Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 17

by S. W. Gunn

  “Heima sees you for what you really are. She knows that you are of the gods. Have you not wondered why we can only use one element and you can wield all?”

  Astir shook her head. She had not thought about it much, it just was the way it was.

  “You are a god incarnate on Heima, not literally the god herself, but a piece.”

  “How do you know this Daell?”

  “Heima told me. Did you hear the rest of what she said?”

  “I have gifted you this man.”

  “She speaks of me Astir. Remember when our first night together?” He said.

  Astir grinned widely. How could she ever forget the first night with her husband?

  “Oh yes I do my love.” She said saucily.

  Daell flushed as he stated, “Well I remember that part fondly, but I refer to our time in the bathing tub, before you began your ministrations. You said that it was funny how we ended up together and then told me how your line was weakening.”

  She remembered clearly, she continued the words of what she had said that night, “And I said how you must have been sent by the gods to help fix it.”

  “You were close my love, Heima sent me.”

  It seemed weird to believe that the earth itself would send him to her. She had to admit that it seemed to make sense.

  He continued, “But not just for that reason.”

  She was curious again. He was full of surprises from the moment she had met him.

  She asked, “What reason?”

  Daell answered, “Heima herself cannot predict the future Astir, but she can sense it like a wave. Growing and shrinking like waves like on the ocean. She knows something is about to happen, something significant. She has sent me to aid her children.”

  “And what of me?”

  Daell reached out and softly touched her chest before saying, “My love you are the only person on her surface that she cannot directly influence.”

  “Until she sent you.”

  “Indeed, I was sent to aid the people of Heima by aiding you, but as I said, she cannot see the future so we must ride the waves of the future together.”

  Astir squeezed his hands and said, “Together.”

  He nodded firmly. Astir was unsure about being an incarnate of any god, she felt no different as a person than anyone else. She was sure of her deep love for Daell. If he believed what he spoke of, she would believe in him.

  He said more, “There is something else my love.”

  She was curious so she asked, “What is that Daell?”

  “She spoke of others, children of hers from a further past. She had lost them. That was all she could say about them.”

  Astir nodded.

  Suddenly a stern voice that sounded like his father called out from the house, “My son and daughter, while my wife and other daughter appreciate your romantic interlude within my bathin’ tub, it’s time for the evenin’ meal. So climb out of my bathin’ tub before I come out there and dump the both of you naked on my yard.”

  Astir giggled. Daell got one of his smiles that let her know he was about to say something funny.

  He yelled out, “Father we finished with your bathing tub some time ago, we are about to move right onto the top of your forge.”

  Astir blushed and then gave him a little punch as she said quietly, “Daell! Don’t tell them that!”

  Daell laughed.

  His father called back out from the home, “Boy if I catch you on my forge, I’ll light the fire of it right underneath you.”

  They both laughed at his words.

  Between laughs Daell said, “I suppose we should go eat the evening meal.”

  Astir nodded at him. They rose from their kneeling position and walked back into his home. As they sat down in chairs Astir noticed that both his mother and sister were smiling broadly at them. She flushed a bit knowing where their minds were at. Daell’s father began to eat.

  He turned to Daell and said, “Son I’m quite proud of you.”

  “Thank you father, what brings you pride in me this evening?”

  “You’ve shown yourself to be a true Jordling.”

  Daell smiled broadly at his father’s kind words as he said, “Thank you father.”

  His father got a keen look on his face.

  “Such dedication towards that second task that you mentioned the King is required to complete.”

  His mother and sister both laughed hysterically with his father. It took Astir a bit to realize he was talking about their first night in Anddyri when Daell told him that one of the King’s jobs was to provide an heir to her. She blushed heavily. They were saved as Bjard entered the room with a Jordling woman carrying a small baby and a small Jordling girl behind him

  Bjard said, “Father we’re here.”

  “Aye son, take a seat.”

  Bjard took a seat. His wife and the small girl took seats also.

  As soon as the woman sat down she said, “I couldn’t believe it when my own husband told me, but I as I sit here, I can see it for myself. Daell, how in Heima did you manage to trick this poor girl into marryin’ you?”

  Astir chuckled at before saying, “He did not trick me I came begging to marry him.”

  Daell gave her a big smile. The woman looked like she did not believe Astir’s words.

  “Blinda, this is Astir, she’s my brother’s wife.”

  “Yes, you told me, your brother managed to marry himself to the Queen of Heima.”

  She looked as though she still could not believe what her eyes had told her.

  After a bit of pause while she shook her head she finally said, “Well I suppose I should say welcome to the family Your Majesty.”

  Astir told her, “Blinda I am married to your husband’s brother so there is no need for formality between us.”

  Blinda just nodded at her.

  “Astir, these are my two children.” Bjard said as he pointed towards the young girl, “This is my daughter Faela.”

  He then pointed to the infant and said, “And this is my boy Sja.”

  Astir thought that the infant was absolutely adorable.

  “May I hold him?” She asked.

