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Julia's Second Collection

Page 13

by Bridy McAvoy



  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “What do you think I’m doing?” His mouth sealed over hers, preventing any further protest as his fingers began to move. Her jeans provide some protection, preventing him sliding his hand all the way inside her underwear, but even that constriction didn’t stop the tip of his middle finger finding the very top edge of her slit, and starting to brush against her clit. His tongue thrust into her open mouth as he started to work his other hand up the side of her breast toward the very sensitive tip.

  A moan bubbled up her throat where laughter had been before, and she pushed him back against the bed, rolling over on top of him. He pulled his hand clear of her panties and used both hands to cup the cheeks of her ass, holding her against him as he started to knead her butt. She groaned into the kiss as his hands slid from there up onto now naked skin on her back, under her shirt, and reached the back strap of her bra. He was no slouch in that department and she felt the fabric of her bra relax as the catch came undone. Lust was clouding her judgement as he started to work both garments up off her body. She knew her breasts would be exposed within seconds, her top and bra discarded over her head. Other people might see—there were three other teams working this part of the Quest site but that no longer mattered to her as she squirmed on top of him.

  She had his cock trapped underneath her and she ground down on him, driving her hips in a circle to increase the sexual tension between them. Julia broke the kiss long enough and lifted up just enough for him to pull the shirt off over her head down onto her arms. She shook her red tresses clear of the garment as he dragged it and her bra down her arms. Once clear, he—as she’d expected—tossed them over his head while his stare allowed him to feast his eyes on her now naked breasts.

  “You are fucking gorgeous.”

  She smiled, an attempt at coquettishness that she knew was spoiled by the sheer lust clouding her own vision. “Don’t stop there, sugar.”

  With a grunt, he rolled her back onto her back, looming over her as he slid down, his hands reaching for the waistband of her remaining clothing. She lifted her butt from the bed as he jerked them down past her hips, onto her thighs, exposing her naked slit to his eyes. Instead of diving for it, he dropped down and fumbled with the laces of her boots, dragging them off her feet before yanking harder still on her jeans.

  Her jeans and panties hit the floor in a tangle and she realized she was naked while he was still fully clothed. Andy didn’t give her chance to do anything about that either, as his strong hands grabbed her legs, lifting them into the air and apart, his head aiming down toward her now exposed and very vulnerable pussy.

  She panted for air as his mouth closed on her slit, his tongue finding her opening and spearing inside, replaced straight away by two of his fingers as his mouth moved over her clit.

  She grunted, desire flooding her system with chemicals. Her hips left the bed in an attempt to suck his fingers in deeper.

  “My, you are an eager little whore, aren’t you?”

  At the back of her mind she knew he was just continuing the jesting banter that had allowed him to breach her defenses. Her face, though, burned with the humiliation, while her moans betrayed her abject arousal.

  “I wonder what I can get my personal little whore to agree to while she’s like this. Do you think you will agree to anything?”

  She shook her head.

  He pulled her hand away and she groaned. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” Julia spread her legs wider, her hands catching her thighs, pulling them back toward her, demonstrating her flexibility even as she opened herself up to him.

  “Only if you agree to be my little whore for the evening too.”

  She shook her head and he inserted a second finger, starting to saw them in and out of her. Her back arched and she groaned again.

  “Yes, I think that’s it. I think we’ll have a little agreement tonight. After dinner, in the bar you’ll be my personal little whore.”

  She shook her head again, but he kept up the relentless pressure.

  “As we’re drinking, I’ll give you a ten-dollar bill and you’ll shimmy out of your panties and hand them to me.”


  He put a third finger into her. She closed her eyes, letting her head fall back as she listened to his demands.

  “Then, when I hand you another ten-spot, you’ll slip your bra straps down your arms in full view of everyone before removing it and handing it to me too.”

  She shuddered and moaned. Visions of her doing as he said, the shocked faces on the rest of the women, the smile on Josie’s face, and the predatory grins on the faces of the rest of the men, almost pushed her to the edge.

  She tried to shake her head but a massive moan bubbled up inside her throat and she knew he’d take that as a sign of surrender.

  “Are you going to be my little whore in public like that? Or remain just my little prostitute in private?”

  “Private. Shit! Don’t stop, I’m cumming…any minute.”

  “So, when I hand you the final banknote, you’ll stand there in the middle of the bar and slip out of your dress so you’re naked, turn around to display everything you’ve got to everyone in the room and then take my hand and lead me to your room, just like a proper whore would?”

  Her brain filled with images of the shocked looks on everyone else’s faces as she did as he described. She populated the bar, not just with the people of the luxury getaway, but with her colleagues from work, her neighbors, even her husband, sitting at the bar, watching with interested eyes.

  “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Andy quickly put his free hand across her mouth to stop her screams echoing around the entire site, but kept his fingers pumping inside her. Her body shook and trembled as wave after wave of the most intense pleasure flooded through her.

  She let go of her legs and slowly straightened them either side of his still fully clothed body. He took his hand away as she gasped for air.

  “Fuck! You cum like a whore!”

  She lifted herself up on her elbows and, between gasps for much-needed air, she asked him. “And you know that how?”

