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Burn (Dragon Souls)

Page 38

by Penelope Fletcher

  Tail thrashing, Daniil took another threatening step. ‘Cowards?’

  ‘You gave them an innocent. Can you deny it?’

  ‘No. I must live with it.’ Daniil’s eyes darkened with pain. ‘That does not mean what I did was not right.’

  Jakob shook his horns. ‘You are too concerned with what is right. We could have found another way.’

  ‘War is not a way.’ Daniil snorted frost. ‘We may be warriors but we speak for the people. War is never what they would choose.’

  ‘No one would choose it, but we should have given our lives for that youngling. You decided he was worth tossing away because you hate the race who killed your family.’

  Daniil made a bad-mannered noise low in his throat and snapped his jaws angrily. ‘It was not like that.’

  ‘Was it not?’ Mikhail asked grimly.

  “This argument is ridiculous.” Cathryn stormed into the middle of the three Dragons. “There is no right and wrong here. People were hurt and there is no changing it. We have to move past it. Marina is throwing a tantrum. That is nothing new.” Fisted hands propped on her rounded hips, she boldly met Jakob’s gaze. She flushed, frightened by his size, but did not back down. “I demand to see her.”

  Finally, she spoke to him instead of looking through him, or past him to seek the sight of another.

  His first direct contact must be the denial of what she wished.

  Aggravated, Jakob growled. ‘All must leave.’

  “Whatever orders you have can’t be applicable to me.” Cathryn’s tone turned pleading. Her eyes bored into his with heartbreaking honesty. “She wouldn’t.”

  The Dragon Lord who read the scroll in human form stepped forward to show her what was written. Names were scrawled on the parchment with Marina’s signature at the bottom.

  Cathryn snatched it from the stunned male’s hands. She stared with wide eyes. She blinked, several times, as if doing so would rectify a fault.

  A shudder of pure fury shook her from head to foot.

  “A fucking death decree. Are you shitting me?” Cathryn flung the parchment at the male’s head. Dragging her fingers to the ends of her mane, she brought them back up to press at her eyes. Her head swung slowly. “This is so sodding Marinaish I believe each bloody word. Damn you people for giving her this much authority.”

  Jakob stiffened.

  The Dragon Lord tasked with reading the proclamation snarled in affront.

  Cathryn sniffed, and looked the male in the eye until he quieted.

  She returned her gaze to Jakob. “That wasn’t an insult, not like you think. I know Marina will lead you well. She is remarkable in so many ways. She’s also a stone cold bitch in others. I know how stubborn she can be. She won’t give in now she’s done this, and rather than give her a kick up the backside you’re all encouraging her. Where does that leave us?” She motioned helplessly to the exhausted group behind her, shivering in the cold. “We’re her friends, her family, and she’s shut us out.”

  Jakob lifted his chin. ‘We are her family now.’

  Her stressed expression told him she did not find his words soothing. She turned to Mikhail. “We shouldn’t have given her time to adjust. I told you we needed to go after her when she released Jakob from the Citadel dungeons and left, but, oh no. You Dragon Lords think you know everything. All we did was give her enough time to dig her heels in and grow bitter.”

  Jakob listened to her rage at her party and grew aroused. A tantalizing thought had him stiffening. What if he grabbed her and left? Her companions could not follow. She was too weak to struggle much, and he would keep her so warm and well fed she wouldn’t want to leave him ever. Her small stature, large eyes, and wavy blonde hair were beautiful. Her scent was mouth-watering, her aura stunning in its boldness.

  Shaking himself sane, Jakob lowered his eyes to hide his frustration. Cathryn was not Chosen. She was destined to mate a Dragon Lord, and he did not enter relationships that could not end in a mating. He futilely wished he could keep her close, or that she could stay in the palace, so he could see her everyday.

  He batted the thought away. Too possessive, she is not mine.