  Blinda nodded. Astir stood up and walked over to her and Blinda handed her the swaddled bundle holding the baby. He was warm as Astir took him into her arms. It had been a very long time since she had last held a baby. She held him close to herself and then walked back to her seat.

  “Be careful brother, it’s when they start holdin’ babies that they start to want them.” Bjard announced.

  Daell’s father chuckled and told Bjard, “Do not worry. Daell’s been hard at work to provide for the Queen.”

  The table again broke into laughter. Astir again felt the heat rise from her collar. She glanced over at Daell and he was blushing. She looked down at the small baby; he was an adorable Jordling baby in deep sleep. She could feel his slow breathing as she held him. Daell’s brother was right, holding the baby did make her desire her own. Maybe the gods would bless her with child at some point. She continued to stare at the baby as Daell served her the evening meal. Holding the baby close with one arm while she attempted to eat with her other proved to be a challenge and gave her more respect for the many mothers she had seen doing it before.

  Chapter 20

  Daell could tell his wife had been shocked by what he told her; however she took it in much better stride that he had expected. He was glad to finally reveal to her almost all he knew. Heima had told him this several turns ago and it had burned him to not tell her but he just could not figure out a proper time or place to tell her. When he glanced at her while she was holding his brother’s small baby he could read her face immediately, she indeed already desired her own child. It relieved him greatly because he knew the joy she would feel soon enough, when she discovered that she was already with child. Daell sensed it as they knelt in the yard. He had thought initially to tell her, but he felt she would enjoy the experience more by finding out on her own. He had
heard stories that the Queen always had a girl first but he knew it was a boy. He could not wait for the surprise at the birth of their boy. He looked at her again and they caught eyes. She smiled widely at him as she held the baby.

  After the evening meal Bjard and his family left.

  They sat relaxing for some time before his father spoke up, “Son, I was thinkin’ tomorrow we should take a break from work.”

  Daell was stunned by his words. Even on his own harvest celebration, his father would not take a break from work.

  His mother asked with a look of concern, “Are you well husband?”

  He nodded his head before answering, “Yes, I believe that our son and his wife will not be comin’ back any time soon and I don’t believe we should spend that time with them workin’ as normal. Apparently my supplies for the next three cycles have been paid for, so I can afford to take some time to spend with my son and his wife.”

  Astir blushed as she stated , “I hope I did not offend father. I felt as though you have done so much to provide me such a wonderful husband that it was the least I could do for you.”

  He grunted at her and then replied, “Well my son has convinced me to accept the gift. I was thinkin’ that we could just relax and spend time with the both of you since in a few turns you’ll leave us. Daughter, am I correct that you’ll not be returnin’ to us?”

  She nodded solemnly.

  Daell interceded, “Father we are fortunate that she could come at all. Tradition calls for her to remain at Bygod at all times.”

  “What changed that tradition?”

  “I did father, I felt it would have been cruel to not tell you of my fate.”

  His father nodded.

  Daell told him, “Astir rose to my side and broke tradition to come and see you.”

  His mother spoke, “Just another reason to love my newest daughter.”

  Astir smiled.

  “Is there anythin’ particular you’d like to do lass? Unfortunately our village is quite small and there is little in the form of entertainment here, we spend our time toilin’.” His father asked

  Astir answered him, “Actually father I had something in mind.”

  “And what would that be lass?”

  With a very wicked grin she answered, “I wish to see the mines where a certain trouble making future King managed to get lost so many times.”

  Daell could not help but laugh. They spent the remainder of the evening telling stories before it was finally time to rest for the evening. Astir rested against his chest as they were lying on his small bed.

  She asked, “Daell, do you want to have children?”

  “Of course my love.”

  He was tempted to tell her the secret. He decided against it.


  She nestled herself closer to him and quickly drifted off to sleep. Daell soon fell asleep as well.

  * * * * *

  The next morning Daell awoke to the rising sun peeking through his window. As he shifted he saw that Astir was already awake and looking at him.

  “Good morning.” She said to him.

  “Good morning Astir. Did you sleep well?”

  “I have a great big warm pillow to rest my head on.”

  Daell laughed at her. He had never had a pillow until he got to Araedi and even now he still had issue sleeping with them.

  “I suppose we should go eat the morning meal, the mines are a bit of a walk from here.” He told her.

  “Which explains why my explorer husband just had to go and see them?”

  “I have explored much of the mountainside behind the village.”

  She nodded and slowly extracted herself from her position closely next to him. As she stood she stretched slowly. He thought to himself that she was as graceful now as she had ever been and he could not help but admire her form. Daell had heard many times in his past that people claimed women with child tended to almost glow. He now believed that they were right. Although it might have been a combination of his strong earthcrafting abilities and his imagination, but he swore that she did seem to be glowing. He slowly climbed out of his bed and stretched, perhaps it was the lifestyle of the palace, but he had found himself very sore from his old cramped bed.

