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One Urge: Erotica Romance Novella (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

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by Wolfe, Scarlet

  “Ms. Wynn.” I hear my name and look for the source. The wedding planner has moved Damon closer and is signaling for me to approach them. Without a word, I stroll over, still never making eye contact with the gladiator before me.

  “Now, when you see the other couple reach the end, you’ll place your arm through Mr. Lear’s and begin the walk,” the planner says.

  I can’t resist the urge to see Damon’s expression to the instructions we’re given, so after raking my gaze up his body, I find him staring at me … staring through me. One corner of his lip is tilted, hinting of a smile behind the curtain. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

  “Shall we?” he asks, reaching his bent arm out for me to take. I admire his bicep flexing tightly through his jacket.

  “Certainly.” I place mine inside the crook of his, and with little effort, I feel him pull me closer, and the luring scent is back, giving an even bigger punch. My knees wobble, so I pull myself up straighter as we begin to walk down the pretend aisle.

  Reaching the end where we’re to part ways, I glance up to him, giving a faint smile. I see the same twitch play at the corner of his lip as his gaze bores into me. After pulling away, I feel the loss of his touch from head to toe, leaving me cool and empty. It’s as if the lights have been shut off.

  Did I feel this empty before meeting him? Did the fire once lit inside me burn out, or was it never there to begin with? Through the rest of the rehearsal, I’m lost in thought, and when it’s over, I’m embarrassed over how little attention I paid to what was happening.

  Finding the place card with my name on it at the table, I take a seat. Martin sits next to me, and I’m convinced Felicia’s on a matchmaking mission, but he does nothing to light my fire.

  I confirm this further when I feel my body tense, heat spreading through it the second Damon takes the seat directly across from me.

  “So, Alayna, what do you do for a living?” Martin asks.

  For once, I’m glad he’s speaking to me … until I realize what I’m going to have to say next.

  “Um, I’m a writer.”

  “Oh, really? Do you write for a newspaper or magazine?”

  “No, novels, actually.”

  “Wow, what genre?”

  Can someone please pull the fire alarm?

  “Romance.” I can’t resist flashing a glance to Damon. Being an author and owner of a publishing company, I’m curious what he thinks about my response. I’m proud of my success but can’t help the intimidation I’m feeling at the moment.

  Damon’s gaze at me seems only stronger. The twitch of a smile isn’t there, and I almost wish it was. I’m pulled from his magnetic field when Martin begins laughing. My head snaps his way.

  “What are you finding humorous?”

  I watch him look intently at Damon, so I glance to see his reaction. He’s glaring at Martin, and it appears to be a look of warning. Hmm. I bet he doesn’t want him to tell me he writes erotica.

  Martin’s smile disappears. “Nothing. Are you a pretty successful author?”

  “I’ve had a few novels make the best seller lists.”

  “Can I ask your pen name?”

  Can someone NOW please pull the fire alarm?

  “Um, it’s Alexa Wynn.”

  His eyebrows raise as he points to me.

  “I’ve heard of you. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”

  Our dinner is served, so I begin picking at my plate as a distraction. Every time I glance up, the god like being is staring at me, so I quickly look back down at my food. Martin talks about the work he does. It’s something with the stock market, and I find it hard to follow with Damon in such close proximity.

  The sexual tension is getting to me, so I wipe my mouth with my napkin, lay it next to my plate, and excuse myself. The hall is lined on one side with tall windows overlooking part of the city, so I walk away from everyone and stand at one of them, staring out at the array of lights.

  Just as I’m relaxing, I feel someone walk up behind me. I’m sure of who it is when the reminder of the ocean washes over me once again. I clench my eyes shut as his breath teases along my neck.

  When I finally open them, I realize we can see each other’s reflection in the glass. Looking straight ahead, I see Damon’s eyes staring back at me as his tall frame towers above.

  “This is a nice view,” he says.

  My body shudders from his deep, sensual voice.

  I swallow and wet my dry lips before I speak.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “You seem very nervous around me, Alayna. Why is that?” Hearing my name off his tongue is like a guilty pleasure.

  “I’m not nervous. I don’t even know you.” I look out toward the city, barely able to keep free from the shackles of his gaze.

  “You’re avoiding me, and we both know that’s not what you really want.”

  Turning my head, I brave peering up at him instead of looking toward the glass. I want to tell Damon what a presumptuous ass he is to assume such a thing, but I can’t. What he said is true, and he intimidates me beyond belief.

  “I don’t know what gave you that idea.”

  “So, you don’t notice the way your body responds when I’m near?”

  His dominating voice penetrates deep within me, his breath right at my ear, and I feel his hand slide around my waist, his fingers splaying across one side of my stomach.

  “What do you want from me?” I ask, barely above a whisper.

  He swiftly turns me around by my waist and tilts my chin that’s once again staring at his chest.

  “You’re a gorgeous woman, Alayna.”

  I hold my breath and close my eyes, irritated that I can’t stop my lip from quivering.

  “Is that your line for every woman you try to get to sleep with you?”

  “I meant what I said, and there would be no sleeping.”

