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The Dark Crown

Page 16

by S C Gowland

  ‘It’s actually 829 metres tall give or take a metre or two.’ called a voice from the back. The group turned to see Zalen head raised, gazing up to the heavens. ‘They measured it with maths or something about 5 years ago. They think it grows about one metre every 2-3 years, making the whole thing about 1500 years old.‘ he continued before looking down towards the group and the collective open mouths.

  ‘What?’ he shrugged looking at them suspiciously, nudging Salah to a quicker pace, eager to escape the attention he had brought upon himself.

  The main road eventually merged with the compacted earth that had effectively become the walkways into and around the university. The roots of the Blue Oak began to appear; snaking and snarling up and into the ground, vast brown limbs like living rows of houses burrowing deep into the earth, supporting the vast trunk at its centre. The outer roots and limbs had creatively, Kaoldan thought, been turned into accommodation for students and lower level lecturers alike. They had coloured front doors, square windows and small tufts of flowers near to each entrance. Colourfully dressed people carrying bags and piles of papers, rushing about this way and that, busy about their work. The size of the roots increased as they approached the central trunk and with it the number of students.

  ‘Am I missing something?’ asked Romina looking around for reassurance. ‘But it is a tree.’

  ‘Yes.’ replied Kubrean amused.

  ‘But trees are made of wood.’ she continued pointing to the university.

  ‘Correct again.’ he smiled.

  ‘Wood burns.’ she shrugged.

  Kubrean nodded.

  ‘So…’ she spread her hands expectantly.

  ‘Blue Oak does not burn.’ came Zalen’s voice. ‘Strange quality in a tree don’t you think? Something in the sap of the wood means that it can never catch fire, even when it has dried out. Which is why it makes such a good building material for the houses in Prava. They have even started to export it elsewhere. Seems that having houses and buildings that are inflammable is a good thing.’ he mused.

  Romina shook her head at the blonde Walker.

  He caught sight of the look.

  ‘What?’ asked Zalen again.

  The group kept moving sunlight appearing intermittently as the foliage grew denser. Zalen was correct the huge tree did have a blue tinge to it, slightly more prevalent in the shade. It was a sight to behold.

  Academics continued to grow both in number and their curiosity about the Walkers, nervous eyes watching assessing, but never lingering too long. Fearful of the big cats and their riders. As they approached the main entrance came into view. A large diamond shaped garden nestled between two twisting roots, the size of small hills, that twisted outward before gnarling into the ground. The gardens were bordered with low well-maintained hedges, a central fountain dominating the centre - a more realistic sized silver version of the blue oak Kaoldan surmised. It glittered and pulsed with a shimmer, water covering and steadily flowing down its roots and branches, it cleared the air thick with the smell of vegetation. The noise from the fountain was accompanied by the crunch of mud coloured gravel. The main entrance to the university, a huge three storey archway with stout wooden doors, gilded with another silver version of the tree, branches fanning out showing different coloured rock sized gems. The colours of the gems indicating the individual schools within the tree, which corresponded with colours worn by the students.

  At the front Kubrean dismounted and spoke briefly with a shuffling blue clad, black woman, who embraced him, then smiled and nodded as he spoke to her in his typically animated fashion. A final hug and she led Max away, the big panthera dwarfing her, but quite happy to follow.

  ‘We leave the cats here.’ he announced as they dismounted. ‘They will be quite ok.’ The low purr of Max echoed across the air, sat happily under a much smaller tree in the shade, appearing to enjoy the attentions of the lady, tickling under his chin - eyes closed, grinning. The other pantheras looked over, almost in jealousy, and once free of their riders all moved over tails swishing as they did so.

  Tren heavily brushed passed Kaoldan to join the others

  ‘Oi.’ objected Kaoldan.

  Tren flicked his tail and turned his head looking at his master indifferently, sapphire eyes glittering. The panthera swished its tail turning to look at joining the clowder of very large kittens being pampered by an increasing number of blue clad students.