  He grinned. “I don’t. But I think it’s my turn for a ride.”

  Julia dropped back to the bed, fighting to control her fast beating heart. Why had she just built such a realistic fantasy in her head as he talked like that? The sound of a zip echoed through the room and then he was close to her, between her legs, pulling her toward the end of the bed. She lifted her legs again, wrapping them around the back of his thighs, realizing he still had his clothes on, although she was naked. That sent a delicious shiver down her back. He wasn’t even going to get undressed. That was something she’d normally find insulting, but today it just felt naughty. He pressed himself against her opening. She could feel the hot end of his stiff cock. She pushed her hips forward, pulling him into her. She was wet from the recent orgasm, so there was little resistance as he slid into her, continuing to press forward deeper and deeper. She gasped as she felt his jeans-wrapped thighs land against the soft skin at the very top of her inner thighs.

  His hands came down on her breasts, one dry and the other wet with her juices. She arched her back as he started to pump. The bed was so soft she couldn’t really get enough purchase to fuck back against him, but somehow she got her hips bouncing in time with his thrusts. His fingers caught and twisted and tugged at her nipples, and she felt herself getting more and more turned on again.

  “Cum again, baby. Cum for yourself this time.”

  It took a moment to notice the change of gear in the way he was talking. He wasn’t calling her names, driving her wild with dirty talk, the like of which she’d never tolerated. Now he seemed gentle, more like a lover than a whore’s john. Her body responded to the apparent warmth. She felt more of a partner in their escapade than a vessel for his lust. That had been nice, good while it lasted. This was nicer.

body responded as her thrusts increased in time with his, and he relinquished his hold on her breasts to brace himself over her. She looked up to see his face hovering over her. She lifted her arms, wrapped them around his neck, and pulled him down to her. Their lips met and she thrust her tongue into his mouth. He groaned and that just spurred her on. Her butt started a complex sequence of motions, moving side to side as well as up and down and he had to increase speed to keep up with her. She was gasping for air as they broke the kiss and Andy wasn’t in a much better state. His thrusts started to get erratic, and she knew he was close, too close for her to get there too. Nevertheless, she was enjoying it. She held onto him as he fucked harder and harder into her with short savage thrusts that almost pushed her along the bed.

  Then he pulled free of her arms and took a half step back, pulling out. She almost cried out at the loss, the sudden emptiness deep inside of her. He stepped forward again, his jeans-clad thighs brushing against her mound. She lifted herself to look down, gasping as he aimed his cock along the length of her stomach. She groaned again as the first long sticky string laid a perfect glistening white trail from just above her mound to almost reach her breasts. Another followed, a little weaker, then another, and she let her head fall back to the bed, forcing herself to relax as he spent himself on her belly.

  “Thank you, baby. That was great.”

  She giggled. “Leave your money by the washstand, sugar.”

  They both laughed and she sat up as he zipped up then wandered around the room retrieving her clothes for her. The mess on her belly stuck to her and she had nothing to clean up with. Andy could offer no help either and she knew she was going to spend the rest of the Treasure Quest’s first day with it sticking to her clothes and drying on her skin until she could find a convenient cloakroom to deal with it. She shivered, but at least her T-shirt was pale and it wouldn’t show.

  As she zipped up her jeans and pulled on her boots, Andy motioned her to the door.

  “Quickly.” He was looking out the door at something and she joined up to see their teammates. Josie was naked, just as she had been, but they were downstairs. Her friend was on all fours on the floor in the middle of the bar, facing the batwing doors. Chris was behind her, and from Julia’s angle the way his buttocks flexed told her he was fucking into her doggy style. She almost collapsed in laughter, but Andy dragged her back into the room before she could be heard and spoil the mood for the couple downstairs. As she adjusted her bra and pulled her T-shirt over her head, Julia couldn’t stop laughing. Lacing her boots took ages and Andy went back to the doorway to check the other two had finished and were also getting dressed.

  “You know what you were saying about the bar tonight?”


  “You try a stunt like that and I’ll take your eyeballs out with a cocktail stick and use them for olives.”

  He laughed. “Of course. But you have to admit, it did get your motor running at the time. I was playing, and enjoying your reactions.”


  He chuckled. “Will you have a drink with us in the bar, later?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. I’ll have to compare notes with Josie. She might be up for it, or she might prefer a bit of variety. She can be like that.”

  “Well, there’s always the woods tomorrow.”

  Julia shivered.

  He looked over the rail of the gallery. “Come on, they’re just about dressed and we both have another five clues to chase down.”

  Her T-shirt stuck to her stomach as she stood up and grimaced. “I guess we do.”

  He started whistling a tune and it took her a few seconds to recognize it—If you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise…She knew damned well he wasn’t signaling anything in any way childish. Even so, she couldn’t prevent the laugh that rose in her throat.

  * * * *

  As they got ready for dinner, Josie seemed a bit subdued. Since Julia had the longer hair, she’d grabbed the shower first and was just putting the finishing touches to her red mane when Josie stepped out of the en-suite. Julia saw her friend wince as she stepped into the room.

  “What’s wrong, Josie?”

