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Hunter's Home: Hunter's Saga Books 1-3

Page 12

by Art DeForest

  “I bet” She said with a sardonic smile. “You had an eventful morning. I was worried sick about you. You know that right?” her eyes narrowed slightly. Alex sighed and put his hands over his face. “Not you too” came his muffled voice through his hands. “Don’t you think I’ve been yelled at enough for one day?” Keisha’s nod went unseen as Alex continued to hide behind his hands. “She gave it to you good alright,” said Keisha. “So I won’t pile on.” She put a hand on his forearm, pulling his hands down so he could see her. “Just be careful okay? There’s too much at stake.” Alex looked into her deep brown eyes and nodded. “I get it okay? No more going off half cocked.” He slowly rose to his feet. “I’m going to go relieve Owens. I can’t sleep anyway.” Keisha nodded and he headed over to where the lieutenant was resting.

  He made his way up the stairs after a brief conversation with Cooper. He found Private Owens in a chair well back from the front door. He looked relaxed, but alert. “I’m here to relieve you.” he said. Owens nodded and started to rise, but froze halfway up. “We have company.” He said as he crouched low in front of the chair he had just vacated. Jerking his head around, Alex saw six of the invading soldiers walking down the same street his party had the previous night. He crouched also and then he and Owens scuttled over and behind the reception desk, counting on the slight mirroring of the glass front door and windows to hide their movement.

  As the invaders drew closer, Alex panicked at a sudden thought. “Crap, I forgot to lock the door when I came back!” Instinctively he began to move to the door. Private Owen’s large hand settled firmly on his shoulder, bringing him up short. “I took care of it.” he said in a whisper. With a look of gratitude, Alex settled back down. He looked around the edge of the receptionist's desk to watch the approaching invaders. With an almost silent rasp, he heard Private Owens draw the pistol he’d appropriated from one of the empty homesteads. Alex’s rifle dropped from his shoulder to his waiting hands as they prepared themselves for battle.

  Sergeant Alvarez approached the front of the building curiously. He even walked up to the front entrance and tried to pull it open. As expected, the door was locked. Cupping his hands around his face he peered into the darkness looking for anything interesting or out of the ordinary, but the combination of mirrored glass and a darkened interior didn’t let him see much. He briefly debated breaking the glass with his rifle butt, however looting was strictly against regulations and he had no evidence to support his gut feeling that the fugitive he swore to kill personally was nearby.

  Alex’s eyes widened in recognition as he stared at the man trying to get into headquarters. The last time he had seen this man it had been through the scope of his rifle as the invader demanded his surrender. He hadn’t even known for sure anyone was out in the night to hear his demands. Alex felt a chill as he remembered what happened later that same night. He could still feel the splash of blood on his face when a bullet from Keisha’s pistol had taken the life of this man’s comrade.

  After a little more investigation the soldier move on with his patrol, and after a few more moments the street out front was clear of movement. Still crouched low, Owens whispered, “I’m going to report to the lieutenant. Keep a sharp eye out.” Nodding, Alex took a seat in a chair behind the reception desk, keeping a close watch outside. An hour or so later, he saw the invader soldiers headed back the way they had come. No one even glanced at the building this time. They just kept moving along their route as Alex hid behind the desk. A few minutes later, he heard the sound of a scout ship descending and very shortly thereafter, taking off once more.

  Alex was really having a fight with himself to stay awake an hour or so later when Keisha came up. “Lieutenant Cooper wants a word with all of us. She thinks it’s safe enough right now not to have a guard in place for a little while. Stretching and shaking his head Alex followed her back downstairs to the basement making sure to lock the door before descending the steps.

