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A Deepening Knowledge (A Life of Magic)

Page 12

by Matthew Mitchell

  I headed the direction that I had last heard Mophar. Before too long I could hear him in the trees again.

  "Mophar." I called out quietly, knowing he had excellent hearing. He started heading my way, swinging through the branches until he landed on my shoulder once more.

  "I think I found the berries Tag mentioned. I see you have the meat. There is a problem with the berries though." He pointed off to one side.

  "What is the problem?" I headed the way he pointed.

  "You will see." His grin did not bode well.

  Shortly I could also see the problem. The berries were on a massive rock in the middle of a large ravine. No trees were close enough to allow an easy climb to the rock.

  "I guess that means no berries?" Mophar asked. He seemed disappointed.

  I smiled. "I am a mage, remember?" I looked around and then focused on the rock. I could see a large bunch of berries hanging from a limb. I focused my magic and formed a shield around that bunch. The limb snapped where the shield crossed it and the berries fell to the bottom of the round shield. Slowly I moved the shield over to just above Mophar. "Catch." He held out his arms and caught the berries when I dropped the shield

  He looked up and grinned. "Magic is handy. Perhaps some more?"

  I laughed and spent the next few minutes gathering berries until we had enough for everyone in the group to have a good amount. "Time to go. We should head to the campsite before it gets any darker."

  Mophar climbed into the nearest tree. "Which way?"

  I looked around, "Off that direction. We need to find the path and then look for the marker stones." We headed in the general direction that I felt would take us to the path. Before too long we stumbled upon the path and oriented ourselves to head in the right direction. We traveled a ways and finally found the marker stones. Pat sat on a small boulder just off the path.

  "About time you two showed up. I was starting to get bored." He hopped into the air and headed down a small side path that was covered in the stones. I could make out a little fire light reflecting through the trees. We walked up to find the camp being set up while Stain tended the fire.

  I walked up to Stain and handed him the meat. "Found a few different things."

  Stain pulled it all out and proceeded to cut everything up and make a stew. "That is fine. Nice trick with the berries. Good problem solving skills."

  I nodded, Stain had made it apparent that he would watch me while I was out and about. "I figured it was the best way to use the least amount of magic to gather the berries." Taking those very berries over to Tag and Evins I laid some down for both. "I found some of those berries. I think I have enough for everyone to have some."

  Tag sucked all the berries up at once. "Thank you ever so much young mage. I love those berries yet rarely get them."

  Evins nodded, "Absolutely delicious young man. Thank you!"

  I took the rest of the berries and gave them to each individual. Everyone ate them and seemed to enjoy them.

  "Food is ready!" Stain called out a little bit later.

  I set down the rest of my tent gear. I had been setting up my tent while the food cooked. I sat down between Stain and Raven. The rest grabbed seats around the fire and took up their eating utensils We talked about the day. Nobody had seen any sign of the enemy forces. There had been a few cottages along the path, those who lived there said that the area had been fairly quiet.

  Stain finished eating. "It will take us a few days to reach the base of the mountain, but then I think we can climb it in just two days. So maybe a weeks worth of traveling." He looked around the group. "I fear an attack, so we will start setting a watch at night. During the day we can be keeping an eye open. I will take the first watch tonight. I will wake up the next one after that. I am thinking Ott, then Raven, and finally Conium. You each need to pick an animal companion to share watch. They will be aware of things you might miss."

  I looked at Pat. "Want to team up with me?"

  Pat nodded. "Sounds good. You could use the help." His smile was full of mirth.

  Mophar looked at Raven. "I will help the young lady."

  Raven grinned at the phrase 'young lady'. "Thank you ever so much lord furry."

  Conium rolled her eyes. "I can share mine with Siniy."

  Stain nodded. "Well I think that is it for tonight. Everyone get some rest. The trip is going to test everyone. Best to be in shape for such a test."

  We all cleaned up and each went to our own tents. Mine was quite crowded yet I felt comfortable. My friends were all there keeping me company. Time to sleep.

  "Good night everyone." I called out. Sleepy replies came from within and from outside the tent. I laid down and closed my eyes.

  * * *

  I woke up to the sound of my tent being hit by a large object. It flexed and Mophar flew from the ring. I could hear cries from outside and loud grunts. Some sort of attack was underway. I grabbed my sword and raced from my tent, my companions mere moments behind me. I froze. The sight before me made no sense. Creatures the size of cottages swung enormous logs around the campsite. Some of the tents had been ripped loose, others were crushed flat. Looking around I saw that everyone was there. Stain was fighting a group of short mages, none taller than Mophar. Conium was holding off two of the large creatures. Raven was fighting furiously with a few men armed with swords, knives, even some hammers. That is when I realized that I had better pay attention or a few others would have me. I raised my sword and hesitated.

  "Move!" Pat shoved me aside while shooting out a small flame. The attacker dodged and came again. This time swinging for Pat. I dodged again but this time swinging my sword towards his weapon. It shattered and shards flew off in all directions. He stumbled and Mophar slammed a rock to the back of his head, dropping him to the ground.

