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Playboy's Virgin

Page 3

by Tia Wylder

  She hardly thought she could decipher what was going through the man’s head, but she realized a bit belatedly that his words hadn’t been far off the mark. She had been shifting between hot and cold, undecided if she should fully devote herself to this plan. It wasn’t so much that she didn’t want to commit to the plan, she was afraid of getting lost in his charms. She cursed herself for lacking the willpower, feeling very much the average bimbo at that moment. She heaved a sigh, walking towards the exit of the park that he had slipped through mere moments prior. She glanced towards the parking lot, surprised to see his red sports car parked towards the back.

  Swallowing her pride, she walked toward the car, only to see Matthew sunbathing on the hood, his shirt lying at his side. He seemed lost in thought, staring blankly at the bright skies above them. If he sensed her presence, he gave no indication. She inhaled shakily, slipping into his line of sight. He narrowed his eyes at her, sitting up to offer his full attention.

  “I… I’m sorry, Matthew,” she began, wringing her hands together as he simply watched her. She didn’t know how to voice what she was feeling, knew she couldn’t reveal how deeply she had come to care for him. Though it wasn’t a real relationship, she found herself clinging to the warmth he had shown her in the time they’d spent together. The fact that he had even prepared this whole date showed that he was taking her plight seriously. Truly, she realized, he was going further than he ever had before, at least when it came to women. “I just… heh, you’re an amazing kisser. I guess it kinda scrambled my brains,” she tried, attempting to dismiss the situation entirely. He quirked a well-manicured brow, seeming to consider her words.

  “You’re not so bad, yourself,” he allowed, patting the hood beside him. She edged onto the warm metal, and the two lay side by side. They simply basked in the sun, and she wondered if he would have anything else to say in regard to her odd reaction to his kiss. “You’re a rather good kisser, yourself. I guess I let myself get too worked up. Maybe you’re right about taking things back a notch. Maybe we should just see each other when strictly necessary-,” he began, cutting himself off as she squeaked in distress.

  “No, no. I’m enjoying the time we’re spending together… I know it’s all for the show, but it’s nice feeling like I have a friend to spend time with. Someone to confide in, someone I can trust. I’d never really thought you cared much about women… I suppose I thought you were more of a scumbag than you really are. No offense,” she blurted. He quirked his lips in a smile, turning on his side to watch her.

  “Well, you wouldn’t have been wrong. I’ve never been friends with a woman before. You’re the exception to the rule. I just…,” he trailed off, eyes falling upon her lips. The action did not go unnoticed by Claire, but she simply reddened until he met her gaze once more. “I’ve never respected a woman. But you’ve given me reasons to respect you. You’re not just some bimbo thirsty for cash and a big cock, pardon my French. You’re full of personality, full of life. I guess we both have to adjust to being actual friends, between this whole… fake relationship thing,” he chuckled. She smiled to herself, parting her lips to speak but cutting herself short as he abruptly pressed his lips to hers. When he pulled away, she offered him a dazed reaction. He gestured vaguely to the park, where Courtney and a man she recognized as her sister’s fiancé were standing. Taking the cue, she wrapped her arms around Matthew’s neck, drawing him in for another passionate embrace. Though the flick of her tongue wasn’t strictly necessary, Matthew didn’t seem to hold it against her.

  “Hey, Claire! Matthew! What are you two lovebirds doing here?” Courtney announced loudly as she approached the two.

  “Oh, you know… just hanging out,” Claire dismissed, much to the amusement of Courtney’s fiancée.

  “Looks like the hanging out I’d like to get into,” the other man said with a sly quirk of his lips. Matthew met his gaze and held it, wrapping a protective arm around Claire’s shoulder. “Aw, take it easy, buddy. I’m spoken for. I’m not after my fiancée’s kid sister,” the man rumbled. He offered his hand for Matthew to shake, and Matt hesitated for a moment before reaching out to grasp his hand. “I’m Marco. Nice to meet you,” the apparent fiancée smiled.

  “Matthew. Sorry, I just get a little nuts when I see any other guy lookin’ at my best girl,” Matthew grinned, leaning in to kiss Claire on the temple. She pressed happily against him.

  “Best girl? Or only girl? Claire, do you have something to tell us?” Marco teased, and Claire stiffened against Matt’s side. The alpha male narrowed his eyes at the other man once more, not hesitating before belting out a response.

  “Is that even a question? Would you risk your girl for some stupid fling?” Matthew retorted, looking between the other couple.

  “Yeah, Marco. What are you thinking, eh?” Courtney griped, nudging his arm. The older man breathed a sigh, and Matthew quirked his lips victoriously as the other couple retreated to the park. “See you later, Claire. You kids be good,” Courtney called as they retreated.

  “Of course,” Claire called out, remaining at Matt’s side even as the others walked away. She hesitated for a moment, turning to consider his tense expression. “I had something I wanted to discuss with you, in any case. Can we go back to your place?” She inquired softly. He looked vaguely taken aback, but nodded his consent. He shifted off the hood of the car before helping her to her feet as well. She was hesitant, but she knew the issue she had in mind needed to be addressed. She smiled to herself as Matthew opened her car door, pushing it closed once she was safely tucked inside. As he stepped around before getting into the driver’s seat, she mused that perhaps a friends-with-benefits arrangement wouldn’t be so bad. She couldn’t allow herself to entertain that thought, however. They still had a wedding to fake their way through.