  ‘Enjoy.’ said Kaoldan pursing his lips and with that the Panthera bounded over to join the others, a terrified looking red clad student screamed as Tren shot passed her. She cowered protecting her pile of papers with trembling hands, before quickly realising the danger was now sat down twenty metres away being stroked by chattering students. She stood muttering, trying to compose herself with an air of dignity, brushing straight her clothes before hurrying off swallowed up by the throng of students into the main entrance.

  ‘Natural history students.’ explained Kubrean nodding towards the blue clad students. ‘I have an old acquaintance who runs part of the school and any chance they get to see and interact with Pantheras she jumps at. She loves them, and we Walkers don’t really tend to come here that often so this is something of a treat for her and the students.’

  ‘I hope they don’t get too used to that.’ said Kryst gruffly. ‘Not entirely sure I can give Sadida that much attention.’ He looked over at the throng of very pleased panthera, all clearly enjoying being the centre of attention.

  ‘Leave them to it.’ waved Kubrean. ‘We have work to do.’


  Through the doors and inside the university, the atmosphere was one of business. Boots echoed, chatter carried, bouncing of the highly polished bare warm wooden walls. The overall effect was that of being inside a very cavernous wooden mine, at its centre was yet another silver sculpture of the blue oak. Tunnels scattered out from the main hall, with high vaulted ceiling, to the left and right coloured gems embedded above all the various entrances. Lamps flickered lazily inside nooks in the bare walls. Kubrean strode ahead a white clad man scurried over, they talked, hands pointed, heads nodded. The expression on Kubrean’s face was one of frustration as he walked back towards them.

  ‘It’s as I feared.’ he said, ‘The school of history is that way.’

  He pointed towards a coke coloured gem to their left.

  ‘Problem is that it’s on the 13th floor.’ he sucked against his teeth.

  ‘13th?’ said Kaoldan looking upwards, face falling.

  Kubrean nodded.

  Kaoldan sighed heavily.

  ‘Come on then.’ said Romina, edging towards the tunnel. ‘The sooner we get going the sooner we get there.’ Dref stood obediently at her side, looking for instruction.

  ‘Race you.’ She challenged. The dog’s ears pricked up.

  She charged for the entrance, the dog stood still momentarily confused before understanding and setting off in hot pursuit. As they approached the entrance a shout echoed forward.

  ‘Wait!’ shouted a white clad man marching to intercept them, finger wagging. ‘I don’t think so.’ He said tutting and shaking his head. ‘No animals allowed.’ He announced standing firmly in front of the entrance blocking their path. His black thinning hair all out-of-place waving across his scalp, nose hawked and defiant.

  Romina and Dref screeched to a halt. He stood directly in front of them arms folded.

  ‘This isn’t a farm or a zoo. It must leave.’ He pointed towards the entrance.

  ‘It?’ said Romina hands on hips, offended on Dref’s behalf.

  ‘It.’ He confirmed, arms folding tighter.

  ‘He.’ She took a step forward. ‘Comes with us.’

  A shake of the head.

  ‘I said, he comes with us.’ She said chin rising.

  Further shaking of the head.

  She slapped him sharply across the face. The shock of the blow jolted him, and the surprise seemed to be more of an issue than any pain.

  ‘He will
be coming with us.’ she said angrily, grabbing him by the shoulder, digging her gloved fingers into the soft tissue. He sank to his knees with a thump.

  ‘Walker!’ barked Kubrean hurrying over. ‘Released that man, immediately!’

  She turned, face shocked then embarrassed. She let her hand drop down by her side.

  ‘What are you doing?’ he accused.

  ‘I… I…’ she stammered, blinking rapidly, taking a step backwards, hands open helplessly. ‘I don’t know...’ she said face creased with confusion then looked at Kubrean.

  ‘My apologies Learned Friend.’ said Kubrean turning his attention to the kneeling man. Helping him to his feet, as he rubbed his shoulder, eyeing Romina suspiciously.

  ‘My apologies,’ she mumbled, avoiding his gaze. ‘I acted in haste.’

  ‘May we take him with us?’ asked Kubrean nodding towards Dref, sat tongue lolling oblivious to the commotion he had caused. ‘You have my word he will be no trouble.’ reassured Kubrean clasping the hand of the injured man.

  The man snorted, looked at Kubrean glancing at Romina occasionally.

