."

  I looked down. "I know. We have talked. It just would not work out."

  Raven nodded. "That is what she told me. She can not help but love you, yet she knows that it can never be. There are too many obstacles."

  I nodded. "There is also that."

  "What else is there?" Raven had leaned against the table.

  I sat back and looked at Raven. "I like Suzie, maybe even love her. But not like she is the love of my life. More like a long lost friend. A sister even." It hurt to admit.

  Raven's eyes grew darker. "So it was not her you thought about while in the lake?"

  I nodded. "I did think of her, but that is when I figured out how I felt about her. She is amazing and some guy will be lucky to gain her as a wife. Just not me."

  Raven looked troubled. "Ott. Who else did you think about?" She looked like she was scared of my answer.

  Looking deep into her eyes I realized that it was not just fear I saw there. I was not sure what else I saw, but it was much more complex than I could understand.

  "I thought of you also Raven." I stated it quietly.

  She closed her eyes. "And what did you figure out about me?" Her breath came shallowly.

  I leaned forwards and took one of her hands. "I figured out that I did not feel that same about you as I did Suzie. I do love you, but not like a sister. I am not sure exactly how, but not like that." Her hand clenched.

  "So what do you feel about me?" Raven's voice was tight.

  "I just do not know yet. It is very complex." I was starting to get into deep water here.

  Raven wiped a tear from her eye. She looked at me and smiled. "When you figure it out would you talk to me about it?" She stood up, leaned over, kissed my cheek, and walked away. I sat there while she entered the same doorway as Brooke. She paused in the doorway and looked back at me. A little wave and she was gone.


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