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Heima: Challenge to the Crown

Page 26

by S. W. Gunn

  Daell turned to Viga and said, “It is done Viga.”

  Viga shook his head in amazement.

  Anderskoti immediately fell to one knee and called out, “Your Highness, your power is awe inspiring.”

  Viga knelt down with him and stated, “Indeed your Highness, you have the power to move Heima herself.”

  “Raise my friends for we have a city to capture.” Daell kindly said to them.

  They both stood and immediately followed him as he walked towards the now fallen gate. As soon as Daell crossed the gate and entered the city he was greeted by the forces of Hellir. Anderskoti raised his horn, ready to blow on it in a moment’s notice. Once Daell approached the guards who were standing by the gate, they fell to their knees. Several of them were sobbing. The city had surrendered without a fight. Daell turned to Viga and Anderskoti and smiled widely at them.

  Chapter 31

  Astir was relieved when order was fully restored and word of her husband’s success in both Araedi and Heimili had arrived to her. She had Bygod fortified with an extended force and the four ships that were captured that night were brought into the fold as part of a naval force to defend both Heimili and Bygod. She was curious about the port that their foes had used because the four ships never were at Heimili according to the Mayor, who actually came to Bygod to both report what she had known and to reaffirm her fealty to the crown. Astir was happy to see the Mayor, especially since she was a Vindiri. It meant that not all Vindiri were part of the rebellion. She had found out that the President of Kunnadi had retired at the end of the Kostir and an election was held. The man who won was Skyansam Smidasson. It only sickened her to think about that man.

  On top of all of the issues of the last dozen turns, she started to suffer from violent illness. She knew women with children got ill, but she did not know just how severe it was and how debilitating it could be. It caused her to vomit many times. It had been so bad for her that she had to have a large bucket brought everywhere she would go, many times struck soon after she ate a meal. She also found that she tired much easier than she had before. Her mother told her that her sickness from when she carried Astir was much worse than with her brother. Astir could feel her stomach turning as she sat on her throne. It would seem that this sickness varied from person to person. She was told that could last only a few turns or it could last several cycles. The idea for being brutally ill for a long period of time was not very appealing to her. On top of the whole illness was her desperate yearning to be with her husband again. She hoped Daell could resolve the whole issue with Hellir and Kunnadi quickly so she could be within his arms again.

  They had fully planned out a course of action if her husband was unsuccessful in persuading the two cities into submission, it would be first a siege and then war. Her father had said that neither city could last long if a force of Aldarnari blocked any support into either city. He was especially optimistic about the plans for Hellir since it was isolated. Kunnadi was different because it had many small villages surrounding it. Her father had a map with plans drawn up that showed they could completely encircle Hellir and prevent any supplies ever from entering. This would force the city into starvation and then either they would attempt to assault the superior Aldarnari forces around them or they would simply surrender. She hated the idea of starving the innocent people who just happened to be citizens of a city that had leaders who decided to disobey their Queen. She had hoped this plan would work. His plan was to first bring Hellir into the fold and then strike out against Kunnadi with a similar plan.

  At the conclusion of her father’s briefing he turned to her and asked, “Your Majesty does this plan meet your approval?”

  She nodded at him which he responded to with a small smile.

  Ofriki interjected, “Your Majesty I think we should break for the turn, it is close to the evening meal. We can meet again tomorrow. Now that Heimili and Araedi are with us we should continue many of our normal planning that involves them. We have also heard that the envoy from the Hyggja has arrived in Heimili and he will be taking the next ship from Heimili to us. He should arrive tomorrow morning.”

  Astir realized that she was both hungry and dreading her meal. Her stomach had not been kind to her and she knew most likely much of what she would eat this evening would probably come back out violently.

  She sighed heavily before saying, “Very well Premier.”

  Even just standing up, she had to be cautious. One time she rose from her throne so quickly that she had to immediately vomit. It had happened so fast that she ended up vomiting on the steps of her pedestal. Since then, a bucket had been placed nearby. She glanced to the bucket, as she looked at the bucket, something in the corner of her eye flickered as torchlight struck it.

  She glanced over to the flickering and saw what it was. It was the silfur goblet that Daell had made as a child. Her heart panged in pain. Reaching out, she took the goblet into her hands. Next she stood and walked down the steps of her pedestal, goblet in hand. The councilors present said nothing as she passed them. Astir knew that she first had to get her dress replaced with something much more comfortable, and then she would try and eat the evening meal. Maybe this time she would keep the whole meal down, she doubted it greatly as she had not been able to do so for almost ten turns. When she asked her mother about the sickness her mother had said that she was never as bad as Astir’s had seemed to be and that it was also different for each woman. Pacing herself cautiously, she slowly walked through the palace, making sure she would not upset her stomach. The whole way she clenched onto Daell’s goblet tightly. Just thinking about it had made her smile. Soon she had hoped he would be home and she could immediately begin telling everyone she could about it.