  Chapter 5

  Matthew could tell by the widening of Claire’s eyes that his home was much more extravagant than she had even expected. He pulled into his twelve-car garage, parking his red sports car in the sole empty spot before slipping out of the car. He circled around the car, opening the door for Claire as she fumbled with her seatbelt. He smirked in amusement as she struggled, leaning in to unsnap the buckle. He could feel the heat radiating from her pretty red skin at this closeness, and it took all he had to draw away from her. She seemed a bit caught up in the sensations as well, but came to her senses and stepped out of the car. He offered his arm, an unnecessary gesture considering no one would see the two in his garage, or anywhere on his property for that matter. She accepted the gesture, looping her arm with his own and allowing him to lead her into the house. He was somewhat enchanted with just how much she seemed to trust him, though he couldn’t feel that trust was displaced. He hadn’t been lying when he said he respected her more than the other women he dealt with. For that matter, he respected her more than he respected most men, but that thought could continue going unvoiced.

  “This place is huge,” she muttered, glancing at their surroundings. “Your garage alone was bigger than my apartment. Damn, rich kid, this is a bit excessive. Especially for someone living the bachelor life,” she teased, squeezing his arm. He chuckled, guiding her to the living room where he gestured for her to take a seat on the expensive leather couch. She reluctantly released him, taking a seat as he shuffled towards the kitchen area.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  She paused a little. “Just water please.”

  He chuckled to himself, filling a glass with ice water before returning to the living area. He took a seat on the couch beside her, crossing his legs and turning to face her. She sipped the water slowly with a tightened face, and it was obvious that something was heavily burdening her mind.

  “So, you wanted to discuss something? You acted like it was some sort of death sentence, are you fake dumping me?” He teased, heart giving a slightly painful throb as she giggled.

  “Quite the opposite, really,” she muttered, sitting the gl
ass of water on a coaster before turning to face him fully as well. “I was thinking… feel free to say no, I know I’m asking a lot,” she rambled, wringing her hands together anxiously once more. He smiled, reaching out to rest a hand on her shoulder.

  “I can’t say one way or another until you actually ask me,” he urged, and she couldn’t help but redden under his attentive gaze.

  “Well, we’re dating in this scenario, right? Exclusively?” She began, fidgeting uncomfortably. Having a vague idea where she was going with this, Matthew gestured for her to continue. “Well, my sister wouldn’t be particularly pleased that you were… cheating on me, so to say. So… I know this will be difficult, but I was hoping you could be a bit more discreet with any women you see until the wedding is over,” she muttered. He tilted his head curiously, cursing himself for going off so quickly in the park. She seemed somewhat afraid of upsetting him now, and he certainly didn’t want her to fear him. Respect him, yes. Adore him, even? Maybe. Fear, however, was the last thing he wanted. He reached out to gently touch her arm, and she looked at him with some trepidation.

  “I can do you one better,” he began, and she shrank away as if expecting him to break thing off. “I won’t see any other women while we’re… seeing each other. Genuine relationship or otherwise, I don’t have a cheating heart,” he teased. She looked faintly surprised, looking as if she wanted to question his certainty. Before she got the chance, however, he was swift to interrupt. “I’m sure this won’t be an issue, Claire. I’m not just some horny college kid. I’m a grown man, and I can control my libido when the situation calls for it,” he grinned. She returned the smile hesitantly. He wouldn’t voice how much he wished he didn’t have to control himself around her. He wished he could tell her how badly he wanted to carry her to his bedroom. However, she seemed more than vaguely aware of the fact without him saying as much. She hesitated on the opposite side of the couch for a moment before silently edging closer to him. He watched her with a curious expression, smiling as she leaned into his side.

  “Thank you, Matthew. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” she muttered. He could certainly think of several ways, but it was another thought he would keep to himself. He wrapped an arm around her, holding her close to his side. There was something comforting about feeling her in his grasp, something that ignited something almost primal inside him. He wanted nothing more than to tear her clothes off, yet at the same time, he wanted to press their lips together in a tender kiss. As if reading his mind, she leaned in to press her lips against his. He didn’t move at first, uncertain of what she expected from him. Then, their lips slowly began to work together once more. In the privacy of his home, it seemed so much more intimate. It felt as if it could lead to so much more. He gently pressed her back against the couch, pinning her arms over her head as he continued to press sloppy kisses to her lips. She groaned against him, wrapping a leg around his waist and holding him close to her.

  “Is this repayment of some sort?” He muttered, receiving a breathy laugh in response.

  “Oh, nothing like that. For the sake of authenticity, however,” she murmured, pressing her face against the side of his neck. She kissed a trail down the column of his throat, taking his skin between her lips and sucking a tender mark there. He shivered atop her, tilting his head to give her better access. He could feel himself growing stiff, his member sandwiched between the two of them. He sputtered, not used to a woman taking charge. Intent upon taking the lead once more, he tensed a hand in her hair, exposing her throat as well.

