Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 30

by S. W. Gunn

  The plan that her father finally designed called for the initial force of three thousand to siege for some time. Once another three thousand or more men could be mustered from the other cities, a full scale attack would commence. His plan was quite brilliant actually. The bulk force would assault the main gate directly while two secondary forces would assault from other sides. The Hyggja would strike from the rear. Reports from the Hyggja had shown several flaws within the walls through the Myrr. They were not solid walls that dropped down; instead they had wide openings underneath the water that allowed animals, or the Hyggja, to pass through freely. The Hyggja would slip through the walls and at the proper time, they would strike within the city itself. The same scouting trips had revealed massive machines that held boulders. These machines were capable of launching boulders over the walls and into her army. Her father had the plan adjusted with this new information. The Hyggja would strike the machines and then set fires to indicate the attack. It would serve as the marker for the whole army to attack. She was saddened to know that the loss of life would be high, but she knew that she had to deal with Kunnadi firmly. Unlike her husband, before his death, she could not simply will walls to fall down. She would have to force them down.

  Astir sat down at the table and immediately began to eat her morning meal. She needed to eat quickly to placate her child, who would kick incessantly if she were hungry. The only real good news over the last cycle was the end of her illness. No longer did she wretch from just the smell of food, which was quite relieving to her.

  Her father entered the building and took a seat before saying, “Your Majesty I have good news.”


  “The additional members of our force are heading our way. They should be here in a matter of a turn or two.”

  Astir nodded grimly. She did not relish what was to come.

  “We also have someone who has returned to us.” He announced.

  She was curious by what he meant. Just then Daell’s friend Hollurn walked into the building with Skemmra directly behind him. Astir stood from her chair.

  “I hope you will take me back into your service, Your Majesty.” He said with a deep bow.

  Astir could feel tears begin to well in her eyes. She rose from her chair, briskly walked to him and gave him a hug. He was hesitant at first, but then hugged her back.

  She told him, “Hollurn I am so sorry. It is my fault your friend, my husband is dead.”

  Hollurn stepped back and replied, “No Astir, Daell choose his path. He said himself he would give his life for just one turn with you. You should accept the path he chose and honor him. It is the way of Jordlings to accept that which comes our way.”

  She looked up to his face, he was smiling weakly. She nodded and then walked back to her seat.

  As she sat, she said to him, “Welcome back into my service Master Hollurn. Please take a seat at my table and enjoy the morning meal.”

  He nodded and sat. She was happy to see that he returned. It would have made her husband happy to know that Hollurn was not suffering from his loss. Skemmra sat next to Hollurn. Servants brought them food and they began eating. The rest of the turn went about smoothly. Multiple reports came in from her scouts around the Myrr and the Hyggja within. She was pleased with the results of their efforts. They had stopped three more attempts at restocking Kunnadi with supplies. The Hyggja were very cunning in their attacks. She was told by Johtaja that they would swim beneath the skiffs and then overturn them. The attack would be quite easy afterwards and there would be no survivors from the enemy. It brought a wicked grin across her face to imagine the frustration of that wretch of a man, Skyansam. His numbers were slowly being drained and his supplies would be running low quickly. Once her main force arrived, she would close the trap shut completely and then bring justice for her husband. After the evening meal she went to her personal tent to sleep for the evening.

  * * * * *

  She woke the next turn and had the morning meal served during the first council of the turn. As they discussed the projected supply routes from Hellir, she saw about a dozen Hyggja running with excitement towards the open door of the tent. She immediately identified Johtaja as one of the Hyggja with them. He stopped and spoke with his people. She wondered what he was saying to them; none of her people could yet speak or understand the language of the Hyggja. Johtaja entered the building. She had gotten much better at reading their facial expressions; she could read what she felt might have been happiness. As he approached he climbed into the chair reserved for him.

  He said happily, “Astir we have the most wonderful news.”

  “What is the news Johtaja?”

  “We have found the last lost Kyla; it was here within the Myrr.”

  Astir smiled broadly at him. It was indeed wonderful news. She knew that his people longed to be reunited. She did not care to be their leader, but they have been such wonderful allies that any joy that they received was justly due to them.

  Johtaja continued speaking, “It is because of you Astir that we have been reunited. We will be calling a council of our kind once we have finished dealing with your wayward people. Once we finish our council, we will need to come to your Kyla called Bygod. Is this acceptable to you?”

  “You will always be welcome in my home Johtaja. Heima considers herself indebted to you.”

  Johtaja stood before saying, “I must return to the lost Kyla. We have recruited them to assist with the upcoming battle. They are a small in numbers, but their joy in returning to us is great. I have left several Lisko nearby to come and notify us when you are ready to begin the attack. We will answer your call and fight for you as though we fight for Jumala.”

