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One Urge: Erotica Romance Novella (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

Page 7

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  Damon’s face is buried in my unruly hair, his labored breath rushing through to my neck. Since I can’t touch him, I at least savor the feel of his smoldering body on mine, wishing my nightshirt was off, so more of our skin could be bound together.

  After climbing off of me, he goes into the restroom briefly. When he returns, he undoes the ties on my wrists, which appear to be black scarves. I don’t want him to know my hands hurt, so I don’t rub them like I have the urge to do.

  He slips his boxers on and covers me up. What is he doing? He takes a seat facing me about where my waist is and runs his hand up into my hair, massaging it.

  I’m fixed on him, curious as to what he plans to do next. About a minute passes before he leans over and gently kisses my lips and then my forehead.

  “Goodnight, Alayna.” He switches off the light and leaves my room, shutting the door behind him. Well, he confirmed he’s not into cuddling. I’m already feeling something for him.

  I can’t let anything else happen between us, or my heart will be shattered as I predicted. I was doing fine without a man. Yes, my sex life was non-existent, and I didn’t even realize how much so, but I was surviving. This could set me back badly, and I can’t allow that to happen.

  Chapter Eleven


  It’s eight in the morning, and I’m in the middle of a conference call with my executive staff at Golding R. Publishing. This storm is turning my world upside down, and my company will be drastically behind.

  I’m having a difficult time focusing as I wonder whether Alayna is up or not, if she’s eaten, how she’s feeling, but most importantly, what she thinks about last night. She wasn’t up when I made coffee thirty minutes ago.

  My meeting doesn’t end until ten. I don’t hear a sound on my way to the kitchen, and it appears nothing’s been touched. I fix another cup of coffee and walk into the living room. The snow has stopped falling, and the sun is trying to peak through the clouds.

  I can hardly take my eyes off the view of white. As important as it is for this bad weather to be over, I feel a pang of disappointment knowing Alayna will be able to leave in a couple of days. Why do I care so much?

  I pause by her door as I head to my office. I’m stalking my house guest. I don’t hear a sound, so I go on my way, frustrated. Already, I want to kiss her, smell her skin and taste her again. She’s like a drug.

  Unwelcomed, yet all too familiar feelings are emerging. I have to stop wanting her, and yet I made her think again that I do. She’s submissive but has a heart that I don’t believe would settle for only sex. I need to leave her the hell alone.


  Stretching, I wince at the pain my body feels. I’m joining a damn gym when I get settled somewhere. I never knew sex could be so laborious. The clock on the nightstand shows it’s eleven when I climb out of bed.

  I turn on the shower and make it as hot as I can tolerate. Hesitating to step in, I sniff my arms and then my hair, searching for Damon’s scent. I don’t want to wash it off.

  Geez, I’m in deep shit. I climb into the shower and lather my skin. Suds slide down my body, and I imagine Damon’s mouth skimming along every part of it. I can barely use my hands, so I hold them up and see that the bones sticking up on my wrists are badly bruised and sore.

  I think they were banging against the headboard while he was fucking me into submission. Although, I don’t think we’re doing things the way he’s used to. I’m getting the impression he’s taking it easy on me, and maybe that’s what he doesn’t enjoy.

  I step out and dress. I brought very little with me since I was supposed to only be here for a couple of days, so I put on the black, yoga pants I brought in case Felicia dragged me to her class. Thank goodness she didn’t. I couldn’t have handled that workout and Damon in the same week.

  I put on a grey sweatshirt. It’s soft and hangs off one shoulder. Pretending I have an athletic bone in my body, I wear it to feel like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance. I have the out of control hair like her, except mine is very long and glowing red.

  To stick with the Flashdance theme, I leave it down for dramatic effect. OK, I obviously need to do some writing since the imaginative juices are flowing today.

  I make my way to the living room. I hear Damon speaking, but I’m not certain which room he’s in. The snow has stopped, and I feel a pain in my stomach the second I see the clearing sky over the Hudson.

