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Men of Mayhem

Page 43

by Anthology

  “Come on, Devon,” Riccardo said, clearly pleased with what he heard and saw. “Let’s finish this, then you can come back to toy with the girl.”

  I nodded, and turned without another word, but I didn’t get very far when Faith decided to speak up.

  “I trusted you.” Her voice was cold and unforgiving,

  It cut me deeply, but I fought through the pain and gave back an icy response. ”Well, that was your fault, now wasn’t it?” I saw the sadness wash over Faith as her shoulders slumped, and she bowed her head and let her hair cover her face so I wouldn’t see her cry. I felt awful. My chest felt as if it was caving in on my heart, and it took everything I had not to ruin the plan and tell her how I really felt about her. It was clear my intentions hadn’t gotten through to her. I had to try to make her see that she would be free soon and that I truly did care for her, and this was my last chance. I held up a hand to Riccardo to tell him I had one more thing to say. “There’s one more attack planned, Faith. Then that’s it, you’ll be the last Moretti left, and it won’t be a war anymore. It will be a massacre,” I said, reiterating a few points I had made previously, hoping she would understand. Though from the pained look on her face, she still didn’t understand.

  Faith looked away from me as Riccardo and I turned and walked out. The three men who had been ordered to watch her mocked her. They taunted her for believing that she and I had ever really been in a relationship, that she had fallen for my plan, and now she’d sit here while her family was slaughtered.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see her shake her head, hopefully battling to ignore their comments and try to figure out a way to escape. I’d given her an opening, but she’d have to take out the men guarding her. After that, sneaking out should be easy enough. I knew she was focused on getting out and warning her father, so maybe she’d save a few lives instead of becoming the cause of their extinction. Though I knew it would never cross her mind that what I said about “one more attack” had been meant for my family so that I could free her, and save her life. Maybe her father would tell her, but by that time I’d already be dead.

  Fighting For Freedom


  I waited patiently, closely observing the men who were supposed to be watching me. While I had been talking with Devon, I had managed to loosen my wrist holds, and now it was down to the ties around my ankles. I had managed to wait a few moments when the men pulled into another conversation and finished off the knot that had once been securing me in place. I could hear a few people scrambling outside and thought it was for the slaughter of my family that Devon had promised me, but while I hoped it wasn’t Devon’s real plan, I couldn’t hold on to the idea that he actually cared for me anymore.

  Riccardo’s men had broken into the apartment by knocking on the door, and when I answered they grabbed me. I had tried to run, uncertain of who they were or what they wanted from me at the time, but I could have guessed easily enough. Devon was a Ricci, and that meant he had found out who I was despite how careful I had been. I had fought my way out of the man’s grip and ran to the bedroom for the phone my father had given me, but I never got the chance to make the call. The men chased after me, and this time made sure I didn’t escape. With a strong hit over the head, my world went black. I could remember a single tear slipping over my eyelashes as I foolishly thought Devon and I had something special. Now it was nothing. He had betrayed me.

  Now I had to wait patiently for a good time to escape, but with three men ready to kill me where I stood, it wasn’t easy. My father had taught me how to take a man in a fight, and I had even managed to take down two together once before, but three was a stretch. It didn’t seem likely that any of them would leave to give me a better chance to escape.

  “Faith Moretti, right?” A man with dark skin and brown hair, who answered to Nick, stepped into the light.

  I didn’t respond. I looked away and began to plan my escape route, but Nick didn’t stop prodding me.

  “Can you settle a little bet for me and my friends?” he asked. He didn’t give me another chance to respond before he continued. “They think that you always knew who Devon was and you were waiting to take him, but he got to you first…but I think you fell in love with him and you had no idea what he was planning.”

  Once again I didn’t reply. I glared him down, and that gave him the validation he wanted.

  “I told you!” he claimed as he turned back to the other men. “She fell for him, and he blindsided her. I knew he and Riccardo had worked out a plan. There was no way Devon would fall for the Moretti’s plan. Especially with Riccardo helping him out the entire time.”

  I scoffed, but that only brought Nick’s attention back to me.

  “You don’t think so?”

  “I think you’re full shit,” I replied bluntly. There was a short chorus of laughter and mocking echoing in the room as my words carried to Nick’s partners. “You want to believe that Riccardo had this plan, but we both know that he didn’t trust Devon. That’s why he had other people take me, otherwise Devon could have just tricked me into walking in here. Since Devon was gone when you guys came, that tells me this wasn’t a part of the plan.” A smile curved onto my lips. I knew that I was only going to rile him up, whether I believed what I said or not, but it could work in my favor.

  “You think Devon is a traitor? He came here and revealed everything to you!”

  “No, I don’t think Devon is a traitor,” I replied. “I think Riccardo is.”

  The sounds of a small team collaborating and rushing around outside met my ears as Nick leaned in to tell me off. I had the overwhelming urge to kick him in the groin, but fought it. It wasn’t the time to reveal that I had slipped my restraints, but as the voices from those outside drifted toward us I knew it was coming soon.