  He turned and left the room. Astir wished she could find some way to repay him and his kind for their help. The forthcoming battle would have been much more difficult without them. They quickly became a key point in guaranteeing their success.

  After he was gone Viga said, “All is going to plan Your Majesty. Tomorrow our war host will be complete and we can begin the assault.”

  She looked to him and nodded. Tomorrow would indeed bring the end of this war. True to her brother’s word, the remaining members of the war host arrived around the mid-turn meal. She could see that they were much better rested than she had hoped they would be. Her brother told her later that they had camped early enough the turn before to allow them to be ready to fight once they arrived. She sat in her chair again, this time to prepare the final plans.

  She asked her father, “When will we commence the battle?”

  “We shall wait until the sun sets, the cover of darkness will allow us to get much closer to Kunnadi’s walls before they realize we are attacking. We have already begun to position our men on the city’s flanks. We did so several turns ago and very slowly in order to mask our plans. Each of the side assault groups will have a series of ladders to allow them to climb over the wall. Our main group will be utilizing a battering ram. The Hyggja will slip under the walls of the city from the rear and start the assault. Once they give the marker to begin, we will charge.”

  Astir nodded at him. The plan seemed to be the best that they could get under the conditions. As the sun began to head to the horizon she received more good news from the Hyggja, they had stopped another four attempted supply runs by the Vindiri. She found it odd that all reports had only Vindiri on the skiffs. Did they not trust their own Jordling citizens? She wondered just how much the Jordlings within the city knew of the situation. No doubt with the walls around the city they would not know that an occupying force lay just outside.

  Her nerves began to grow as the sun slowly worked its way to the horizon. She had to force herself to eat the evening meal. With her nervousness she did not have a desire to eat, however her little brute of a child demanded it. Her child kicked and elbowed, moving constantly to let her know she was there within Astir. After she finished her evening meal, her child began to settle down. She placed a hand on her belly, she loved to
touch it. She could feel her child slightly moving within her. It was magical to feel a child growing within her. She wished with all of her heart Daell could have been with her. He would have loved to feel their baby kicking and moving about. No doubt he would have spoiled Astir with many foot rubs and massages. Her back had started to hurt recently and she would have loved nothing more than someone to massage it. She sighed as she watched the sun finally settle below the horizon. The battle was about to begin.

  Her father turned to her and said, “On your word, Your Majesty.”

  “You have my word.”

  Chapter 38

  Surprisingly enough, the trip through the Myrr went smoothly. Daell had almost expected someone to stop them as they made their way to the small village. His heart began to rejoice as he was carried into the village. He could not make out much, but it very much reminded him of home. The buildings themselves had a similar design to Kunnadi’s, except they were all plain brown and had looked very much worn from age. No doubt the only maintenance they received was from the Jordlings themselves, using limited supplies. The two men carried Daell from the small boat and through the village. It was dead quiet; he suspected that the villagers were sound asleep. The men brought him to a small building located in the middle of the village. As they carried him through the door of the building they were greeted by an elderly Jordling woman. Daell could only guess that she was around fifty harvests old. She wore a thick tan tunic and a loose fitting tan skirt that fell to her ankles. Around her waist was a latched belt that held a heavy brown pouch of some kind. The pouch looked well-worn with age. She had a look of concern once she caught sight of him. He must have looked as bad as he suspected that he did. She guided the men to lay him on a bed in one of the smaller rooms of the building.

  The two men left immediately and it was now just her and him. She left the room and then returned with several candles which she set up and lit. She exited again and then returned with a large pail. Daell could not see what was in it. She left one last time and then returned with something that smelled wonderful to Daell. He had not eaten a proper meal in several cycles. He knew he was famished.

  She sat down next to him and said, “What’s your name?”

  “My name is Daell.”

  “Daell, my name is Fylgja. I heal those who are wounded.”

  Daell nodded weakly. He knew he would need plenty of healing. No doubt he would be her worst case.

  “I am in need of healing.” He told her.

  “What happened to you?”

  “I was a prisoner. I was captured injured and then starved while injured.”

  A grim look crossed her face as she asked, “What sort of person would starve an injured man?”

  “One who wants that prisoner to die slowly.”

  “Well you’re safe here Daell. First we need to recover your strength. You can’t eat much of this yet, but slowly we’ll increase the amount of food you can eat. After some time we’ll have you work on rebuilding your weakened body.”

  She raised his head and wedged a large blanket underneath him. It forced him to lay slightly upright so he could swallow. She fed him several pieces of meat and a piece of fruit of some kind. It all was the greatest thing he had ever tasted in his life. She next passed him a cup with some type of liquid in it.

  “Drink this.” She instructed him.

  He was too tired to argue or question her, so he drank it. It tasted foul but before he could whisper a word of complaint sleep came to him.

