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The Dark Crown

Page 4

by S C Gowland

  ‘A week or two, perhaps.’ shrugged Kaoldan ‘the smaller the group the more quickly we can gather and establish what is really going on. All being well we could leave today and be back in no time at all.’

  ‘Thinking about it, if we are going to do this then let’s do it properly; so I insist on adding conditions.’ mused Duke Lomman.

  Kubrean nodded, face wary.

  ‘Firstly, I want you to go and visit Grihr, it is small town, but I want to be made fully aware of what is happening out there. Which leads me to my second condition, I want independent corroboration of what is happening, which is why you will be accompanied by my daughter.‘

  Kaoldan tried to interrupt.

  ‘Don’t…’ waved away Duke Lomman, ‘please just do as I ask. She has been itching to get out and away from Thura, and in many respects, you’d be doing me a favour.’ he smiled weakly. ‘She is of considerable potential, so I’m told, and she is a newly anointed Green Walker, a Guardian. So, having her away from here in some small way makes me more at ease with our arrangement. If you’d be so kind.’ There was no room for negotiation judging by the expression on the Duke’s face. It seemed very much to Kaoldan that the decision had already been made and he nodded in agreement.

  ‘As you request.’ he smiled through clenched teeth.

  ‘Now if you will excuse me gentlemen.’ said King Lomman, rising wearily to his feet and replacing the golden circlet on his head. ‘I have a very protective wife to update on the current situation and some difficult news to break to her, and in all honesty, I think I’d prefer your task to my own.’

  The three slightly confused men stood then bowed deeply, as he left them. Lightly chuckling, the Duke slowly climbing the steep stone steps toward the same wooden door his wife had used minutes before.

  ‘Seems we have some work to do.’ mused Kubrean.

  Kaoldan and Nova glanced at the Duke, as he walked out of earshot. He left the room via with a creaking thud of a door.

  ‘She is quite a handful.’ said Nova letting the comments hover in the air. ‘Stubborn, smart and talented, just like her parents. I am certain you will be able to deal with her Master Kubrean’ said Nova with a wry smile, rocking on his toes, before turning towards the main entrance, his shoulders quivering as he walked.

  Kubrean and Kaoldan exchanged puzzled glances as they followed Nova out of the room, the tapping of his staff echoing around the room as they left.


  The conversation between Kubrean and Nova did not register in Kaoldan’s head as they walked. Bright soft light and the airy atmosphere of the halls providing somewhat tranquil surrounding for the return journey to the main entrance. Duke Lomman had proved himself completely worthy of his reputation; straight talking and with no patience for games.

  Kaoldan had heard of the Duke’s daughter, he was fiercely protective of her and it was particularly unusual for a member of a Royal family to possess the gifts of Fajin needed to become a Walker and it was especially unusual given that there was no apparent evidence within the bloodline of their family. Perhaps given the King’s willingness to be unrestrained in his approach in ruling Thura he had taken it upon himself to release a family secret of sorts. Either way, the addition to the scouting party should not and could not be too much of a burden could it? He caught a glimpse of Nova mischievously looking at him over his shoulder. This unsettled Kaoldan even more as he pursed his lips.

  The walk back to the main castle entrance appeared to take no time at all and Kaoldan was brought back to reality by a shout as they exited the main building into the courtyard.

  ‘Masters?’ a definite and confident voice rang out from behind him. He turned to see a tall, dark-haired young woman dressed the same as he and Kubrean. Dark grey and black armour covering forearms, knees, torso and silver shoulder pauldron. Lightweight but effective armour.

  She stepped forwards, dark green cloak flapping slightly in the wind, nervously nursing a Walkerblade between her hands. She possessed a strong nose and mouth, with long, thick, curly, walnut hair, lightly pulled into a long, loose ponytail. She moved in a measured and precise way as she stepped forward, gracefully on her feet and with purpose. She was in her early twenties, taller than most women, broad shouldered and full features, her eyes bright with excitement and curiosity.

  ‘Masters,’ she began earnestly ‘I have been instructed by my father to meet with you and to make myself known, I am…‘

  ‘Yasmina.’ said Nova and Kubrean in unison.

