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The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory

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by Baker, Thomas

  Alan. Dusty. Ashley, her best friend. They were gone forever. It still seemed like some kind of unreal nightmare. Even now she still expected Ashley to come through the door and join them. To whine and complain about staying here, then turn around and go off on a completely different subject, like she wasn't upset two seconds earlier.

  Of course the sick psycho Harold, who now haunted her dreams like her own personal demon, had taken away any chance of that. After Ashley, he had wanted her.. She was to be his next victim, his bride for all of eternity.

  JT came back with a handful of pillows and a white sheet draped over his shoulder.

  "Here we go Hannah," he said, mercifully breaking her thoughts.

  "You two make him as comfortable as you can. I'm going to go in the kitchen, see if I can find some food."

  Hannah wasn't hungry, she needed a break. She couldn't watch Gus suffer like this another second.

  It wasn't too long before JT and Tyrone joined her in the kitchen. She had been standing at the sink, staring off out the window.

  "How are things looking in here?" JT asked.

  "It does look like they decided to leave in a hurry," Hannah said, kneeling to look through a cabinet. She rose, wiping her hands on her pants. "Found several things in the fridge which now look like microbiology experiments. I wouldn't try those. I did find some canned tuna, vegetables, spaghetti-o's, things like that, not past the expiration date. Couldn't check the high cabinets though. One of you tall boys will have to do that. No water from the faucet, but I got to thinking, like at H…the cabin, they might have a well."

  "Good idea," Said Tyrone. "I'll check."

  Tyrone left, leaving Hannah alone with JT. He looked at her in a probing way. She turned around, making a show of looking into the freezer.

  "How you holding up?" he asked.

  "I sure am hungry," Hannah said. She turned around, her eyes shifting around the room. "I don't think I have ever been this hungry in my life. Thirsty too."

  He crossed the room and grabbed her hand. "Hannah you know what I mean. I've heard you at night, when you thought I couldn't."

  She couldn't look up into his eyes. She dropped his hand as well. All of his attempts to comfort her felt like he had unfair expectations of her. Of their relationship. Ones she couldn't meet right now. Talking about what happened with him would also make Ashley's death seem too real. She went to leave and as she was passing through the walkway between the kitchen and living room she twirled. Despite her best efforts, her feelings burst out.

  "I can't sleep, I just lay awake all night, thinking..." She whispered. "My God JT. Ashley, she is dead. Killed by some... a disgusting monster of a person. Every time I close my eyes and drift off, I hear him calling out to me. I was to be next..."

  She broke down crying, angry at herself for doing so again. Was she crying only about her loss, or also about almost being killed herself? Why couldn't she let JT help? Did the burden of Gus make it worse? Even praying every night didn't seem to close the hole in her heart.

  JT crossed the room and attempted to pull her close to him. She pushed off against his chest. No, it wasn't fair to Ashley to have any good feeling inside right now. So instead of taking in his comfort, she looked up at him, moisture glistening off her cheeks.

  "I hope there is a Hell," she whispered, "I hope Harold's there, rotting for all eternity."

  Hannah turned and stormed out of the kitchen. It felt much better to let the fury overtake her, instead of the sorrow.

  There was, in fact, a well.

  "Talk about old school," Tyrone said, coming back in with two old milk jugs full of water. "There was a pump out there I had to work by hand. Felt like I was back on one of those little kid field trips to the farm. You know what I mean?” He plopped the jugs on the counter and looked around. Where’s Hannah?"

  "She went back in with Gus I guess. I don't know about her Tyrone, I really don't. I'm no head doctor, but if she holds it in much longer, I'm afraid it's going to break her."

  "Listen to you give emotional advice, Mr. angry guy," Tyrone chided. "Next you're going to start giving me advice on how to be more black."

  "Alright Gus Jr." JT said, grabbing four glasses out of the kitchen cabinet. "I'm serious though. Maybe you can try talking to her."