  His Dragon did not like that and it rose resentfully to add a gruffer edge to his words. ‘Do not make this harder, woman.’ His desires toward the female mattered not.

  Each night he knelt beside Marina and held her hand as she sobbed as if her heart would never again be whole.

  Those who claimed to love her betrayed her.

  It enraged him, and made him terribly sad.

  Time for uncertainty was done. Jakob lifted his chin and glared at the female that made his heart stutter and his belly heat.

  She was not for him and never would be.

  ‘Leave this place. Do not come back. It will mean war.’ He paused and angrily shook his head. His eyes locked with those of the furious fire breathers. ‘Considering what you did to prevent the last it chills me to consider how low you would stoop to win another. Leave. Before I forget my place and deliver the vengeance my Queen is too soft-hearted to bid.’

  The immense shadow slipped into the lavish chamber. Black claws dug into blocks of ice as if the seamless wall was soft earth. Frigid cold blew from the slick surface, chilling his breath to jewel-like sparkles of vapour.

  Marina tasted his distinctive masculine salt-spice scent on the wind. Felt the other predator breech the sanctity of her territory. His entry into her lair was no shocker.

  Anger stirred.

  It was hot and thick at the back of her throat, ugly and evil in the pit of her stomach.

  And yet she found no desire to cry for help.

  Koen Raad began the night as a Dragon. A mournful, roaming beast denied his mate.

  Now he shifted human and strode across the rugs to smooth a burning touch down his female’s back. His head lowered, body bending as he covered her from behind and buried his face into the crook of her neck and shoulder.

  He breathed in.

  Trembled and exhaled shakily.

  Marina’s eyes closed as she swallowed. Her breathing coarsened, and her mind floated, aimless, allowing herself a moment to enjoy him. Desire spiralled through the haunting ache. The pressure and stress of their separation eased, and she leaned into his embrace. Her heart beat slow and full for the first time since she left his side.

  “Treasure,” he rasped hungrily. “I need you.”

  Koen’s heart tripped then thundered in his chest. He never thought being humbled by his female would be a spiritual experience. He’d always believed the act would be the most debasing, soul-destroying event in his life. The moment she had wrapped her maw around his throat – mercilessly holding his life hostage in exchange for his submission – had been the single most profound experience of his existence. He understood the unbreakable bonding theorised to occur during a Phoenix’s defeat by the warrior strong enough to be his mate, but to actually experience the overwhelming power of Marina’s might had been all-consuming.

  He could not be without her now.

  There would be hours, years, and forever of slow, gentle exploration.

  This could come later.

  After he took what he needed.

  Scooping her off her feet, he spun. He lifted her legs over his hips and tore away the flimsy fabric hugging her body.

  She did not fight.

  Someone had prepared her, told her how it would be.

  There was no fear in her eyes, only incandescent love shielded by a hurt diamond-hard.

  He was stiff, ready for her, and his erection lined unerringly with her core. The thatch of curls brushing his cock-head was raw dampened silk.

  Panting, her breasts jerked against his chest. Her hands flitted upward to grip his shoulders. She hitched her legs higher, fluted opening blush-pink, welcoming, knees a steady pressure on his obliques.

  A long fingered hand parted her sex, and glided, seeking through her juices for the stiffened, hooded pearl.

  Koen’s lungs t
oiled like bellows.

  She was ready.


  Pinning her immobile to the tapestry blanketing the cold wall, he spread her thighs wider.

  He rammed himself inside her.

  Marina made a breathy noise of relief. Her forehead dropped to his shoulder and braced there.

  Koen pulled back to slam into her again, and again.

  All her strength was used in holding on as he pummelled deeper, yet as he thrust her need grew stronger, and she cried out, the sound muffled by the flesh she sank her teeth into. Inner muscles remembered the invasion. They screamed joy as they were ploughed by the deepest of strokes.

  Her breathing was a desperate, dry sucking for air.

  Her shoulder blades rubbed raw against the fabric rumpling and ripping beneath her straining back.

