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Heima: Challenge to the Crown

Page 23

by S. W. Gunn

  “A wise plan Your Highness.”

  Daell nodded at him.

  Kroptugir bowed and said, “Good luck Your Highness.”

  Daell gave him a quick smile and walked down the gangplank. Viga followed closely behind him. As soon as they stepped on the docks they were greeted by Anderskoti. He had a look of determination on his face. He bowed as soon as Daell stepped his foot on the dock.

  He said in a loud tone, “Greeting Your Highness.”

  Daell was unsure why he was there.

  Viga spoke next, “Lord Anderskoti what brings you to Heimili?”

  Anderskoti nodded firmly at his question. Daell suspected he probably expected concern with his presence.

  Anderskoti answered, “My father had heard about an incident with the Queen and King in the Deila Forest. He assumed that his Highness, the King, would be coming back to Araedi to call for support. My fellow Aldarnari who were stationed in Kunnadi and Hellir had been expelled without reason, which caused my father serious concern. When my father said he planned to send his own personal bodyguards to ensure the King’s safe transit back to Araedi, I demanded to lead that vanguard to protect my King, as I swore I would.”

  Daell was impressed with the man’s honor. Even as his one-time foe, he took his duty and words above all else. Daell reached his hand out and Anderskoti clasped it.

  Daell told him, “I am honored to have you lead my personal vanguard. I would offer you a place by my side as I work to resolve the causes of the issues within Hellir and Kunnadi.”

  Anderskoti appeared flattered by his words before he responded quite happily, “Your Highness it would be my deepest honor to stand by your side. We have brought fifty of our finest to escort you to Araedi. We have hestir for yourself and Prince Vigamadir, please come with me.”

  Daell nodded and they followed Anderskoti as he guided them to a large group of Aldarnari, who were indeed on hestir and ready to leave immediately. Daell and Viga each mounted a hestir and the whole party began to ride. He was unused to riding hestir and he found himself quickly uncomfortable in the sodull. The ease in which they rode let him know that the Aldarnari around him rode hestir every turn. The pace was also much faster than he was used to as they rode fast enough to cover three turns of travel in about two turns. Unlike his normal travels, they would stop for the night off in the distance from the leid and form their own camp out of sight. There was no campfire and they all slept in unusual padded bags. They were surprisingly warm to sleep in, although a little bit awkward.

  They arrived in Araedi slightly after the sun had set on the second turn. This time there was no fanfare, or even notice of them, as they rode quickly through Araedi and directly into the Royal quarter. Once they entered the Royal quarter they immediately headed to the home of Lord Rammliger. He was standing at the door awaiting them. Daell’s legs called out in pain as he dismounted his hestir. That kind of hard riding was not normal for him. As soon as he stepped away from the hestir and towards Lord Rammliger he was greeted.

  Lord Rammliger bowed deeply as he said, “Your Highness I am relieved to see you again. I received word of an incident within the Deila forest and I became deeply concerned for the safety of yourself and the Queen.”

  “I am gladdened to see both yourself and your son. What did you hear Ram?”

  Daell extended his arm to Rammliger, who immediately clasped it before answering, “I heard that there was an attack on the Queen, an act of brutal treason. Unfortunately my sources could not tell me much more. I sent my personal bodyguards as I knew that you would return. My own son would not take no for an answer so I had no choice but to send him as well.”

  “I was happy to see him as we docked within Heimili. He is one of the Queen’s finest and most loyal warriors.”

  “Your Highness, let us enter my home. I think privacy might be in order.”

  Daell nodded and followed him as they entered.

  As soon as they entered the main doorway he turned back to Daell and said, “Please tell us what happened.”

  Daell retold the entire incident from the moment he woke from the call of fire within the inn. Once he finished the entire tale he could see that both Rammliger and Anderskoti were quite upset.

  Rammliger yelled out, “To attempt to murder our own Queen! These traitors should be burned out of their own homes and slain before a crowd to ensure that a lesson is learned.”