  "I can do that," Tyrone said, all levity gone from his voice. "Not sure it would help much. For now, let's bring some water out to Hannah and Gus. That I know I can help with."

  They poured themselves a glass and chugged them like it was beer at a high school kegger. JT brought two glasses of water into the living room and handed them to Hannah. She downed hers, and carefully tipped some up to Gus. He sipped at it slowly, like he was learning how to drink. It hurt to see Gus suffering.

  "This isn't a tea party Gus," JT tried to joke.

  What JT said didn't even seem to register with him. He squinted his eyes and peered up at Hannah, like it was hard to see her.

  "You find any of the good stuff yet darling?" Gus asked. "It hurts like hell again."

  "There was some Advil in the kitchen," Hannah said. "I can go grab it. I don't think it's safe to give you any pain pills again."

  "You know, I use to take drugs in the seventies. Nowadays, I don't care what the temperature is." Gus started to drift off, slurring his words at the end. None of them could even chuckle right now.

  "Let's split up, see if we can find anything else that might help us," JT suggested.

  He felt like he had to do something besides sit on his hands.

  "You two go," Hannah said. "I'm going to grab the Advil and stay here. In case he wakes back up and needs anything."

  JT nodded. "I'll take the upstairs. Tyrone, you take the shotgun and search the rest of the downstairs and the outside property."

  JT took the stairs two at a time. The hallway at the top branched left and right. It was warm and musty smelling. The walls were lined with floral pattern wallpaper. He searched all the bedrooms and the bathroom. All the furniture was old fashioned, heavy wood.

  He opened up all the windows as he went, letting the cooler fall air outside circulate through the house. Hard telling how long they may stay. He had no illusions though about this being their final stop. He had learned that harsh lesson.

  JT still held out hope they would find some kind of large group, maybe even part of the government they could join up with. It had to be legit though. No more of this small time bullshit. The four of them staying in one place wasn't going to cut it. Besides, if they stayed there at the farmhouse, Gus was a goner for sure. When JT was done with his search, he didn't find anything of much use. He went downstairs and met back up with Tyrone. His findings were much the same.

  "I did find some cows out in the field. If you feel like a steak dinner, there you go. You know what I mean," Tyrone tried to joke.

  By nightfall JT was to tired and discouraged to do much of anything else. The others seemed to feel the same. They huddled around Gus and their lantern, which sat on a coffee table. They ate a soundless dinner of cold raviolis straight from the can. Gus still slept.

  "Guess we can call it a night, see what tomorrow brings," JT suggested, yawning and stretching out of his chair. "There is a bedroom for each of us upstairs."

  "I'm going to curl up on the other couch," said Hannah. "I couldn't leave Gus alone down here by himself."

  "Okay," JT said, not wanting to cause an argument about how she needed rest just as much. That was not how he wanted to end the day. "You need anything?"

  Hannah shook her head no. JT headed towards the stairs. He turned to look at her at the bottom, before heading up. He thought about going over and talking to her. Maybe he should stay down here with her. He rejected that idea. He would probably get more cold shouldered silence anyway. He went to bed.

  Some time in the night JT woke up to the sound of a dying scream. He rubbed at his eyes. It was probably a nightmare. He went to turn over and jumped when he saw Hannah standing in the doorway. He saw the look
on her face in the dim light of the lantern she carried and instantly came awake. He started to sit up, but Hannah came over and pushed him back down with her hand.

  She crawled under the covers silently. JT scooted over a little bit to give her some space. She laid her head on JT's chest.

  "I had a bad dream," Was all she said.

  He looked up at the ceiling, enjoying the warmth of her body next to his. She was wearing one of his shirts for pajamas. He slid a hand up inside of it and rubbed her back, feeling the softness of her skin under his rough fingers.