  “An eye for an eye, then,” he rumbled, sucking at her pulse point. She mewled softly, squirming beneath him as he tenderly marked her as his own. It set his insides alight, her soft and voluptuous body pressing against him in all the right spaces. She shifted slightly beneath him, seeming to grow aware of the growing bulge in his jeans. She jerked her hips slightly, applying the slightest of pressure to his groin. Matthew moaned gutturally, resisting the desire to rut against her like some sort of wild animal. Her eyes were wide and wild as she looked at him, and it was all he could do to control himself. Their hips met, still clothed but providing the slightest of pleasure. If he were a lesser man, he would probably ruin his underwear at this rate. For her part, Matthew could smell a distinct scent permeating the room as she rolled her hips against his. Realizing it was the scent of her arousal, he moved his hands to cup her breasts through her shirt. She gasped out his name, arching into his touch. Her eyes fluttered closed for the briefest of moments, and Matthew felt almost too close to heaven.

  He came to an abrupt stop when he realized just how close they were to crossing the line. Though he hadn’t been overly friendly with Claire in the past, he knew she wasn’t the sort to just sleep around with anyone. He drew away from her, his manhood straining embarrassingly against the front of his pants. She sat up, reaching towards him.

  “I think we should stop,” he gasped out in a strained voice, and she seemed to realize just what she was doing as her palm cupped him between the thighs. She drew away as if shocked, turning nearly as red as his sports car. She leaped off the couch, taking a step back and awkwardly chuckling. Matthew could only hope he hadn’t offended her, but she seemed relieved to have not crossed that metaphorical line in the sand. She brushed her hair back, unknowingly exposing the love mark on her neck. Matthew felt himself growing flush, and he averted his eyes.

  “Perhaps we were getting a little too authentic,” Claire tittered nervously, brushing the tips of her finger to the mark on her neck. “Though I suppose there will be little doubt about the validity of our relationship if I’m sporting one of these at the wedding,” she giggled. She seemed borderline hysterical, and Matthew himself felt as if he was toeing the line of sanity.

  “I just… you know, I just…,” he sputtered, feeling as if he should offer some explanation for stopping her. If it had been any other woman in the world, he would have taken her to his room, screwed her brains out, then sent her on her way. With the way the scent of her arousal continued to permeate the room, he was beginning to regret asking her to stop.

  “I know. I got a bit carried away. I know… I know this is just an act, but,” she trailed off, wringing her hands nervously.

  “We’re just remarkable actors,” Matthew offered jokingly, and she quirked her lips in an amused smile. “Let me give you a ride home. It’s the least I can do,” he smiled, rising from the couch. His bulge was beginning to slacken slightly, but he could feel Claire’s eyes watching the restrained bobbing of his sizeable member. She seemed to realize she was staring, averting her eyes and nodding her head.

  “A ride home would be nice, but I can call a cab, if you’d rather…,” she trailed off, letting the implication go unsaid.

  “I’ll be fine to drive. Don’t worry,” he smirked. He was tempted to loop their arms once more, but decided to keep a respectful distance as he guided her back to his massive garage. She trailed behind him as he led her to his trusty sports car, unlocking her door and allowing her to slip inside. He eased the door shut, taking a moment to inhale a calming breath. He should have allowed himself to take it as far as she would let him. He had never expected to feel this way about her when he agreed to this whole charade. The utter sense of longing that washed over him every time he lay eyes upon her was altogether unfamiliar. He’d felt lust before, but never on this level. He knew the notion was a fruitless one, however. Claire wasn’t the type, in spite of what had just transpired, and he respected her too much to have her sacrifice her morals.

  Shaking himself from his thoughts, he circled around the car and slipped into the driver’s seat. His erection had finally eased off, and Claire seemed to be fixing her makeup as best as she was able. A surge of warmth rushed through him, and he hesitated before speaking up.

  “You look fine, sweetheart. We’re supposed to be doing this sort of thing, as far as anyone knows,” he muttered, reaching out to squeeze her hand. She looked mildly surprised by the
assurance, but smiled and squeezed his hand in turn before folding her hands in her lap. She fidgeted uncomfortably, and though their more obvious signs of arousal had faded, it was clear that both were still considering what could have been. Matthew exhaled a shuddering breath, starting the car and pulling out of his garage. Realizing he didn’t know the way to Claire’s apartment, he glanced at her awkwardly tensed expression.

  “Can you direct me to your place? I promise not to come ravish you unexpectedly, but I think your boyfriend should know where you live,” he teased. Her tension seemed to ease off a bit, and she rumbled a laugh before offering him the directions to her apartment. Once he was satisfied with the answer, the two fell into a rather awkward silence as they drove down the busy streets of the city. Matthew could only wonder what the woman at his side was thinking, could only hope she still respected him after he had nearly gotten carried away. Truth be told, he just wanted to be sure she knew how much he respected her.


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