Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 31

by S. W. Gunn

  Liftng his hand from he said, “Thank you Skyld, shall we go for a walk? My muscles need much work to rebuild.”

  Skyld initially did not respond before he finally helped Daell rise. Daell could not work his legs, but he felt hunger come to him properly. As they started to walk he saw that the whole village staring intently at him. After a good few times of circling through the village Skyld returned him to the building where Fylgja lived. He escorted him back to the room and softly placed him back in the bed before he quickly left the room. Daell could hear him talking to his mother. Since reaching out to Heima, his senses had returned to full strength.

  “Mother he is not like any Jordling I’ve seen before.” Daell heard Skyld say.

  She asked, “What do you mean son?”

  Daell heard nervousness in Skyld’s voice, “He’s got powers unlike any Jordling.”

  “I know.” She replied.

  “What do you mean mother?”

  “Do not worry about it son. Make sure no one in the village talks of it. This must remain unknown to outsiders.”

  “Yes mother.” He said nervously.

  Her voice rose slightly as she said, “Make sure no one knows, no one, Skyld.”

  She said the last part with a strong emphasis.

  “Yes mother.” He finally replied before leaving.

  Daell saw him take one last look into the bedroom that Daell was in as he passed by. After a moment Fylgja appeared at the door with a plate of food. Daell knew he would be able to eat it all now. She placed the plate nearby and sat on the bed next to Daell.

  She told him, “You need to be careful out there Daell. We’re unused to your kind being out here and it could be dangerous if word got out.”

  “You know who I am, don’t you Fylgja?” Daell asked.

  “I do. You’re the King of Heima.”

  Daell was very concerned. If the people in Kunnadi found out where he was, they would all be in danger.

  “Fylgja I worry for your safety, and that of your people.”

  “Don’t worry about us. As long as we stick within our own, no one will know you’re here. Only our own even know of this village. It’s very small and far from many others, especially the big cities. You’re safe here, concentrate on recovering.”

  She rose and left the room. Daell ate the food that she brought. He ate until he could not eat any more of it. The only drink available was the foul concoction she brought. He knew that she had brought it for a reason, so he drank it. He found himself suddenly quite sleepy so he moved the tray from his lap to the nearby chair; soon he was in a deep slumber.

  * * * * *

  Over the next cycle Daell had to work quite hard to even be able to sit upright on his own. His muscles had been weakened greatly by Skyansam. He could barely even put weight on his legs as he was aided by Fylgja’s sons Styld and Veifa. She made Daell promise not to use his powers in front of the people of the village anymore because she felt it wise not to alarm them. Daell agreed and he would only do so after the sun had set and even then only occasionally. He found himself dreaming more and more of Astir as time went by. It was as painful to his mind to think of her as it was painful for his body to slowly rebuild itself. Thoughts of his child growing within her only brought joy however. He could imagine all of the things that his mother had mentioned that happens to a woman during pregnancy, things like back pain, foot pain, a belly that constantly expanded, and a voracious appetite. His wife was never a heavy eater so he could imagine her frustration at having to eat as much as Daell, maybe even more. He was denied the honor of feeling his child as it kicked his wife’s belly. It all made him sad to think about; if not for the fact he was possibly a cycle or so away from returning to her. His child would probably be born before his return, but he would be so joyous to return that he would not care.

  He also anticipated a return visit to Kunnadi. He fully intended to bring that foul wretch Skyansam to justice. This time there would be no surprise. Daell would call Heima to battle before he got anywhere in range of their weapons. He did not need machines to launch boulders. He would rain boulders down on that city, or he could summon a dust storm that would blind the city as he walked right up to the gates. He had known that he could take down the walls easily. The walls actually appeared to be smaller and less dense than the ones in Hellir. It would take much less effort. Thoughts of his vengeance on Skyansam drove him to focus harder on his physical efforts to rebuild his body.

  Daell did wonder who it was that guided Fylgja’s sons to him. He also wondered if that man knew of this village. It was quite concerning since it meant that this village might not be as safe as Fylgja claimed. He once asked her, but she insisted they were safe. She claimed her sons worked between this village and another one along the coast. It was at the other village that they were approached. It was a Vindiri man who approached them. Daell described Skyansam and he was told that he was not that man. This one had short hair and answered to the name Aethla. Daell had never heard the name before. He would make sure to find the man at some point and thank him. For now he continued with his efforts.

  Chapter 39

  Astir’s father rose from his chair on her word and left the building. The battle was about to begin. She at first was uncomfortable about watching the battle, but she knew that she had to watch her people. If they would fight for her, the least she could do was watch them. She rose from her chair and walked outside. She could see little in the dark. As she exited, she saw her father approach two Hyggja.

  He spoke to them, “It is time friends, Astir wishes to commence the battle. Please tell Johtaja that she wishes that he use caution. She stated that it would cause her great suffering for any of your kind to be harmed.”

  The two Hyggja rose from their seated position.

  The first one extended its right arm to his father and said, “We wish you well also friend Jofurr.”