  ‘I don’t suppose it will do any harm.’ He conceded. ‘As long as he does not cause any trouble.’ He looked at Dref accusingly. Dref just blinked back.

  ‘He won’t. My thanks.’ nodded Kubrean. ‘You go.’ He said turned to Romina. She did not wait and immediately moved through the entrance followed by Dref.

  ‘What the hell was that?’ whispered Dalon to Kaoldan.

  ‘I don’t know.’ said Kaoldan his face a picture of concern. ‘But I intend to find out.’


  Climbing to reach the 13th floor felt like the equivalent of ascending a small mountain. They followed seemingly endless tunnels around and around the outer edges of the Blue Oak tree. Each floor an epicentre of academic activity composed of a central floor space, leading off to numerous rooms and spaces. The 13th floor was no exception. A table-sized coke coloured gem adorned the main arched entrance leading into the school of history. Brown clad academics and students milled round the central space, going about their business, although Kaoldan noticed a number of curious stares and glances in their direction.

  ‘Right, I suggest we split up and see what we can find.’ said Kubrean looking around the space, squinting at the lettering above each entrance.

  ‘May I be of service?’ enquired a tall, white clad man who marched forwards hands clasped together. He walked with the confidence of a man completely in his element. A sincere smile on his face and a spring in his step.

  ‘Get a load of this guy.’ whispered Zalen with a raise of his eyebrows.

  ‘I am certain that I can be of any assistance that you might require.’ He purred, coming to a halt beside Kryst.

  ‘We are after information.’ explained Kubrean. ‘Mr…?’

  ‘Brooks.’ Nodded the man with a slight bow. ‘If you are looking for information, you are in the right place.’ He spread his hands as if a merchant peddling his wares. ‘I am most certain that we can provide any information that you require.’ He said with an air of confidence it was hard not to be impressed by.

  ‘Ah, good, thank you Brooks.’ Nodded Kubrean.

  ‘What are you searching for? We have numerous branches that can help.’ He spread his hands as a series of short rapid snuffles erupted from his not inconsiderable nostrils, face creasing up as he did so. He quivered slightly, clearly enjoying his little joke.

  Zalen’s eyebrows rose then he laughed too. Jabbing his elbow into Kaoldan’s chest as he nodded towards Brooks.

  ‘Branches...’ he said simply with a wide smile.

  Zahara rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.

  ‘A little joke I like to use now and then.’ said Brooks, rubbing his hands together as the last of the air spluttered out his nose. ‘What are you looking for?’ his face turned serious, the hilarity having apparently passed.

  ‘Reng?’ asked Kubrean.

  Brooks left eye twitched slightly.

  ‘We are looking for any information you might have regarding an ancient King by the name of Reng.’ continued Kubrean.

  ‘I see. The name is not unfamiliar to me.’ pondered Brooks, regaining his composure. He walked away deep in thought tapping his fingers against his bearded chin.

  ‘I have it.’ he announced with a dramatic twirl.

  Zalen held his breath.

  ‘We have a variety of lecturers that cover that particular period. They all have varying levels of knowledge. But I would strongly suggest taking that particular root.’

  Zalen snorted loudly, elbowing Kaoldan in the ribs.

  Brooks beamed at his new found comedic talents.

  ‘Ow...’ said Kaoldan rubbing his side.

  ‘Sorry.’ apologised Zalen with a shrug. ‘But he is funny.’

  ‘If you head through that entrance there.’ He pointed in the direction over Romina’s shoulder. ‘You should find what you are looking for.’ He smiled smugly.

  ‘My thanks.’ said Kubrean with a bow.

  ‘My pleasure.’ responded Brooks returning the bow, his head jerked like an academic eagle seeking more prey, marching forwards and passing through the group to assist in another task that required his skills.

  ‘I suggest we split up. We’ll be able to cover things more quickly and easily.’ said Kubrean looking towards the entrance.

  Kryst, Romina and Zahara paired up, along with, Dalon and Kubrean. Zalen looked at Kaoldan and smiled

  ‘If I must.’ he sighed.

  ‘Remember we are after facts, anything that provides more information about Reng, who he was, what he did and how he did it. No fairy stories.’ He pointed, nods all round.

