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Unchartered Territory

Page 5

by Ann Cory

  Her lips formed a knowing smile before she turned back to the map.

  "These here, they're boulders, yes?"

  "Aye. I figured this small mound here to be a cluster of trees,” he added and pointed to the upside down “v” shapes grouped together, “and then counted out the paces in each direction. The treasure's not there."

  She put a finger to her lip. “Maybe someone else has already claimed it."

  The thought alone made his blood run cold. “Impossible,” he growled. “I feel it in me bones that it's here."

  Charlotte faced him, a grim look about her delicate features. “What happens if you're wrong?"

  Beautiful as she may be, Phineas didn't care for her implication. He'd never been wrong. “I'm not,” he snapped and snatched the map back out of her hands.

  She reached out and rested her hand on his forearm. “Okay, sorry. I believe you."

  Adrenaline surged through his veins. He couldn't be wrong. He just couldn't. Phineas regained his composure and wiped at the sweat above his brow. “Only Fowler has seen this treasure map, and I won't let him have it."

  The corner of her lip twitched. “Who is Fowler?"

  Phineas studied her expression and concluded she was not a spy. Deep down he'd known it all along, but the sincerity in her question set it in stone. “Shadrach Fowler. The monster who murdered my mother and father."

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  Chapter 6

  Charlotte shivered at his words. What a terrible ordeal to go through as a child. Without anything else needing to be said, she immediately forgave him for any moments of unkindness he'd shown her. “I'm sorry, Phineas. You were so young. What happened?"

  "Fowler went to see her after he killed my father, expecting to find the map with her,” he began, his face visibly pale. “When she didn't hand it over, he took her life with his blade. She didn't have it, but the scum doesn't have a conscience. It's my fault she died."

  She wanted to reach out and hold him tight. “Don't say that."

  His eyes bore into hers. “Aye, it's true, lass. After I watched Fowler kill my father, I took the map from his quarters. He wouldn't have wanted Fowler to have it. Here I figured it was safe with me, but then Fowler went to see my mother."

  A tear rested in the corner of her eye. “You couldn't have known."

  He turned his gaze downward. “There is much I would change about that day."

  "Would you have given up the map?"

  "If it meant me mother still being alive, aye. I need to find the treasure, lass. For her."

  Charlotte couldn't imagine the guilt that consumed him. Her own parents perished in a car accident, but she'd been too young to remember the impact it had on her. Afterwards her grandparents raised her until they too passed away. She noted the anguish on the pirate's rugged face and wanted to help if she could. A sudden surge of strength ran through her body. “Let's see if we can't find the treasure, together. May I see the map again?"

  With obvious reluctance in his tone, he handed it to her. “Aye."

  She moved her finger along the slash marks and studied all the symbols and objects. Even the smallest detail meant something. Several years ago, she'd helped the government locate a safe of gold from an old shipwreck. Charlotte decided against telling him, knowing full well he wouldn't understand why she didn't keep it.

  She continued to study the map. “What's this line here?"

  He shrugged. “It's just a crease, the map is very old."

  Charlotte frowned. His explanation didn't seem right. The map was far more intricate than she'd expected. “No, I don't think so. It's prominent, like it's meant to be there. I'd almost call it a river, but that doesn't make sense.” She glanced closer, “No, wait, I think it's showing an indent, maybe a layer, or hold on, I think it's supposed to represent a change in elevation. I'll bet that's it. The treasure is located at a lower level somewhere."

  Phineas shook his head. “Impossible. It's a land map. It's all one level."

  She had a gut feeling about it and wasn't about to be swayed. “Maybe not. You have to remember, the ocean has changed the layout of the island many times over. I think I know where to look. Follow me."

  They backtracked to a small scattering of stones and explored the island. As they walked by a group of piled logs, Phineas’ boot sank and he started to fall over. Charlotte gripped his arm to help keep his balance.

  "Easy there,” she joked.

  He winked. “Thank you, lass."

  "No worries. You saved me once, remember?"