  “You see, Devon wouldn’t have taken me here because he cares about the workers in the mafia.” I started gathering the attention of the men around me. “But Riccardo led me here, straight to where most of your men were waiting in preparation for that war Devon’s planning.” There was a moment of panic between the men as I paused to let the thought sink in. “Those men outside…I don’t think they are yours. Do you trust Riccardo enough not to see if my father sent someone here to save me and prevent you from killing my family?”

  Nick glanced at the other two men and sent one outside to investigate. None of them questioned the order. Having the leader of a rival mafia trying to kill you for taking his daughter would instill a little caution.

  He walked out and shut the door behind him. For a while it was dead silent and eerie. Nick turned toward his coworker and motioned for him to go see what was taking the other man so long. The other man refused to take a single step. There was a heavy feeling in the air. Something was wrong—for them, anyway.

  “Just get out there and figure out what is taking Theo so goddamn long,” Nick ordered as he shoved the other man toward the exit.

  There was a panicked expression on his features. He knew that whatever had prevented Theo from coming back was only going to get him as well. In a futile attempt to protect himself, he pulled the Glock from its side holster and exited the room. Nick and I waited in silence as Nick pointed a gun at my head so I wouldn’t move. Nick seemed to relax slightly until the gunshots sounded.

  There were three in quick procession, and then nothing but silence.

  Nick glanced between me and the door before starting his own approach to figure out what had happened to his friends. Now it’s time. I quickly yanked my arms and legs out of my holds and pulled the concealed knife out of my boots. I knew I’d have to rethink the placement after being taken captive, but honestly, it was the only place they hadn’t looked for a weapon. Nick wouldn’t live to learn from the mistake when I finished with him.

  The knife pulled easily from its protective sheath, but it wouldn’t do much in a gun fight with Nick. He hadn’t reacted to me getting up. He was too busy fretting over the rescue my father had organized for
me. If I could get close enough to him then I could finish him off, and escape. Maybe if I got lucky I’d run into Devon and tell him what I thought of his deception. It had been a game to him as he said, and I didn’t like to be played with, especially when I had fallen for him.

  I wasted no time making my way toward Nick. If I could take him by surprise this would be over easily. If I couldn’t, at least I knew how to fight. Though as I approached, it was clear that fate had chosen the latter. Nick turned around to see the knife in my hand and instantly attempted to reach for his gun. I knew if he got a hold of it, then I would be a goner. Without a moment of hesitation I sprang forward and launched my first punch.

  He faltered, the gun falling from his hand as he tried to steady himself. It didn’t take long for him to recover. He was used to taking a beating for the mafia. That also meant he knew how to deal out enough pain to cripple his enemy, but let them survive long enough to suffer. Forgetting the gun momentarily, Nick let his rage take over. He stepped forward to punch me. On anyone else his first strike might have landed, but on instinct I dove to the ground and quickly placed my hands on the ground. My father had showed me to give a place hold. I swung my legs into Nick’s side.

  I heard the air leave his lungs as my kick landed perfectly. Once Nick started to crumble over from the blow, trying to catch his breath, I glanced around for the gun. There wasn’t much time. Nick would recover, and when he did he’d make sure I didn’t escape. I heard a fight going on outside. I guess that’s where the other men are tied up. In my moment of distraction, appreciating that someone from my mafia had come to save me, I heard Nick getting up. There wasn’t much time left. I had to act soon if I wanted to make it out of here without being in the middle of a battle. With everything I had overheard since being taken, I could turn the tables on Devon’s plan if I could get the information to my father.

  When I picked up the gun, a hand landed roughly on my shoulder. Nick quickly spun me around and pulled his arm back. I didn’t have time to protect myself as his fist sped toward me. I let out a cry as his fist made contact with my skin. There was no time to think. Any reaction had to be on instinct. Nick was throwing punches, his anger keeping him going, and for now he was still distracted from locating his weapon. That wouldn’t last long, though. I needed to act and soon.

  Nick grabbed my arm and jerked me forward. I stumbled and crashed to the ground in a heap. Nick grabbed me by the arm to pull me back to my feet, but he made sure to taunt me first. “What’s wrong, Faith? Don’t want to fight because I’m not taking it easy on you for being a girl?”

  “I would never want someone to go easy on me because of my gender,” I said with a smirk. “I fight anyone.” I focused on where his fingers met my arm before yanking in that direction. With the speed of the movement I was able to land another blow, and this time to his groin. Nick’s face dropped and his eyes grew with horror before he collapsed to the ground with a thud.

  “You little bitch,” he growled as his hands wrapped around the crotch of his pants in an attempt to ease the pain.

  “I will take that as a compliment. Especially since you won’t live to get a rematch.” I lifted the gun before having second thoughts. I had never killed someone before, but Nick had taken extreme pleasure in his job of holding me captive. I shuddered at the memories of his comments on my physique, and the threats of what he was willing to do to me. With the reminder of his most predominant promise, which had explicitly and graphically told me what to expect if he was ever alone with me, I shot him.