  Daell was surprised by his anger. He could now see that Aldarnari took their oaths as serious as Jordlings did. One thing he did wonder, how the Jordlings within the two cities could have gone along with such deceit? He had to assume that they were unaware of it all, after all Jordlings minded their business and went about work as ordered.

  “I am more impressed by our Queen.” Anderskoti said.

  Viga asked, “What do you mean Lord Anderskoti?”

  Anderskoti grinned, which was a first for Daell to see, as he replied, “She is a lot tougher than I imagined her, to be able to apply such violence to a man during interrogation leads me to believe that she is not a woman to trifle with.”

  Daell nodded. He too was shocked by the force that she applied during the interrogation of the man. He was even more shocked by her final order of that interrogation although he did understand her reasoning and supported it as he knew she was right.

  Rammliger spoke next, “Indeed, let us take the evening meal. We must plan our next course of action.”

  Daell followed Rammliger and Anderskoti as they walked through the building and to the dining hall. As they sat food was immediately brought in. Daell was famished from the meager food that he had eaten over the last two turns.

  Once they started eating Rammliger spoke, “Daell what is the Queen’s plan?”

  Daell knew that Araedi was firmly entrenched on the side of Heima. He knew that could trust Rammliger and Anderskoti.

  “She has sent me to you in order to acquire your loyalty. Then I am to go to Heimili and ensure they too are loyal. Once we have finished there, I am to marshal forces to march on Hellir. We are to capture Hellir and force loyalty from them. Finally we shall go to Kunnadi and do the same. Once both cities are brought back to Heima we shall perform an investigation of the causes and then mete out the Queen’s justice to those have caused this betrayal.”

  Rammliger nodded. He stood from his chair and in a rapid motion pushed his chair so violently away from himself that the chair was flung against a nearby wall. Daell was startled by his action.

  He knelt down on one knee and stated firmly, “Your Highness, Araedi swears fealty to the Queen first. Her flame wielding warriors shall march forth as the vanguard in her forces against those who would challenge her God-given right rule to over Heima. Every one of her warriors will lay down their lives in that same tasking. I shall personally lead that vanguard at your side.”

  Daell felt deeply honored by his words. He had not known just how deeply honor was part of their being. Daell stood from his chair and stepped to Rammliger’s side.

  “Rise Lord Rammliger.”

  Rammliger stood from his kneeling position. Daell extended his arm, which Rammliger clasped immediately.

  Daell said, “Lord Rammliger, as a representative of Her Royal Majesty, I accept your fealty. I however have one request.”

  “Which is Your Highness?”

  “I have promised your son the spot at the head of my vanguard. I wish that you remain here to ensure that Araedi runs smoothly.”

  “My son will make an excellent general of your forces. I will pray to both Modira and Villieldar for success.”

  Daell smiled.

  “Your Highness when shall you be leaving?”

  “How many men can we muster by tomorrow?”

  Rammliger answered, “Your Highness I can have one thousand Aldarnari warriors ready to muster at first light, if you command.”

  Daell was impressed. That would be a lot of men. Certainly such a large force of men would be enough convince the wayward cities
of Hellir and Kunnadi the errors of their ways.

  “Very well Ram, I ask for you to muster as many as you can without weakening your abilities to protect Araedi. Perhaps three-fourths or so of the number you have stated would be enough to get our point across to these cities without violence.”

  Rammliger replied grimly, “As you wish Your Highness, son, go call forth the command. Have seven hundred men notified and ready to move out on first light tomorrow.”

  Anderskoti nodded and immediately left.

  Rammliger turned again to Daell and asked, “Your Highness would you like to be escorted to your quarters for the evening. You have a long ride ahead of you and it would be wise to get rest beforehand.”

  Daell thought that was an excellent idea.

  “Yes thank you Ram.”

  Rammliger motioned for his majordomo, who escorted both Daell and Viga to a room. Daell found himself quickly falling asleep.

