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Hunter's Home: Hunter's Saga Books 1-3

Page 5

by Art DeForest

  Looking once more down valley, Alex could see several craft in the air. They seemed to be making large circles in the air, starting at the town then circling out in one direction or the other before returning to town and starting all over again.

  A mixture of dread and curiosity overtook the two young people as they watched the activity in the distance.. “So many,” Keisha muttered almost to herself. “What could they possibly want with us?” she asked, puzzlement and fear mixed in her voice. Shaking his head, Alex stared hard down the valley. “I don’t know.” he said., as he turned to stare into her soft honey caramel colored gaze. His shoulders straightened and his features became resolute. “Whatever it is though, we may be the only people around here that can do anything about it.” Gesturing to Keish they turned their gaze from town and started down into the next canyon

  Hunter’s Chase


  Looking down valley, Alex could see several patrol craft the invaders used to control the surrounding area. They seemed to be making large circles in the air, starting at the town then circling out in one direction or the other before returning to town and starting all over again.

  He thought back over the past few days and to all these…..people had done to him. They had killed his mother. They had payed dearly for that action. He and his trusty hunting rifle had seen to that. They hadn’t been able to see Alex hidden up in the hills 500 meters away much less defend themselves from the precision fired hell he had rained down on them. He’d left ten people dead that day. They had retaliated though. A massive assault shuttle had showed up looking for the missing people and taken revenge by destroying his home with a well placed missile.

  Now he was on the run. Sneaking from homestead to homestead, trying to find anyone with information about who the invaders were and what they wanted. They’d all been empty. It was like all his neighbors had been snatched from right in the middle of their lives. All he knew so far was that they had some kind of technology that could suck the energy from any powered device and that they used chemical powered slug throwers as their primary weapons. Those two facts were undoubtedly related he figured.

  At least he had found help if not information. He glanced over at the beautiful girl standing next to him. She was about 1.5 meters tall with long brunette hair. She had honey caramel colored eyes and red lips that showed any emotion as it crossed face. “She’s tough as nails too.” thought Alex admiringly. If I have to be on the run, I couldn’t have found a much better companion.” he speculated.

  He continued to watch the town contemplatively, trying to form a plan, when Keisha tapped him on the shoulder. With her other hand she pointed off to one side of the valley at a quickly approaching scout ship. “I think he’s coming our way.” She remarked, apprehension written on her face. Alex scrutinized the craft briefly. “I think you’re right” he said. “Let’s get off this ridge and under cover. Quickly!”

  They scrambled down the far side of the ridge as quickly as they could. About half way down they hunkered beneath one of the ever present nearpines. Sitting shoulder to shoulder near the base, Alex quickly freed the camo cover and, with Keisha’s help draped it over them.

  They sat huddled together under the blanket, listening intently for the telltale rumble of the approaching ship. Within a few moments the rumble began, growing louder and louder as the craft approached. It never flew directly overhead however. From the sound of the moving craft, it seemed to be focusing it’s search to the canyon they had just vacated. After a couple of hours of listening to the ship move back and forth, the sound gradually became less and less as the craft moved out of the area.

  “It’s a good thing we got over that ridge in time” said Keisha in a low voice. She was quietly impressed with the man beside her. Young he may be, she thought, but he made decisions quickly and they seemed to be the right one’s. At least they had saved them from capture so far. “Now what?” she said, looking at his strong jawed profile. Even in his worn bush clothes he was easy on the eyes she thought. He had unkempt sandy blond hair that could really use a cut and a brush. His penetrating blue eyes scrutinized the terrain in front of them. He was taller than her by several centimeters, lean, but she had felt the rock hard muscle whenever they had touched.

  Alex looked at her consideringly for a moment, then gazed out over what he could see of the valley from their spot on the hillside. “I think we need to head on down this canyon to the valley. Once we are there we can sneak across and approach town from the other side. They’ve seen me twice now on this side. We need to cross them up if we can.

  “Won’t it be dangerous crossing the valley? There isn’t as much cover.” she said, a curious expression on her face. “I think we’ll be fine.” replied Alex. “We can see a lot of the sky down valley. It shouldn’t be a problem to see a ship approaching and get under cover if need be.”

  A pensive expression came over Keisha as she contemplated the view. “I’m really worried about my aunt and uncle” she said, her arms crossed in apprehension. “I hope they’re okay.” she said. The grin dropped off Alex’s face as he saw her concern. “There wasn’t any evidence in the house to say they were injured. If they didn’t put up a fight… my mom did.” he said, trying not to choke up. “I think they’ll be okay” he said consolingly. “The other homesteads were like your aunt and uncle’s place. One had a little blood on the floor like there had been a scuffle, but not a lot. I think everyone was just rounded up for some reason.” he said with a puzzled expression.

  Keisha looked at him thoughtfully. “I wonder why though?” she said, looking thoughtfully. “You’d think if they were invading that they would just kill people, not capture them.” Alex nodded his head in agreement. “The only thing I can figure is that they have something to hide and that they are not such monsters that they’d kill everybody around in order to keep a secret.”