  Lieutenant Cooper was standing beside the inner basement door when Keisha and Alex came through. Nodding at them both she said, “Take a seat.” They moved into the room and seated themselves on one of the many mattresses that had been laid in two orderly rows on the floor. “Okay people,” she began. “We’ve made it to town in more or less one piece.” She said with a commiserating nod in private Ciner’s direction. “We have two objectives while we are here. Number one,” she said holding up an index finger. “We need to find out what happened to the people of the town and surrounding area. Number two, we need to find out who these invaders are and why they are here.” She started pacing slowly back and forth in thought. “ Along with that, we need to learn what we can about their capabilities and how they have managed to kill all the power and devices around here.” She stopped to face her audience. “Questions so far?”

  Private Murdoch, a thin man with a somewhat large nose on his otherwise thin face raised a hand tentatively. Cooper quickly nodded in his direction. “Ma’am, how can we investigate effectively when there’s some kinda sniper out there taking pot shots at us?” Alex raised his hand at this and Cooper quickly acknowledged him with a questioning eyebrow raise. Alex glanced around nervously, wondering if he was about to get another butt chewing. “Um...I kind of forgot to mention, with all that’s been going on, um the shot Ciner took was from an unmanned emplacement with what looked like a motion sensor attached. I...I saw it while I was out covering our tracks this morning.” he said looking at his hands nervously. Lieutenant Cooper looked at him speculatively for a moment. “If that’s the case, why weren’t we all fired on as we crossed the street?” she asked. Alex raised his head to look at her. She seemed calm and not like she was going to take a chunk out of him, at least not at the moment, so he continued on with a bit more confidence. “I think they have the detectors set so they don’t register anything close to the ground.” He said thinking back and envisioning the scene in his mind. “There was a lot of debris and stuff blowing around in the breeze and I bet it would set off those motion sensors a lot.” The lieutenant nodded, accepting his theory for the present.” Private Murdoch piped up at this point. “That’s going to be almost as bad if we have to belly crawl across every street we come to.” he said, his eyes bugging out a bit. “They’re not on every street.” Alex responded. “The streets between here and Main street are clear. Maybe it’s just the big streets or something.” he said with a puzzled expression. “That still restricts our movement some and resigns us to either moving by day so we can see these emplacements or moving by night and belly crawling across every street as Private Murdoch suggested.” Said Cooper speculatively.

  “We will have to move building to building if we move during the day.” mused Corporal Jenkins. “Our camo covers will stick out like a sore thumb in an urban environment, visually speaking.” The lieutenant gave him a nod of appreciation for the point then continued on. “We still need to use them for infrared protection, but that’s a good point.” she said.

  “Moving on,” she said clearing her throat. “Where are the invaders most likely to be keeping all the people?” she asked, staring at Alex and Keisha in particular. “If they are being kept in one spot,” Keisha said “it would almost have to be the school wouldn’t it?” she went on questioningly. Alex nodded in agreement. “There’s four buildings in the complex and it’s surrounded by a fence to keep the kids in and the sabercats out.” he paused for a moment. “One or two of the produce warehouses may actually have more floor space but not anything near the security or accommodations for that many people.”

  Lieutenant Cooper was back to pacing in thought again. “Where is the school located?” She asked as she paced. Alex winced a little. “It’s almost straight across town diagonally. Kinda in the northeast corner.” The lieutenant shrugged a little. “The town is not that big. It’s what, nine blocks by nine blocks roughly, with two main streets?” Alex nodded in confirmation. his eyes widened a bit as a thought struck him. “I think that fixed gun emplacement w
as at the intersection of those two main roads you mentioned. Carlson bisects the town running north and south just like Main street does running east and west.” he said. “So, if they had an emplacement pointing all four directions, they can basically cut the town into quarters and monitor movement as well as curtail it somewhat.” added Corporal Jenkins.