  Eventually she made it to her room and had her handmaidens assist her in removing the dress that she was wearing. Once the handmaidens finished dressing her in something simple, she made sure to grab her husband’s goblet after she finished changing her clothing. She then made her way back through the palace and to the dining hall. As soon as she sat food was brought out. As gently as possible she placed the goblet on the table next to her food. She could tell that the chef had heard about her condition because all of the food brought to her was bland and dry since anything with spice would immediately make her ill. Trying to get more comfortable she shifted in her chair. As she began to eat the meal she heard the sounds of some sort of commotion occurring outside in the hallway. She believed that it was coming from the front doors of the palace. After a moment one of the Jordling servants ran excitedly into the dining.

  He bowed deeply before announcing, “Your Majesty, we have wonderful news.”

  Astir’s stomach turned slightly, even emotion tended to make her ill.

  Ofriki was the first to speak, “What is this news you bring?”

  “The King has captured Hellir without a fight.”

  Astir was heart leaped with joy at the news. She just had to know what all happened. Her stomach turned violently at her emotional reaction, which caused her to turn to her left and wretch violently into a nearby bucket. After she finished with her bout of illness she rose from her chair, making sure to use a kerchief to wipe her face. She looked at everyone sitting at the table and saw that they all had expressions of happiness.

  In a commanding tone she said, “Send in the courier who brought us this news please.”

  The man bowed deeply and then left.

  Her mother spoke next, “Your Majesty it would be wise for you to finish your meal, you and your heir need all of the strength you can muster.”

  Astir thought to herself about her earlier conversation with her husband about how their child would be trouble. Already and the baby had been giving her trouble and she was around seven cycles away from giving birth to her. She took a deep breath in and then as she sat down, she let her breath out. It was going to be a chore to keep this meal down. While she struggled to force herself to eat, the courier entered. The man who entered was an Aldar
nari. He stood about seventeen hands and wore the traditional clothing that his kind wore while in combat, which was a light white tunic and trousers. He had a sword at his side and had a thick red cloak wrapped around him.

  He bowed deeply and said, “Greetings Your Majesty, I was told you wished to see me.”

  “Yes. I wish to know exactly how Hellir was brought back under my rule.”

  “Yes Your Majesty. Unfortunately I can only tell you what I heard, both from the command and from a guard of Hellir who had witnessed it.”

  “That is fine. Tell me everything that you know.”

  “As you wish Your Majesty. The command told us that the King, Prince Vigamadir and Lord Anderskoti alone approached the city and forced their surrender, they said no more. I was however able to find out more information from one of the guards who was standing on the walls around Hellir.”

  “What walls?” She asked him impatiently. She had been to Hellir and it had no walls when she visited.

  Her illness had made her curt to others sometimes. She wished that it had not, but her mother told her it was one of the side effects of the illness.

  The man continued speaking, “Yes Your Majesty. Before Hellir declared itself independent, the leadership of the city had walls built around it that completely surrounded the city. The guard I spoke with said that the King approached the gate and demanded the city surrender. When the city leadership did not surrender, he knelt to the ground and tore the walls down with a thought. The guards and citizens of the city surrendered immediately. I have not heard of any man able to do this, so I highly doubt the truth in the story however the guard had insisted that it is what happened.”

  Astir was in awe of her husband. She knew he was powerful, but to simply kneel to the ground and command the walls of a city to crumble. It was unbelievable. However she knew it to be true since her husband would not take a life if he could avoid it. Tearing down the walls of a city to force surrender from the city sounds like something he would choose to do.

  Her mother added, “It is true, the King has powers that no man has.”

  Her father asked, “And then what happened warrior?”

  The man turned and nodded at her father before continuing again, “Yes Lord Jofurr. Apparently the King ordered the Vatune guards within the city to capture all of the city’s leadership. He had them all brought to the front of the Rada dome. I am told he personally executed the leader, a man named Gildura Slitasson. Although from what I understand the action had caused the King so much heartache that he fell to a knee, and wept in great sadness. The guard said his tears brought tears to those who witnessed the act. I did not believe the guard at first, but even retelling the tale caused the man to respond emotionally.”

  Tears began to roll down her cheeks. Daell felt so compelled by her actions that he followed her lead. No doubt that word of the battle here at the palace had spread to him before he made it to Hellir. She felt completely horrible to have inspired him to take another man’s life in such a manner, even if it was a man such as Gildura. A man who betrayed her and betrayed Heima. It was just another way that she caused her wonderful husband pain.

  Chapter 32

  Daell was quite pleased with the results of his efforts. The walls of Hellir were down and the citizens had immediately surrendered.

  He turned to one of the kneeling men and instructed him, “Rise and approach me please.”

  The man actually looked afraid of Daell as he stood before tepidly saying, “Yes your Highness.”

  “I will not harm you friend, I need some assistance.” Daell told him.

  The man seemed to relax a little before he said, “Yes your Highness, what may I do for you?”

  “I need to speak with the leadership of this city. Could you, and some of your fellow citizens, find them and bring them to the front of the Rada for me?”

  The man bowed deeply before responding, “As you wish your Highness.”

  He turned and ran away. Daell had no doubt that the man was running faster than he ever had in his life. Daell turned to Viga, who nodded grimly at him. The thought of what was to come tickled into the back of Daell’s mind, leaving him quite uncomfortable.