  They headed down the canyon, keeping part way up the side as much as possible in order to keep a downhill option in case they had to run. They kept their heads on swivels as they moved, watching for aircraft as well as sabercats. They didn’t want another encounter like that. The teeth on the beautiful but deadly creature that gave it it’s name, would haunt the nightmares of both of them for awhile.

  Alex and Keisha descended the canyon by mid day. Once again stopping and hiding whenever a scout approached. They now stood at the edge of the treeline, gathering courage for the trek across the valley floor. It was only about 2 kilometers across, but it was an awfully open 2 kilometers.

  Alex was watching a scout ship in the distance as it made its lazy seeming patrol loop. It appeared to be just starting the leg of its patrol that would lead it back their way. “Let’s stay in the trees and under the camo cover until they head back toward town. Then we’ll make the crossing.” he said.

  In the close confines of the cover Alex couldn’t help but wish he’d had time to brush his teeth before the sabercat attack earlier had sent them on their way. He knew he couldn’t possibly smell very good after all the hiking and hiding. He noticed that Keisha had surreptitiously brought her hand up to her mouth. Apparently she had similar feelings. Alex felt a flutter in his stomach at that. He had very limited experience with girls and the fact that a very pretty one was standing shoulder to shoulder with him and was apparently concerned about what he thought of her made his inner caveman sit up and take notice. “Not now!” he told it silently as it capered and hooted for control in the back of his brain.

  As the distant rumble of the scout ship started to fade, they removed the cover once more. After confirming that the ship was headed away from them, he looked at her and said, “You ready?” She nodded her head firmly and they began to make their way across the valley at a light jog.

  The section of the valley they were crossing was covered with the green squares of cultivated fields edged with ditches. Tall grasses grew on the banks of the ditches outlining the fields with tall tan edging. In the distance a wide treeline was vis
ible snaking its way down the middle of the valley. Alex knew this was where Carlson creek ran and fed water to the patchwork quilt of fields surrounding it. Further on past the stream, more cultivated fields ran to butt up against the hills just visible in the hazy afternoon light. It was getting late into summer and already daylight wasn’t lasting as long.

  Alex and Keisha traveled quickly along the flat terrain, staying close to the ditchlines as possible. This broke up their profile and made them harder to spot from the craft patrolling farther down the valley. It would also be a handy place to dive for cover if a craft started to approach before they could reach the trees at the edge of the stream. The water in the ditches would mask their body heat and the tall grass would protect them from sight.

  The run across the valley, though tense, was largely uneventful. They stopped for a rest under the protective cover of the stream. Resting in the cool shade of the trees, they had a bite to eat and rehydrated themselves. Keisha grimaced as she took a bite of a protein bar from her pack. “These are going to get old real quick.” She complained mildly. Alex looked at his own half eaten bar and had to agree. ‘Yeah I could really go for a steak about now, but we don’t need a repeat of the last time we had steak.” he chuckled ruefully. “No doubt.” Keisha said, shaking her head. “Live and learn I guess.”

  “Any more mistakes like that could get us killed. I really screwed up there.” said Alex, growing somber. “It’s not like they teach a class on escape and evasion in secondary school.” said Keisha trying to buck up Alex’s spirits. “We just have to keep our eyes sharp and our mind’s focused.”

  Alex finished his snack and put the empty wrapper in a pocket of his pack. He held out his hand to take Keisha’s wrapper as well. “No need to litter just because we’re on the run from dangerous invaders.” he said with a sardonic smile. Keisha smiled back, reaching out to hand him her wrapper. “Absolutely right.” she said with conviction, a smile lighting up her face. Alex was caught off guard by the beauty of her smile. He looked down at the ground blushing when their fingers touched as he took it from her.

  Holding each other in terror was one thing, but the casual touch from the pretty girl had Alex’s stomach doing flip flops. He shook himself mentally. “What’s wrong with you!” he asked himself disparagingly. “You’re in a struggle for your life and you keep getting distracted by a girl. Knock it off!” he chastised himself.

  After he stowed the wrapper with its fellows in his pack, he abruptly rose and started to re-sling his pack. “We should get going” he said sounding a bit curt suddenly. Keisha nodded her head, the smile dropping from her lips. “Was that a hurt expression on her face?” Alex’s gut clenched at the thought. “Damn it!” he thought. “You don’t have to be an asshole either.” self-recrimination flooding through him.

  Keisha nodded and started to rise herself. “What happened there?” she wondered. It had been a pleasant break and she had felt a little thrill run up her arm when their fingers had touched. “Now he’s suddenly mister all business!” Sighing she shouldered her pack. “All set.” she said. Alex looked as if he were about to say something, but then just nodded and turned his back to head for the stream. Keisha followed behind, a bemused expression on her face.