  “Good point, but that’s neither here nor there. We still need to get to that northeast corner and check it out.” Cooper replied. “It does give us some idea of what to watch for however.” She said, nodding in Jenkins direction. “Given this information, I think our first scouting mission should be in daylight, so that we can confirm the positions of any gun emplacements as we move through town.” She continued on, thinking hard. “We’ll need to take some provisions along in case we have to hole up away from here for the night also.” She stopped at that point and looked over at Jenkins. “What is our situation with regard to supplies corporal?” Corporal Jenkins looked up when addressed. “There’s enough emergency food and water stored down here to keep the people we have here fed and watered for several months.” said the corporal

  .With a look of concern on his face, Alex raised his hand once more. “Yes Alex.” said Cooper nodding his direction. A bit hesitantly he started out. “Ma’am, you keep saying “we” when talking about investigating the school. Shouldn’t it just be me?” he said pointing at himself. One eyebrow arched up on Lieutenant Coopers stern face. “Haven’t we already talked about you going off on your own Mr. Hunter. Alex winced visibly. He hated it when she called him Mr. Hunter, it reminded him of when his mom would call him by his first and last name together. That never turned out well for him. Gathering his courage, he said, “Not exactly ma’am. We talked about me going off without permission. That is not the case this time. Cooper started to say something, but Alex continued on. “I just think it’s safer all around if I go alone.” he rushed on to explain. “I know the town and I know how to sneak. Anyone with me just increases my odds of getting us both caught.”

  Alex held his breath as he waited for the explosion, but it didn’t come. Lieutenant Cooper just continued to pace. Apparently she thought better while moving, Alex guessed. “You make a good point Mr. Hunter, but I hesitate to send anyone out alone. The information is crucial to any further plans we make.” Alex nodded. He could see the need for redundancy here. “Send out two of us, but by different routes.” Alex said as the thought struck him. That should double our chances if you have someone else who’s good at recon.” It was, oddly enough given his fear of snipers, Private Murdoch who spoke up at this. “I’m a pretty good sneak myself ma’am. I reckon I can get there and back without too many problems.” His adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he gulped at the end of his statement.

  Lieutenant Cooper looked at both men for a moment. “That seems like a good plan so far. When would you be leaving?” she asked. “We could leave right now. There’s still plenty of light.” said Alex with some enthusiasm. The black circles under his eyes however were telling a different story about his energy level. “I think first thing in the morning would be better” said the lieutenant. “None of us have had enough sleep to be operating at optimum levels. Get some food and sleep.” Alex opened his mouth to protest that he was fine, but a stern look from Cooper brought him up short. “That’s an order Mr. Hunter.” she said evenly. Shoulders slumped in resignation. Alex nodded.


  Alex woke and prepared for the coming mission while it was still dark out. Someone had secured a map of the town off of an office wall on the main level. He and Murdoch scrutinized it closely. “If you head straight north from here up 4th street, you can get all the way down to Allen street and head straight east. Allen dead ends at the school.” said Alex. “I’ll head straight down Jewell and then up 5th avenue which also dumps out at the school grounds.” Murdoch nodded in agreement. “Sounds good.” he said as Lieutenant Cooper approached.

  She carried two small note pads with her, along with a short pencil for each. “Make a note of every sensor and gun emplacement you find. I also want a count of every invader and scout ship you see.” She paused to consider for a moment. “Also, try to judge the timing of the scout ship patrols. If they are regular, it could give us an advantage.” Taking the proffered notepad, Alex immediately jotted down the things Cooper had asked them to watch for. It always helped him set things in his memory if he wrote them down. The lieutenant looked them both in the eye. “Hurry back, but take no unnecessary risks.” Murdoch quickly came to attention and saluted his superior. Somewhat belatedly, Alex followed suit, having learned how to do it properly in the Militia Youth Program. Lieutenant Cooper returned their salutes and shook each one’s hand. “Be safe” was all she said as she dismissed them.

