Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 18

by S. W. Gunn

  Chapter 21

  Astir was extremely disappointed that Daell would be leaving for a turn to visit the Hyggja. In the back of her mind she felt fear at him going, she did not know what she would do if something ever happened to him After the long ride to Tryggr and the night of sleep she awoke to her husband again admiring her. She still was without her normal lotions and application and yet he admired her as much as he did on their first morning together.

  “Good morning Astir.” He said.

  “Good morning, Daell are you sure it is safe for you to go with only one small squad?”

  She was very concerned for him but he just nodded confidently and said, “Yes my love, I will be perfectly fine. The Hyggja are our friends now.”

  While she was not fully convinced she nodded nervously. He pulled her atop of him so their eyes met closely.

  “Do not worry my love, I promise I shall return to you in a turn.”

  He smiled broadly before he kissed her passionately. She returned his kiss hungrily. Once they rose from their bed Astir rang her bell. She could see the looks of shock on her handmaidens when they entered for they had never seen her in such a condition. Apparently it was so bad that they had to force her into a bathing tub.

  Daell laughed loudly before he told her, “I shall await you in the dining hall. It will be some time before the handmaidens are done with you, also I do not wish to be here after you leave. I might not survive long enough for the morning meal.”

  He quickly left the room. Her handmaidens fussed and mumbled under their breath. After completing her bath, Astir was guided to a seat, where they struggled mightily with her hair. She almost yelped in pain several times as they found and removed various tangles within her hair. Finally they finished her hair, found an outfit of their choosing and then finished with her application.

  “Thank you, I hope you all will forgive me for the work you had to perform this morning. Please remember that it is all Daell’s fault.” Astir giggled as she said the last part.

  Her words worked as she hoped they would, since they caused her handmaidens to laugh in response. Astir turned and left the room. Daell was waiting for her in the dining hall, talking to an older Aldarnari man, which did not surprise her that that he used the time to converse with others. She recognized him from her last visit to Tryggr but she had to admit that she forgot his name.

  As soon as Daell saw her, he bowed deeply and then called out, “Your Majesty, may I introduce you to Marshal Gridungur Skatisson, the commander of Tryggr.”

  The man bowed deeply before saying, “It is a pleasure to see you again Your Majesty.”

  “Thank you Marshal. I hope all is well.”

  “Yes Your Majesty it is. I wish to inform you that the men that will be escorting His Highness to our allies’ Kyla are the finest men throughout the Parrmarch.”

  His words did not assuage her fears but she knew that her husband had to perform his duties as much as she did.

  “I have no doubt they are excellent Marshal.”

  “If you both will excuse me.” He told them before bowing once again and taking his leave.

  Astir took a seat at the table next to where Daell was standing. He set his hands on her shoulders and gently rubbed her shoulders softly, it felt wonderful. Glancing up at him she gave him a soft smile. One of the servants placed food on the table for her.

  He kindly told her, “Worry not Your Majesty, I shall return soon.”

  She nodded at him. He moved around and sat at the table in the chair beside her. They ate their meal in silence. Once they finished Daell stood and circled about until he was behind her again.

  He inquired, “Your Majesty would you care to escort me to my hestir?”

  She rose from her chair and took his hand before stating, “Yes I would Your Highness.”

  They took about three steps when an Aldarnari warrior came running into the hall. He was very much out of breath.

  After a deep bow he announced, “Your Majesty the Hyggja have arrived here at Tryggr, they know that the King is here and they wish to see him.”

  She was stunned at their aggressiveness towards Daell.

  “It appears that I will have an escort Your Majesty.”

  Astir could not sense either tension or concern from her husband. He was sincere in his belief that he would be safe with them. It was reassuring to her, but only a little.

  “Your Majesty would you like to meet them?” Daell asked her.

  She was very curious still so she answered, “Yes Your Highness, I would.”

  He escorted her from the dining room and out the door of the inn. The sun above slightly blinded her when she first stepped out of the inn. Once her eyes had settled she could see them. It was a group of about twenty large lizard creatures. They were exactly as she remembered them from the incident in the Parrmarch before the Kostir. They noticed Daell as he walked with her out of the door. One of them hobbled as it slowly made its way to them. It had a stick that it used to prop itself up. Astir could tell that it was much older than the others.

  “Hyvantekija, it is an honor to place my eyes on you.” It said.

  Daell responded, “Viisaus I am happy to see you also friend, I apologize for my delay. I had some personal business to attend to since I last saw you.”

  “I have heard, I was told that you have taken a mate.”


  He turned to Astir as if he was about to introduce her. It was then that the Hyggja saw her. It dropped to one of its knees and began to make some sort of howling noise. The others with it all dropped to a knee and began making that same noise. She was very confused by their actions. She looked to her husband and he appeared just as confused as she was.

  “Daell?” She asked him.

  “Viisaus is something wrong?”

  The Hyggja Daell referred to Viisaus stopped his noise and rose.

  It pointed to her and said, “She is the Ashteer.”

  Daell seemed even more confused by his response.

