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The Outbreak Series (Book 2): Purgatory

Page 17

by Baker, Thomas

  "Now child, it will be okay." Albright was calm, on the outside. Inside, his stomach swirled and his head pounded. How quickly things went from great to spiraling out of control. He battened down the rage he was feeling. He could let it out later. For now, he needed to be calm, cool.

  "Thank you for telling me Alice," Albright said, giving her a hug. "May God be with you. Go inside now, don't tell anyone else about this. I have it under control. There is no reason to worry anyone else. Through me God will keep us all safe."

  "Yes Reverend," Alice said, looking relieved and sounding more calm herself.

  She turned and went inside. As soon as she was gone, Albright whirled and stomped back to the supply shed. Albright's mind was in full damage control mode, making and discarding plans as he walked.

  "Charlie, tonight we are surrounded by the unfaithful and the unworthy. Linda is gone. Here is what I want you to do. First, let's get Darryl inside the shed. Get him as comfortable as we can. I'll look at his leg and see what I can do. Then I want you to round up six men you can trust. You take three to look for Randall and the fugitives. I will take the others to find Linda and Gus. We will do a four hour shift tonight. if we have no luck, we try again in the morning light.

  "You want us to take them alive or can I just shoot them?" Charlie asked.

  "Randall you can kill. God's swift and righteous punishment. I would like to have the other two back. I think you were right Charlie, we should have sent them to Purgatory in the first place. If it is going to be too dangerous to capture them without our people getting killed, you may go ahead and shoot them as well."

  "Yes Reverend," Charlie said enthusiastically.

  "Go now," Albright said. "I’ill stay here with Daryll until you get back."

  If all went well, this could work in Albright's favor. Even now he was thinking about how he could spin this and use it to make a permanent break between Hannah and her friends. Then she could be all his. It might cost him his nurse. It was a price he found he was willing to pay. She proved she couldn't be trusted anyway.

  When Charlie came back with his men, Albright set them to task. First they carried Darryl into the shed and laid him out among some boxes. Albright found a knife and cut open his jeans around the blood stain. Albright wasn't medically trained but he had seen a wound or two in his life. It looked like Daryll was in luck. It looked as if the bullet missed anything major and went clean through. Albright took some bandages from the stock in the shed and binded it as best he could. He covered Daryll up with a sheet, gave him some ibuprofen and a bottle of water and said a blessing over his body. Daryll stirred.

  "Daryll, I know it hurts like the Devil is sticking you with his pitchfork but you’re going to be okay. Sorry we have to leave you here like this but our mission is urgent. We will avenge you." Albright gave him a pat on the shoulder and turned to the others.

  "Men, you see we must find Linda quickly if we are to help our brother," Albright said, handing out a flashlight to each person, along with a handgun. The men nodded as one.

  Albright pointed twice. "You and you come with me. You other men are to go with Charlie. Do as we command. We’ll find them all and they will face God's judgment." At Albright’s order, the groups split up.

  Albright led his men down the path through the woods. He was no tracker, but this was the way Linda and Gus had gone according to Alice, so maybe he would find some sign of them.

  The three of them didn't talk. They were focused on their task. That was fine with Albright. He needed to concentrate and make sure he didn't miss any clues as to which way they might have went. Nightfall wasn't helping. They came out on the road leading from the church to Gateway City. He figured they were heading for town, his guess, to get a car. Across the road he saw the corn field. Would they have gone straight down the road to town or would they try to hide in the field? Albright went with his instincts.

  "We are going to search the corn field from here down to town," Albright told his followers.

  They plunged in straight, then fanned out and turned right, heading for town. Albright ordered them to stay close enough so they could see each others lights. They hadn't gone far when Albright thought he heard a woman's voice. He saw the other two lights race off. He wanted to shout out to them to stay together but thought better of it.

  Fools he thought, when he came to an opening in the field. He saw both men being attacked by zombies. Coolly he brought up his handgun and first shot the zombies, then his men.

  What a waste.

  His speeches weren’t just rhetoric now. When he found them Linda and the rest, they were going to pay for disturbing his perfect scheme. He saw something rustle in the grass. He brought up his light and saw it was Gus. He brought up his gun as well.

  "I see you there my friend," Albright called out. "Come back with us. Have we not treated you well, healed your wounds. I have lost two of my flock chasing after you. You will understand then, I have no more patience for you or Linda. Come out now or I will shoot you."

  He was notice Linda wasn’t beside Gus and wondering where she was. Maybe she got smart and abandoned him to save herself. He was scanning the area, keeping an eye on Gus in his periphery when he felt a tremendous pain exploding through his head. There was darkness.

  He awoke to golden light as it filtered through the rotting cornfield. His head throbbed to its own beat. He felt around the back of it and found a large bump, but when he pulled his hand away at least there was no blood.

  Albright couldn't believe it. It had to have been Linda who attacked him. Why would she do that? Hadn't he taken her in, made her part of his community, and kept her safe from the zombies?

  He got to his feet, brushing the dirt from his black slacks. He took a few cautious steps forward. He didn't want to pass out again. Corn stalks swirled a little before everything became solid again.