  “I don’t know if you got the impression I’m easy because I write romance novels, but I don’t do one night stands.” I look away from his piercing stare.

  “You, easy? I don’t believe that you are, but I do want one night with you. You’ll forget any man who touched you before me.”

  I feel my eyes filling with tears. I’m angry he can see through me. “I don’t want you, but I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding another woman to take home.”

  I try to pull away, but he grips my chin harder.

  “I don’t want any other woman, Alayna.”

  Jerking hard, I free myself from his hold and storm away. After a few desperate moments of looking, I find Felicia.

  “Is there any way I could get your key? I’m sorry, but I’m not feeling well. I was going to take a taxi back to your place.”

  Felicia takes hold of my hand. “I saw Damon speaking to you. What the hell did he say?”

  “Nothing important. I’m really not feeling well.”

  “OK. Come with me to the table, and I’ll get it from my purse.”

  When I look toward the window, I see Damon leaning his shoulder against the glass with his hands in his pockets. He’s staring me down, confident as hell. Bastard.

  Chapter Three


  I’m in the back of my Mercedes Pullman as my driver takes me to the church. I hate weddings. I try to convince myself I’m angry over being a part of this conventional bullshit, but deep down, I know it’s because I can’t get Ms. Wynn out of my head.

  Women typically throw themselves at me, and I have no trouble rejecting them since I don’t do conventional sex, either, but I was more than willing to make an exception for one night with her.

  I was aggressive because of it, aware she wouldn’t come to me, so I took a chance, and her rejection has me furious since all I’ve been able to think about since is fucking her. My opportunity to do so is lessening every second.


  I’m standing in a room off the chapel of the church with Seth and Martin.

  “You need to tell me w
hat the hell happened between you and Alayna,” Seth says as he straightens his bowtie in the mirror.

  “Nothing happened.”

  “Normally, I’d believe that, but I saw you speaking to her in private, which shocked the shit out of me since she isn’t a chick you could tie to a bed. Then she left out of here as if she was late for her own funeral.”

  I don’t reply as he turns from the mirror and stares at me, waiting for a response.

  “After we got home and saw she’d already gone to bed, Felicia interrogated me. You keeping a low profile prevents her from asking me much about you.

  “I’ve managed to dodge her questions about your writing and the other shit you’re into, but if you dick over Alayna, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “Oh, man. Did she shoot you down?” Martin asks, chuckling. “You have to tell me if she did. It would thoroughly make my day.” I give him a look but don’t reply. “I think you like her, and that would be a first,” he adds.

  I don’t use the word like and definitely not the word love. Sex is all I want from a woman, but as much as I want Alayna, I can’t risk being a cause of friction between Seth and Felicia. Relationships, weddings, all of it makes me uncomfortable, so I’m ready to get this over with.


  I’m at the reception, trying not to picture Damon slowly undressing in front of me or better yet, slowly undressing me. He’s handsome as ever in his tuxedo.

  I awoke drenched in sweat twice throughout the night after having erotic dreams about us, so I’ve done everything in my power not to make eye contact with the man.

  Also, I slip away from the table as often as possible, hiding out in the fancy restroom of this lavish hotel. Even though I’d never have a fling with Damon, a part of me is disappointed that he didn’t try to speak to me, but why should I expect different? I turned him down coldly.

  I didn’t want to lie to Felicia, but I couldn’t bring myself to share right before her wedding what happened with him. I’ll consider sharing it with her at a much later date through a phone call, so she can’t see that the effect Damon had on me has only grown stronger.

  “Alayna, are you ready to take off?” Martin asks as Felicia and Seth ride away in the limo.

  Everyone is dispersing from the steps of the building as I look around for Damon. I feel a touch of regret, OK, a lot of regret, thinking I’ll never exchange a goodbye with him. Why does that bug me? He was so arrogant.

  “Let me make one more trip to the restroom in case we’re stuck in traffic for a while,” I say to Martin.

  “OK, I’ll wait out here.”

  We’re taking a taxi back to the condo where we’ll get our things and head to the airport. After finishing up in the restroom, I exit into the long hallway leading back to the lobby.

  Someone grabs my arm and pulls me from behind. I begin to turn around and in an instant, find myself pressed against a wall. Startled, my eyes widen and my breath hitches as I stare into the depths of Damon’s dark pools.

  His mouth hovers a few inches above mine, and I can’t help dropping my gaze from his eyes to his lips. One of his hands is pressed against the wall next to my head while the other glides down my cheek.

  “We’re not leaving without a proper goodbye,” he says at almost a whisper, the demanding yet sensuous tone still present.

  I tremble at the anticipation of what meaning his words hold. “OK.” It’s all I can get out.

  His head drops, and lips brush across mine. The rush from his touch causes my mouth to open without contemplation, inviting his tongue to play with mine.

  The second they collide, I whimper from the charged link between us. His touch hot-wires my libido, driving it in the direction he wants.

  The light pressure of his one finger grazing down my neck to my chest has my brain lightheaded and my body shaking. Grasping hold of one side of his tux collar, I crinkle it in my hand, desperate to make our contact last as long as possible.