  “Viisaus that is her name.”

  It nodded and said, “Yes, she is of my oldest visions. Jumala be blessed!”

  It raised its arms skyward and again made the strange noise. The others repeated him. After some time, the Hyggja stopped and the older Hyggja Daell called Viisaus stood.

  Daell immediately asked, “Tell me of this vision Viisaus.”

  It nodded and said, “It was before the birth of Johtaja. I had a vision that foretold the arrival of the Ashteer, a being with a brown mane. It showed her as a gift from Jumala himself. It foretold that she would arrive to our people and unite all Kyla under one banner, hers. And now here she is before us, along with the Hyvantekija, as his mate no less!”

  It was a lot for Astir to take in. It seemed to feel that she was here to unite its people and then rule them. She was already the ruler of so many others.

  Excitedly it said, “I must go and tell Johtaja, he must know of this. Hyventekija you must bring your mate to our Kyla. Johtaja and the others must see her in person. They have only seen her through my visions.”

  Astir was very wary. It was one thing for her husband to go to their Kyla. She shifted uncomfortably.

  “Viisaus I am not sure it is wise to have Astir go to the Kyla. It was hard enough to get our people to let her come with me to visit my family.”

  Viisaus shook his head and said, “I must insist Hyvantekija; my fellow Lisko must meet her.”

  Astir doubted her husband would budge.

  Daell then told it, “Viisaus could you give us a moment to converse?”

  It nodded.

  Daell escorted her into the entryway of the inn and once they were inside Daell asked, “Astir what do you think?”

  She was very wary and she told him as much.

  “Astir I believe you will be perfectly safe.”

  “I am very unsure it is wise.”

  She could sense that Daell disagreed with her.

  “I cannot make you d
o anything, but I really think we should both go. I am as convinced that you will be safe as I was that I would be safe before we came here.”

  His words were quite convincing. She sighed; she knew that of all people in Heima, she could trust her husband before any. Also she had to admit she was very curious about the Kyla from her husband’s many descriptions. After a few moments to think, she decided she would go.

  “Very well I shall go with you, but we must bring the whole Hamarr with us.”

  “As you wish Your Majesty.”

  They stepped back out.

  Daell announced, “Viisaus we shall come, however I must insist that we bring our escort. We can meet you outside the Kyla soon.”

  “I shall see you both there.” Viisaus told him with a nod.

  He turned and began to walk away. As soon as they exited the oasis the sands of the desert began to swirl about them and soon they were out of sight.

  Turning to the Captain of the Hamarr Daell commanded, “Captain prepare the Hamarr, we shall head to their Kyla. Leave the extra passengers here, the Queen shall return later in the turn.”

  The captain nodded and left to prepare.

  Astir leaned closer to him and whispered, “I hope you are right about this.”

  Turning back to her he said confidently, “Everything will be fine Astir.”

  He looked back to the sands and then turned to her and said, “I shall meet you there, I wish to try something new.”

  Nervously she asked, “Are you leaving me?”

  “I wish to try and ride the sand as the Hyggja do. I am afraid that your handmaidens probably already want my head, so I cannot take you with me. May I try? I will stay with you if you desire Your Majesty.”

  She felt some relief at his words. Any time he could use his abilities as a method to impress others could only help their safety. She nodded at him.

  “I shall meet you at the Kyla, Your Highness.”

  Daell turned and began running towards the sands of the Parrmarch. Once he hit the border of the oasis the sands began to swirl wildly around him. The sands raised him from the ground and began to carry him away. Astir was shocked. He was not running on the sand as the Hyggja were doing, he was riding on it. The sands themselves picked him from underneath his arms, raised him into the air and simply carried him out into the desert! His powers continued to impress her. She sighed as the cloud of sand carrying him grew out of sight. As she stood there watching him, her carriage approached. The Captain of the Hamarr stepped down from the top seat.

  He said as he bowed, “Your Majesty we are ready. May I ask where His Highness is so I may inform him?”

  Pointing out into the sands she answered, “He has already left Captain.”

  The man had a look of confusion as she climbed aboard the carriage. She had deeply wished that she too could have ridden out into the sands on a cloud.

  Chapter 22

  As he rode on the cloud of sand, Daell was slightly thoughtful about the recent turn of events. It was as if everywhere he went there was something new happening. Astir was someone of importance to more than his own people. Daell was reminded of what Heima had told him, they were all her children and she did not exclude the Hyggja. If they could turn the Hyggja from allies to members of Heima itself, it would be a major step. He felt concern not from the Hyggja wanting to see his wife, but from the words of Heima. The future was indeed unknown and he very much worried about what was to come. If Heima herself could not predict the future, what chase did he have? Once they left Tryggr and made it home to Bygod, Daell would do his best to ensure his wife and child would not leave Bygod. Thoughts of the surprise his wife would feel soon from finding out she was with child delighted him. The look on her face when she held Bjard’s child was only a touch of what he was certain she would feel.