  A smile flashed across her face, partly of satisfaction, before she pursed her lips and bowing deeply.

  ‘My father, The Duke, says it is a matter of some urgency. He did not divulge any details I am afraid, please forgive my lack of knowledge. I was only made aware a few moments ago, I prefer to have time to prepare.’ she shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

  ‘We will have plenty of time to update you on the way.’ said Kaoldan ‘ We will be leaving very shortly. I assume that you have everything that you will need close at hand, as any good Walker should.’ he added stiffly.

  Yasmina looked slightly taken aback.

  ‘My apologies Master, I had only just heard about my Fathers plans and as such you have me at a disadvantage.’

  Kaoldan was about to speak when Kubrean stepped between them. ‘Not to worry, Yasmina.’ he said. ‘As Master Kaoldan has just said, we can provide you with all the details you could want on the way.’ He looked her in the eyes and smiled, lightening the mood.

  Yasmina turn towards him and her face beamed.

  ‘I only have need of a small amount of time to prepare myself. My panthera is nearby, and...‘ Yasmina began.

  Kubrean raised a hand. ‘Patience.’ he said, voice calm.

  She grinned and nodded, her eyes sparkling.

  Kubrean presented the way, she fell into step beside him. As Kubrean turned he looked sternly at Kaoldan and shook his head.

  ‘Don’t treat her so harshly.’ whispered Nova as he moved to the side of Kaoldan. ‘She is just carrying out her father’s instructions, as we are. She is young and keen to impress; I am sure that even you can remember what that is like?’ asked Nova gently.

  ‘Perhaps.’ said Kaoldan, suddenly embarrassed by the old man’s questioning stare. ‘The more people we take with us the harder this thing is going to be.’ He said to Nova.

  ‘Our chances of success greatly increase by being small and nimble. I just hate having to expose more people to what we encountered out there last night.’ He gestured to the battleground outside the castle. ‘It’s experience and speed we need not youth and curiosity.’ He turned and looked up at the sky. ‘Our losses have been too great Nova, not just now, but for far too long.’ He glanced back at the old man.

  ‘Perhaps.’ nodded Nova, ‘but is one extra Walker really going to make everything that difficult?’

  After briefly considering the question Kaoldan reluctantly inclined his head.

  ‘I suppose not, but if Duke Lomman had not insisted it would not have been my preferred choice.’ he conceded.

  ‘You must have greater faith, my friend’ said Nova taking a step towards Kaoldan. ‘We cannot control what we cannot control. This is one such occasion, go with it, don’t fight it. The girl already feels like an outsider, the worst thing you can do as a Master and as a leader is to make her feel more uncomfortable. You are better than that and I believe perhaps this is something you need. After all, what one may want, and one may need are often two entirely different things.’

  ‘As you wish.’ Kaoldan bowed, and that was the end of that. He knew better than to argue, but this did not stop the familiar knot of worry from growing in his stomach. He breathed out, regathered his thoughts and smiled at Nova weakly.

  ‘How is Tokel?’ asked Kaoldan, keen to change the subject.

  A grin appeared on Nova’s face.

  ‘She is well, as always. 40 years.’ he mused to no-one in particular. ’40 years we have been together now. Seems lik
e only yesterday.’ His face softened.

  The partnership that was Nova and Tokel, was a permanent immovable part of Kaoldan’s life. They had been his adoptive grandparents in many ways.

  ‘Is she around? I’d like to say hello.’ said Kaoldan eagerly.

  ‘She is away at the moment.’ replied Nova.

  The small bubble of excitement burst in Kaoldan’s chest and he chewed his tongue.

  ‘She is with friends; other Walkers so is quite safe.’ said Nova.

  Although Kaoldan wondered whom exactly he was trying to reassure. Nova nodded and turned to walk towards the exit, Kaoldan followed.

  The castle seemed to have come alive since they had been in the meeting. The hustle and bustle of daily life was everywhere. People busily going about their business, paying little attention to Kaoldan as he made his way back to Tren. Brightly coloured merchants arguing noisily over a food order to his left, gestures and shouting with white clad members of the kitchen staff who stood defiantly with their arms folded or hands on their hips.