  Alex walked over to where Keisha sat at her ever present position by Ciner’s head. “How’s he doing?” he asked. “As well as can be expected” she replied, standing up to face him. Alex saw the tired expression on her face and there was a definite slump to her posture. “You need to get some rest. Someone else can watch him for awhile.” Looking down at her patient she nodded tiredly. “I know. I’m just worried is all.” Looking back up at into Alex’s deep blue eyes she said, “I’m worried about you too. Don’t be reckless just because I’m not with you, okay?” Alex grinned as he replied. “It will be kinda weird being under the camo cover all by myself.” He said. On impulse he reached up and brushed an errant lock of rich brown hair from her face. “I’ll be careful. I promise.” He murmured as she leaned into his touch. Taking a deep breath, he smiled at her once more and started turning to leave. Abruptly his arms were full of girl as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek “Be careful.” she said and just as abruptly as she’d grabbed him, she turned away. After studying her back for another precious moment, Alex walked to the basement door, hand pressed absently to his cheek.

  Murdoch and Alex paused just outside the building. They scanned the sky and listened for the sound of the scout ships before setting out. A quick handshake and a nod and they set off on their own routes to the school. Alex crept along the street, never straying too far from cover. As he moved along, he would pause now and again to tie bits of paper or leaves to the camouflaging strands of material that covered the outside of his camo cover. If he was caught outdoors when a scout ship came to close he hoped it would just make him look like another pile of refuse.

  At Main street he paused and took a good look with his scope. In broad daylight it was clear that their assumptions of a gun emplacement was correct. Alex could clearly see three guns, one facing him and two facing up and down Carlson avenue. He could see just well enough past the gun that was facing him to see a fourth gun facing on down Main.

  Down on his belly, he crawled slowly into the open, hoping desperately that he was right about the capabilities of the gun pointed at him. Not sure when the next patrol ship would come by, he also had to move faster than he normally would have, given the fact that he was facing an adversary with motion detecting capabilities. The tense, terror inducing crawl seemed to go on forever, but no shots rang out to claim his life. “Well, at least I guessed right about the guns.” He thought as he finally arrived safely behind the building across the street.

  Eighteen blocks really doesn’t take that long to travel if you’re out for a casual walk. It’s another matter altogether when you are sneaking from one piece of cover to the next. Long pauses were thrown in there to observe your surroundings and hide from the constant surveillance of aircraft. The sun was well past its zenith before Alex came into sight of the fence surrounding the school yard. He kept his approach as slow and stealthy as possible at this point, pausing to scan what he could of the area after every ten meters or so.

  It soon became apparent that they were correct about where his friends and neighbors were being held. He could see several people standing around idly in the school yard. As more of the property came into view, Alex could see why no one was trying to escape. Mount
ed on tripods, 2 meters outside the fence, were a line of motion detectors combined with gun emplacements positioned at each corner. Alex had to admire the effectiveness of the set up. It allowed the people inside to move around without fear of being shot, but put a secure net around the facility that would be deadly to anyone entering or leaving without knowing the codes to disable the guns...

  Inching his way along, he found an open door in a building across the street from the school . It was in the east wall so didn’t come within view of the motion sensor network. Once inside, the wonderful smell of sweets assaulted his nose and made his mouth water with the aroma of chocolate, caramel and other wonderful creations. This was Edward’s Sweet Shop. It had been promoting tooth decay in school children for over thirty years. Alex had loved it when he was growing up. Often times Mister Edwards himself had plied young Alex with soda’s as he did his homework, waiting for mom to get off work. The thought of those good times and thoughts of his mom in particular ambushed him suddenly, bringing tears to his eyes.

  He recovered himself quickly however, and continued on. He found a set of stairs leading up to the second floor of the building. This was an office and living space combined in one for the Edwards family and their business. Alex walked down the upstairs hall and entered a room at the northwest corner of the building. This was, as it turned out, the office for the candy shop. A large desk dominated the space, cluttered with the usual detritus of business, data terminal, communicator, coffee cup, etc. Yes, they had coffee on Plentiful. Some of the best in the Assemblage as a matter of fact.


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