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Morgan, Nicole - Intimate Persuasions [Intimate Temptations 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 10

by Intimate Persuasions [Siren Classic] (lit)

  “Derek was upset. He told me about Sandi.”

  Quinn hadn’t expected that to be the reason for their dive into oblivion. “Oh shit. Are you serious? I thought he was getting over that.”

  Ann shrugged. “I think he tries and usually does a pretty good job, but last night some people were razzing him about what a nice guy he is, and—”

  “Oh great. I can imagine how well that went over. That’s like the freaking thorn in his side.”

  “I found that out. Anyway, when it was time to leave, he had already started drinking. We talked for a while, he told me everything. And for the record, I’m not a big fan of this Sandi girl.”

  “Me either hon. So, how’d you guys end up getting shit faced?”

  She expelled a breath and held her hands to the sides of her head, massaging her temples. Quinn saw her discomfort and moved her hands away as he proceeded to massage her aching head for her.

  “Mmm…that feels good. Well, at first we were just going to have a toast to hope, you know, kind of like a ‘there’s other fish in the sea’ sort of thing. But one drink turned into two, then two turned into three and I think I lost count after like number seven or eight, or maybe it was nine. I’m not sure. All I know is that I never want to see one of those black and white bottles ever again.”

  Quinn leaned over and kissed her forehead. In a whiny voice he said, “Poor baby.”

  “Don’t tease. It’s not funny.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry. Listen, do you think you can eat anything? I can make you something.”

  She cringed at the thought of food. “I don’t think so Quinn.” She took his hand. “But thank you.”

  “Sure thing, honey. You get some rest. I think I’m gonna go check on Derek. He doesn’t do so well with hangovers. He’s probably yakked all over his house by now.”

  “Thanks for the visual.”

  He patted her head and got off the bed. “Go to sleep, I’ll be back in an hour or so.”


  He turned back from the closet, while he finished dressing, pulling his t-shirt over his head. “Yeah. You need me to get you something?”

  She shook her head. “No, I was just wondering did I…I mean I thought I remembered…no never mind. It’s stupid.”

  “No it’s not, tell me. Did you what?”

  She bunched her brows together as she hesitated, wondering if she really wanted the truth. “Did I give you a blow job while your brother was sitting right next to us?”

  He chuckled, “Yep. You sure did, honey. And I got to tell you, pretty damn awesome.”

  “Oh, God. I have to quit now. How can I ever look at him again?”

  Quinn did a little internal conscious check. He reminded himself the little white lie he was about to tell was for her own good. “No he was passed out babe. He had no idea.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Just a little white lie, no big deal. “Totally. Now go to sleep okay?”

  She grinned at him before lying back down. “Bye.”

  She rolled over and faced away from him. A small part of him hoped that maybe she remembered her serious moment last night, when she looked at him and tried to tell him how important he was to her. He needed to know her true feelings when alcohol wasn’t involved. He needed to know that she felt that way regardless of how many drinks she had. But apparently that was just wishful thinking on his part.

  Twenty minutes later, Quinn walked into his brother’s house and had to cover his face with his shirt to mask the stench. He headed down the hallway to his brothers bedroom and then into his bathroom. When there he was in all of his glory, praying to the porcelain god.

  “Oh Jesus, man. Look at this place. You couldn’t have at least made it to the toilet.”

  Derek just looked up at his brother in disgust. “Fuck off.”

  Quinn reached his hand into the shower and turned it on. “Now, now. Is that any way to treat your brother? Especially the brother who drove your drunk ass safely home last night?”

  “Careful, I still have some ammunition. Would you like me to tell your Annie that you allowed her to suck you off while I watched?” He exaggerated her name when he said it because he had no idea that Quinn called her that until last night. It was a neat little tid bit of information to give his brother shit about.

  “You breathe a word to her and I will personally see to it that you no longer have any balls. Besides, you better be nice to me, because while you’re in that shower washing that unbelievably horrific stench off of your sorry ass, I will be cleaning this shit up.”

  Derek actually softened for a moment. “You know for a little shit brother, you’re not so bad.”

  “That’s what I’ve been freaking telling you my whole life. Now come on, get in there.” Quinn helped Derek to his feet and cringed. “Shit man, how’d you get puke on the back of your head?”

  Derek just grinned, “I’m a creative son of a bitch, that’s how.”

  “Whatever, just get in the damn shower.”

  Quinn walked in the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Ann.

  “Hello?” She moaned into the phone.

  Quinn winced. Apparently she already fell back asleep. “Sorry, babe, I didn’t mean to wake you. Listen, I’m gonna be a little longer than I thought. Derek puked everywhere, and I mean everywhere. It looks like a Goddamn crime scene over here. He’s in the shower now. I’ve got to help him clean it up otherwise he’ll never be able to have another woman over again. This stench is starting to seep into the walls.”

  “Oh geez. Do you need some help?”

  “No, that’s not why I’m calling. I just wanted to let you know I’d be a while and I just wanted to make sure you’d call me if you needed anything.” And I love you, he silently added. “Your car is at the restaurant so you’re kind of stranded for now until I get back there.”