  "Behind you!" Fioshrach cried out.

  I turned and saw one of the large creatures bearing down on me. Each of it's feet was big enough to crush me. One of those feet was plunging towards us. I threw a shield up to block the foot. When the impact occurred the shield rang like a bell. We all fell down and the air was knocked from my lungs.

  "Under mountain troll! Hard as rock and mean as ice is cold." Pat was breathing hard. "You have to really hurt them to do any damage. Otherwise you just make them mad."

  The troll lifted his foot and looked down. His face was a mass of whelps and markings. He raised a hammer the size of a stallion and crashed it against my shields. I could feel it starting to fail.

  "Time to do something!" Mophar was panicking

  I thought a moment and grasped at straws. I reached out with my magic as he raised the hammer again for a tremendous blow. Reaching as hard as I could I wrapped the trolls head in water. It took him a moment to realize what had just occurred His hammer continued downwards and slammed into my spell even harder than before. My head suddenly felt like it was split. A dull thrumming rang out. The troll was starting to panic. He dropped his hammer and flailed at his head. The water simply stayed in place. Unable to breath or see he started swinging around blindly and finally stumbled off to the side. Once he fell to the ground I pulled the magic back, hoping he had simply passed out and not died. He did not move, yet I could see him taking breaths.

  "Good job. Here comes another." Mophar pointed.

  This troll looked different. Instead of a hammer it carried an almost dainty staff. He raised it and pointed the metal shod staff at me.

  "Mage!" Pat cried out. "Shield for earth!"

  I threw up an earth magic shield just as a blast of magic erupted from the troll mage's staff. The force slamming into my shield felt as intense as the hammer had been. The weight behind the magic scared me. The mage snarled and leaned forward. More magic poured out, wrapping around my shield. He must be trying to take over my shield. I focused and created a layered shield. Gaining a moment I looked around. Each of my companions were still engaged in fighting. I could see small wounds on some yet they were holding their own. I turned back to the mage
. He had his staff right against my shield. I wondered if I could use that to my advantage. Focusing on that one point I forced a huge amount of magic through the shield and into his staff. The staff, being only wood reinforced with black metal, started to glow and small flames started to appear along the length of it's grip. The mage snarled and shoved harder. I kept pouring magic on.

  "Fiosrach! I need some help!" I cried out. I could only hope to overload this mage.

  Fiosrach leaned against my leg. "Beat that brute!"

  The deep well of magic opened up and I shoved every bit of it into the troll's staff. It glowed for a brief moment and then erupted into millions of splinters. The mage's hands were ruined, yet he placed them against my shield. He brought more magic to bear against the shield. I could see the pain this caused him yet his anger would not let him hesitate. I dug deeper in the earth magic and forced even more magic through the mages hands. He winced yet stayed in place. The magic built until he glowed. He started calling out and then he pushed against the shield one last time. A feedback of magic whipped through my shield as the other mage was overwhelmed. Earth magic wrapped through his body and tore him apart. He simple seemed to cease to exist, the magic was so sudden and violent. I fell to one knee, drained.

  "Thank you my friend. I have never faced an opponent like that one." I murmured this to Fiosrach

  He nodded. "I can feel how much magic that took. That was incredible."

  "We are not done yet people." Pat pointed. "More mages, not trolls though."

  A group of mages in cloaks was walking purposely towards my small group. Suddenly they froze. I could feel Stain's magic wrapping around them. They seemed to shimmer and melt. When the magic faded, instead of a group of people there stood a group of statues. I looked around and realized that the fighting was over as quickly as it started. Raven sat on a stump holding her arm. Conium was looking at it for her. Stain was looking around, obviously checking for another attack.

  "I think we are clear. I do not sense any other mages in the area and most of the fighters have been defeated, destroyed, or have run off." Stain walked over to me. "Any injuries over here?"

  I looked around. Everyone seemed fine except for some exhaustion and frayed nerves. "I think we are fine. How about everyone else?"

  Stain looked around. "Tag and Evins are fine. I have protections in place for them. Conium is fine. She always is fine. I need to look at Raven's arm. That looks bad."

  We all walked over to the ladies. Raven held her arm close to her body. Her expression showed how serious it was.

  "Broke?" Stain asked.

  Conium nodded. "Both upper and lower are broken clean through. She can not be moved until they start to heal."

  Stain sat down. "We need to get moving now."

  Raven nodded. "We can go. I will survive." Her stubbornness was showing.

  I shook my head. "Not like that. You could damage something else inside your arm. And I know it will not heal correctly if you move it much."

  She shook her head. "We need to get moving. No matter what happens to me."

  I growled and stepped forward. "Stubborn woman." Grabbing her wrist I focused all my attention on her arm and called up the spell to reform her arm bones. I dimly heard Stain cry out a warning but he was a moment too late. I could feel magic leaving my body at an extreme rate and Raven's arm seemed to melt and reform before my eyes. It was whole and unblemished I looked up and could see the disbelief in her eyes, but I also saw the relief. Then I passed out.