  The loud slap, slap, slap of their bodies colliding drove her quietly insane.

  Crossed ankles slipped in sweat, and her heels landed on flexing muscle. Marina moaned at the rhythmic clench-unclench of his buttocks. The violent movement amplified the steel hammering inside, the blunted nails pressing reddened crescents into her flesh, the clawed fingers digging into her thighs and spreading her wide. The solid chest pressed to her breasts created a possessive pressure unlike another, and the beautiful, growling mouth vibrating against her throat was a sensation so feral and decadent her sex spasmed and sucked him deeper.

  This wasn’t like before. Marina knew if she moved to break free, one of them would die. Demonized by lust, he’d fight to take her, and she would fight him off to the bitter end. He could never force her. Her Dragon would never allow it, not when he’d submitted and acknowledged she was equal or lead in their alpha pair.

  The passion began to hurt. It was too deep, too visceral.

  Marina’s body transformed into a lightning rod, and the storm heart swirled around her. She absorbed hit after scorching hit only for the ground to reject the discharge. Fire boiled her blood. The inferno grew hotter, wilder. So strong, she wept and quivered, begged it to explode, to end her agony.

  Koen panted her name as he drove his flesh through hers. It was a chant, and a prayer. His dark head snapped back. Their eyes locked. His were green fire alight with hope, death, and life.

  A ribbon of darkness, the beast, writhed in rapture beneath the surface of those emerald pools.

  Koen’s thrusts slowed, gained body-shaking force.

  He stared into his Treasure’s dark orbs and whispered that he loved her.

  Pleasure was transcendent, crushing them within its fist. The inferno spread in claws of sensation. It ripped into their guts, breathed fire into their hearts, and erupted through their souls to obliterate their most primal selves.

  Gripped with a fever, a kind of madness, Koen Raad kept his prey locked within his arms. He strode to the bed. He laid her down. Crawling over the female he trapped her exquisite body beneath his. He claimed her lips and slid back inside. He feasted. He took her body fiercely, violently, until she clung to him and gasped his name as they shattered.

  In the blue dark of the morning, their stares once again locked. Both looked slightly startled, shocked at the battle fought within the bounds of their flesh.

  Covers bunched to the waist, their bodies were separated by distance Marina put between them.

  “I’m worried if you stay I’ll look at you one day and hate you.” Her hands tucked under her head. Tears pooled above her lashes. “I don’t want that.”

  “Your hatred will not make me leave you.”

  “I feel guilty.”

  Irresolute, his head tilted. He did not speak and neither did she. Until she clasped his hand and pulled it to her stomach.

  “This should be a moment of happiness. I should want you to hold me.” Her lips twisted in a horrible grimace. “He should be here for me to tell him he’s going to be a big brother. I’m afraid, Koen. This last month I’ve been scared to even move. I couldn’t protect one child so how will I manage this? These helpless babies.” She paused. Whispered, “I can feel them through the otherness. She lets me feel them, lets me know they’re safe.”

  Koen’s heart stopped. Its next thud resounded. His fingers dug into her middle, and he inhaled harshly as pure joy exploded through him. Words flew from his mouth without thinking. “I would never let anything happen to our offspring.”

  Truth stabbed his heart. Wincing, he flinched. He had already broken the promise.

  She suffered because of it.

  “Oh?” Her eyes were brittle gemstones. It was a cold, desolate look he knew only existed because of what he’d done to her. “And that is a promise I can depend on?” She shifted uneasily then sighed, regretful. “I’m frustrated and angry, Koen. Rationally, Daniil only did what he felt was best, and you made a decision under unimaginable stress.” Her breathing hitched. “But I can’t just forgive, because rationality doesn’t protect him. He’s suffering. You did that. My Dragon wants your bleeding heart in my fist. I refuse to rampage, but I need some solace. I’m sorry.”