  * * * * *

  The evening of rest did Daell’s poor body wonders, riding on the sodull was quite painful if one was not used to it. He was wakened by a knock on his door so he dressed quickly and made his way down to the dining hall. Once he entered he was greeted by Viga, Anderskoti and Rammliger. Daell sat at the table and they all ate their meal quietly. The idea of marching off to war was very daunting to him. There had not been war within Heima’s borders in over three hundred harvests. After eating they exited the building and all but Rammliger mounted a hestir.

  Rammliger called out, “Your Highness, I wish you luck.”

  Daell turned his hestir so he could face Rammliger.

  “Thank you Lord Rammliger. Hopefully I shall return back to Araedi successful and with every one of your men.”

  “If not my King, just return back. My men will lay down their lives for our Queen. To do so would bring honor to their ancestors, their family, and those who have yet to be born within their families.”

  Daell still had little clue about the Aldarnari culture, even after living around them for so long. He nodded firmly at Rammliger and tapped the sides of his hestir to start off. Anderskoti kicked roughly into the sides of his hestir to get it moving faster. Viga and Daell followed Anderskoti as he raced out the gates of the Royal quarter.

  Once they made their way to the Military quarter Daell saw the force that was brought to bear in less than one evening. Daell had to admit that he was impressed. Seven hundred men all marshaled and ready to move. There was dozens of carriages that made up the caravan. It was clear to him that the Aldarnari were always ready for war, even when no war seemed in sight. Daell dismounted in front of the column of men, all standing at attention from his arrival. Daell decided he would briefly talk to them before they left.

  He called out in a voice as loud as he could muster, “Warriors of Araedi! My brothers who serve under the Queen, under the banner of Araedi, and under our friend, Lord Rammliger, we have been betrayed. For some reason the people of Hellir and Kunnadi have left the banner of Heima.”

  His words initially brought a cheer, but the revelation of the actions of the other cities brought jeers. Daell raised his hands, which immediately silenced them.

  He continued loudly, “Warriors of Araedi, I come before you as a servant of the Queen herself. These people attempted to assassinate your Queen. The attempt failed and has only brought the wrath of our Queen. She is a kind Queen who only cares to serve her people. This attack was unwarranted and must be responded to. She calls on her sword, the Warriors of Araedi. She wishes you to strike the hearts of those who would oppose her rule. How does her sword answer her call?”

  Daell could only describe the response of those warriors before him as overwhelming. They cheered wildly with calls of honor and servitude to their Queen. Daell’s words had the impact he had hoped. He dreaded the idea of violence, but he knew that those who initiate violence must be met with violence in return. It was a hard lesson he learned as a child.

  Daell turned to his hestir and mounted quickly. He was happy to have had all the practice as it would have been embarrassing to mount the hestir like he did when he first left Araedi those many cycles ago.

  Daell again called out in a loud voice, “Warriors, ride with me to Heimili, and then to Hellir and Kunnadi.”

  They cheered loudly and began to run to their hestir. The caravan formed in a matter of moments and soon they were on the leid. The ride back to Heimili was just as fast but thankfully for Daell, he was getting adjusted to spending time on the sodull. His legs slowly began to hurt less and less as they went. He was still quite stiff at the end of each turn’s riding. Once again they approached Heimili, this time in full force and plain view. Viga had the whole caravan stop far enough to not be spotted from Heimili.

  He approached Daell and said, “I think it might be best that only me, you and Lord Anderskoti enter Heimili. They have not turned against us yet and it might be wise to not intimidate them if we need not do so.”

  Daell felt his words were wise.

  Anderskoti spoke up, “A wise choice, however I suggest we have our caravan ready to move. Perhaps we could have them enter the city in force if we do not return within a time period. Also I would like to have the caravan encircle the city from a distance to make sure no one leaves or enter the city until we have affirmed their commitment to our Queen.”

  Daell could see the wisdom in both plans so he stated, “Very well, let us merge both plans and enter Heimili. Hopefully we shall only be within Heimili for one meal and then on our way to Hellir.”