  The Royal Guards marching over the large grassed square near the main entrance; spears and shield rattling as they went by. The sun had risen and most of the clouds had disappeared leaving the day with a warm and soft feel. Kaoldan’s boots crunched on the gravel path as he re-joined his colleagues, who had gathered in a group by the main entrance. He ground the balls of his feet into the gravel as he walked, it lightly loosened the knot within his stomach and gave him some sense of grounding. He made a line straight for Yasmina, who glanced in his direction as he approached. He nodded to his left, and she moved to the side of the group.

  ‘I am sorry,’ he began with open hands and a meek smile. ‘I am perfectly capable of being tired and grumpy, and I fear that we may have got off on the wrong foot’. He bowed his head slightly and his eyes flitted about avoiding too much contact with her brown eyes. ‘Can we start again?’ he asked.

  She pondered, a little too long, and then silently nodded her head. A small smile grew on her face.

  ‘May I speak freely?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course,’ said Kaoldan. ‘I prefer it, saves miscommunication and an awful lot of hassle.’

  ‘I know why you don’t want me here and I will do everything I can to prove my worth.’ She said, appearing to grow as she spoke. ‘A spoilt rich girl, protected by her family, shielded from the world by her parents. But I can do this, and I can do it well. I have trained hard and waited for this opportunity. There is no need to worry about me, I can take care of myself.’ She declared her head held high.

  ‘As you wish.’ said Kaoldan, ‘but you are mistaken if you think you know the reasons why I don’t really want you to come with us.’

  ‘Really…’ she responded raising an eyebrow in challenge. ‘Would you care to enlighten me?’

  ‘Another time.’ said Kaoldan, shaking his head wearily. ‘And just to avoid any further miscommunication, please do not mistake this apology and my willingness for free speaking to be misinterpreted as an opportunity for people to get too full of themselves.’ He said raising an eyebrow. ‘I do know why you are here, and I do trust your father’s judgement and it is not for the reasons you believe. Information entering the city is fractured and untrustworthy. Your father wants some sort of clarity and if this must come from me, with your endorsement, to reassure him then so be it. Besides, we have a way to travel in a truly short period and I would prefer that we started again.’ he said forcing a smile. ‘I’m Kaoldan, grumpy old Master’. He extended his hand towards her.

  ‘And I’m Yasmina, spoilt little rich girl’. She replied with almost a straight face as she shook his hand. ‘What do you wish of me?’

  ‘Join the others and we will prepare for our little expedition.’ He gestured towards the group.

  She smiled, nodded and turned to walk towards them, missing the smile that quickly melted from Kaoldan’s face as he looked to the sky.

  Kaoldan hugged Nova tightly as they left the castle and seeing the old man had felt good. He stood and watched as they left, hugging his cane for support; a statue while the busy castle bustled with life behind him. In years gone by Nova and Tokel had often accompanied Kaoldan on expeditions and they were good company for the many weary days of travel they had undertaken. Full of stories and knowledge of the world, they were the perfect travel companions; able to sense when talking and distraction was needed, but also perfectly aware of when it was not. Those days were now in the past and Kaoldan felt a pang of regret that his friends were now too old to join them.

  The journey back to the chapter house was event free. They retraced their steps through the sandstone walled streets. Few now paying attention to the travellers as they rode by. Groups of grey clothed workers joked and cheered while being watched from the other side of the road by smaller groups of young girls in colourful dresses whispering and shared secrets.

  The cries of market sellers pierced the general hum of activity around the streets. Flowers, fruit, vegetables, tools and livestock. All available and all for a very reasonable price. Or so they would have you believe. Ahead, Kubrean and Yasmina happily chattered away with Kaoldan following not far behind. Kubrean’s booming voice and gestures keeping his young Walker colleague entertained on the way back.

  Kaoldan’s mind was a mixture of emotions on the journey back. He was glad of Kubrean’s ability, and willingness to take centre stage. He had begun to resign himself to the fact that she was to accompany them, but this did not stop familiar feelings from returning. If it must be this way, then let it be quick. The sooner they left, the sooner they would be back and Yasmina could be returned to her family.