  She lifted her head up and looked at him. JT felt almost intimidated by her gaze. "I'm sorry" Hannah started to say before JT cut her off and pulled her down to kiss her. She pulled back at first before kissing him back. JT couldn't control himself as he sat up wrapping her in his arms as he kissed her more fiercely. The thought to stop and not take advantage of her vulnerable state crossed JT's mind briefly but she was doing nothing to indicate she didn't want this as bad as he did. Despite everything they had been through he was still a guy and his physical attraction to Hannah was undeniable.

  Hannah didn't fight it at all as he grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up over her head. He could feel Hannah's heart racing as fast as his was. "Oh my god this is really about to happen he thought" JT laid her on the bed and crawled on top of her. He kissed her along her stomach and trailing up to her lips as the disheartening sounds of another coughing fit from Gus echoed from the floor below.

  They paused until it passed but the moment for Hannah had faded. JT could tell as he attempted to continue but his advances were quickly halted. He swallowed his frustration down as Hannah's face switched gears back to the sorrowful state it had been in earlier. They had kissed before back at the cabin and Hannah had teased him more than one time back on the roads that led them to Harold's. With the grim circumstances, he tried to not let it bother him.

  "I'll go back down stairs if you're mad at me," Hannah seemed ashamed of what they were just doing as the words came out.

  "No. Absolutely not. Get over here and lay in my arms," JT smiled at her as she pulled her shirt back and nuzzled in under his chin. Hannah looked up at JT one more time and promised him with a kiss she would make it up to him sometime. JT relished the thought.

  "You don't owe me anything Hannah, I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you." Those were the last words JT promised her as he held her close and closed his eyes, attempting to block out and cage the negative thoughts and comments in his mind.

  When JT woke up the next morning, Hannah was already gone. He dressed and ran down the stairs. He almost took a tumble when he crashed into Hannah, who was running up frantically.

  "What is it, zombies?" he asked. "Do I need to go back up and grab the shotgun?"

  "No, it's Gus," Hannah said, in a panic. "I'm getting so worried now. He was up mumbling half the night about what I guess are things from his past. You know....before. That's why I came upstairs last night. I had to have a break. When I touched him this morning, he was burning up. I don't know what to do. I don't think there is anything else I can do."

  JT was still trying to clear his sleep fogged brain. He had to come up with something. Man, was he getting weary of being the go to guy though. One thing he could decide easily was she needed a break away.

  "Okay, how about you and I go out in the truck, see if we can find anything at the next town. Or maybe some other farmhouses. Tyrone will stay here, take care of Gus, and make sure he’s safe."

  Hannah looked about to protest but nodded her head. She had dark circles and bags under her eyes. She looked like she was about to crack. JT put a hand on her shoulder. She pushed it away. JT sighed. Was she really going to acting as if last night didn't happen? He would play along for now. The priority was Gus.

  "We'll fix him up. Don't forget he is one tough SOB," JT said. It sounded lame to him, an empty promise. Hannah didn't even bother with a response and walked away.

  JT flew through the house, gathering up the shotgun, some of the canned tuna, and a jug of water. He threw it all in the back of the truck. He pulled out the crowbar and brought it to Tyrone.

  "Hannah and I are going out. See if we can find some medicine. Something we know what it does, like morphine or penicillin. Maybe a medical guide as well can help us help Gus. Who knows, maybe we'll hit the jackpot and find an actual doctor." JT didn't think that was likely but hey, let's keep everyone's spirits up and all that.

  "This is for you," He handed Tyrone the crowbar. "Take care of him."

  Tyrone took the crowbar, nodding and frowning. JT gave him a couple pats on the back.

  "I’d keep searching around. See if you can find any other weapons. You would think they’d at least had a rifle. You’re the man of the house now."

  Tyrone gave him a weak smile.

  JT and Hannah drove off, back to the gravel road. They continued following it until they came to a black top, two lane road. This gave them a choice to make.

  "Should we do a coin toss?" JT asked Hannah.

  "I got a good feeling about left," Hannah said.

  "Left it is."