  They both nodded at Daell’s words.

  “As you wish Your Highness.” Anderskoti said.

  He turned his hestir and rode to the nearest carriage. Daell knew that the command staff of the caravan was within it. Anderskoti spoke to them briefly and then returned.

  He stated, “Your orders shall be followed Your Highness, let us head to Heimili.”

  The three of them rode into Heimili and directly to the home of the Mayor of Heimili. Daell had to admit that he was surprised as they entered her building to find that she was ready for their return. She stood up as he entered the main hall.

  She bowed deeply and said, “Greeting Your Highness.”

  “Mayor may I assume you know the reason for my visit.”

  “I do, Your Highness.”

  “Very well Mayor, I shall be direct with you. Are you and the people of Heimili loyal to the Queen or to some other force?”

  She knelt immediately and replied, “Your Highness, the people of Heimili are loyal to the Queen, and only the Queen. We serve at her word, what will you have us do?”

  Daell was pleased. He had assumed when they arrived and the Vatune did not follow them into port that Heimili was loyal. Reflecting on it all Daell had immediately had known why. Heimili is almost exclusively Jordlings, the same Jordlings who had watched his victory at the Kostir. He knew they would be loyal to the Queen just because of who her King was. He smiled at the thought of it.

  This led him to another question for the Vindiri mayor, “And what of you personally Mayor? Your own home has left the banner of Heima.”

  She was still on her knee. She actually appeared to be offended by his words.

  She said firmly, “Your Highness, I was born here in Heimili and have lived here my entire life. I know little of Kunnadi since I have visited it only a few times. My life is Heimili and I am exclusively loyal to the Queen herself.”

  Daell was very pleased by her response so he kindly said, “Rise Mayor, we have work ahead of us.”

  She rose from her knee and asked, “What is your command Your Highness?”

  Daell turned to Anderskoti and inquired, “Marshal, what are your plans?”

  Anderskoti looked a bit stunned to have the King defer to him but he recovered quickly and answered, “Your Highness I was thinking that we should reinforce the defenses of Heimili. I propose that we leave a garrison of one hundred warriors here in Heimili under the command of the Mayor. They will ensure that our enemies
do not interfere with Heimili or her people.”

  Daell could see the logic behind the command. He also sensed that the men would be here to ensure Heimili’s loyalty if needed.

  “A sound plan.” He said before turning to the Mayor and telling her, “This is our plan; I shall be leading the remainder of our men to Hellir. We shall deal directly with the problem there. I also want to launch many of the vessels on your docks to perform forays to Bygod. We were attacked by three ships on our way here and we need to keep them from preventing travel to Bygod.”

  She replied to his command with a bow and said, “Your orders shall be executed Your Highness.”

  “Very well Mayor,” Daell said, “We shall take our leave. Soon the vanguard for your defense will arrive with their instructions. Fortify your city immediately and ensure all Vindiri and Vatune within the city who have remained are loyal. Harm none of them; secure them if they are uncooperative. Do you understand?”

  She nodded at his words.

  Daell continued, “Excellent. Good luck Mayor, hopefully we shall return soon with peace restored within Heima.”

  “Good luck your Highness.”

  Daell turned and exited the building with Viga and Anderskoti following behind him.

  Daell turned to Anderskoti as they began to ride off and said, “Have the men we send monitor all within the city, including the Mayor. We cannot take risks. Also make sure they know my instructions for the city, and that they are followed exactly.”

  “Yes Your Highness.”

  They rode out towards the carriage that held Anderskoti’s command staff. Anderskoti had them move around the city and on the Leid of Hellir so they could immediately head to Hellir. Anderskoti briefed them quickly and they moved quickly to follow the orders that were given. It was not a long wait until the entire caravan was reassembled. The one hundred men were selected and they immediately headed to Heimili.

  Anderskoti reunited with Daell and Viga and said, “We are ready to march on Hellir on your word, Your Highness.”


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