  Looking at Anderskoti Daell announced, “Blow your horn Lord Anderskoti, let us summon forth our companions. We will occupy Hellir.”

  Anderskoti nodded at him and then climbed back over the gate. He blew deeply into his horn. The sound echoed as it bounced off the hills. It had not taken long for the army of Aldarnari to move from their position and into the city itself. Anderskoti had them sweep the city to ensure that the citizens of Hellir were capitulating to the real rulers of Hellir. They also brought hestir for Daell, Viga, and Anderskoti to ride. Daell was glad for it since walking through Hellir would have taken some time and been physically tiring. After they mounted their hestir, they made their way to the Rada, which was the largest dome and center of Hellir. Daell was surprised to see that the man he ordered to find the leadership had been very successful. About thirty Vatune men armed with swords held several others captive. One of the prisoners was Gildura Slitasson. Daell could see that Gildura was very unhappy to find himself in the position that he was now in. Daell had no doubt that Gildura had to know what was to come for him.

  Dread filled Daell’s heart because the last thing that he wanted to do was to stand in front of a crowd and execute a man. He sighed as he dismounted his hestir. He steeled his heart, if he could do everything he had already done for his love, then he would do this for her as well. Viga and Anderskoti dismounted from their hestir. The man who Daell had tasked with finding the leadership of Hellir approached them and then bowed deeply.

  He said to Daell, “Your Highness, I have followed your command and brought forth those you have asked for.”

  “Thank you. I would dismiss you, however first I need you to witness the Queen’s law in action. Your next task will to spread word to every citizen of Hellir what occurs here. After that you will be released to your freedom. Do you understand?”

  The man nodded solemnly. Daell turned again to Viga. Daell’s expression of dread must have been clearly visible.

  Viga said, “I can do this if you wish, your Highness.”

  Daell shook his head because he knew that it must be him.

  “It must be the King who executes the Queen’s law.” Daell stated.

  He had read every royal decree that Heima had ever enacted and it was clearly spelled out that the highest authority must deal with treason. He walked forward until he was several paces within the circle of guards that were posted to watch the leadership of Hellir. He stopped when he was directly in front of Gildura and took a deep breath.

  Daell spoke with as firm a voice as he could muster, “Who here is loyal to my wife, the Queen of Heima?”

  Several voices called out in the affirmative. Daell noticed that Gildura did not speak.

  “Very well,” Daell said, “Those who are loyal to the Queen of Heima kneel.”

  The first to his knee was Anderskoti. Viga followed quickly behind him. Soon every Aldarnari, Vatune and Jordling nearby were on their knees, even Gildura knelt.

  Daell nodded and firmly said, “I must know then, if every man here is loyal to the Queen, how is it that I have ended up here with a host of Aldarnari warriors at my back? How is it that my wife, the Queen, had to suffer the indignity of men from this city attacking her? Within her own palace at that!”

  He yelled the last part as loudly as he could. He paused for a response but no man spoke for some time.

  After waiting a little longer he still got no response so he asked, “It is because some men here claim loyalty but are not loyal as they claim?”

  Taking a few steps forward he drew his sword and then balanced it between his two hands. Next, he raised his sword upwards towards the sky with both hands.

  Calmly he then said in a loud clear voice, “This sword was made by a man who lives in a village far from here, a man who has spent his whole life
creating weapons of war for his Queen. He rises before the sun and then rests after the sun has long since left the sky. He does this every turn without break from his toil. He has done this from the moment he could raise a hammer and will do so until Modira calls him from Heima. Can every man here claim that sort of loyalty to the Queen? I suspect not. I wish to know, from those who lead this city. Why were walls built? Why did Vatune sailors attack the Queen at her home in Bygod? Why did that same Queen have to run a blade through the leader of that group of sailors?”

  The silence continued. No man was bold enough to answer him. Daell became frustrated. Viga nodded solemnly when he glanced at him, arms still holding his sword aloft. It was time for Daell to execute his wife’s law.

  Daell spoke again, “Gildura Slitasson can you answer my questions? You are the leader of this city.”

  Gildura glanced up from his kneeling position. Daell could see that his eyes held fear but he did not dare to speak. Daell sighed heavily. He took the last few steps that he needed until he was standing next to the kneeling Gildura. Daell’s sword hand began to shake slightly. He knew that his heart did not wish to do what he now knew he had to do.

  Daell’s voice trembled as he spoke, “By order of the Queen herself, I have no choice but to have the leadership of Hellir replaced.”

  Raising his shaking hand that held his sword, he brought it down in a hard swinging motion. His sword struck true and cleaved Gildura’s head from his neck in one blow. Daell heard Gildura’s head thump as it struck the ground. Gildura’s body collapsed soon afterward. Daell felt his heart break from his own actions. Turning away, he took three steps towards his hestir. He tried his best to hold his stern continence, but could not as he fell to one knee, dropping his sword and covering his face with his hand as he wept openly. Taking a man’s life in self-defense was one thing, to do so in such a brutal manner hurt him deeply. It was against everything that Jordlings held true about life. Daell stayed on his knee with his hand covering his face as he wept for some time before Viga approached him.


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