  They drove on through gently rolling hills. Wild, unkempt farmland passed them on either side. Lots of the crops had turned brown now that it was fall and they had been untended for so long. Once they saw a pasture, where some cows continued grazing, blissfully unaware their owners were probably dead or turned into zombies.

  They came over a steep rise and saw the land flatten out before them. On either side once green corn stalks going brown marched off into the distance. Ahead was like a valley of sorts, before the hills rose up again. JT could make out a building off the side of the road, with a beautiful, giant tree standing between it and the road, like a sentinel. Its blazing orange leaves made everything around it look dull in comparison. Back beyond the small building, a few larger ones stood. Farther in the distance, there was a smattering of buildings. It looked like another town.

  "It's the first building we have seen all day. Let's stop, check it out," Hannah said.

  "I doubt it's a pharmacy out here in the middle of nowhere. It looks to small to be a hospital," JT said, disheartened. "What the hell, I need a lunch break anyway. Let's be a little cautious though. Go in quietly."

  When they got about a mile away, JT pulled the truck over on the side of the road. He grabbed the shotgun and the bag of food out of the back. Hannah joined him and the two walked along the road towards the building.

  "I think it might be a church," Hannah said, when they got a little closer. "Yeah, I can see a cross on the top of it."

  "I don't know if we will find anything useful in there," JT said.

  "I will," Hannah said. "Gus could use all of the prayers we can offer."

  They got closer still. The two passed the entrance to the parking lot that set to the right of the church. At the far end of the parking lot, a two lane road went down a small incline. A sidewalk ran alongside the road starting somewhere out of sight in the back of the church. Keeping his eyes peeled, his mind alert, he and Hannah approached the church. JT did wonder why they were stopping when time was of the essence.

  All that immediately left JT's mind when he noticed something hanging from the massive tree in front of the church. Are those what I think they are?

  Various ropes were hanging from the thick tree branches. He counted seven bodies, swaying from the ropes in the fall breeze. They had all been hanged. With a struggle he pulled his eyes away from the freak show and saw one of those sign boards in front of the church, the ones where you can change the letters. The church was called The Holy Covenant of Saints. On the board was written, "And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God on their foreheads." KJV 9:4-6

  Hannah took a sharp breath then froze. He hands flew up in front of her mouth.

  "Welp that cancels this stop. Back on board the party
bus everyone."

  They turned around as one. Standing there were a man and a woman, both with dull expressions. Both were pointing rifles at them.

  Damn! How did I not hear them?

  The man, whose long hair fell across his face, spoke. "Easy does it you two. You, drop the shotgun." He made a stabbing gesture with his rifle.

  JT thought about pulling the trigger and seeing if he could take them both out. He might have too, if Hannah wasn't with him. Instead he gently sat it on the ground, along with the bag of food. Not to take any chances, he raised his hands above his head as well. Hannah followed suite.

  "Alright you two," the man continued. His small eyes squinted in anger. He spoke slowly, like to a child. "You are trespassing on church property. I'm not taking any chances you’re more thieves. We're going to take you in to see the Reverend. He will listen to your story and decide what to do with you."

  "We can decide what to do with ourselves," JT countered back. "We are grown ass adults. We don't mean any harm. We didn't know anyone was even here. Let me gather up my shotgun and we will be on our way."

  "Make one move towards that shotgun and I will blow your hand off," the man said. "Watch your mouth too. None of that filthy language inside the church."

  The woman, her dark hair clinging to her head in dirty clumps, spoke up for the first time. She sounded like a life long smoker. "Now that you know we're here, we can't just let you go. The Reverend will decide if you can be trusted or not. He will ask almighty God and pass judgment upon you. To me, you look like a couple of sinners. You best go on now."

  JT couldn't see how they could protest. The man and women both looked angry enough that they’d open fire without much provocation.

  "Alright," JT said, clearly not happy. "Lead on. You be cool, we'll be cool."

  He looked over to Hannah. Hannah's face looked terrified. He could only imagine the dread she was feeling at being at the mercy of strangers again.


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