  Trying to distract myself from the disappointing fact the weather’s improving, I nose around in the kitchen. It appears Margaret has frozen some meals, so I sort through them and find a lasagna. I sit it in the fridge to thaw some. I guess we could have that for dinner.

  Finding some chicken salad and some bakery croissants, neither of which will keep much longer, I make sandwiches, and after taking a couple for myself, I wrap the rest up and put them in the fridge. I also put together a simple fruit salad.

  I hope he doesn’t mind if I eat in my room since I’m not waiting around here to see him. I find a piece of paper and pen from my purse and write him a note, telling him lunch is in the fridge. Leaving it on the counter, I go back to my room.

  After eating, I attempt to write, but my wrists are hurting too much to type on my laptop, so I get out my Kindle and begin to read.

  I’m going to be broke if I don’t get another book out soon. I guess I’m not supposed to read on this so called vacation since my phone is now ringing. It’s Felicia, so I answer.

  “Hi, girl. How’s the beach and sunshine?”

  “Amazing. Sorry you’re stuck in a blizzard.”

  “It stopped snowing, but I doubt anyone will be getting anywhere before tomorrow if not longer.”

  “So, how’s it going with Damon? Has he even spoken to you?”

  I clear my throat, nervous to talk about him.

  “Um, yeah. You could say that.”

  “Alayna, spill it.”

  “What? I don’t have anything to tell.”

  “Bullshit. I know your tone of voice to well to not know something is up, so don’t even think you’re hiding it. What’s going on?”

  “Ugh. I don’t want to share.”

  “Oh my god. You slept with him.”

  “Hush. Is Seth around? I don’t want him to know and say something to Damon.”

  “I can’t believe it. You have to tell me everything.”

  “Hell no. I can’t share. Sorry, not this.”

  “You’re killing me, Alayna. I will force it out of you. Please be careful. He’s mysterious, so there has to be secrets there, and I don’t want you to get attached and then get hurt.”

  “I’m a grown woman. I can handle him.” Big fat liar, pants on fire. You can’t handle shit when it comes to that man.

  “If you say so, but promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “I promise, mother.” I roll my eyes before ending the call.

  She’d personally whip Damon’s ass if she knew what he’s already done to me. She’s had more sexual partners than I, but I’m pretty sure vanilla’s the only flavor she enjoys.


  I thought I heard Alayna earlier, but I was on a work call and couldn’t check. I stroll back out to the kitchen and find a note on the counter. The precious being fixed me lunch.

  I eat at the table, hoping she’ll come out. I shouldn’t touch Alayna, but it doesn’t mean I can’t see her. She never returns, so I’m not sure what to do. I seriously feel like I need to make sure she’s OK today, so I knock on her door.

  She opens it and hell, not again. She looks like a damn college girl in this outfit. I feel like I’m standing in the doorway of her dorm room, ready to give her some experience. Shit. I rub my chin, debating on whether I want to chuck the small amount of moral compass I have left out the window. Yes, I think so.

  Raising her eyebrows, she gives me a look like she’s waiting to hear what I want. How long have I been staring at her?

  “I wanted to thank you for lunch and make sure you’re OK tod
ay since I hadn’t seen you.”

  “You’re welcome, and I’m fine.” She smiles at me and then looks away, pulling her bottom lip through her teeth. That lip is mine to bite.

  “I’ve been busy working.” I slide my hands up behind her neck and into her sexy curls. Damn, I love her hair. Gently, I pull her forward a little where she’s forced to take a step.

  “I figured as much. I imagine running a company takes up a lot of your time. Since I have nothing better to do, I’ll fix dinner, too. I really don’t mind.” She closes her eyes as I begin massaging her scalp.

  Dipping my head, I plant my lips on hers. I taste fruit and smell honeysuckle. She grips my waist and opens her mouth for me, so I can’t resist sliding my greedy tongue in to mingle with hers.

  A taste is all it takes. I have to have her. One of my arms goes around her back, and I yank her to me. Alayna slides her hands up under my shirt. Fuck, she’s touching me, but it feels amazing and only fuels my thirst.