  Daell spotted the oasis of the Hyggja closing in quickly, from his vantage point above the ground he could also see the dust clouds of the Hyggja who had left in before him. They had just arrived at the oasis and he could see them now watching him as he approached. He was certain they were concerned about who it was following them. As he arrived at the edge of the oasis, he had the sand around him slowly lower him down. Once his feet gently touched the ground he immediately walked up to Viisaus.

  “Hyvantekija it would seem that you have grown much in power since we last saw you.”

  Daell could never read his expression, but he was sure that Viisaus was shocked by the show of raw earthcrafting power.

  “Yes I have Viisaus.”

  “And is the Ashteer is coming?”

  “Yes, I could not carry her in the same manner as I came.”

  Viisaus nodded and replied, “I saw why.”

  Daell was curious by what he meant so he asked, “What do you mean Viisaus?”

  “She is with child.” Viisaus replied as a matter of fact.

  Daell was shocked by his reply.

  He asked, “How do you know this Viisaus?”

  Viisaus chortled and stated, “I could smell it Hyvantekija, our ability to smell is much stronger than your own.”

  Daell was impressed. He reflected back to Viga stated they would make excellent scouts.

  “Hyvan.” Daell interrupted him. “Viisaus please just call me Daell, you all are my friends and such titles are unnecessary. If you could also let the others know. Just call me Daell and call my wife Astir.”

  “As you wish, shall we go find Johtaja?”

  Taking a half moment he decided that he would stay out in the oasis and await Astir so he told him, “If you do not mind, I would like to wait here for Astir.”

  “Very well I shall return with Johtaja.

  It was closing in on the mid-turn meal when Daell saw the telltale clue in the distance that his wife was approaching. They were moving briskly, which he was certain was his wife’s doing. The wait was pretty short before the carriage stopped on the edge of the oasis. He did see the new leid, which was named the Leid of Kyla. It had been built pretty quickly, his people were always excellent at building things and the leid here was no exception. Daell stepped up to the carriage and extended his hand for his wife.

  “Welcome to the Hyggja’s Kyla Your Majesty.” He said to her, her eyes lit up when he spoke.

  Her reaction let him know that she was quite happy to see him again.

  “Thank you Your Highness.” She said and as she exited continued, “Your display was quite impressive.”

  “Thank you, perhaps once we return to Bygod I shall take you with me.”

  She nodded eagerly. He suspected that she had wanted to go with him this time but he knew that he could never take her in her current condition. Daell watched her as she examined the oasis of the Hyggja. She immediately caught sight of the rocky mound that was the Kyla.

  “Is that it?” She asked.

  “It is, but do not be deceived. The exterior beguiles a much more advanced interior.”

  She nodded. Daell took Astir by her arm and began to guide her to the Kyla. It was then that Viisaus returned with Johtaja.

  Viisaus pointed at her and announced, “It is her Johtaja, the Ashteer. We had been searching for her and she has come to us, with the Hyvantekija no less.”

  He still had a hard time reading their expressions but he could tell that Johtaja seemed to be without words. They both slowly walked up to Daell and Astir. A flicker of recognition flashed in Johtaja’s eyes and then he dropped to a knee before howling in the same manner that Viisaus had done before. All of the other Hyggja followed suite. They howled briefly and then he rose.

  Standing up Johtaja announced loudly, “The Ashteer has arrived. We shall find our lost kin and reunite under her banner very soon.”

  Daell rubbed his chin. He had only hoped that they were right because all efforts that he was told about searching for the others of Viisaus’ kin had failed. They had searched every oasis within the Parrmarch with no luck.

  Astir spoke, “Johtaja I am unsure if I am whom you thin
k I am, but I am flattered by your words. I will gladly ask my people to redouble their efforts and search further for your kin, even outside the Parrmarch.”

  Daell realized she must have been right. Perhaps the others had left the Parrmarch?

  Viisaus replied, “The Ashteer is wise for we had not thought to search outside the sands. We too shall extend our search.”

  “Please just call me Astir.”

  After nodding at her comment Johtaja stepped forward and said, “Astir let me congratulate you.”

  Daell was confused. He looked to her and she too looked confused.

  She asked, “Johtaja what for?”

  “For your upcoming child, it is always a matter of great importance when a mate bears a young one.”

  Daell was slightly disappointed for her to find out in this manner.

  “I am with child?” She asked in a clearly stunned voice.

  Daell smiled at her. Her hands moved to her belly and she stared downwards to her belly. He could see her expression move from shock to joy. Viisaus spoke to Johtaja in their language.

  Johtaja spoke, “I apologize if you did not know. Our people’s ability to smell is so strong that we can tell with a mate is with child even before their body speaks of it.”

  Astir was still admiring her new discovery when she looked up at him and with what could only be described as a massive smile she kindly told him, “There is no need to apologize Johtaja.”

  She then turned to Daell and asked, “Husband your face betrays you. When did you know?”

  “My love when we knelt in my father’s yard and spoke with Heima, I sensed it.”

  With a poke on his chest she asked, “Is there anything else you sensed that you may have left out?”


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