  "Aye, that I did, lass. And it's a good thing too.” He paused and turned his attention to the map. “This here slope is just like you said—another level. The treasure has to be here, I can feel it in me bones."

  Charlotte checked the map as well and nodded her head. “Same here.” She felt like a little kid in a candy store.

  The captain closed his eyes and walked around before falling to his knees. He cupped his hands and used them like a shovel, digging through the sand just below the logs. “If I'm not mistaken, I'd say these logs were put here for a reason."

  She reached forward to take hold of one. “Should I try and move them?"

  Phineas held out a hand and shook his head fiercely. “No, don't touch them, lass. You never know, it could be a trap.” He removed his sword and laid it on the ground.

  Charlotte frowned. What did he expect her to do, stand around and watch? Without her help, he wouldn't know where to look. She knelt down beside him and thrust her hands into the sand.

  "Yer dressed too pretty to be digging, lass."

  She had enough of his ordering her around. “Oh stop it. I'm too curious and I don't have all day to wait for you. We'll find it faster if we work together."

  "Aye. Then what are you waiting for, lass? Put yer back into it."

  She broke out into laughter and immediately he joined in. They dug side by side, with the heat barreling down on them. Every once in awhile his arm brushed against hers and sent tiny jolts of electricity throughout her body. Warmth spread across her face when he'd sneak a peek at her between handfuls of sand, his eyes bright and youthful. They were working together, like a team, and it felt right. Forget the cruise she'd been on, digging for buried treasure was far more of an adventure. She couldn't remember the last time anything meant this much to her. And to know the captain's true reason for wanting to find the treasure. Not out of greed, as she'd originally thought, but for his mother. Though the backs of her arms ached and she'd broken into a sweat, she refused to stop.

  Charlotte stopped to move her hair from her face, and heard a thump as Parr's hands hit something. He turned to look at her and she sucked in her breath.

  "Lassie, I'd say we've found what we're looking for."

  He rapped his knuckles against something solid and then brushed away the sand until the top of a chest was visible. An actual treasure chest like in the movies. Only better because they'd discovered it. She felt bad for giving him grief before. There really was something to this treasure hunting.

  Without thinking, Charlotte threw her arms around him. “We did it, Phin, we really did it,” she squealed.


  Her heart pounded. “Should I go and get the crew to help us pull it out?"

  Phineas shifted and rested his hands on her bare shoulders. “In a moment, lass. First things first."

  He leaned into her, his hand light against her cheek. “I've been wanting to kiss you since I watched you sleep. Would you object to my kissing you now?” The predatory glint in his eye made her lightheaded.

  Charlotte swallowed against her nerves, unable to speak. She shook her head and waited in breathless anticipation.

  When his lips touched hers, an explosion of emotions burst straight through to her core, bringing her to full awareness. She half expected a marching band to start playing and fireworks to go off. It didn't matter to her they'd only known one another a short time. To her it felt like she'd been waiting a
ges for this kiss.

  The kiss deepened, and she could barely contain herself. All the erotic moments from her dreams flooded her mind and swept her up in the moment. He drew her in tight and she let her lips part, swallowing down his searing breath. His tongue gleaned over her teeth and stroked the sides of her mouth. A fire erupted low in her belly and extended both to her head and to her toes. She needed his kiss like she needed air. Her hand moved along his face and then fisted his hair. The heat between them became too much for her to handle. She broke away, torn between lust and insecurity.

  "What's wrong, lass?"

  Charlotte didn't know how to explain, so she blurted it all out. “I can't let you kiss me like this if you're only going to deny me. I don't want to get burned again."

  He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I'm sorry for the way I behaved last night. It wasn't right."

  She bit her lip. “Yeah, it kind of stung. I thought you didn't want me."

  "Oh I wanted you,” he growled. “You bet yer fine, provocative bottom I wanted you."

  "Then why did you walk out?"

  Phineas brushed his knuckles across her cheek and jaw. “It didn't feel like the right time. I had to work things out in me head first, and acknowledge my trust in you. I promise it was all me, and had nothing to do with you. Will you forgive me?"