  Her father clasped its arm and nodded. The second one extended his arm and clasped her father’s arm. She had not realized it, but her father had seemed to bond much closer to the Hyggja than she would have expected. She had to assume it was because they were warriors, like the Aldarnari. The two Hyggja ran quickly and were soon out of sight.

  Her father turned back to her and said, “So it begins.”

  With a grim nod he turned away and walked towards the command carriage. Astir knew that he would brief them and then find her brother and Anderskoti. Astir had not known initially what caused it, but since she arrived at the camp site, she found out that Viga and Anderskoti had become fast friends. She had assumed that they were friends because of their commonalities but she later found out that they became friends because they both shared a friendship with Daell. Without her husband there, they bonded closely with each other. She suspected that her family would probably push her to consider remarrying, and they would probably focus that suggestion towards Anderskoti. She knew already that she would decline the suggestion. As she gotten to know Anderskoti she found him to be a much better person that she initially thought, but he was not Daell. No man was. Without her husband, she would have no man.

  Astir could not see most of it, but she heard the war host around her begin to head off towards the walls of Kunnadi. They were no doubt getting into position to begin the attack. They now waited for the flames that would be lit by the Hyggja to rise above the city. Her back started to hurt her.

  She turned to a nearby servant and said, “Could you please find a comfortable chair for me to sit on?”

  The man nodded and said, “Yes your Majesty.”

  He left and returned with the chair she used in the nearby building which he set down and then said, “Your Majesty would you like a blanket, for it can get quite cold outside.”

  She had not thought of it, but his suggestion was wise so she answered, “Yes please.”

  He returned with a thick blanket and a pillow.

  “Your Majesty let me place this behind you. It will aid your back greatly.�

  He displayed the pillow he had brought with him.

  She smiled at him widely and said, “Thank you so much.”

  “You are welcome, Your Majesty.”

  He wrapped the blanket softly around her. The pillow felt wonderful as it provided a soft spot for her sore back. The blanket that he wrapped over her was very warm. She smiled at him. He smiled back and then walked away to leave her to watch the battle.

  She sat patiently for some time for the battle to start; eventually she was able to see the flames rising above Kunnadi. The battle had started. The roar of hestir racing along the ground began in earnest. She knew immediately that the Aldarnari had charged forward. The sounds of running hestir began to lessen as they moved away from her. She could see the fires within the city growing and spreading, no doubt from the light wood used by the people of Kunnadi. It was unfortunate as she hoped to not ruin too many of the buildings, especially the Great Library. It was a wonder of Heima and to lose it would be crushing for her people. The sounds of battle did not come. She was certain that she would have heard the weapons of war as they began to fire at her warriors but she heard nothing. The sounds of her warrior’s hestir racing towards the city were no longer audible, which was no doubt due to distance. She sat nervously in the dark as no sounds rose from the city that she could hear.

  Her mother walked over to her and asked, “What happened? I thought we would hear the sounds of battle by now.”

  “As did I.”

  Her mother shrugged her shoulder and said, “I guess we shall just continue waiting.”

  “Since we have no choice mother.”

  After some time longer waiting, her brother raced up on his hestir. He looked very happy as he dismounted.

  She asked immediately, “Viga what happened?”

  He turned to her and said with a smile, “The city surrendered without a fight.”

  Her mother said loudly, “What!”

  Viga turned to her and nodded before saying, “Turns out that the Jordlings finally became upset at the city rulers. Word had spread to them that a war host filled with Aldarnari, Jordlings and Vatune were outside their gates. They must have questioned the leaders, who apparently then executed several Jordlings in response. That caused the city to go into full revolt.”

  Astir chuckled as she stated, “Remind me not to anger the Jordlings.”

  Viga laughed at her words and commented, “I would hope you had known that long before now.”

  “Very well Viga, it is time for the Queen to reclaim her stolen city.” She told him as she rose from her chair.

  She was a little sad to leave the chair, as she was finally found comfort sitting in it, which had previously evaded her for many cycles. She carried her blanket to a nearby carriage.

  As she stepped into the carriage she waved to her mother and told her, “Come and join me.”

  Her mother walked briskly to the carriage and entered.

  Astir opened the carriage window and said to Viga, “Lead us to Kunnadi.”

  She closed the window and sat back into her seat. The ride into Kunnadi was smooth. Astir was shocked at how easy it seemed to have been for her warriors, it was as though not a single life was lost by her side. She was also happy to note that the fires had been extinguished. Her carriage continued to go through the city and then stopped in front of the palace that she had once stayed at and as she exited the carriage the crowd around her cheered excitedly for her arrival. She waved softly as she stepped out because she was glad to see that the citizens, both Vindiri and Jordling, were very happy to see her. After her carriage pulled away she raised a hand to ask for silence, which the crowd immediately gave her.

  She took a deep breath and said loudly, “People of Kunnadi, it saddens me to have to come to your city in this manner. Kunnadi has always had a special place within my heart.”

  She paused to think on her words. She did not wish to offend the people who were not involved in bringing war to the city.

  She continued, “I wish to speak to Skyansam Smidasson, would anyone know where I may find him?”