  * * * * *

  Daell did not know how long he had slept, but as he opened his eyes he could see the sun through one of the windows. Even bedridden he felt great joy at his freedom. He just hoped that these people were not risking their lives by hiding him. Fylgja entered the room.

  She said, “I see you have wakened again Daell.”

  She shuffled up to him and sat in a nearby chair.

  “How long did I sleep.”

  “Two turns, you woke several times out of sorts, usually weakly thrashing, but you just fell back to sleep.”

  It did not surprise him. Daell’s body was worse now than at the end of the Kostir.

  “Would you like to eat?” She asked.

  Daell was quite hungry so he nodded at her. She left the room and came back with another plate of food. She fed him several more pieces; he relished the flavor of each bite. This time she just gave him water to drink. He was happy to avoid the foul concoction from before.

  “Fylgja I have a question.” He said to her.

  “Ask away Daell.”

  “What is the name of this village?”

  She grinned at him before saying, “Our humble village is called Heill.”

  “It reminds me of my home.”

  “Tell me.” She said.

  He told her all about Anddyri.

  After he was done she rose from her chair and announced, “Later I’ll have my sons come and help you from the bed. We’ll begin rebuilding your muscles so you can walk again. It’ll be both slow and painful for you.”

  Daell nodded. He was suddenly curious about the two men who had saved him from Kunnadi.

  He asked, “Fylgja are your sons the two men who saved me from Kunnadi?”

  “Yes.” She said before turning and leaving him alone.

  Daell tried to move his legs, they barely responded at all. She was right that it would take some time for his legs to heal. It could be at least six or seven cycles. He wondered if he could reach out and touch Heima below him so he extended his left arm outwards and down. He stretched as hard as he could until his hand was able to touch the ground. Unfortunately his effort unbalanced the bed, which caused it to tilt and spill him onto the ground. The floors were wooden, which was disappointing since he could not feel Heima pulsing at all. He remembered that the building was elevated like the ones in Kunnadi, which meant that he would need to leave the building to regain contact with Heima. Although the floors were warm to his skin, he was finding himself very uncomfortable with the bed laying halfway on him. He could not move anything but his arms, so he was stuck with the bed on him. After some time he heard some footsteps approached.

  Fylgja’s voice called out, “Daell you seem to have gotten yourself in a predicament.”

  Daell laughed. It was the first time he had laughed in so long that he had forgotten the sound of it.

  “I was trying to touch the ground and I fell over.”

  “Indeed… Well let me summon Skyld, he can pick you up and take you outside so you can touch the ground.” She said with a slight chuckle.

  “Thank you.” Daell told her sincerely.

  He heard her footsteps slowly walk away from him. After some time he heard multiple footsteps. He felt the bed as it was removed from on top of him. Two hands slowly tilted him and set him into a seated position. Daell could see that the man was a large Jordling. He wore a thin cloth brown tunic and brown trousers. He had the same black hair and brown eyes of their kind. His hair was long and braided into one long braid. Daell could only guess that he was several harvests older than Daell.

  He smiled and stated. “Looks like you went and fell down.”

  Daell just nodded at him.

  “Mother says I need to take you for a walk. You look light enough for me to handle by myself, instead of waiting for my brother.”

  Daell smiled to him and said, “I would appreciate it.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Daell Skeidsson.” Daell replied.

  “Nice to meet you Daell, my name is Skyld Sandirsson.” He replied to Daell.

  “It is nice to meet you as well Skyld.”

  Skyld nodded at him. He knelt down next to Daell and wrapped one arm around Daell’s waist. Daell put his arm around Skyld’s shoulder. The man slowly rose to his feet, bringing Daell up. He slowly walked Daell through the building and out the front door. Daell could tell that it was past mid-turn. It was the first time in many cycles that Daell’s feet made contact with Heima an
d he could feel her spark. He smiled to himself.

  He asked Skyld, “Could you lower me down to the ground please?”

  The man looked confused by the request but he finally said, “Sure Daell.”

  He lowered himself and Daell until he was kneeling again. Daell flopped to the ground as Skyld knelt down.

  “Help me sit upright please.” Daell asked.

  The man nodded and slowly shifted Daell’s body to sit him upright. Daell noticed that the entire village was watching him as he was brought out. He took a deep breath and then extended his hands outwards and then softly touched the ground. As soon as he made contact energy sparked and coursed through him, Heima answered his call.

  A voice echoed in his mind, “My son lives.”

  Tears welled in Daell’s eyes as he became one with Heima again. He had not known how long he had sat there, but when he lifted his hands he saw immediately that every Jordling was watching him intently. His muscles still were too weak for him to use them, it would appear that Heima could only heal what muscles he had and his time imprisoned had removed much of the muscles from his body. He would still require many cycles of training to regain his muscles and be able to walk normally. He knew he must focus himself to the task at hand so he can find his wife and friends.


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