  “No apologies. I know what the beast craves. I do not condemn you for following your heart.” Tired of being held at arm’s length he closed the space between them. He ignored her feeble protest and the hard shove at his chest. “Yes, you are strong. You are a warrior and deserve nothing but respect.” They locked gazes. “You have it. Your beauty entrances me, but it is the valour of your heart that binds me to you.” His hand stroked between her breasts. “It links us soul to soul.”

  Her lashes lowered. Her icy heart warmed.

  There was no higher compliment from so mighty a male. The first blush of youth dimmed with age, and every woman possessed a measure of beauty to entice her mate. To earn a male’s respect and know he revered you for the strength of your courage while worshiping your body with desire was rare.

  “Hm.” A long finger tipped her chin. Her eyes met glittering emeralds. “Do you understand you are mine and I cannot let you go? No law will keep me from you. Send me from your side. I shall return. Send an army to keep me away. I shall crush it.” He caressed her face then cupped her throat. He brought her face closer to his. She would not mistake the depth of his severity. He loved her, accepted her strength matched his own, but she could be stubborn to the point of menace. “Never hide from me, Treasure. Once is all you get.”

  “You’d take away my choice?”

  He regarded her. Snorted. “I am not asking you to forgive me. No more than I could forgive the Houses I destroyed when I believed you dead. You truly wish me gone? Say it.” He paused, decisive. “I will not live without you. Be certain in your choosing.”

  Dragons chose when they died.

  Her fingers dug into the flesh of his biceps at the thought of him leaving. She would never be whole without him.

  Marina clung tighter and burrowed against his chest. Was it braver to accept when a male brought you to your knees, or to fight to the bitterest end?

  We can accept this. The thought was born from the complete unity of woman and Dragon. Embrace our male. He hurts too.

  “Stay. I fucking adore you. But a part of me is dying. The pain is unbearable. So stay.” She sobbed brokenly, so tired of feeling as if she shattered in slow motion. “I hurt. I can’t stop hurting for him, Koen.”

  He cradled her within his embrace and held her through the night as she wept.


  Heat radiated from the baked ground. The sun set long ago but the sands sucked its heat deep, and would radiate it into the cooler night for hours to come.

  Skidding to a stop, Ryuk crouched behind a low cluster of boulders and panted for breath.

  “Hells.” Viktor dropped onto his knees beside him, shoulders hunched as he gasped for air. Pale, almost colourless hair swept over his dark blue eyes. “We cannot carry on like this. It will be quicker if we fly.”

  Ryuk shook his head. “They know about you now. Scouts will be scouring the skies. I will not risk you.”

  Breathing deeply, Vikt
or said what they were both thinking. “It will give Pasha a greater chance. She might survive.”

  Their eyes locked, joint pain echoing between them. The net Zaki cast had been tightening around them for months. Knowing it was the end Ryuk had ordered the woman to leave with an escort and head for the Dragon Lands. It would be a miracle if they made it past the sentries guarding the borders, but it was better than the old woman being tortured to death for the crime of loving him, helping him stay alive.

  Pasha and Viktor had kept Ryuk sane the last seven years. After the horrors he’d seen, Ryuk knew he would’ve gone mad long before had they not remained at his side, unwavering in their support, even in the face of death.

  He had tried to get Viktor to leave, argued with the ice breather most of the day, but he staunchly refused.

  The army the Eldernmoot originally amassed for him was broken and scattered. His most loyal were put to death in sickening ways, discouraging any others who had a thought to join him.

  It was over – if it ever really begun.

  “I failed you,” Viktor said quietly. His stammer had all but disappeared during the years of his maturity. At times of stress and great emotion, it confounded him again. “I am s-sorry, my friend.”

  “No.” Vehement, Ryuk grabbed the male by the scruff of his neck, dragged him closer. They butted heads. “You saved me. Never doubt it.”

  Viktor slapped his cheek and shoved him away. “She loves you, you know.”

  “I do not need a pretty lie to make death more palatable.”


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