  * * *

  "Why does he do such silly things?" Conium's voice cut through my dreams. "If he had waited just a few moments and taken some time he could have cast that spell without passing out."

  Stain's sigh was loud. "Ott is a very passionate mage. He does not do things half-way. Plus he was worried about Raven, which just makes it worse. I think we are lucky all that happened is that he passed out."

  I groaned and tried to sit up. "Is she okay?"

  Stain stepped into my field of view. "Yes. You healed her arm completely Needless to say it was an interesting thing but I do not think she wants to repeat the event." He leaned closer. "You however passed out. We are strapping you to Evins and you will ride up the mountain."

  "Sounds good to me. I could use a rest." I smiled. I had healed Raven. It was worth it no matter if I passed out.

  Stain's expression grew serious. "That spell is dangerous. It could drain you of all your power. Be careful or you will try to heal something that can not be healed in that manner. Then you and the other person will die." He walked off.

  Conium helped me sit up and gave me a drink. "It tastes nasty but I promise it is good for you."

  I smelled the concoction and agreed that it was nasty. Yet she had never steered me wrong. I downed it in one go and nearly passed out again from the taste.

  "Well, that is done. Rest a bit. You gave us all a scare. When we are done packing we are moving on. This place is no longer safe." Conium walked off to pack.

  "You could have died." Raven's voice drifted up from beside me.

  I turned my head and saw that she was sitting on the ground watching me. Her arm was whole and there was no sign it had ever been broke.

  "It was worth it. You need that arm in perfect shape. I just could not let you hurt like that." I stated simply. A small smile crept to my lips.

  "Why not?" She jumped up. "Why could you not let me hurt?" She stood beside me shaking.

  I looked up at her and realized everything was spinning. I focused on her face. "Because I do not want you to hurt." And I passed out once more.

  Hours later I woke up to find myself strapped to Evins' back. He and Cracklecord were discussing the attack.

  "What I find odd is the help the trolls gave. They are normally deep mountain dwellers, rarely seen outside a mountain." Cracklecord was saying.

  "I believe they may have been paid. I have heard of such things occurring" Evins slid on up the path. "Some tribes of trolls consider fighting, no matter the arena, to be the most honorable thing they can do."

  "That is just weird." Cracklecord was popping little sparks off her tail in her frustration.

  "I agree." Evins growled out. "I find those like that to be the lowest form of person."

  Suddenly Evins stopped and his head whipped around. "I believe my passenger has awoken." He looked at me. "Welcome back Ott. Feel like walking just yet?"

  I thought about it for a moment, "I think I better stay here for a bit longer." I leaned back and rested my head. Things were still spinning some.

  "You pushed yourself too far Ott." Cracklecord pointed out. "That is a good way to hurt yourself and others. Why did you do it? I heard Raven grousing earlier, yet she seemed to be happy."

  Evins nodded, "I noticed the same thing. Worried about you, yet happy."

  They both looked at me and I considered what to say.

  "I think I just needed her to be okay." I stated simply.

  Cracklecord looked at Tag. "He has it bad. So does she."

  They both chuckled. "Go back to sleep. We are already on the move to another, harder to find location." Evins stated clearly.

  Chapter III

  Air Guardian

  I woke up to find myself laying in my tent. Alone. I sat up and the world spun. Leaning forward I rested a few moments until everything settled back down. Evidently I had over done the magic. Standing up I looked outside. It was dark but just barely. I looked around and realized we were not at an established campsite. This looked almost like an abandoned homestead. A cabin that had fallen in stood in the middle of the clearing. The rest of the tents formed a circle around a small cook fire.

  "It looks like someone finally decided to join the group." Conium was facing me. "Come get some food."

  I walked slowly to the fire, feeling very weak. "Thanks, I am quite hungry."

  Everyone chuckled at that.

  "Well you did do a grandmaster spell just after fighting off an under mountain troll. I think mos
t people would be hungry, at least." Stain spoke this dryly. "Even super charged mages like yourself need to use some caution."

  Raven leaned forward, "Next time wait a few minutes before doing a big spell like that."

  I looked around and realized they had all been very worried. "I am sorry to scare you like that. I will try to be more cautious in the future."

  Stain and Raven nodded and seemed to relax some.

  "So, back to what I was saying." Cracklecord spoke. "That was a organized attack. That took planning. Someone knew where our camp was going to be. They even knew the layout of the camp enough to try to attack the most experienced fighters first." She turned. "Stain your's and Conium's tents were attacked before the main attack happened. The younglings were last."

  Stain nodded. "I agree. We must have missed a mole."

  This statement was met with frustrated noises from everyone.

  "I will send word back to the King. He will need to know." Conium stood up and walked off to her tent.

  Stain looked around. "We can not stay in the same place each night. We have to keep moving. We also must travel faster and reach the Air Guardian's lair quicker than I had planned."


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