  Alex used a water filter pump from his pack to refill their canteens when they reached the edge of the stream. They quickly crossed and continued on their way. The sun was getting low on the horizon as they stealthily crossed the final kilometer to the hills at the edge of the valley. Alex sighed audibly when the welcoming embrace of the treeline engulfed them. Keisha could see his shoulders relax once they were under cover. They continued on for a little ways before Alex stopped under the spreading branches of a large tree. Alex didn’t know the name of this type, but they seemed to like the lower altitude of the valley floor. “This looks like a good place to make camp for the night.” he said “We could make it a ways further before dark.” said Keisha with a concerned look on her face. “We’re tired already.” said Alex “I don’t want one of us to twist an ankle or something due to exhaustion and poor visibility.

  Keisha looked like she was going to argue for a minute, but her shoulders slumped in resignation as she accepted the wisdom of his words. “I’m just so worried about my aunt and uncle. “I’m worried about everything really” she said in a quavering voice. “We don’t know how many soldiers there are. Have they invaded the whole planet? If not why haven’t the defense forces come to stop them? My whole family could be dead for all I know and I’m sitting out here in the middle of nowhere doing nothing!” she ranted, her eyes going wild as she paced back and forth.

  “Look” said Alex trying to be comforting “I know how you feel--” “No you don’t!” she shouted at him. “How can you know how it feels wondering what’s going to happen to everyone you love!” Alex’s face stiffened into a mask suddenly. His tone became cold. “You’re right.” he said back stiff and straight as he met her eyes. “I don’t know how you feel. My family is already dead.” He said quietly his face like stone. Keisha’s face crumpled as she realized that her anger had reopened up a gaping wound in Alex. One he’d been desperately trying to deal with and hide from her in the process. “Alex i’m so sorry.” she said “I didn’t mean--”

  Alex’s shoulders slumped and his expression softened. Waving a hand to stop her he said, “It’s alright. We’re both under a lot of strain.” he sighed, letting go of the pain as best he could. He shrugged out off his pack and leaned it against the broad trunk. Turning around he sat on the ground and leaned up against his upright pack. He scrubbed his face with his hands and stared at the ground. Keisha followed suit, plopping herself down beside him, their shoulders almost touching.

  They sat that way for quite awhile as the light gradually faded around them, each keeping their thoughts close. Finally Keisha bumped his shoulder playfully with her own. Smiling slightly she said “How ‘bout a thrilling meal of protein bars and creek water? Alex looked at her and managed a grin of his own. “Okay” he said. “If you eat all your dinner like a good girl, I may even give you a treat for dessert.” he said bumping her shoulder in return. “Treat? What kind of treat?” she asked excitedly. Alex turned around and rummaged in his pack before spinning around and showing her with a flourish, “Snack cakes!” he said triumphantly. She pondered the half squashed little cellophane wrapped treats, before smiling widely. “My hero!” she exclaimed grabbing for the package.

  Alex quickly jerked the package away. “Ah, ah, ah! You’ll ruin your dinner.” he said in his most mock fatherly voice. Sticking out her bottom lip, she gave him a devastating little girl pout that did very interesting and disconcerting things to Alex’s insides. “All of it?” she whimpered, her bottom lip poking out. “Every last crumb,” he said sternly “Fine!” she said, stamping her foot in mock little girl anger. “You’re mean!” They stared at each other for a moment then abruptly they both cracked up laughing. It’s amazing how stress relieving a couple of snack cakes could be.


  The night passed uneventfully. After their protein bar and snack cake feast, Alex and Keisha broke out their sleeping bags. They placed them side by side once more, camo cover in its place covering both of them. Alex’s first notion that morning had come was when he felt something wriggle and try to slide out of his protective grasp. Still mostly asleep, he clutched the bundle more tightly to him. “Let me go, I have to pee.” said Keisha in a half playful, half irritated voice. He came fully awake with a start when a sleeping bag padded elbow dug sharply into his ribs. Jumping in startlement, he quickly released her. His face turned bright red as he came fully to consciousness and realized he had been spooning up comfortably to her backside. “S--Sorry” he said, mumbling in embarrassment. She smiled wickedly as she removed her small toiletry bag from her pack. Tossing him a wink over her shoulder, she walked out of sight to refresh herself. “Try not to be eaten by predators this time.” He called out softly in retaliation. His embarrassment lessened quick
ly, as a soft chuckle ghosted out from the trees.

  He got up and immediately started rolling his sleeping bag up and lashing it to his pack. By the time he had the camo cover in it’s ready position on the top of the pack, Keisha had returned and immediately started packing her own gear. Alex quickly took himself into the bushes to complete his own morning ablutions. He noticed a bit of a chill in the air this morning. Just enough to make him realize that the season was progressing quickly. He hoped he wouldn’t be forced to try to make it through winter out in the open.

  “If things go well, we should get to the hills beside town by about mid afternoon.” said Alex. “What then?” asked Keisha with a quizzical expression. Alex stared off in the general direction of town speculatively. “I think we’ll have to stay in the hills, at least at first, so we can scout the town out with my optics and see if it’s safe to enter. We’ll have to play it by ear until then.”

  Finally finished packing they walked through the trees at the edge of the valley. Small animal life abounded in areas like this. The trees provided cover. Food and water was abundant and humans didn’t often intrude.


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