  Her friend walked to her own bed and sat down, silently pointing to her knees. Her left one was red, but the right one seemed red and swollen.

  “Wow! How…?”

  Josie sighed. “How do you think?” She lowered her head then looked up again. “I know you and Andy saw what Chris and I were doing. That floor was a bit hard, and I guess he was a bit rough. At the time it didn’t bother me, but as we kept walking around it started to hurt. Now it hurts more than ever.”

  Julia bent down to examine her friend’s leg and it looked bad, even worse close-up. “Right. Medical attention.”

  “No. I’ll be fine.”

  “You will not be fine. If you don’t at least get it checked out, then you won’t be walking on it tomorrow.” Julia wasn’t going to let her get away without having it checked. She rose to her feet and picked up the room phone.


  “Hi. Do you have any medical provision on site? My roommate has hurt her knee—well, both of them really, but one more than the other.”

  “I see. When did this happen?”

  “This morning. She’s been keeping it quiet so I didn’t know ʾtil she just took a shower.”

  “Do you think it’s a fracture?”

  “No. I’d say a sprain but I’d rather have a medical opinion on it. She’s in a great deal of pain.”

  “Well, we don’t have any medical staff on site. The nearest hospital is about twenty minutes away. But a couple of the guests this weekend are doctors, so let me see if one of them would take a look to save you the trip. I’ll call you back.”

  Julia hung up the phone and turned back to Josie who’d stood up, wincing. “I heard.” She smiled. “I guess if we’re about to be joined by a couple of guys, we both ought to make an effort to at least get dressed. I know I’m your friend, and it doesn’t matter that your towel has opened so I can see you’re shaved, but I don’t think you’d want them to see. Nor do I want mine on view.”

  “Good point.”

  The phone rang and Julia answered it.

  “Hi there. You should get a knock on your door in a couple of minutes. When I explained the situation, Alan and Dave immediately agreed to take a look. With both of you there, and two of them, your friend should feel relaxed enough to let them take a look, if you get my drift.”

  “Thank you.” Julia hung up and turned to Josie. “Two minutes to get your panties on, sweetheart.”

  She dove for her own wardrobe to grab something to replace the towel that was all that covered her—and she guessed from Josie’s comment, didn’t really do a good job at that.

  She quickly slipped on the first underwear she could find—a blue lace set—then pulled a clean T-shirt over the top. Josie was following suit, but moving slower. Her white lace underwear was rather see-through, and she was still skirtless when someone knocked on the door.

  “Just a minute.”

  Julia drew her own skirt up her legs and then tossed one of her denim mini-skirts to a somewhat panicky Josie. She managed to pull it straight around her thighs as Julia moved over to the door.


  “Hi, there.” The tall blond surfer dude-looking guy smiled at her. “I’m Alan and this is Dave. We gather there’s a medical problem we might be able to advise on? A knee problem. Seeing as you’re standing up, I gather it’s not you?”

  “Sure, come in. And you’re right, it’s not me.”

  The room seemed crowded as both men entered the room and Dave shut the door behind them. Julia walked past her friend and sat down on her bed, watching as Alan immediately dropped to his knees in front of Josie.

  “Hello. I’m Alan.”

  Josie chuckled. “So I gather. I'm Josie, my anxious friend is Julia.”

  Dave walked behind Alan and, without saying anything,
sat on the corner of Julia’s bed. Seeing as there were no chairs he could use, Julia didn’t say anything, although she did ease away, ensuring there were a couple of inches between them.

  “So, young lady.” That brought a laugh all round. Although the two guys seemed competent, they were several years younger than Josie and Jullia. “How did you manage to do this?”

  Julia could see her friend trying hard not to blush, but there was a bit of a stammer in her answer.

  “Um… I was crawling around looking for the answer to a clue.”

  Alan gently took hold of her ankle and rotated her leg up. Josie winced but didn’t make a sound. He shuffled forward to cradle her leg on top of his. Bending forward, he looked at the knee.

  “And what were you wearing?”

  The blush was much more pronounced and Julia had to choke back a sudden desire to laugh at the look on Josie’s face.


  Alan shook his head. “Sweetie, if you were telling me the truth, I wouldn’t be seeing the abrasion marks on your skin. You were bare-legged at the time, weren’t you?”

  Josie swallowed then nodded, obviously embarrassed.

  “Listen, I can help you, but I need the truth, not some cover up. I’m not going to spill any secrets, nor is Dave. I suspect your friend knows the truth as well. Shall I ask her?”

  “Why drag me into it?”

  Alan looked up at her and grinned, but turned his attention back to Josie whose face was nearly the same color as her swollen knee. “If I had to guess, I’d say you were having a quickie with a guy, doggy position, and it was a bare wooden floor. Am I right?”

  “Yes.” Her answer was almost a whisper.

  “Nothing to be ashamed of, Josie. Now, let’s have a look at this knee. I want to see what range of movement you’ve got.”

  He started bending her leg more and Josie flinched but didn’t say anything. When he rotated the joint to one side, she gave a little yelp, and Julia could see her friend’s fingers knotted in the bed cover. She yelped again when he rotated the knee the other way, and then a third time as he straightened her leg.


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