  She smiled through the phone at his thoughtfulness. “Thanks, Quinn. I’ll be fine. Just take care of Derek, okay?”

  “All right. Sorry I woke you.”

  “Bye.” They said in unison, before both hanging up.

  Quinn returned his phone to his pocket and placed his hands down to push himself off of the bed. What the…? He looked down and saw that he had missed a little present his brother had left for him. But he found it now. His once clean hand was now spread in and bathing in his brother’s vomit.

  * * * *

  Two hours later, Ann got out of the shower and dressed. She felt a little better, but definitely not her best, so a simple comb through of her hair and some cotton shorts along with a shirt was the extent of her grooming. She walked toward the kitchen with the intent to try and make a go of some sort of food.

  She perused the contents of the pantry, refrigerator and then the freezer. She couldn’t find anything that looked good. What she really wanted were some waffles, but the last of the frozen ones were eaten two days ago. And it’s not like she could make any from scratch—or could she? She remembered seeing some pancake batter in the pantry. She went back and rummaged through the contents until she found the package. And as if God had answered her prayers right there on the back were the instructions for modifying the ingredients to make waffle batter instead of pancake batter.

  A smiled curved her lips up when she remembered Quinn telling her that he had some kitchen gadgets that he hardly ever used in the spare bedroom closet. She marched down the hall on a mission. Please let there be a waffle maker, she thought to herself. She opened the closet door, dug around some of the boxes inside and voila. There it was a small little waffle maker.

  Once she had put everything back in its place in the closet, she shut it and turned to head back toward the kitchen. She stopped in the hallway when she heard a crash. Walking back into the spare room she opened the closet again to see what had fallen. She was surprised when she saw what it was.

  Her mouth hung open in shock as she stared at the contents. Spilled out on the floor
in front of her was an assortment of magazines and videos which left little to the imagination. But those weren’t what had completely captivated her. Lying next to a video called Anal Entry was a string of beads, but they weren’t the kind you’d expect your aunt to wear to a barbeque. No these definitely were not beads to a necklace.

  Ann bent over and picked them up. The length of the string was probably about a foot long with jelly like beads spaced evenly about every inch or so and on the end there was a little ring, like one you would see on a yo-yo. She was completely perplexed as she stared at the strange string. She looked down and saw something sticking out from underneath one of the magazines. She set the string of beads down and picked up the magazine. She gasped when she saw it.

  She knew what it was. She’d heard of them before, even seen pictures of them. But never had she actually seen one. As if her curiosity had taken over for her she was now bending down to take the phallic-shaped item in her hand. Ann held it up and studied it, intrigued by the jelly like look of it. It was purple and smaller than Quinn. Actually it was smaller than most men, if not all. It was then that she realized that it wasn’t an ordinary sex toy. It had one purpose.

  She looked down at all of the items and found herself dropping to her knees to study everything. She set the purple dildo down and picked up a magazine titled Sex Toys for Him & Her. Ann tried to ignore the rush of heat that slammed through her body and shot to her core at the sight of what was on the inside cover.

  It was a couple in bed. Which would have been fine, except the woman was tied to the headboard, on her knees while the man in the picture was behind her fucking her. While you couldn’t be sure exactly where the man was taking her the advertisement on the top of the page left little to the imagination. It read quite simply, Take your Anal Sex to New Heights of Pleasure with Liquid Silver Lubrication.

  Anal Sex? Was this what Quinn was into? He had never tried anything with her. Nor had he ever even talked about it. Sure he had surprised her by rubbing his fingers down there a couple of times, but that was as far as it had gone. And he knew that she wasn’t into that so it wasn’t like—oh no. It suddenly hit her.

  Quinn was into this. He liked this, wanted this, and maybe even needed this. And she had made it more than clear that she would never consider it. So he had stashed his ‘collection’ away so she wouldn’t see it. How could she have been so stupid? She knew something like this was going to happen. Her biggest fear was that Quinn would have needs that she wouldn’t be able to fulfill. And now she was even more convinced than ever that he would get bored with her and move on.

  She didn’t want that to happen. She wanted Quinn and she wanted to make him happy. But how could she do that when she would never, could never give him what he so obviously needed? She thought for a moment about Derek and what happened with him and Sandi. Would they still be together if they trusted each other enough to open up about their deepest, darkest fantasies?

  Ann didn’t want to lose Quinn because she was unwilling to consider everything that mattered to him. She stared at the advertisement for a minute before picking up the video that had earlier caught her eye. She touched it, debating upon whether or not to actually pick it up and watch it. Finally, she picked it up and ran in the living room. If she gave it too much thought she would chicken out. So she put the tape in the VCR and hit play.

  Ann sat on the couch directly across from the television and waited as the opening credits ran. Finally it began, and it didn’t take long, merely a couple of lines of dialogue and the couple on the screen was already heavy into the foreplay. So far she hadn’t seen anything that had repulsed her or made her feel uncomfortable. She relaxed a little as she continued to stare at the television.