  Minutes of tongues caressing and breaths sharing sizzling space isn’t enough to satiate my new craving, and it’s the alarming thought that has me desperately pulling away. Damon’s mouth brushes my ear.

  “Until we meet again, which we will, remember how wet you are at this precise moment … remember what I do to you, Alayna.” He plants one kiss to my bare neck before pushing off the wall and walking away.

  Arrogant bastard.

  Chapter Four

  Three Months Later in January


  “Mr. Lear, I apologize; we can’t move any faster,” my driver says.

  A storm is approaching New York, and the Nor’easter is expected to dump over twenty inches of snow. I stayed at work late since my assistant assured me throughout the day we’d have no trouble getting home as usual.

  “Quinn, you were to make sure this didn’t happen,” I say to my personal assistant. He’s twenty-five, and I think I need to look into getting more experienced staff.

  “Sir, I apologize. The weather has drastically changed from what the reports were predicting even this afternoon.”

  We’re on Broadway in the Mercedes, trying to get to Fifth Avenue, but the snow is coming down heavily, and it appears we’re barely moving. I remember Seth and Felicia were leaving for vacation with his family, so I’m curious if they made it out of the city. I reach for my phone to give him a call.

  “Seth, it’s Damon. How are you?”

  “I’m great. Felicia and I made it to Barbados. From watching the news, I see we couldn’t have picked a better week.”

  “I thought you left today, so I was concerned you didn’t make it out in time.”

  “No, we left yesterday, but Felicia’s friend, Alayna, wasn’t so lucky. She’s stuck at LaGuardia airport. Felicia told her not to leave our house, but she didn’t listen. She thought she could make her flight, but every single one is cancelled.”

  I feel my heart rate picking up just from hearing her name. “Ask Felicia if she know which Airline Alayna uses.” Waiting for Seth to answer, I speak to my driver.

  “Roger, we need to get to LaGuardia.”

  “Now, sir?” he asks, sounding anxious.

  “Yes, now.”

  “We could possibly get stranded, sir. The weather is terrible,” he says.

  “We’re going to the airport,” I order.

  I hear Quinn sigh from the front seat. He’s riding next to Roger.

  “She’s flying Delta. Why?” Seth asks.

  “I’m going to get her. She’s not sleeping at the airport. She could be stuck there for days.”

  “Man, she probably won’t go for that. I don’t think she’s your biggest fan.”

  “She’s leaving with me. Get me her number.”

  “Alright, I’ll text it to you, but don’t get her into a different kind of trouble. Good luck and stay safe,” he says with a chuckle.

  I end the call and dial my executive assistant.

  “Helen, get human resources on the line with us. We need to close the office tomorrow. Only executive staff will work from home, and I’m taking the day off. No one is to disturb me unless it’s an absolute emergency.”

  “Yes, Mr. Lear. I’ll take care of it now.”

  Alayna Wynn … trapped in my home for days.


  I royally screwed up. I can’t believe I’m from Long Island, yet I’m stuck in a New York airport for possibly days. I should’ve listened to Felicia and rode the storm out in their condo. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome. I would’ve had to eat their food and use their utilities.

  This is karma for not telling my parents I’m in the state. I wasn’t ready to share that I’m relocating to New York City. I knew they’d want me to move near them, and I wasn’t in the mood for a lecture.

  Since I can write from anywhere and have no family in St. Louis, I can’t find a single reason to stay there. Also, I’m in a major writing funk. It’s difficult to write about romance when I don’t believe in it anymore and wh
en my surroundings remind me of my failed relationship.

  I’m hoping a fresh start will spark my creativity. Besides my uncertainty about living in a hectic city, my other concern over moving back to New York is Damon Lear. His parting words messed with my head.

  I fantasize about the man daily, becoming wet with desire every time. I can’t fathom how someone I barely know can have that effect on me. I’m not sure if I want to be put in a situation where I’d see him again, and I imagine if I socialize with Felicia and Seth enough times, it will happen.

  Moving to the city would mean Felicia and I would be physically close for the first time ever, and she did a lot of begging, so I finally caved and agreed to check out some apartments.

  I’ve stayed with her a few days and was supposed to go to the airport with her and Seth yesterday, when they left for vacation, but I couldn’t get in to see one of the apartments until this morning. Aware the weather was supposed to get ugly, I shouldn’t have stayed the extra day.

  My parents and brother might get their wish after all. Long Island is looking better every second, especially since I’m stuck in this airport with thousands of strangers. I hear my phone ring, so I pull it out of my bag.

  “Alayna, it’s Curtis.”

  I roll my eyes. “I was just thinking about you, big brother.”

  “I’m having a hard time keeping your secret with this storm coming.”

  “Don’t you dare tell Mom and Dad I’m in this state. I’ll be fine. I might still get a flight out.”

  “You’re lying. I saw the news.”

  “Look, Felicia’s beeping in, I’ll talk to you later. Love you.” I end the call before he can reply.

  “Alayna, it’s Felicia.”

  “I spoke to you fifteen minutes ago. I don’t want you worrying about me your whole vacation.”

  “Um, I have to tell you something.”

  “OK, what is it?”


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