  My phone begins to ring. Ignoring it, I kiss her harder, but it doesn’t let up, ringing over and over.

  “Dammit!” I yell before I let her go and pull it out of my pocket. “I have to answer this.” I reluctantly leave her and readjust my jeans.


  Work becomes a priority, and I end up in my study for several hours. While in the middle of a call, there’s a knock on the door. I walk over and open it, and Alayna is holding a bottled water and a glass of tea. She sticks one out and then the other, signaling for me to take which one I want.

  I take the tea, but I want her more. She turns to leave, so I grab her arm and turn her around. Those virtuous, green eyes stare back at me, appearing curious and fearful at the same time. I shake my head no, telling her she’s not to leave.

  I sit back in my chair and watch her approach the windows where there’s a remarkable view of the city. After a couple of minutes, she turns around and stalks toward me, giving me a piercing stare. Her fingernail goes into her mouth, and shit, I have to get off this call.

  Once she’s in reaching distance, I pull her to me and slide her sweatshirt up, skimming my lips across her flat stomach, smelling her alluring scent. My senior vice president, George, is talking in my ear the entire time, but I’ve lost all focus.

  She takes hold of my shoulders and pushes me back into the chair. I give her a look. She’s asking for trouble. The next thing I know, Alayna’s on her knees and unbuttoning my jeans. She tilts those eyes up, giving me a sexy smile as she slowly pulls down my zipper.

  My free hand goes right into her hair as I imagine shoving my dick into her mouth. She runs her hand down my length on the outside of my boxers before she pushes them down and circles her finger along the tip.

  “George, I’m going to have to call you back.”

  I end the call and shut off my phone. No one is interrupting this. Lifting my hips, I yank my pants down some, and her mouth is instantly on my cock.

  Holy hell. Both of my hands are now clutching her hair, and I can’t resist pushing her head down. She takes me deep into her throat. Fuck, I don’t need her to be good at anything else.

  I growl as she runs her tongue up the backside before circling the tip. She repeats this several times, and I already want to come. Continuing to suck hard, she carefully runs her fingers over my sac, and I have to bury myself in this angel. She looks instantly panicked when I pull away from her.

  “Nothing’s wrong, baby. I just need to be inside you.” She stands, and after I’m up, I sit her on top of my desk.

  “Please, let me touch you,” she says, barely above a whisper.

  I sigh heavily. Without answering her, she glides her hands into my hair and rubs my scalp gently. I close my eyes and let myself go, relishing in the feel of her hands on me. After a minute, I unhook the front of her bra.

  She moves her hands to the bottom of my shirt and begins unbuttoning it. Working her way up, she lifts those eyes at me again. The last thing I need for my restraint is to see a naughty side of Alayna.

  My shirt falls over my shoulders before she’s running her hands down my chest to my waist. I make her bra fall, and her tits are in my hands. I massage them as she runs her hand up and down my throbbing cock that’s out of my jeans.

  Almost simultaneously, we both start stripping off our pants. I pull a condom from my pocket and get it on. Yanking her to the edge of my desk, I plunge into her. Christ!

  Leaning back, Alayna rests on her elbows, causing her long curls to spread out on my desk. I’m able to bury myself far inside her while my hands are to the side of her ass, squeezing it tight.

  She’s letting me fuck her hard again, and the flushed look on her face and chest, and her tits bouncing is the most erotic sight. This woman does crazy things to me, and I already know I don’t want her to leave.

  “Open your eyes, Alayna. I want to see them when you come.”

  She can barely comply as she reaches climax, moaning and fisting her hands on my desk. I thrust into her one more time, gripping her ass even harder as I pull her as close to me as I can. My fingers are digging into her skin, cock’s pulsing, and I’m groaning as the pleasure holds on to me.

  When it’s over, I bring her up snug against my chest, feeling her pounding heart. Her skin is blazing to the touch, and she smells fucking great. I kiss the top of her head and hold on to her for dear life, panicking over how soon she’ll be gone.