  He looked down at the zombies and his dead followers and shook his head. It was a shame. He scanned the ground, not really expecting to find his gun. He wasn't let down there. There was nothing to do now but head back to the church. If Charlie had not had any better luck, he felt he might just fly off the handle. Everything he worked for seemed to be slipping through his fingers, like trying to hold puffs of smoke. Cautiously he headed back. His return was uneventful. He found Charlie outside sitting on the front porch. At the sight of the him Charlie flashed him a cold smile.

  "You've looked better Reverend," he said, standing as Albright approached him. "I was looking all over for you this morning and you couldn't be found. I was thinking about sending out a search party for you."

  "It went....unexpected," Albright said in a snarl. "Walk with me."

  "Sure," Charlie said, falling in beside Albright. "Let's head to the supply shed. I have something to show you."

  "Charlie," Albright said, clapping him on the back. "At least you haven't let me down."

  "We lost Luke though," Charlie said.

  "I lost both men that came with me," Albright said, his head throbbing again. He was careful though not to let his anger show. He left it at that.

  “I had the men carry Daryll inside and down to the basement.” Charlie unlocked the door to the shed and led Albright inside. Past the piles of canned goods, paper products, and other household supplies. Charlie came to a stop at a blue tarp covering something lumpy. Charlie pulled it back. Tyrone laid there, tied with duct tape around his hands and ankles. A cloth was wrapped around his mouth. He looked up with frightened eyes. Albright grinned and laughed.

  "Praise Jesus."

  The Reverend sat at his desk, one hand drumming, the other holding up his head. He was thinking about Purgatory. The trial run had been a success. Jay had been safely turned. Still, this little incident reminded him things could go wrong at any turn. He had come up with a way he believed would test Hannah and punish Tyrone. Sill, was it full proof enough? He stopped drumming and pounded the table instead. He frowned and squeezed his eyes shut.

  When he had fi
rst come up with the idea for the zombie cage, it was as a last choice, a nuclear option. He had always thought the sickly sweet promise was better at control than fear. Fear was a blunt instrument. He liked to be more subtle than that. So far, his subtle scam had worked. It also helped that he was keeping the people here safe. Can’t get those sweet leadership perks without followers.

  It had been a risky proposition, setting the whole Purgatory system up. Taking a few expendable people out to round the zombies up without getting bit in the process. Getting it all set up in what was the college swimming pool. Then pushing those who had worked on it inside with the zombies. He would have no secrets spilled before he was ready to use it. It worked for the Pharaohs and it worked from him.

  The only person who knew of Purgatory’s existence besides him was Charlie. Charlie was the perfect second in command. Just smart enough to follow directions, with a mean streak to happily do what other people might balk at. Charlie liked the power he had now, with no ambition to be the one in charge. He was happy being a follower, not a leader. His only ambition seemed to be to take Randall’s place. Albright could throw him that bone when it was to his advantage.

  He knew he should be happier Purgatory worked out. He would be too, if it wasn't for Randall's betrayal. Linda's too, even though if he was honest with himself, he wasn't surprised by it. He knew she wasn't under the influence of the church like the rest of his followers. He did think the promise of safety and having such a big influence with the group, her being a nurse, would've been enough to keep her here. Gus, who seemed like such a fool, ended up craftier than he would have believed.

  Still, Tyrone had been captured. If JT dared showed his face, Albright would make sure it got eaten off. Albright opened his eyes. Yes, he decided, he would use Tyrone as a test for Hannah. He wanted to make sure he had control over her now. If she passed, Hannah would be his. It was disappointing though. He thought, maybe unrealistically, it would have been at least another year before he would have had to unveil Purgatory to the church. If he had used it earlier though, would it have kept someone like Linda in line? It was too late for second guessing now. He had to spin damage control. Starting with getting rid of Tyrone by way of Purgatory. After that, finding the rest of his fucking friends and throwing them in as well. He would make an example out of them all, in front of the whole church. This is what would happen from now on, to any who defied him.

  Albright stood and circled the room, putting together a speech for tonight. Of course he would have to spin this into breaking God's rules, not his. After a few laps he went back to his desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a Bible. He walked and flipped through the pages, mumbling to himself. A knock on his door stopped him in his tracks. He laid the book down on the edge of the desk and crossed the room in long strides. He pulled the door open, annoyed at the interruption.

  "Yes Charlie, how can I help you?" Albright said, hand tapping on the door.

  "Sorry to disturb you Rev," Charlie scratched at his neck. "It's just that, so far we have had no luck finding Randall. Wherever he is hiding, it's a darn good spot."

  Randall. The Sheriff was an asset when Albright first got here. Now he had turned on Albright as well. Albright thought it was just as well anyway. His congregation was large enough now he felt didn't need Randall around any longer. He could control the city as well. He was going to turn this into the perfect excuse to get rid of him too.

  "Let's have everyone take a break for now. I need you to do something else for me Charlie. Get a few men, the most experienced with the zombies. We’re expanding the project."

  "What, you mean Purgatory?" Charlie asked, stunned. "So last night wasn't a one time thing?"