  She considered making him work for it, but realized she didn't have that much patience. “I can think of a few ways to coax me."

  "I'm game to try, lass."

  He gently lowered her down and slid his hand underneath her dress. Charlotte parted her thighs, needing the stroke of his fingers to temper the flames he'd ignited. His hand blazed a path along her inner thigh and then cupped her silken clad mound. Sly as a fox he pushed the material away and swiped his finger along her clit.

  "How's this for a start?"

  She whimpered and tilted her pelvis in response. He held her gaze and pulsed two fingers deep inside her pussy. She trembled violently. “Yes, Phineas."

  An animalistic roar escaped his lips. “You be as wet as the sea, lass. I want to take it slow, but yer making it difficult."

  Slow? She wanted his cock inside her like yesterday. There was a time and place for slow, but now wasn't it.

  "Don't you dare make me wait,” she insisted with all the authority she could muster.

  "Are you sure, lass?"

  To further prove her impatience, she made quick work of his pants and wrapped her hand around his erection. The size of his cock brought a sob from her lips.

  "Does this answer your question?"

  "Aye. Loud and clear."

  Phineas yanked her panties out of the way and rested his cock at her slick entry. Charlotte tried to watch through her half-lidded gaze, but she was too dizzy with excitement. She longed to feel him spread her wide.

  "Please,” she whispered.

  He taunted her with the tip of his cock. “Please what, my beauty?"

  "Please, take me, hurry. I want to feel your cock inside me."

  "Am I forgiven?” he teased, with mischief in his eyes.

  She raised her hips. “Yes, you're forgiven."


  He hoisted her legs up and draped them over his shoulders. She faintly tasted the salt from the sea, and caught a glimpse of blue sky before he thrust into her. What a rush.

  Charlotte cried out as each inch of his length pushed away all her self-doubt and anxiety. Eyes closed she pictured them back aboard the ship, rocking to and fro, the rhythm he spoke of, the rhythm of the sea.

  At some point, she quit thinking about her movements and just followed his. Like a dance, where he led. The warm sand felt like velvet beneath her, cradling her back while Phineas devoured her body. Her eyelids fluttered and she caught flashes of his hips grinding into her. Flashes of his sinful smile and fixed gaze. Could he read her thoughts? Did he know how happy and content she was in that moment? How close to the edge he'd taken her with steady thrusts that stretched her wide?

  His groans grew louder. His thrusts, faster. If she didn't feel the sand between her fingers, she would have sworn she was floating. So close.

  "I can't be holding back much longer, lass."

  "Nor can I,” she whispered and tilted her head back. He'd found her ultimate pleasure point and freedom was seconds away.

  Phineas circled her clit with his fingers while driving his cock into her.

  "Come on, lass,” he prompted.

  The climax came fast and furious. She dug her nails into the sand and called out like she was Jane of the jungle. Phineas pulsed a couple more times before unleashing his own battle cry. He collapsed beside her and nuzzled his face into her neck. She finally found paradise.

  * * * *

  "How do you feel, lass?"

  Charlotte's body continued to spasm. No man had given her such an intense orgasm. “I can't feel my legs, but I'm not complaining. You were amazing. All is forgiven. How about you?"

  "If there were any clouds in the sky, I'd be on one."

  She rested her head in the crook of his arm and sprawled her trembling legs over his.

  "I'm curious. Why aren't there many women pirates?"

  His lowered voice was soothing. “I wouldn't presume to know. My father believed women couldn't ever love the sea the same as a man. The way it calls to a man, luring, seducing."

  She reveled in the feel of his fingers running up and down her arm. “Do you believe the same?"

  "I don't rightly know. I believe one can find passion in anything. Makes no difference whether as a man or woman. You've opened my eyes, lass. I'm seeing things with a different perspective. Had you asked me the other day what I thought about women onboard a ship, I'd have told you they don't belong."

  "Actually, you did mention that once or twice. How have I opened your eyes?"