  “Sex is amazing with you,” she says.

  I realize her hands are on me as they glide up and down my sweaty back. I could attempt to teach her to be a true submissive. Then I could keep her around. It would be a first, having one woman.

  Pulling back from her, I slip off the condom and toss it in the wastebasket by my desk. I frame her face and give her a deep kiss before I press my lips to her forehead and let her go.

  I pick up her sweatshirt from the floor and slip it over her head. It’s hanging off one of her soft shoulders, and I can’t help but press my lips to her bare skin.

  Taking hold of her hands on each side of her body, I squeeze them as I line kisses up her shoulder and neck. She makes a sound as if she’s wincing and pulls away.

  “What’s wrong, Alayna?”


  I take hold of her face and tilt it up close to mine before I look directly at her.

  “Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I’m sorry I pulled away, but my wrists hurt.”

  I immediately pick up her hands. Her wrists are swollen and bruised. I had her tied up tight last night, and I got carried away in the moment. It’s easy to do with her, and she should’ve fucking told me I was hurting her.

  “Dammit, Alayna. I made you pick a safe word for a reason!”

  “Don’t bark at me. I didn’t know until this morning. All I felt last night was pleasure. I swear.” She takes hold of my face, but I grab her arms and yank them down.

  “Don’t touch me.” Shit, she looks like she’s going to cry.

  “I was going to say I don’t regret it and not to push me away, but you can just go to hell!” She hops up and slides between me and the desk. After grabbing the rest of her clothes, she tears toward the door.

  “Alayna, please don’t—”

  Slam. The door’s shut, and I’m launching a book at it in seconds. I’m pissed I’ve hurt her, and I’m furious she walked away from me.

  Chapter Twelve


  He told me he wanted to hurt me to the point it felt good for me. Well, sex with Damon is mind blowing, so I have no complaints. Being tied up was hot and a turn-on, but I can’t help that my wrists hurt, and I tried to tell the sick asshole it was fine.

  It’s acceptable to touch him one minute but not the next. He has problems. I put my hair up in a messy bun and step into the shower. I wasn’t supposed to let him touch me again, but as soon he came to my room earlier and those hands went into my hair, it was over.

  “Don’t let it happen again, Alayna,” I scold aloud, trying to
psych myself to stay the hell away from Damon.

  After showering, I put on the same outfit I was wearing and go to the kitchen. I turn the oven on and stroll to the living room windows. Peering out, I scope the city for any signs of civilization. I see vehicles on some of the streets. If flights are leaving the city, I’m going to the airport in the morning.

  I hear the oven beep, letting me know it’s heated, so I slide the lasagna in and go back to my room. After getting on my laptop, I see the airports are projected to open tomorrow, and even if I can’t get a flight out, I need to get back there. Mentally, I’ll be safer.

  My wrists are too sore to stay on the computer, so I lie down, and in my head, I work on my next novel. I think about what direction I want to take it and develop my characters. This one might be a little racier.

  Once I think the lasagna is finished, I go to the kitchen and make a salad. I fix a plate of food and a drink before I put the lasagna back in the oven to keep it warm. Surely, he’ll smell it and look there.

  While eating, I watch television. I’m beginning to feel lonely. It’s odd since I’m alone most of the time in St. Louis. I think it’s because here I’m in a strange environment and continue to feel rejected after he takes what he wants.

  The sex is phenomenal, so I can hardly regret it, but it doesn’t mean I have to continue to put my hand in the fire.


  I haven’t seen Alayna for hours, and I can’t leave things the way they are. This is why I don’t engage in anything vanilla. I reach her door and hear her talking.

  “Curtis, I’m fine. I’m perfectly safe here. He’s friends with Felicia and Seth and saved me from being stranded at the airport for days. You should be grateful.

  “I have to go. I’ll talk to you when I find out my flight information. Please don’t tell Mom and Dad I’m in New York. They’ll freak out worse than you … I love you, too.”

  I’m guessing a brother. It sounds like she hung up, so I knock on her door.


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