  "Right Charlie. I think it is time to get things back under control. We’ll do one more trial with Tyrone. When we catch the others, the whole church will be there to watch. Not left stand outside the college thinking we shot the sinners like last time. They need to be shown what happens to liars and betrayers."

  "Sure," Charlie said, bobbing his head. "I know just who to get." A sick smile crept upon his face.

  "One more thing Charlie. Make sure Hannah is ready to go with us tonight."

  Charlie opened his mouth if to say something. With almost a snap he shut it again. He turned and left. Albright closed the door on his retreating back.

  He went back to the Bible, but the words kept slipping straight through his mind. He eventually gave up. He had to admit he was more nervous about how Hannah would do tonight than he would like. He wished he had more time to work on her.

  He sat back down behind his desk, swiveled in his chair, and poured himself a drink. A few sips and he thought maybe he would visit Alice. He hadn't had a meeting with her for some time and it might be just the thing to calm him down. Clear his mind and let him focus. Besides, she was missing him by now anyway. He sat his drink down on top of the Bible. Feeling more optimistic about his future with the church, Albright strode out the door, locking it behind him.

  In the passing days, Hannah had found herself falling into a rhythm within the community. Today though all the feelings of safety and happiness were swirling into a cyclone of mixed emotions.

  She walked the paths outside in a daze. She simply could not wrap her head around what everyone was whispering about. The jailbreak, shooting poor Daryll and almost killing him and Charlie. JT and Tyrone sneaking later that night and taking Gus. She especially could not fathom the thought of them killing Linda when she caught them. Along with two other men of the congregation. She would give anything to be able to go downstairs to the basement and see for herself but Albright had set guards on it.

  She was feeling incredulous that JT would even do such a thing. She needed to talk to Albright, tell him her doubts. She wanted to go to the basement, go to the jail. Talk to Alice, who apparently saw Gus fleeing and hear her side of the story for herself. Find something that could convince Albright that JT and Gus were not murderers.

  Hannah looked up from the view of the pavement she had been lost in. Looking around, she noticed Margaret was in the garden. She was knelt down, pulling carrots from the ground and putting them into a wicker basket. Hannah headed over to talk to her, hoping to pry some information from her about where Albright was. She hadn't been able to find him or Alice on her own.

  "Hello Margaret," Hannah said, trying her best to sound pleasant and non confrontational. "Out here by yourself this morning?"

  Margaret looked up, shielding the sun with one garden gloved hand.

  "Yes," she said, looking annoyed. "Gardening always helped me to relax. I need some now. Things seem tense inside."

  "That's the same reason I'm out here for a walk. I thought it’d be nice talk to Alice. She is always so sunny and cheerful. I could use some of that, after my friends have been accused of such horrible things."

  Margaret's lips became a thin line. "God has a plan for her and Reverend Albright will guide her on that path. He will guide us all. "

  Hannah thought she was being terribly elusive. Could Margaret be hiding something?

  "Blessings be upon you ladies," Said Reverend Albright, as he came strolling up between the rows. His sudden appearance out of what seemed like thin air startled her.

  "Margaret, I hope you don't mind but I would like to borrow Hannah for a little while. The Lord has sent me a command that I should talk to her."

  "Not at all Reverend. We all do our part to serve God." Margaret smiled sweetly at Albright and patted Hannah on the thigh. She went back to working on the garden.

  Albright held out his hand and Hannah took it, raising herself off the ground with his help. Hannah's heart skipped a beat. She had wanted to talk to him but she also feared it. She feared she would find out the truth about what Tyrone and JT had done. It was like a cruel nightmare, how they could turn like that. No, what was she thinking. It couldn't be true.

  "Walk with me," Albright said.

  He led Hannah out of the garden, off of the property, and into
the woods behind it. Most of the trees were balding as winter approached. Their steps crunched as they walked over the carpet of leaves on the ground. Hannah thought there wouldn't be too many more nice days ahead. She stopped her thoughts there, before they could overwhelm her again. She had already cried herself to sleep the night before when she had heard the rumors. It was too terrible to contemplate again. They walked until they came to a place where two huge logs had crashed on top of themselves, blocking the natural path they had been following. It was here the Reverend stopped.

  "It was here it happened. I remember it like it was yesterday," he said, facing away from Hannah and looking at the fallen trees. When he turned to face her, he wore a solemn expression. "I am about to tell you something I haven't revealed to the rest of the congregation yet. Understand?"

  She could tell it wasn't a question. She nodded yes. She felt her pride swell at being so trusted by him.

  "I was sitting in my house, reading through the Bible as I was putting together a sermon. The TV was on in the background. It helped fill the silence. The emergency broadcast warning came on, so I looked up from my work. The next thing I know I am standing in front of the screen, dumbfounded at what I was watching."

  "I know what you mean," Hannah said, a quiver in her voice. She shivered all over. What he was saying triggered the memories of the first few days of the Outbreak. When her and Ashley watched the world die on social media. Of going outside and have to face the horror.

  He smiled sadly at her. "That is when I heard the voice. It told me to go outside and into the woods. It wasn't the kind of command you’d argue with either. So, I turned and left, not even taking the time to turn of the TV. I walked out here and at this spot is where I stopped and received the vision."



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