  "I be liking your company, is all. It's a lonely life. I can't deny I've wondered what kind of woman could make me sway from the sea. I may have found her."

  His words were music to her ears. “What do you find so fascinating about the sea?"

  "It's freedom, mystery. It's rhythm. The unknown. Not unlike what I feel about you at the moment."

  Charlotte giggled and traced the gold coin that lay on his chest. She remembered how he'd used it as a key. “You were very close to your father, weren't you?"

  "Aye, and my mother. I was torn between choosing whom to spend more time with. They were rarely in the same place for long. With his love of the sea and her need to keep her feet on land, I felt my loyalties were always split."

  "You dealt with a lot when you were young."

  "Aye. I don't remember much of a childhood. One minute I was eating the cookies my mother made, and the next I was sneaking onto my father's ship. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that she loved me, but I thought I had something to prove to my father. So many times, I watched my mother cry. I'd listen to her sob and beg for him to pick her over the sea, but my father left anyway. He was very superstitious, had strange ideals about women. I think their love would've had a chance if he let her go with him."

  "But you got to sail with him."

  "Sometimes, only on the short trips. At the time, I only pretended to enjoy the journeys. I thought he'd love me more if I showed the same love for sailing."

  She turned the coin, watching it reflect against the sun. “Did it work?"

  "I didn't get the chance to find out. He saw me for only a brief moment before he died."

  Charlotte rose up to her elbow and looked into his eyes. “Oh, that's awful, I'm so sorry.” She wanted to cry for him, right then and there, but a collective cry of voices interrupted the moment.

  "Captain! Captain!"

  "Ah, sounds like the crew can't live without me for long. Stay here with the treasure, and I'll return swiftly."

  Phineas planted a kiss on her forehead and thrust his clothes back on. He picked up his sword and placed it in its sheath, adding slyly, “The things you do to me, lass. I should hav
e you walk the plank."

  Charlotte smiled as he left to check on his crew. His manly musk smell lingered on her skin. She breathed him in and sighed deeply. How could she have fallen so hard for a pirate, of all things? The need for him had churned its way around in her body, but she never thought it possible he would give in. Especially not after the way he'd walked away from her last night. She felt alive and renewed. Made whole again by his touch.

  She didn't expect him to declare his love and give up his life on the sea for her. They'd shared an intimate moment as consenting adults. She didn't figure he'd be very happy strapped with some day job in an office. Though her only adventure on the sea—being thrown overboard—hadn't quite made for the best first impression, she wouldn't completely discount the idea of life on a ship. But would he let her?

  Charlotte shook the crazy notion right out of her head and got to her knees. She leaned over the hole they'd dug together and admired the beauty of the treasure chest. Her imagination raced with what could be inside. Antiques? Jewels? Gold? Clues to another treasure? Perhaps piles of beautiful gowns once worn by a famous queen? The wait was killing her. Where was Phineas?

  She stood and brushed off the sand from her dress. Carefully she walked up the slant and stood on her toes. Using her hand as a shield from the sun, she tried to see what all the fuss was about. To her horror, she spied an enormous pirate ship with crimson sails nearing shore at an alarmingly fast rate. Men with daggers between their teeth were swinging off the side ropes and charging through water up to their waists. Charlotte could barely make out what Bart was shouting.

  Then she heard a name that made shivers sprout up along her back. Fowler. She watched as the ship cut through the water like a razorblade. Charlotte panicked. If she stayed and someone saw her, they'd surely find the treasure. She couldn't do that to Phineas. To the best of her ability, she filled in the hole. Not knowing what else to do, she turned and fled.

  Charlotte hadn't gone far when she heard a strange sound. She stopped and held her breath. Several minutes passed without another noise. Her heart raced, but she needed to keep her wits about her. She moved slowly along the sand, readying herself to sprint toward The Fortune, when a big calloused hand wrapped around her mouth. She was thrust into a rock-solid body reeking of sweat and sea. Wild coal-black eyes stared at her from behind a mop of stringy brown hair.


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