  The next three turns went quickly as Daell and Astir spent each turn with his family. His mother, sister and Astir continued to prepare each meal and do some basic house chores, with Daell’s help. The remainder of the time was taken just spending it together, either walking through the village, the mountainside nearby or just within the house. Daell enjoyed each turn as he knew he would indeed not be coming back home again, which saddened him greatly. His fate had drawn him away and it would keep him away. Tomorrow morning they would leave his home and head off to Tryggr. They spent the last turn just relaxing and telling stories. It was the last evening meal that his mother finally spoke on the subject of his future.

  “My son will you ever be returnin’ to us again?”

  Daell did not wish to break his mother’s heart.

  Astir spoke up, “Mother I can tell you that I am unsure when, but he will come back. While I am not allowed to leave Bygod again, he has duties as part of his position that will require him to travel to Araedi many times. I am certain he can come back here and visit while on those trips.”

  Daell had forgotten but her words made him feel much better about it all now.

  With a smile he told his mother, “I will definitely return in the future. I cannot come much as I plan to leave my wife as few times and for as short as possible, but I shall return.”

  His father spoke up, “Of course son, you’ve got to ensure that your wife is well cared for.”

  Daell nodded at him. The next morning was even sadder for Daell than that first time that he had left his home. He had grown so much since he left and now he knew he would miss his family dearly. He hugged his father and sister first. His mother began crying as he hugged her.

  Between tears she said to him, “Be careful son, I’ll miss you dearly.”

  Daell told her, “I know mother, I will miss all of you.”

  She released her hug on him and then hugged Astir.

  “Astir my newest daughter I wish I could see you again. I just want you to know that you’ll be in my heart as much as my own son.”

  Astir hugged her tightly. Daell could see the tears forming in her eyes.

  “I will miss you all dearly as I would my own parents” She told them.

  They said their good-byes again and slowly began to walk down the pathway to the inn.

  His father called out, “One more thing son.”

  Daell turned back. “Yes father.”

  “The next time you return, I best hear success on your second task. If not I’ll personally come to Bygod and put my foot on your rear.”

  He grinned at his father and called back, “Yes father.”

  Daell waved again, which they responded to in kind. He and Astir turned and then began walking again. They approached the inn and saw that the caravan was ready for their arrival. The lighter load he had to carry back was a relief, she had given his mother and sister almost every piece of clothing, jewelry and application that she had brought. In fact the only thing she brought back was the clothing she currently wore and that forsaken silfur goblet, he chuckled just thinking about it. The captain of the guard bowed deeply as they approached.

  He said to them, “Good Morning Your Majesty and Your Highness. Master Hollurn and Lady Skemmra will be staying back with one carriage; he stated that they were not done here. He said that he would meet you both back in Bygod. Since we will be stopping in Tyggr, I suspect that he will beat us there. All other members of our party have boarded and we are ready to head for Tryggr on your leave.”

  Astir instructed him, “Once we have boarded our carriage you have my leave.”

  The Captain nodded and waited for them to board. Astir entered first and he followed, handing the bags to one of the guard before he entered. As they
sat down Daell could sense that Astir was upset. Once the door closed she started to cry.

  “Are you well?” He asked her.

  “I am going to miss them. Your family is so sweet and caring. They immediately accepted me as one of their own without question.”

  Daell nodded and then told her, “It was not just because I am your husband either, you are a good person and they knew it immediately.”

  She smiled at him. Her emotion had touched him because she was so caring and sweet. He reached to her and gave her a firm hug.

  She squeezed him tightly as she said, “I love you Daell.”

  “And I love you.”

  As he released her he gave her a gentle kiss. The carriage they began to rock as it started to move. Daell was actually surprised when Astir ordered the caravan to skip past Araedi and head directly to Tryggr. It would make for a long turn of riding, but Daell never minded spending more time alone with her. He laughed as he thought about the handmaiden’s reaction that would be forthcoming. They worked so hard to keep her pristine and here she was, very rough around the edges from limited bathing, and none of her usual application. Back in Bygod they would constantly apply lotions and such to keep her skin soft and clear. Daell glanced over at her. She noticed his gaze on her and she smiled.

  “What is on your mind?” She asked.

  “You know that over the last few turns you have gone without your many applications and lotions?”

  She nodded and said with a giggle, “I suspect I look quite horrible.”

  Daell disagreed, she looked absolutely beautiful so he told her sincerely, “No Astir, you look as beautiful as you ever have.”

  She flushed at his words.

  “Your words are quite beguiling,” She said as she reached out to him and poked his chest, “But I appreciate your kind words.”

  Daell pulled her closer and kissed her deeply. It turned out that he was correct about the trip to Tryggr; they arrived well into the rising of the moons. He felt horrible for the Aldarnari who rode hestir the whole trip. Hopefully they enjoyed the rest in Anddyri and would enjoy the free time in Tryggr. Tomorrow Daell would take only a small group with him from the Aldarnari already posted in Tryggr. He would head out to the Hyggja’s Kyla and fulfill his promise. While he was unsure what he would do once he got there, he told Astir that he would spend one turn with them and then return back. Once he was back in Tryggr they would then head to Heimili and tour that city before finally going home to Bygod. Daell and Astir entered the inn and were quickly escorted to the largest room. They both fell asleep quite quickly.


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