  The second the shot rang out, four men broke into the room. Their guns were focused on me before quickly scanning the area for more people. I relaxed, noticing a few familiar faces. My cousin, a well-liked and cunning man, quickly came to my side.

  “Glad to see you’re okay,” Jay stated with a smile. His long black hair covered his eyes slightly.

  “I am now that you’re here. Let’s get back home, I have news to tell Dad and some of it can’t wait. Tell him to move everyone now, and find a location to hold them safely. The Riccis are about to start a war.” I walked toward the exit, my steps filled with purpose and determination. I was determined to end Devon’s plan, before I’d be the only remaining Moretti. I shuddered at the thought.

  “You’re leaving without saving Devon?” Jay questioned as he pulled me back and let the other men take the lead to protect me. I tried not to grow annoyed by the action. They were doing it to save me because without a marriage, I was the heir and valuable to keep alive for the Moretti family.

  “Why would I save him? He’s the reason I’m here.” Anger coursed through my veins as I remembered his words. How could I have fallen for him, or their game? It had only hurt me to realize Devon never cared for me. “He said this was his plan all along.”

  Jay stopped me, pulling my attention to him. “He lied, Faith. Your father found him because he thought Devon was responsible as well, but Devon had no idea. He came up with the lie because he needed Riccardo to believe him so we could find you. He risked his life. He will die because once Riccardo figures out we saved you, he’ll know Devon is the one who told us. He’s a dead man if you don’t save him.”

  “What are you talking about?” I questioned as we moved through the halls. “He told me it was a lie, and that it was going to be a slaughter of my family. I’d be the last one left.”

  “He told you what he needed to so Riccardo trusted him, but he was lying for Riccardo’s sake. Once he found you, he called us and gave us entry so we could get you home. The massacre Devon was talking about was the Riccis, not you and your father. He didn’t like that his family went behind his back, he hated that they took you, and when he found out what was going to happen to you he was determined to make sure you made it out alive.”

  I took in a sharp breath as I thought over everything Devon had said. It made sense, which only made me feel worse for thinking he had deceived me. I had to save him; I couldn’t let him die. I loved him, and clearly he felt the same way if he was willing to risk his life for me. “We need to save him, Jay.” I quickly checked the weapon I had borrowed from Nick. The magazine was mostly full and there was a bullet sitting perfectly in the chamber. I might only get one shot so I wanted to be sure that it worked. “I won’t let him die. I love him.”

  Jay offered a smirk before gesturing to the other men. “Let’s go find him then. Maybe I can eliminate a few more of Ricci’s men along the way, or at least the asshole who killed my father.” He cocked the gun and led the small group to where he assumed Devon had last called in.

  Please let us find him alive. I’m not sure what I’ll do if he died to save me, and I don’t want to find out either.


  “Where would they have taken Devon?” I questioned.

  Jay had come to an abrupt stop and was glancing around wildly as if something wasn’t right. The other men Jay had brought with him instantly surrounded me as protection. I sighed, but relented without an argument. I knew that it was their job to protect me, and arguing with them would have just made it worse for them all. I could bide my time until I needed to break through their protective circle and save Devon.

  “I don’t know,” Jay admitted. His glance traveled over the dusty floor as he inspected the footprints and the scuff marks on the floor. “To me it looks as if a struggle occurred here. They must have found out Devon called us in.” Jay straightened himself before turning to face us again. There wasn’t an easy way to explain what happened here, and it wouldn’t be easy to find Devon now if he had been found out.

  “What do we do, Jay?” I asked.

  Jay sighed, running his fingers through his dark hair in frustration. “I don’t know, Faith.”

  Jay knew I wouldn’t leave without Devon, but to take the time to look for him would be disastrous. Even I knew that. I had told him what the Riccis said would happen and I needed to talk to my father immediately. Could they waste the time to look for Devon and still get word to Moretti? It
looked as if Jay didn’t think so, but that wouldn’t stop me from trying to save Devon and my family. It would cause an argument, bring attention to us, and that meant more people coming to shoot us. It wasn’t worth putting the men and me in danger. So Jay considered a compromise, one to please us both.

  “We can’t stay long to look for him,” Jay said, relenting to my persistence without having to argue with me further on the matter. “I’m giving fifteen minutes to this. If we haven’t found him by then…we leave. And Faith…” Jay said as he turned his full attention toward me. “You and I will go and call your father so he can have the information you have. If any of you find Devon, or think he’s gone and we have to go, then come find me and we will leave.”

  I nodded, knowing that this was going to be the only option I had and my only chance to find Devon. I knew Jay was trying to keep me out of the danger, to protect me, but my mind was only on Devon. He had lied to save me, and now it was clear, thanks to Jay’s despondent expression, that Devon may have been captured. If he was found out, there was almost nothing we could do for him now.

  “Here.” Jay latched a hand onto my bicep and pulled me into a hiding spot as the other men raced off in search of Devon. “Call your father, and do it quickly.” He handed me a phone and I dialed without hesitation. It was a number I knew by heart. I silently thanked my father and apologized for chastising him for forcing me to memorize it. It actually came in handy now that I had lost my phone in the fight back at the apartment.


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