  Several loud voices began to echo through the crowd, which led her to believe that the crowd did know where the man was.

  “Bring him forth, I wish to talk with him.” She called out loudly.

  Again there were more loud voices within the crowd and she could hear the scuffling of a fight. Finally four Jordlings moved through the crowd, each carrying a limb of a Vindiri man. She immediately recognized the man as Skyansam. As they brought him closer, she could see that he had been beaten. His face had several bruises and his clothing was torn in several spots. She was left to believe that he did not come peacefully.

  The four Jordlings dropped him roughly to the ground. They all bowed deeply.

  One of the men said to her, “Here is the man you wish to speak to, your Majesty.”

  “Thank you.”

  Several Aldarnari men, including her brother, drew their swords and stepped forward. Skyansam rose to his feet. Her brother viciously kicked the back of his knees, which caused him to fall back to the ground.

  Viga screamed out, “Scum stay on your knees when talking to the Queen of Heima! If you rise again I will cut your legs beneath you in order help you stay where you belong.”

  Skyansam complied. Astir took two steps forward. She made sure to stay far enough away to keep him from reaching out for her. She looked into his eyes; she could see hatred written on his face.

  Astir spoke loudly and clearly, “Skyansam Smidasson, perhaps you could explain to the citizens of Kunnadi, the members of the war host of Heima, and your Queen your motivations behind all of this.”

  She spread her arms widely to gesture to the city and everyone within it. He did not speak a word.

  “You have no answer?” She asked him.

  Silence continued to come from him.

  “Very well, then I shall tell them. My people your one time leader, Skyansam Smidasson, became the ruler of your city and had walls built for a specific purpose. His intent was clear. He wished to cause my war host to break on his walls. His next step of that plan was to then overrun the other cities of Heima and then install himself as ruler of Heima.”

  The crowd around her became loud with anger. It was clear that they were unhappy with his time as ruler of Kunnadi. She raised her right hand, which brought silence from the crowd.

  Again speaking loudly she said, “That is right my people, he wished to override the will of the gods for his own selfish desires. You see he lost the Kostir to my husband so he was angered into making poor choices. The law of Heima is quite clear. Skyansam Smidasson is to be sentenced to immediate death for his actions.”

  She nodded at Viga and took several steps back.

  “As is his right, he has the right to respond to the accusation,” Viga said as he took several steps before turning towards Skyansam and asking, “Do you have anything to say?”

  Skyansam again did not speak. Viga drew a sword from his other sheath, which Astir immediately recognized as her husband’s sword! Her heart quivered just looking at it. Viga raised the sword and set it between his two hands.

  His voice echoed loudly through the silent crowd, “Some time ago, I stood in the city of Hellir. You see, Hellir had rebelled against her Queen as well. That time the war host was led by our King. He brought the walls of Hellir down with a mere thought. You see those rumors you heard about our King were true, he was a man of great power. As he stood before the one time leader of Hellir he said something I feel everyone here should contemplate.”

  Her brother paused for a moment before continuing to speak, “He raised his sword, which I hold in my hands and raise before you now, and he then said loudly, ‘This sword was made by a man who lives in a village far from here, a man who has spent his whole life creating weapons of war for his Queen. He rises before the sun and then rests after the sun has long since left the sky. He does this every turn without break from his toil. He has done t
his from the moment he could raise a hammer and will do so until Modira calls him from Heima. Can every man here claim that sort of loyalty to the Queen?’”

  Viga again paused. Astir could feel her heart again break on hearing her husband’s words. She knew that Daell was speaking of his father. She had seen the man rise before the sun and then rest after the sun.

  Viga again started speaking, “His words rang true. Can every man here claim that level of loyalty to our Queen? It has become a goal that I, as her brother would strive to meet. If I, as her brother do not meet that standard, then perhaps each man here needs to look themselves in a mirror and ponder about their own selves.”

  He took several steps until he was standing beside Skyansam before raising Daell’s blade and saying, “By order of the Queen herself, I have no choice but to have the leadership of Kunnadi replaced.”

  As soon as he finished speaking Skyansam said, “He died begging for his life.”

  Viga turned to him with a look of surprise on his face. Astir was angry once she realized he was referring to her husband.

  “What did you say?” She yelled angrily at him.

  Skyansam’s face shifted to an evil smile before he said, “He died begging for his life. He survived the attack. After your stupid brother and his idiot friend left, we moved the boulder and found him beneath it. His body was broken. I starved him for cycles and he begged for his life. Finally he died in a cage like the beast he was.”

  Astir was appalled by his words. Did her husband survive and then slowly suffer before dying? It only tore at her heart even more. Her brother became angry and lashed out with a violent punch to Skyansam’s face, which knocked Skyansam brutally to the ground.

  “You have had you last words coward.” Viga said angrily and then in a coarse voice announced, “Lift him up.”

  Several Aldarnari lifted Skyansam to his knees.

  Viga again said, “By order of the Queen herself, I have no choice but to have the leadership of Kunnadi replaced.”


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