  ‘This will take no time at all.’ said Dalon cracking his knuckles, striding towards the entrance.


  Several hours later. Kaoldan and Zalen stood in a semi lit corridor, hands on hips, the epitome of frustration.

  ‘How can nobody know anything about him?’ said Zalen waving his hands in the air. ‘He existed, he existed.’ He mimicked. ‘Then nothing. Honestly, this is a waste of time.’ Shaking his head.

  They had been met with a series of blank stares, slammed doors and made no notable progress. All lecturers were in agreement, Reng was real. Other than this startling news, nothing else had followed. Kaoldan had grown more and more annoyed, and nervous energy was building within him. He looked to his left.

  ‘We only have one more to go.’ nodded Kaoldan over to the final door on the corridor. ‘I share your frustration, but let’s see what they have to say.’ He walked towards the door and knocked loudly.


  He knocked again, louder this time.

  The sound of movement, shuffling and a moving chair creaked through the door.

  He knocked louder.

  ‘Go away.’ came a muffled voice.

  Zalen’s head dropped.

  Kaoldan hammered on the door again.

  ‘I said. Go away.’ came the voice again.

  ‘Enough.’ muttered Zalen and in one smooth movement strode to the side of Kaoldan, turned and proceeded to kick the door with his heavy boots. The first kick partly tore it from its upper hinges. The second kick ripped the hinges clean off, and the door toppled over with a crash, dust erupting into clouds, the lower hinges twisting but holding, in a final act of defiance.

  ‘Better…’ announced Zalen with a smile of satisfaction.

  Kaoldan waved the dust out of this face as Zalen moved into the room, hurdling over the top of the door.

  Coughing echoed from the dimly lit room and a small woman emerged waving her hands in front of her face. Her face was creased with disgust and she blinked rapidly.

  ‘What have you done to my door?’ she exclaimed. Looking accusingly at Zalen who smiled back the very picture of innocence.

  ‘Rusty hinges.’ he nodded, pointing to the twisted remains laid out on the floor.

  ‘Seemed perfectly fine to me.’ she mused, scratching her ch
in. Glancing at the defective door and then at Zalen. ‘I quite liked that door.’ she said giving him one finally quizzical look over the top of her glasses, her face straightened out.

  She turned and shuffled towards a large red velvet chair positioned in the corner of the room. ‘Don’t really, know much about doors though I suppose.’ She continued along, waved her hands absently as she turned to take her seat with a deep breath. Looking at the two strangers in her room, she blinked and refocused her eyes upon them. ‘What do you want?’ she asked shaking her head.

  ‘Shame about the poor-quality hinges.’ nodded Zalen, taking a step forward. ‘But I suppose it means we can speak to you now?’ he smiled sweetly.

  A grin emerged on the old lady’s face. ‘I suppose it does.’ she replied pulling her shabby brown cloak about her tiny frame. ‘Be a dear and pass me that drink, would you?’ she pointed towards a small cabinet to the side of Kaoldan.

  He did so and handed her the glass of red liquid. She slurped at it noisily before blinking and looking at them again.

  ‘We are trying to find out more information about an ancient King.’ said Kaoldan, helping himself to a seat on a large velvet sofa near to the lady, his knees clicking as he did so.

  ‘Ah, now that kind of thing I do know about.’ She said, smile wide and happy before taking another slurping drink. ‘Any ancient king in particular?’ she asked smacking her lips together and raising her head up slightly.

  ‘Reng.’ said Zalen, also taking a seat.

  Her eyebrows rose in recognition. ‘Ah…Him…’ She said simply turning to place the glass down at the table by the side of her chair with a dull clonk. Kaoldan looked at Zalen and the smile that appeared on his face.

  ‘He, is quite the mystery.’ She said settling back into the deep seat. ‘His origins are still generally unknown to us. But what we do know is that he was responsible for one of the darkest, if not the darkest period in the history of Essealar. He was a tyrant. Pure and simple.’ she looked at them intently. ‘Ruled with an iron fist, ruthless, merciless and all the bad things you would expect of someone of that nature.’ she said waving her bony hand to emphasize the point.


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