  They arrived back at the chapter house through the large imposing gates of the outer wall to the sight of vegetable gardens on either side of the sandy path leading to the main house. Endless rows of potatoes, onion, cabbages, corn eventually leading to an outer perimeter of fruit trees, which seemed to wilt under the weight of their bounteous gifts. There was a lot of work that needed to be done and accordingly the garden and grounds staff were giving it their full attention. Green and brown garbed individuals to-ing and fro-ing with all manner of tools, some carrying baskets or wheeling barrows of produce - all without a care in the world; Kaoldan envied them.

  The front door of the chapter house creaked in resistance as it was pushed opened by Kaoldan. He began to take off his burgundy travellers’ cloak when a deep familiar voice echoed from a room to his left.

  ‘Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting?’ it accused.

  The voice was seated in a high-backed leather chair in front of the large stone fireplace. Its legs comfortably raised on to a small stool warming its feet, arms folded and with the look of a very disgruntled bear. A very shaggy hairy bear, granted, but a disgruntled bear, nonetheless.

  ‘Off you go to see Duke Lomann without so much as a hello, how are you?’’ The bear flicked it hands out to show its annoyance, brushing aside the insults that not saying hello had made.

  A smile crept on to Kaoldan’s face as he turned and entered the wood-clad room. Stepping through the arch into the high ceiling room, he slightly bowed as he walked.

  ‘I meant no offence, but Duke Lomann wanted an update and his company is often more pleasant than yours.’ He said with mock sincerity.

  ‘Really?’ replied Kubrean, looking slightly hurt. ‘I thought I was charming and delightful of company?’ he asked looking even more disgruntled than before.

  ‘You are, or so you would like to think.’ smiled Kaoldan before straightening up and breaking character.

  ‘Well, it could be I am right.’ pondered the bear with a shrug. He heaved his feet from the stool and stood up. He was no longer a bear, but a wolf of man. Dark, hairy and slowly moving towards Kaoldan. They hugged each other in a rough embrace. Dalon wore heavy boots, brown leggings with a short-sleeved earth coloured tunic, held together by a large crimson sash wrapped several times around his middle, decorated with gold symbols. A lea
ther belt with large dagger hung slightly down to his left. Crimson hand wraps completed the exterior of the man. His long dark shoulder length hair merging seamlessly with a heavy, proud beard.

  ‘Have much fun last night?’ ask Kaoldan as he offered his friend back towards the chairs by the fireplace.

  ‘Nothing we couldn’t handle.’ pondered Dalon. ‘Although they did take a bit of a pasting, we won through in the end. The worst of it was how close they came to Thura, I heard about you little skirmish from Zalen. Seems they are getting bolder and closer to us, and that was from the mouth of Zalen, an eternal optimist. These are worrying times my friends.’

  He settled himself back into his seat taking particular care to place his feet back on the stool in front of the fire. Dalon was always cold. It was a constant coldness that had followed him from his home of Citko, a place more famous for its heat and sand than anything else.

  Kaoldan moved towards the kettle which hung above the fire, he gestured to Dalon, who nodded his approval.

  ‘Duke Lomann wants answers.’ he said as he made tea ‘and quickly.’

  ‘Don’t we all.’ replied Dalon grimly. ‘I doubt that Ul’Thadra will be popping up to tell us anything anytime soon though. They just keep coming, growing gathering more land, people, and places. I heard from a merchant that Zunorb has fallen. He seemed more annoyed by the loss of fish and supplies, and the trade route than anything else. They do have a peculiar sense of perspective these merchants, must be caused by an overexposure to gold and silver. All that glittering must do strange things to their minds.’ said Dalon wiggling his fingers.

  ‘You may be right.’ considered Kaoldan as he handed over a steaming clay cup of tea.

  Dalon nodded his thanks, before settling back into his chair.

  ‘Are you busy for the next week or so?’ queried Kaoldan as he took a seat opposite.

  ‘Nothing that can’t wait.’ said Dalon, ‘what did you have in mind?’

  ‘A small trip’ said Kaoldan cryptically, blowing the steam from the top of his cup.

  ‘Something dangerous with an element of the unknown and a high possibility that we may never return?’ queried Dalon.


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