  She licked her lips unconsciously when the woman took the large cock in her mouth and sucked on it like she would die if she didn’t get all of him inside her mouth. Is that what she looked like when she did it to Quinn? She was surprised by her own internal response; she sure as hell hoped so because while the woman was doing it she looked damn sexy.

  The couple moved and was now on a couch. The lady moved into an odd position leaning over the edge of the couch. Her arms were outstretched along the backside and Ann watched in anticipation as the man came up behind the woman and rubbed himself against her bare ass.

  Ann was shocked when she heard herself moan. The man had leaned over and grabbed a small tube from the table. He flipped the cap open and squirted a liberal amount of a jelly-like substance on the woman’s ass, causing her to rock her hips and move herself against his erection.

  Was it getting hotter in here? Ann squirmed a little in her position on the couch as she watched the man rub the shiny lubrication all around her rear and finally dip it into the tiny puckered opening. Jesus. He’s going to take her there. How could she? He’s too big to take in such a small hole. And what was wrong with her? Her pulse was pounding and she could feel her womb clenching in arousal.

  Was she actually getting turned on by the idea of anal sex? No, she answered her own question. The idea of it had always scared her and, well, that was it. She was going to say that it had repulsed her, but really that wasn’t true. Just the idea of the discomfort and pain were the only things that truly bothered her about it. But the lady on the television was writing beneath the man’s ministrations as he worked first one, then two and then three fingers in and out of her tiny hole. There was no mistaking it. Ann was getting more than turned on by the idea of it. She was already wet. Unbeknownst to her she had started to drag her hand down to her shorts to test just how wet she truly was when she heard a key hit the door.

  Never, ever in her entire life did Ann ever remember moving that quickly. Because she jumped off the couch and was running toward the VCR when the door opened. Quinn stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the scene before him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Neither one of them said anything for several moments. They just stared at each other. Quinn was the first one to break the silence. He closed the door and put his hands on his hips. “Ann. Did you…where did you get that?”

  Was he talking? Because all she felt right now was complete mortification at being caught watching a porno in her boyfriends living room all by herself. God, what he must think of her? And the box. Oh great, the box was still sitting in the back bedroom on the floor. Crap, how was she going to get out of this one? She didn’t get a chance to answer her own question because they were both startled by the sound of the women screaming on the television, begging to be fucked harder.

  Quinn walked over to the VCR and hit stop, then eject. He slowly set the tape down on the end table and turned towards her.

  “Ann, I—”

  “Quinn, I—”

  They both spoke at the same time, subsequently silencing each other at the same time as well. So there they stood again in awkward silence.

  Quinn expelled a very large breath. “Ann, I never meant for you to see these things.”

  That was actually what she worried about. He wasn’t going to be honest with her and tell her what he really and truly wanted. “I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t snooping.”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t think you were, hon. And I wouldn’t care if you did. I have nothing to hide. Well, I mean not anymore.” Damn it. Why hadn’t he gotten rid of this crap? Actually, he had forgotten about it. It had been awhile since he had a woman that was daring enough to take both his size and his appetite.

  “I wanted waffles.”

  He cocked his head to one side in confusion. “Waffles?”

  “Well yeah, they sounded good, and the waffle maker was in the back bedroom closet. I guess I didn’t put something away right because, um, a box fell and…well I would have just put it back, but it sort of fell on its side and stuff spilled out.”

  Fucking great! “Ann, honey.” He went to her. He didn’t want her to think he was some sort of kinky pervert that was going to try to force her to do these things. He knew how she felt abou
t them. And he was okay with that. He loved her. If giving up a fantasy or two to be with her was the price he would have to pay, then he figured that was a small sacrifice.

  “I’m sorry, Quinn. I didn’t mean to invade your personal life.”

  He framed her face in his hands and stopped her from turning away from him. “Honey, you are my personal life.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip nervously. She had so many questions. Never before had she been curious about anal sex before, but now as she felt her wetness at the apex of her thighs she knew that for whatever reason her body was very intrigued.

  “Honey, I’m sorry.” He told her, hating that she had found his secret out.

  “Sorry? Why?”

  “I didn’t want you to worry.” He hesitated a second before he continued. “I don’t need things like that. I don’t want those things.”

  He didn’t? Then why did he have all this stuff? “Quinn, maybe we should…”

  “No, listen to me Ann. This stuff,” He moved away from her and picked up the tape, “is from my past. It has nothing to do with you and I, okay?”

  She listened to his heartfelt speech. He cared about her, that much she was sure of. But did he not care about her enough to share his deepest fantasies with her. She had told him some of hers. Heck that was how they even got together in the first place. But was that the real difference? She was in love with him, so she knew that he was the only one she could ever share her fantasies with. But maybe that’s what was missing for him, he wasn’t in love with her, so therefore he couldn’t tell his fantasies to her. Because after all was said and done she just wasn’t the one.

  “Quinn, follow me.” She walked out of the living room and back to the bedroom. She waited for him to join her before she said anymore. When he was standing in the doorway she continued, “How can you expect me to believe that this doesn’t matter.”

  Damn it. He would not lose her to his sexual appetites. He would give up anything to be with her, except for making love to her. That was a deal breaker. Because he needed her just as much as he needed air, water and food.


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